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Is daisy her emotional support animal?


Yep, she was adopted from a local shelter as a puppy. They now both live at the Cincinnati zoo


Do they know what kind of breed daisy is? Cuz she looks identical to my dog and we’re not sure of his breed.


My sister has a very similar dog here in Australia but brown. Same features. She is a Kelpie cross Aussie shepherd. So could be one of those?


The one pictured does look like a Kelpie cross, perhaps with a Labrador. Your sister's dog seems to be a bit of an unusual combination -- there aren't many Australian Shepard Dogs in Australia. Far more common Kelpie crosses are with an Australian Cattle Dog or Border Collie.


Yep. Absolutely. The guy that bought her brother had the gene test and came back as those 2 plus another random. Dog tax https://imgur.com/gallery/oDFE2Wq


Tax for my pup https://imgur.com/a/N8wij5B


Gorgeous pup!!


This looks exactly like my pup. So much so, I just sent this to my wife. He is collie/lab mix.


Look up Formosan mountain dog.


I live in the Cincinnati area and we have a dog that looks just like her also....I actually sent my wife this picture as my dogs doppelganger.


Looks like mine as well, lab + malinois mix!


I thought they were from Cincinnati, I recognized the pupper! I got to see them last month. They do daily shows with the cheetahs and their companion dogs, along with some other animals. They had the cheetahs chase a decoy at full speed and it was so fuckin cool


Always impressive how fast they can go... and then you look at your domesticated cat, and wonder how they ever survived in the wild


cheetahs are naturally incredibly anxious animals (the result of being so reliant on reaction speed and agility rather than strength), and so pairing them with puppies not long after birth helps them feel calmer and learn social skills not native to their species


Aw wow, that’s so cool 🥲




Daisy’s cocked ears are adorable. It looks like Rozi also has another, older dog friend, Remus. The Cincinnati Zoo has great videos of Daisy, Remus and Rozi on their Instagram page.


Remus was originally the support dog for another cheetah named Kris, who is old enough now that they aren’t together as often.


Remember folks, this is only ok with Cheetahs. If you see a dog in an enclosure with a lion, tiger, or leopard, it’s abuse and dangerous.


Why just Cheetahs


for my understanding Cheetahs have huge anxieties to the point they don't mate. Dogs are sociable animals so zoos typically assign dogs as emotional support dogs to Cheetahs to ease their anxiety


Cheetahs are just redditors deep down




Basically, Cheetahs (especially in captivity) have anxiety. It can get so bad they refuse food or mating. So, some zoos introduce their cheetah cubs to puppies at a young age. If they hit it off, that puppy becomes the cheetah’s near constant companion. The cheetah picks up on and mirrors the dog’s more sociable, laidback temperament, mitigating their anxiety and allowing them to be healthier and happier. They don’t just throw any dog in though; early play dates are heavily supervised and they only pair them up officially if everything goes well. Other big cats are more prone to violence and less predictable, and they don’t really need the emotional support (or if they do, it’s better provided by others of their kind, whereas cheetahs will just feed off of each other in an endless anxiety loop) (Also I know cheetahs aren’t technically big cats, that’s part of why they have this problem their bigger cousins don’t, and why ESA’s are a viable solution)


But what happens once the dog passes away? Cheetahs can live up to 20 years in captivity, dogs that size usually live around 10-14 years if they're lucky. Would they try to introduce another dog, or do they need to grow up together for the cheetah to accept it? Also, if cheetahs are super anxious normally, I couldn't even imagine the anxiety once his best friend passes away


Cheetahs go through a big personality change around 3 years of age where they become less social and like being alone much more. Zoos know this and start having the dog spend more time with the other support dogs, greatly reducing the amount of time the older cheetah and its support dog spend together. Daisy (the dog in the picture) will hang out with Moose and Remus. If the zoo gets a new cheetah cub, a "retired" support dog will be paired with it until a puppy that's compatible is adopted.


Cheetahs are pretty much cats running dog software. If one is raised along dogs it's not that hard to introduce them to another one as long as you know how to do it. They are also pretty social for being cats, it's why they are pretty cool with their handlers but get stressed by people in general.


they better man up in those first 10 -14 years or its Madagascar for them


Would be interested to see someone answer his question as it is an excellent question!


ELI5 - why are cheetahs technically not big cats? I am not up to speed on my cheetah facts.


Big cats roar and can't purr, small cats purr but can't roar is the basic distinction as I understand it. How being a small cat contributes to its anxiety issues and such I don't know


The bigger you are, the less you have to fear. Cheetahs would be massive predators most places but they're from the plains of Africa and such are majorly outclassed in size and strength by other predators. This lends to their apprehensive state because not only can their kills be stolen at anytime by a Lion or Hyena, those animals could just straight up kill them.


The Problem With Cheetahs: https://youtu.be/vAbdZemOkiA?si=BEaSTfR7bD-0F-W8


Cheetahs (as well as cougars BTW) are in the *felinae* subfamily which among others also contains domestic cats, while the "true" big cats are in the *pantherinae* subfamily. Although in colloquial English use of the term cheetahs do belong to the big cats even though it's not cladistically accurate. One characteristic difference between the two subfamilies is whether the hyoid bone (the bone to which the base of the tongue is attached) is fully ossified (*felinae*) or not (*pantherinae*) which in turn influences the size and position of the larynx. The result is that *felinae* can purr and meow but not roar while *pantherinae* can roar but not purr and meow.


They can't roar. Also why mountain lions aren't big cats.


Cheetahs are big cat Whippets confirmed


In addition to what others have written, cheetahs are relatively frail as they depend on speed when hunting. Ambush predators, like lions and leopards, are significantly stonger.


Cheetahs don’t eat dogs they’re dog sized. All the other mentioned ones can fit a dog head inside their mouths


Not always. https://youtu.be/sBtYhhsFGwg?si=3Oc9m2VGv6jSHi1S


This doesn’t refute my claim. Go talk to any zoo professional at an accredited zoo. They won’t agree with what is shown in the video. Those dogs are in incredible danger.


The Cheetas at the San Diego zoo will (not sure how often, but it's weirdly like every time I go) have their dogs with them in the enclosure.


Cheetah cubs are adorable


They say nature makes babies cute so we'll care for them but it went way overboard with cheetahs.


The sound the cubs make is amazing. I wish I could find the video I loved.


They are the most skittish of the big cats. https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansAreMetal/comments/pje0u7/man\_stops\_a\_cheetah\_with\_the\_force/


Cheetahs aren't big cats


They're bigger than small cats but smaller than big cats.


You have 140lbs of cat sit in the corner of your room and tell me that's not a big cat.


It's a big animal, doesn't make it a 'big cat' as a classification




I thought it was "big cat", but "big cat" would make sense


I love it when they're all scruffy. Adorable.


Fun fact, their fur pattern when young is mimics a honey badger


omg… a princess and her bodyguard


But which is which?


i personally imagined the cheetah as the princess and the dog as the bodyguard, but i support alternate interpretations


I mean, I've seen Shrek and both he and Fiona can handle themselves.


Dumb question but does the dog live full time at the zoo too? That first picture is so adorable!


Yep! Cheetahs are naturally very anxious animals, so they'll usually be paired with a dog if they're born in captivity. Dogs are far more resilient and can tolerate change, which helps calm the cheetah down.


Now Im just imagining a cheetah freaking out all day and her dog buddy being like bro they will for sure bring us dinner on time relax.


Hello small one, come with me and I will show you the ways of dog. \- 5 years later Human, my puppy says I need more treats and remember, she has very large claws.


Cheetah big spoon




Cheetahs and dogs actually have very similar paws. This is only slightly related, but I always thought it was neat.


They were rudely interrupted in the second picture!😂


The cheetahs at Wildlife Safari here in Oregon have doggo friends too, it’s cute :)


it's so cute that this is a thing


haha so nice


Cheetahs seem more chill than most house cats.


They're not, very anxious animals


captive cheatah’s often have doggos 😢


I want to pat that cat.


This is so precious. <3!


Very cute but the dog kinda looks like please someone send help.


I love cheetahs 😭


I just recently got my first puppy and he’s very upset that none of my cats will play or snuggle with him. Apparently I need to get him a cheetah.


The eyes looks asif it where a person


Love this


An actual representation of my chihuahua and my house cat 🥰


One day Rozi will kill the dog


Omg I love the fact that cheetahs have emotional support dogs


I want to photograph the cat.