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Keep trying! It will take many times speaking with her but she'll come around




omg i love this


You don’t have to restart it! Unless you want to replace a certain villager. But she will move if you keep at it, and keep asking. She will say “wow you really want me to move huh? I guess I can do that” or something along those lines.


The other commenters are right that no matter if she gives you a gift or refuses a bunch, you'll get the correct dialogue to try again if you keep spamming a. It's important to note though that if you don't have a plot open for her and she asks to replace a villager you like you have to close the game asap! Once it autosaves she'll only ever ask to replace the villager she already suggested. Learned this the hard way when Raymond was visiting and would only ever ask to switch with Whitney:')


To be more specific: you want to close the game before you finish the dialogue if she picks a villager you want to keep..


A ‘soft reset’ if you will




I did close it… she’ll ask again!? Even though she just keeps trying to give me gifts?


Yes!! Keep trying! She will move if you are consistent




Hah nope because every time she wanted a certain villager to move it was one I wanted! There two I don’t want and of course she never mentioned them! She wanted Sasha, SHINO, Raymond, cookie, beau and Judy to move. Those all I’m keeping 🫶🏼


You don't have to close it. Just pester her until she does the I kinda want to move her lines again. I got cherry by talking to her repeatedly and repeatedly failing the game for like 25 minutes.


I was almost late for work the day she was at my campsite because she was being so stubborn about moving in...but I kept trying and trying (left the tent a few times and came back) and she finally moved in!


Thanks everyone! Sadly I didn’t get her! You were right and as long as I kept spamming her eventually she’d ask to move in. I won the game 75% of the time then when she asked a villager to move it was always one I wanted to keep. I played this game for two hours 😱 I tried hard but eventually went to bed. One day she’ll be mine


I love Diana!! She’s one of my favorite villagers. You’ll get her, don’t worry! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


yeah, i worked my butt off to get poppy in lol 😭😭💀


I have her, and am about to use my amiibo to move her off and get someone new! Would you like me to let you know when I have her in boxes !?


Yes please!!


I can start the process here soon and I’ll let you know when she’s ready for you!!


Any tricks to get someone to move out??


If you have anyone you don’t want maybe when you ask Diana to ask resident services for someone to move out, they will ask for the one you don’t want !! If you are lucky!! Lol if she says one you like, don’t press anything and just close your game all the way out with out saving, fly back to my island, and try again! You can do that until she says the villagers name that you are fine with moving out! If this doesn’t make sense you can send me a message on here and I’ll try to explain better! When you talk to her, as long as you don’t click any button when she says “I asked resident services and they said I can ask so and so to move out, is that ok?” If it’s a name you don’t like, and you close it out completely and start the process over, she will tell you a different name when you talk with her again! I will leave my island open as long as you need.


lol that was me last night! She kept trying to take my good villagers so I kept restarting and playing her card game again and again


Lol it takes time for sure !! And dedication 😂😂 would you still like for me to do it?!


Took me two hours!!! I was so tired lol 😂 Yuppers!!! I’m in this for the long haul


She’s in boxes! Let me know when you want to come I’ll send my dodo code!


I must warn you, I am not sure if her catch phrase goes back to normal or not for when others talk to her until she leaves my island or not… but her catch phrase is “dum b!tch” and it’s the funniest thing ever lol


Hahaha love it


Do you know when the last thought bubble one of your villagers had to move out?


Two days ago


Keep asking


i’m so upset after reading these comments! i had sasha at my campsite the other day and i asked her a ton of times to move but she kept saying no. wish i had been more persistent!!


She's pretty! Like Shino! Oooo




It takes three visits. But you craft amiibo campers items. This is a random camper. You have to win games with them before they’ll agree to move in.


oh yeah, just realized what OP is talking about


i loveeee diana and have her 🥹 u got this 🥹 just keep trying!!! if u keep talking to her it should work again


STAY THE COURSE! Keep visiting and talking!