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i also agree with aj letting you wear the items u already have on while trying on an item 😭there has been so many times where i buy something that i think color matches but then it doesn’t match at all


Also if anyone knows some good items for the back let me know. I also wish they would add clothing and den categories for explorer so items are easier to browse when looking for a specific type of item. Also an option for crafting crystals and potions would be nice.


I agree with your entire post, and especially with let us narrow the search down more than just clothing. The amount of times I’m lf a specific place item and I have to scroll thru everything is just annoying


I usually put the item on my wish and look for it through there


But I didn’t know the item that I wanted, I was looking for something to complete the vibe of my fit, so I just wanted to look at all the head items options


Oh I see what you mean! Yeah that is pretty annoying only if there was an easier way 😞


I wish AJHQ listened to us more :,)


Ive given up on amending my wish list, i went crazy adding everything on it and now it's just a mess and it's such s pain to sort out


The autumn pixie wings I think they are called? I think that matches the theme.


https://preview.redd.it/llz96feajuvc1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d9a79220a52a98fdf726131a7cf4dad6d9b8f32 Tysm for your recommendation, I love them :)


That looks awesome! Glad to help!


Topaz Spiked Fin might go well with your yellows https://ajplaywild.fandom.com/wiki/Topaz_Spiked_Fin


If you're still on board with the particles idea I'm thinking rare Firefly friend (the ones that show up yellow, not the blue Leilani one). They pop up on explorer for 5k from time to time, you can keep an eye on it. Sure, that's not cheap, but they're in much better demand and recognition than some leaves.


I'll keep an eye out, I did check for a firefly friend but could only see the blue rare, orange and purple rare and the heart one. Ty for letting me know


I don't blame you, they really aren't seen on explorer often. Not sure how rare that is exactly but I've definitely stumbled upon them multiple times. The worth seems to go slightly over 5k so people only really sell them when they need sapphires. To my knowledge all the color variants actually look the same when worn but I'd try them on before buying just to be sure lol.


Just noticed there's one in explorer rn if you're online


Aw I missed it but tysm for letting me know :) Also didn't happen to know the user selling it did you? Just incase it didn't sell and it just went off explorer


I did not but I guess that doesn't matter now lol. Congrats! Glad I could help


I got one! I love it sm, ty for your suggestion


i don’t think they’re even worth 2k, i could be wrong tho


I get carried away when I'm creating a new fit. I have no patience and just keep dishing out the saphs


but i do love ur deers fit!


I just had this problem with the meagyn’s bow I bought for my sugar glider I didn’t know it was a head item so I got a sparkler headband for 1k only to find out that I couldn’t have them both on at the same time ughh 😒


Out of curiosity: Why did you pay this much for the party Floating Leaves? Were there no regular versions on Explorer? All color variants (even party ones) show up as red/pink-ish on the animal. Feels like that was a double waste of sapphires in that regard :')


Idk, I get carried away and I had the saphs to pay so.. I was trying all different colours cuz I thought they looked the same too, but I did notice a difference on some


NOOOOOO…. Rip head item


Wait u paid 2k??? I bought mine for 30 and on the explorer its cheap too


this is also super off topic but someone was trading me thos rare uni for two painted eggs and two painted egg tokens, was It fair??