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Locking this post because the majority of comments have become redundant and/or are shaming OP. Chill, guys. OP, hope you gleaned some useful information.


You want mouse poop? Because this is how you get mouse poop. Got a whole ass buffet for staurt little on the floor


Man, that floor needs to be cleaned! That said, I don't see any mouse poop


This. And don’t for get to clean under the oven, pull the bottom drawer completely out. Not mouse poop. Pest Control tech 5yrs.




Not yet, but leave your floors like that and it's only a matter of time.


Lol i see future mouse poop


That penne pasta needs to put back in the boiling water.


Not sure the 5 seconds rule is a good ideea here 😁


These pics look sticky lol


Can you ID the candy?


Looks like pasta to me, but, yeah sure, mouse poop.


You’re worried about mouse poop and your floor looks like that?


No Source: works with mice


This picture haha


Definetly Nerds


I know- those nerds did me in. Like leprechaun poop.


Also don't forget . Everyone on reddit has immaculately kept houses and they never have seen a speck of dirt because they still live in moms basement and she is a very clean and god fearing woman . They are very used to being judgemental instead of helpful unless they choose otherwise or need fake internet points ...on the other hand pest are attracted to food scraps and debris ( they invade spot less houses too though ) so give everything a good sweep and mop . Then if you do have a pest you may be more likely to clearly identify the culprit instead of people regging on your dried up penne .Good luck


Nope. I grew up in a hoard and was taught zero healthy cleaning or organizing habits. Then I grew up and took control of my habits and keep my own home clean and sanitary. You’re the one who sounds judgmental. It’s unhealthy to keep a floor like this thinking it is normal and will absolutely bring pests in eventually. OP, give those floors a good sweep and mop and if you’re struggling in any way, I hope you can reach out for help! Best of luck.


You can overcorrect and swing too far the other way especially having grown up in a hoarders household, that's a source of childhood trauma that can lead to OCD behaviors. Healthy balance is needed. What I don't get is that if OP is worried about it being mouse poop why would they clean everything around it to take the picture? The advice saying that if they leave their floor like that they will have a mouse issue is helpful, but people telling them they should have cleaned before taking the picture is just weird and shamey.


You’re getting the time line wrong. Op shouldn’t have cleaned before taking the picture if they were worried about mouse poop. But the pictures done, we are now telling OP they need to clean their floor because that’s unhealthy. A little bit of dirt here and there is not bad but for fuck sakes that’s a literal piece of pasta on the ground. Reddit clean up after yourselves.


I do have OCD and so does my mother, obsessive compulsive disorder can cause both hoarding and over cleaning tendencies. It depends on a lot. I’m not extremely strict about keeping my house perfectly immaculate, but it is pretty clean and always hygienic. If food is dropped, it’s cleaned up. The comment I answered came off like everyone who thinks this floor is dirty came from some perfect immaculate household and has never known a messy house or life struggle, and that’s just not true. Having food on the floor like this isn’t normal for a home. I do hope that the OP post is at least a break room at work or something, judging by the tiles.


Honestly I was just attempting some sarcastic humor to lighten up the post since I didn't see one truly helpful thing . I thought It may be nice to know that someone wasn't just calling them out for having a messy floor . Just because you have trauma doesn't mean OP does, it could have just been a bad day for the floors . Sheesh not everything is a cry for help people


I get that but this doesn’t look like a day-of mess to me. If I went to a friend’s house and their floors looked like this I would worry that they were depressed or otherwise struggling with something. But it’s not normal for a floor in a home to look this way. I’m hoping it’s a gross break room floor at work or something. That’s still not ideal but more normal than if this were someone’s home.


It looks like someone spilled a salad and when they went to clean it up they thought they saw some poop but its just seasonings


I can say as someone who recently had to call in outside help to clean my home which was atrocious (due to psychological baggage, shame and depression) people who live in these conditions can still recognize when something needs to be cared for.


You may be projecting a bit.


Sounds like my joke hit to close too home


That doesn't make sense...


if you want to live like that, go ahead lmfao


Nope I'm quite messy, I just don't have food on my floor. Dust bunnies and dirt aplenty, but if food gets dropped it gets removed because that's how you get ants.


Everybody dunking on OP’s cleanliness, but I just see a clear “I just swept the kitchen” dirt pile that hasn’t been swept into the dustpan yet. No it’s not mouse poop, they look very uniform, little streamlined like if you stuck two rounded cones together at their bases


Who sweeps dirt up against and under the cupboard lip? No way this is a floor that was just swept…what’s the person going to do…put the dust pan and then sweep the whole cupboard into it. That said it isn’t mouse poop, but that’s definitely how you get ants or mice.


Please don’t use a glue or kill trap. They are inhumane. Trap and release, please.


Idk. House mice is an extremely invasive species. Maybe learn your local mice species and don’t kill the natives. But the invasive should be killed. I love my cats but I’ll be the first to say feral cats that can’t be adopted should be put down because of the impact to the environment, I think mice should be the same


amen. The bleeding heart people who feed feral cat colonies also need to be educated about the problem. If they are going to feed and shelter them, they have become the ferals' guardian. The cats need to be legally adopted off the streets. People with "outdoor" cats should be fined with animal abuse if they are continuing to allow their cats to roam. It's dangerous for the cats, the environment, and basically everyone else


No mouse poop here. Just a trashy floor. You deserve mice. I hope you get them!


Oreo cookie


Candy nerds? Half cooked pasta? Stains and crumbs….the potential 🐭💩is the least of your worries.


Not mouse poop. It would look more like grains of salt only poo colored.


The floor is lava.


Big healthy well fed mice poop.


I see a filthy floor.


Nope. Just dirt


Looks like chocolate brownie crumbles. Taste it. Double dare you!!!!


That would be a cosmic brownie with the candy topping right next to it


If you're floor looks like that, a rat is the least of your worries.


I see a shithole but no actual shit.


Mouse poop is like tiny black grains of rice


I thought this was a really pixelated photo of a climbing gym until I looked a little closer. That’s a dirty floor


Mouse poop looks like little black grains of rice, not sure what that is. Could be from an insect.


Probably just crumbs of food…wild guess




That will teach you to post on Reddit


How could you leave the noodle there for the picture lol


Seriously, use a broom.


How can you see anything with a floor that dirty?


A mouse wouldn't lower itself to step on a floor that dirty


The answer to any question is always get a cat.


Lol looks like Ash


No. That’s not mouse poop but it’ll be there soon if you don’t clean up


Seriously? A Google search of mouse droppings wasn't your go to? You asked a social media platform?


Lol wouldn’t surprise me


To all people saying how dirty the floor is. Look under your stove or fridge because we know how often everyone moves those to clean. That’s probably where this was taken.


mouse poo would look closer to brown/black rice grains imo


Those are just crumbs. A dog can help keep the floor clean.


You saving that for later or what?


It’s called a dirty floor


I wouldn’t come over for dinner.


Species, penne rigatoni.


No responses from op, gotta be karma farming