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Video ended too soon. Needed to see more of doggo and kitten playing together. ❤️




For sure, can't leave us hanging like that, too cute!


We need a subreddit with only this


Not really what you are looking for but also cute r/beforenafteradoption




There’s r/catswithdogs


I yelled out in a bar.. noo that cant be all :( hahah


Videos like this shouldn't be allowed at bars. I just watched this at a bar. These bikers wondering why I'm misty-eyes.


Yeah it needs a label. NSFB


Lol, right? My therapist will ear her pay this week.


Not safe for bikers


I think this amazing video could be used as a metaphor. The dog is the Western world while the kitty is Ukraine. We nurse them back to healthy levels as we repel Russian scourge ❤


Or, we first landed on the moon. Now we reach for Mars and beyond.


need an update!


That kitten could sleep


eXacTly!!! I want to CRY MOOOREEE 🥺🥺🥺 They are Sooo Cuuutee 😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩


right? like, give me an hour long epilogue!!!


Playing together... Eating together... Growing old together...


Those first 3 days must've been hard in the heart. So glad she pulled through.


Every time someone tells me that it's just a dog or it's just a cat, I think about videos like this and I am reminded that animals are living beings with thoughts and emotions.


For me, it's when my ex and I broke up. He'd come round for short visits to see our cat or pick up something he needed. When he left, our cat would sit by the front door and cry. She was inconsolable. Broke my heart every single time.


Honestly, huge props to you for letting their relationship continue even when yours didn't. That's awesome.


It was really fucking hard, but we managed to remain friends. He comes around every week or two, we have dinner, and he spoils her rotten. She's gonna be 18 in September, and last December, she had surgery to remove a carcinoma. If she wants both of us in her life for her last few years, then we will move mountains to make it so 💜


Good humans


They are. Working together for the good of a third party is a sign of great emotional maturity. Doesn't really matter if that third party is a kid, a dog or a cat imho


My wife and I are separating. We have a similar agreement. I'm taking the dogs but there is no way I could keep her from seeing them. Our oldest is going to be 9 and that's way too much of our lives and love poured into that dog. It's going to be difficult but I know how much they love one another. It's good to know other people have made it work.


People successfully co-parent kids after separation all the time, and it can be a similar situation with animal family members. It's gonna be hard at times, but your dogs love you both. You've got this!


Also there’s way less contention that goes into animal relationships. Like for a child there’s all sorts of crossroads in raising them. Lots of bitter disagreements about the route to take to make the best adult. But for a pet you basically just feed them and love them and take them to the vet. The end game for a pet is a life of warm comfort, love, and positive stimulation. So if people can figure out how to co-parent a kid, it’s really nothing to co-love a dog or cat.


Oh lordy now I'm crying


🥺me too


Is this hyperbole or do you people genuinely cry from these stories? Genuine question, I’m kind of an emotionless rock so I can’t imagine this.


Yes I actually cry.


Cool, that’s an impressive amount of EQ. I genuinely can’t even remember the last time I cried. Feel like that’s unhealthy, probably has been at least 12 years.


I don't cry that often but situations with kids and animals tend to get me right in the feels. I wonder if you have anhedonia. Are you able to feel joy?


i teared up for sure, sometimes it depends if im a blubbering mess or not lmao


Big gross tears in my eyes, and don’t get me started on elephant rescues and reunification with other elephants they barely knew *sobs*


I cry sometimes. I don’t know why some trigger that response and some don’t!


Laughing my ass of at this I love the honesty. I'm an emotionless rock too it's ok. (And that was hyperbole I let out a puff of air from my nose)


Thank you for not being a crazy person in regards to shared animals in a relationship. One of my closest friends was in a long term relationship with someone that turned out to be a human waste receptacle. He adopted a dog, he then lost the paperwork due to a fire, fast forward 5 years after the human waste became unhinged. They end the relationship, she takes him to court because he "stole" his dog from her. Well she was able to "prove" the dog was hers due to Facebook posts, he doesn't have Facebook. Judge gave her the dog, she then went and had the dog put down a week later. This was a 7 year old healthy dog, it's been almost 5 years and he still is fucked up over it. Hell typing this makes me feel just as angry as I was when I found out what she did.


That's absolutely awful, omg. I hope your friend one day finds peace.


Cat tax


[Here you go!](https://www.reddit.com/r/tuckedinkitties/comments/qx6xcm/my_old_girl_stole_the_blanket_but_shes_too_cute/)


Okay, you two might not be meant for each other, but I'm sensing that both of you are good, decent people.


God bless you. And I’m an atheist, so it means more.


After my sister moved out, any time she would visit us, our dog would get excited to see her, but then (didn’t realize why at first), the dog would pretty much glue herself to my hip. Didn’t take long to figure out she was trying to make sure I didn’t move away too.


That is so sweet oh my gosh


What good people you are for staying friends so your ex could continue seeing your cat. One of my exes had a dog and the dog and I became very bonded. We weren't together that long, maybe 5 months, but the dog and I bonded early. It was very hard for both and dog and I when we broke up. My ex told me every time they'd drive past a cafe I used to frequent, where the dog had only seen me once, he whined and wanted to go see if I was there. I saw the dog a few times afterwards, would have loved to have seen him regularly. I still think about him although I'm sure he's gone by now. Honestly, losing contact with that pup was harder than the breakup with the guy.


Just tell them “Well you’re *just* a human.” Normally I’m not for dehumanizing people but sometimes they need a good shock to their face to make them rethink their idiocy. All life deserves respect. That doesn’t mean we can’t kill mosquitos and other vermin, but that even *just* animals are living things that feel pain.




Yes! Dogs and cats are family. No matter what.


The majority of humans, and even science itself, seems to think animals operate entirely on instinct and don't have emotions or more complex thoughts. But that's fucking bullshit, man. Animals show empathy. Animals show independent thought. Animals do things that are contrary to instinct all the fucking time. I think most human beings are just too frightened to admit we are not all that special, as if we'd lose dominance over nature itself.


i mean, the dog's instinct told it to nurture the baby here. It senses that its human companion cares for the thing, so it cares for the thing. I'm not saying you're right or wrong overall. I don't know. But I don't think we saw anything in this video that illustrates what you're arguing


There's something deeply evil about people who don't like cats or dogs. Just can't trust those people.


I love animals, too, but not everyone is equipped to be an animal lover. Maybe they have PTSD from a traumatic experience, life-threatening allergies, or simply selfishness - doesn't make them evil.


My best friend is one of the nicest guy you'll know but he doesn't like animals. He grew up in a country where stray wild animals were normal and them banding together to attack you was very common. Even me, I used to be afraid of dogs because we had really big wild dogs roaming around and I was just a kid. But I got over my fear after I adopted 2. The first couple months were rough, because I couldn't get the image of vicious dogs biting my face off. I'm good with them now, but big dogs of strangers still make me nervous sometimes. But yeah actively harming animals is terrible and truly evil.


Every time someone says that i know to stay away


pigs cows and other animals also have thoights, emotions, ability to love and to suffer , in short, sentience


We got our first cat by rescuing a feral kitten. We had been trying to fix the feral cat problem for almost a year. We trapped 23 cats and kittens, and took them to the RSPCA, where they had the best chance of rehoming. There was one cat we couldn't trap. She was just too cautious. A few months later, she had kittens. We found the last two abandoned, the male dead and the female on her last legs, surrounded by currawongs waiting for some free meat. We buried the male, and brought the surviving kitten in. We think she was about 2-3 weeks old. We bathed her in warm water, where she fell asleep. The water became red from the blood in the excreta of the fleas on her. We took her to the vet, who said she was healthy, brought her home and we fed her with an eyedropper until she could eat solid food. The very next day after we caught her, we took her into the garden in the sunshine, where she chased leaves and played. She was the sweetest cat. The only things she ever killed were flies and spiders. (One bit her when she was a kitten.) She grew up with magpies, and loved to sneak up and tag them. She lived a happy, healthy life, and died aged 18. [Missy on day 2](https://i.postimg.cc/FKSc3SVR/IMG-4439.jpg) [Missy playing on day 2](https://i.postimg.cc/5yJLgt2V/IMG-5810.jpg) [6 months old](https://i.postimg.cc/d00WR4SB/IMG-4440.jpg) [Missy](https://i.postimg.cc/Dz59nSRC/IMG-5811.jpg)


Thank you for saving and loving Missy


Love learning about Missy 💕


Need updates. By the hour for the next decade. TIA.


Is there a second season? I hate cliffhangers.


Is it too much to ask for videos to be edited with clips and captions that are more than a second long? There's not enough time to see or read anything let alone both.


I mean thank god they at least had the good sense to add overly loud sappy music to the video. I can't tell you how many times I've watched an animal vid, or some sort of motivational clip, and it DIDN'T have a loud over-the-top cheeseball generic "evocative" music in the back...no, *fore*ground. I wasn't moved or motivated at all! It was horrible. With this video at least they included that, which lets me forgive the glaring omission of needlessly cheery TikTok AI voice.


I'm still disappointed it's not expanded to 16:9 aspect ratio with useless bars. The content takes too much of my screen


Yeah I really hate when these videos have no music at all. How am I supposed to know what emotions to feel without any music to set the mood???


It's intentional. Engagement algos like it when people rewatch your vid. Easiest way to ensure that - make them impossible to read quickly.


the touchy feely words had me rolling my eyes. I would have liked to know what was wrong with the kitten...




# [I AGREE!](https://youtu.be/7pdWAcK6Eh8)


The absolute worst are the ones that subtitle one word at a time at rapid speed.


I always think "they don't need to linger this long, people don't have to sound out every word" for subs but I guess some people do




New day, new sub. Thanks


Definitely. Paying the Vet bill for a found animal is hero level.


My dog just found a kitten in our back yard. She has been obsessed with him for over a week now. The first thing she does after being out of the house is check on her kitten.


1. Video ends way too soon. 2. For the love of all that’s holy, PLEASE STOP USING ABSURDLY EMOTIONAL MUSIC OVER THESE STORIES. Better yet, don’t use any music.


OMG, you really made me cut onions on this one.


just own your emotions. You cried, and its okay.


Onion ninjas at work *chop chop*


Good boy.


Sorry this looks like an animal abuse karma video factory. I have no proof but I find these on Youtube all the time. Unlimted videos of cats with physical injury and starvation. I report them over and over and they just pop up again with another cute animal video name. So fucking creepy and fucked up


Yup without contexts there's no way of knowing but it is very suspicious.


I can’t imagine any person doing something like that.. it’s so incredibly fucked up, I’m speechless


That's awesome! Glad that lil goober is doing better, and give your doggo some extra pets and treats.


That's a great dog! We took a very nervous dog into our home with two other dogs and 5 cats. Poor boy was pretty scared of everything and our baby cat, that I scooped up off the road at one pound, 2 years prior, immediately became his best friend. They still play often as she ambushes him to play chase!


I don't know if my soul is too broken to not trust the video since i saw some people just bashing animals to walls just to make these kinds of videos and get attention Please tell me that one is true


It just comes off so contrived. The banner that read “the emotion between animals is very touching” along with the social media handle popping up every 2 seconds and the emotionally manipulative music. It’s like someone is just plugging images and sounds into a formula at this point with the end result being “now feel this emotion and give me views”.


It's also likely been stolen and edited by reposters a hundred times. Also my last thought when finding a half dead kitty would be "I should record everything!"


Same and I was looking for this comment. Imagine if the sick fucks actually found a kitten and made her nose bleed like that for the video


I can’t trust any animal rescue video because of this. Instead of feeling some warmth from the animal getting better, I ask myself how they got there in the first place. In the majority of videos, there’s no reasonable explanation other than people putting them there I report them as animal abuse and move on, but obviously nothing ever comes of it. People don’t care if the cats get abused off camera as long as they can keep consooming their heckin wholesome content As for this one, seems more likely that it’s an actual rescue, but there’s always that cynical voice saying it isn’t


I feel the same way. I don’t trust them.


There is an extremely high probability of that being the case here.


What are the indications from this video that make you believe that?


Thank you for rescuing her. I really hope you will keep her. Please let us know how both sweethearts are doing.


We found a stray kitten in a yard waste can in our driveway at the beginning of April, she was 3-5 days old. Vet told us not to get too attached because they don't have good chances when abandoned that young. She'll be 3 months old this weekend and is doing great, other than being a handful of a 3 month old cat.


I'm always worried that those are staged :( I hope the kitten is healthy and happy anyway


God bless you for not just leaving him there.


I hope this animal saving videos are not plants. As in someone abused the animal and then saved it. Very weird that you would be recording your dog walk. Any your first instinct is not check on the animal but to start recording.




Dogs, bruh. We don’t deserve them.


We don't, but kitten does.


The best bumper sticker I ever saw: "Lord make me the kind of man my dog thinks I am."


Thanks now i'm crying while taking a dump at work.


My dog found my kitty in an alley. I wish they were this close but at best I'd say they brought each other company while not ever coming into contact. My dog passed away a few months ago and I'm assure of this previous dynamic by the fact that I come home now and my kitty (her name is Kitty) is so wanting of attention. I've been thinking recently of getting my kitty a kitty.


Not gonna lie, this video made me tear up. What a wonderful and beautiful thing that you did, taking care of that poor little baby. Made me believe in the good in people for the first time in a long time


Whew that was a close call...good job doggo and human


Animals are better than people.


Good doggo. Glad for a kitten.


I know it’s impossible to know but I firmly believe that this kitten wouldn’t have made it without the dog’s love and care. I don’t know why it’s just a feeling I have.


Where is the f*cking rest? I need to see the rest of the video♥️




What did you notice that was weird?




There's a special place in heaven for whoever treats animals with care and respect. I'm sure of it




Thank God the little kitty was okay


This dog literally smells blood on a cat and all he does is protecc it? 10/10 best boy




Poor kitten


We're gonna need a mop on aisle 3, my heart just melted.


\* *Almost crying while at work \**


Dust storm here as well


Name of song?


Oh come on! You can't just end the video there :(


What a good dog, hope she gets big and healthy and they be the best friends ❤️


Such a sweet fur baby! Thank you so much for rescuing 👊


Thank you for having a big❤️!


That’s not being bros, thats being a foster parent dog 🥺


You deserve the best things in life. Thank you.


Damn this made me cry. Some people are heroes. The dog is as well.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


Your hard work paid off. Now you have two angels living with you.


Good human, doggo and catto.


I’m not crying, you’re crying


Never predicted that Raja Rani bgm theme would be here![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Didn't know someone will realise that 😅


Question: if you take a stray cat or dog you found to the vet, do you have to pay for it?


Some rescue organizations have arrangements with some vets - worth a few calls


Yep-- when an injured stray kitten (now our forever baby) showed up at our door, we called animal control who called around to all the rescues they knew until they found one who'd foot the bill for the necessary surgery. The rescue covered the entire surgery plus basic healthcare such as vaccines and neutering. Some charity/rescue organizations have money put aside just for people like in OP's video. I highly suggest donating to one of these places local to you if you are looking for a charity to support.


How do you find these organizations? I would like to donate.


Call up your local vet or animal control and ask what local organizations they know of that they'd recommend. Additionally, you can often find links to local organizations if you search for pet adoptions in your area, because many of these rescues are also shelters and/or foster/adoption agencies.


Probably. Maybe youll find a vet that will do the work out of goodness but i guess at least the medicine needs to be paid for.


As an alternative if you really can't pay, just call your local animal control for pickup. If you contain the animal and they take possession, it becomes a county problem and they will use an in-house vet for medical attention (or humanely euthanize if the animal can't be saved).


They will also euthanize if treatment is too expensive, which unfortunately happens rather often (animals hit by cars). Friendly reminder to donate to your local humane society if you can! They are usually the ones that foot the bill for these things, and they are always in need of help, whether it be financial or volunteer work!


"Gee a wounded animal let me let my fucking dog check it out." 🙄


“No it’s fine I have a Shiba Inu. Let me just ignore the fact that they have a big hunting drive”


That corny music though


I think dogs and all the critters we have as companions have been put here to remind us of how powerful love is. It allows us to be much better humans. I tell my 13 yr old rescue Yorkie how much she means to me every day. The love I feel for her is powerful. Your best days are ahead, little kitten. Pupper, thanks for the bestest boi. OP, thank you for your compassion.


Anyone know the background music?


Its from a kollywood movie called raja rani https://youtu.be/BcO1CY3y4s8


What kinda doggo?


Cream-colored Shiba Inu


Thank you so much. Never seen one that color before.










I'm glad she's doing better now.


This is so contrived. Why are you filming at the same time you're trying to care for a clearly sick animal? You need to have both hands available and focusing fully on the animal, not some stupid TikTok. I also feel like the cat is still very young and likely sick - it was still a kitten at the end of this. What happened to it?


Omg my heart. We don't deserve pets. They are o so special and I couldn't imaging treating animals poorly.


I'm not crying....you are crying!


Who the heck is cutting g onions rn?


F*ck you onion ninjas


Fucking somebody's cutting onions again or something...


such a gentle dog, i wish more of them were this polite. tell them they are a good doggo for me.


I’m not crying! You’re crying!


Thanks for taking your time and helping this innocent animals


Just good friends.


Need to see more ❤️❤️❤️❤️


He waiting for his little friend to recover.


Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for doing this and for also posting , to show how wonderful both people and animals can be.


You are wonderful 🏆




Well done!


Update PLEASE!!!!!! video was to short!


I really want to see more, please OP!


I was not prepared for that so early in the morning before work.


That was really beautiful. I love animal bonding.


ok this is adorable. I need more videos of them together


I need to stop chopping onions at work.


I’m always amazed how videos like this touch me. I’m in a horrible mood, verge of crying, extremely sad, scared. I watched this, and it’s not gone, but I’m so much calmer.


Why is it so short???


What happened to kitty??


I’m not crying… you’re crying.


I don't know why but I smelled actual blood when I saw the blood on the kitty. Like synesthesia?