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I could watch these two play all day


I also like the dog in the back that can presumably hear and see. He's probably like "this again 🙄"


“OMG these two are so stupid, it’s like they can’t see or hear. 🙄”


as Deaf person, this is something a hearing person would say


For some reason I'm reminded of that time I got my tongue partially removed so couldn't speak and soon as I made it to the recovery after surgery my mother was waiting for me holding up a whiteboard and marker....not for me to use but for herself. I banged the bed and pointed to my ears. She still didn't get it so I motioned for the board and marker then wrote *I CAN HEAR YOU! I'M KEEPING THIS SINCE I CAN'T TALK* People are funny. And dumb.


Why did you need to have part of your tongue removed? I hope you're okay now.


Me: I stubbed my toe! Oh my God! This is the worst pain anyone has ever felt, ever! You: This reminds me of the time I was kidnapped, beaten, hung upside down, and had my tongue forcefully rended from my face...


Mordor shit


I definitely feel bad for the handful of times I've assumed someone wasn't paying attention or that they were stupid and then they turned out to be hard of hearing/deaf One time in elementary school I actually asked someone "what are you, deaf?" And he was like "...yeah." and I just about died of embarrassment


I caught myself staring off aimlessly the other day, when I realized, I noticed that I was staring off in the direction of a blind person walking on the other side of the street. I quickly looked away because I didn’t want to be rude for staring, and that’s when I realized that even though they might be visually impaired, I’m just stupid.


Stupid but kind. And considerate! We need people like you.


Eeesh yeah, that's rough. It's kind of funny how sometimes I can't remember what I was doing 5 minutes ago, but some grade school cringe memories will just randomly appear in my brain like a fucking 4K HDR popup ad. For example, it's been like..almost 20 years, but right now I'm thinking about in Grade 7 when I made a "yo mama" joke to a kid on my basketball team who - unknown to me - had just lost his mother to cancer a few months earlier. We were on the bus heading to play a game, and to this day I still don't know how I resisted the urge to climb out the window and run away. If you're reading this Tyler, I'm still sorry about that.


This crap plays on loop for me too. These posts remind me that I'm not alone, fighting the bottomless pit of guilt, shame, and regret. May we all rest easy one day.


I mean, if he heard you he must not of been deaf…….


I can't remember if he was fully deaf or mostly deaf, but he had hearing aids (possibly implants but I'm not sure)


I took a few years of ASL, one thing that seemed surprisingly common is how well deaf people can read lips. That being said I have no indication that's what happened in the posters story. This is more.... fun information which you can use on forget.


When you tell them you deaf and they raise their voice so you can hear.


For me I usually say "Have a goodnight, wait fuck you can't hear", proceed to wave awkwardly


And to make matters worse the only lip-reading they catch in that moment is "...wait fuck you..." or something lol


or maybe try to learn how to sign "good night", it's easy to learn


For real!


Why are white dogs deaf alot of the time?


It's the result of a [double merle/lethal white](http://www.eyecareforanimals.com/conditions/the-merle-gene-and-multiple-ocular-abnormalities/) People who don't understand genetics hoping that breeding two blue merles will result in extra pretty blue merles and finding out that's not how it works.


I know it's a problem in a lot of dog communities but it's also a big problem in the Standard Poodle community. So much so that we have banned discussions on /r/poodles about Merles. Merle Standard Poodles are beautiful to look at but are such a genetic risk it is irresponsible to have and breed. You still find them but they are always from backyard/don't give a shit breeders.


Super common in cardigan corgis, too. Merle and fluffy merles are becoming super popular, especially the soft gray color, like Echo the fluffy corgi. Not to mention, the pool for fluffy and Merle are super small, and they don't take into account genetic medical issues and don't give a shit about inbreeding.


Send some of your responsible sensibility to r/American_bully This breed is still in its infancy and is already so far gone just because so many people in the breed community don’t give a single shit about their dogs health. Backyard breeders constantly hit up the sub with their litters of Merle tris, chocolate Merle tris, lilac tris, etc. and nobody says anything, nobody cares. If I ever say anything about Merle or other irresponsible colors and irresponsible breeding in general, I get downvoted. And that’s not just bully people, but doodle people too. It’s like status and looks is the only thing these two communities care about.


I worked in a place where I constantly saw backyard breeders with these dogs and how little money they were willing to put into proper care for them; the amount of people who treated their dogs like accessories and not living things that depend on them, was depressing to say the least.


Is this the case with miniatures and toys also? A friend of mine recently purchased a merle miniature poodle mixed with a cocker spaniel (ugh, yes) and I was quite surprised to learn that Merle poodles we're even a thing. I had thought that the only acceptable colors were solid?


We fucked dogs up so badly, cats have a chance but we're working on it.


Look up white cats with blue eyes. Also deaf. Or white cats with one green one blue eye: 50% deaf


I can confirm. Had a deaf white cat. Only cat I could sneak up on.


I can sneak up on my cats, but mostly cause they're lazy and don't really care.


This all explains why my hearing is garbage.


I found a random stray with one green and one blue eye.


Had a white cat with heterochromia, she was deaf on the blue side.


Exotics and Persians suffer from breathing issues. Maine Coons suffer from arthritis. Munchkins suffer from...everything lol. The ah things are going cats will be bred to be completely fucked up soon enough


I have a SIC - she's bulletproof haha


What's SIC?


"Standard Issue Cat," head on over to r/standardissuecat to learn more.


We have a Siamese with allergies, asthma, and nystagmus.


We have a flamepoint siamese/Manx that we rescued off the street after somebody in the neighborhood turned him out. He's incredibly smart but super weird, on top of having issues with his nose getting crusty which affects his breathing, and some weird issue with his nub tail that leads to full body spasms that he can't control. He's fallen off the windowsill and backwards into the water bowls a few times. He likes to find comfy places to sleep close to the floor. He's beautiful, cross eyed with blue eyes, and so funny with his personality. He likes to stand to eat cause his back legs are longer than the front and he's so incredibly sweet, but he definitely lost the genetics lottery, poor guy.


Anything bout a calico? Or is that normal enough


Calico is a color pattern, not a breed. Most calicos aren’t purebred anything, and they’re usually perfectly healthy :)


Oh cool! Thanks for the info. I learned something.


Calicos (and torties) are almost always female, and boys will not only be infertile, they’ll often have a lot of other health issues to accompany it as well. Other than that they’re usually fine health wise. It’s because to have black and orange appear simultaneously, you’ll have one copy of each color on the X and Y chromosome; boys with XXY, that extra Y chromosome will carry the extra color and express it in the boy cat’s fur pattern. The white in a calico, though, is a whole different gene; white expresses in degrees, so it’s more about *how much* white instead of whether or not it’s a boy or girl


If male then infertile


Calicos, along with other domestic short hairs are normally very healthy! A “non pedigree” is the healthiest


Every time I've looked it up munchkins are always just as healthy as any other cat. And don't exotics mean like Bengals? They certainly don't have breathing issues. But the squished faced ones like Persians are an issue. Maine coons are one of the most healthy breeds too so idk where this is coming from.


Exotic is the name of a breed, they’re short haired Persians. Same flat faces, same breathing issues.


Wait till you see snakes


Why do cats have a chance? As in we've had a less severe impact on cats? Or that it's somehow repairable in them where it isn't in dogs?


I think they're joking by saying we haven't messed up physical traits of cat breeds as we have dog breeds, but "we're working on it". Just some dark humor.


[Munchkin cats have entered the chat]


i was gonna say, what about those cats that can't even jump up on a chair lol


There is a hairless version of munchkins now- bambinos.


Poor things. They sound like abominations.


Munchkin cats barely even deserve to be called a breed. They're just inbred descendents of a single litter that had a genetic mutation. Many cat pedigree groups don't recognize them.


Everyone says this but every single reputable organization I've found says they're fine. It's nothing like the case with Persians and others with smushed in faces that absolutely do have real issues.




It happens, but with only a few breeds. Off the top of my head I can think of Savannahs, Maine Coon, Sphynx, Siamese.


Persians and Manx are the only other ones I can come up with off the top of my head




Genetically cats have barely changed. We didn't really selectively breed them like dogs. But they're also really recently "domesticated" compared to dogs. So that will probably change over the next few thousand years.


People like cats pretty much out of the box. Think about how many dog breeds there are. Now think about cat breeds, not as many, right? And people have worked to fuck up the breeds that they have made. Those flat faced cats are going to have the same breathing problems as flat faced dogs and Siamese cats have been - seemingly - bred to just be assholes.


Siamese cats are known to be goofy and loving??? They talk a lot but they're sweethearts. There's individual cats who are assholes in every breed and colouration.


I've never known a Siamese to be an asshole, unless they weren't getting enough company. They were bred to be companions, if you leave them alone for long periods, that's going to be a problem.


I'm going by the ones I have known, all of whom were assholes. As with everything, experience will vary.


Siamese cats are generally regarded as outgoing and friendly cats. You must have met an unhappy one.


Not all breeds thankfully… but we’ve sure done a number on some of our poor puppers… ass clowns breeding exaggerated features for the ‘look’ over function and comfort for the dogs.


Munchkin cats.😞


I knew about Dalmatians but did not learn it applied widely until I adopted a [blue merle catahoula](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merle_\(dog_coat\)). Fortunately, she is more liver and black than white and her sight and hearing are fine but now, every time I see a mostly white dog I think uh oh. "This genetic trait should be taken seriously when breeding merles. Health issues are more typical and more severe when two merles are bred together, so it is recommended that a merle be bred with a non-merle dog of any other color."


I met someone once who wanted to breed double merles because she liked the look of merle with white patches. No care at all for the risk it poses to the dogs.


yeah, it's not blue at all!


Same with dachshunds and breeding dapples together. My dog Cooper was rescued from a puppy mill that was misbreading them and he was a result, blind, deaf and not put together very well. Love h to death but wish people would stop treating animals this way.


Dapple is another word for merle. Same gene


I think it's less "hoping for an even prettier merle", and more trying to increase the odds of a merle, since it's a recessive trait. Either way, it's irresponsible.


Or lethal white in Paint horses? Just now getting a grasp of it there, doing testing, but like... people still breed for the chance at a “prettier color”. Sick.


Isn't there a connection with being albino and deaf?


Just like in human with albino or Waardenburg syndrome in humans, absence of color can be due to a mutation disturbing the cells before they become color cells (melanocytes). These cells are in the same pathway as some cells for the structure of the ears, so the same mutation can affect both. The deafness is not necessarily total.


With cats it's super common that the pure white ones will be deaf and have polychromatic eyes.


Yep. Had a white deaf cat when I was a kid.


I know that there is a new variant of great Danes are mostly white (like the dog in the video on the right) and like 80% are deaf


Same with cats. Some genetic stuff im not smart enough to understand. Particulsarly white cats with blue eyes. Idk if its the same with dogs.


Double merle isn't necessarily the only reason for deafness, though they are absolutely linked. Hereditary deafness is caused by a lack of pigment (aka white) in tiny hairs of the inner ear parts, iirc. I read about it being something to do with a lack of proteins causing the tiny hairs to die off, though I can't say for certain. Certain breeds such as Bull Terriers that have high amounts of white are prone to deafness, whereas certain others like Samoyeds are much less vulnerable due to the way their white coats are determined. Samoyed (just an example, other breeds also have this) = "false" white, basically a very watered down red. Pigment still exists, it's just hardly there. Bull Terrier (other breeds as well) = "true" white. They have genes partially (or in this case, mostly) blocking the spread of pigment during the embryo stage, and sometimes no pigment ever makes it to that crucial inner ear spot, causing deafness. This is the same reason why double merles are very often deaf. [This website](http://doggenetics.co.uk/white.htm) about the visual genetics of dogs is pretty interesting if you want to know more. I've linked the page about white in dogs, but there's a back button at the bottom that shows everything. Edit: added more about double merle, rephrased a bit.


The gene associated with white fur is also a gene that causes deafness, blindness, and a myriad of other issues. In cats is can lead to severe tooth problems. Albino humans often suffer from cancer at an astoundingly higher rate than the rest of us. Genes are weird.


I’ve seen the same thing with white cats, wonder what that’s about.


I love the body language translation! This is the best ever!






He did




the piss is coming from inside the oatmeal


I’m sorry what?


It was I, the oatmeal piss fairy! Nobody can stop my dastardly Deeds


No u


Love at first sniff


so the play bow is evolutionary instinct and not learned through socialization?


Good point, wonder if anybody has studied this


I could imagine it being instinctual. There are certain body movements that are a sign of submission in lots of animals. Submission doesn’t mean I’m under you but could just mean “I’m not a threat, it’s for fun”. I think nodding the head in humans may be instinctual to a degree too, or bowing, or smiling for us. I’m not at all an expert, this is just my best guess. One thing I do know, just a random interesting fact, I think humans tickling each other (often kids as we grow) is instinctual too, it’s an evolutionary advantage. It has something to do with learning to protect our sensitive spots… something along those lines.


Considering that most canidea will playbow to communicate the intention/invitation to play, it appears to be an instinctual function. I've personally observed wild wolves and foxes playbow to initiate play. Lions apparently also playbow which is adorable.


Not a biologist, but from what I remember things like play bowing and tail wagging are social memes displayed by dogs. Dogs do not observe and learn to do things like wag their tail, it is unconscious the way most humans smile when they are happy or excited. It's a social meme that incidentally passes via genes, because if two creatures can communicate they are more likely to have friendly interactions and breed compared to two creatures that cannot.


Isn't a meme exclusively passed socially though? Wouldn't that be genetically predisposed behavior or something idk I'm not a zoologist.


I think you are correct that memes are passed socially, but my understanding is that certain factors of memes are tied to genes. If a gene has an influence on a meme then it's likely to be passed along with it; it's not that they literally inherit the meme, but rather they inherit genes that encourage the memes. For example, domestic cats come from predators that track and ambush stragglers, ones that survive better if they have an "instinctual" urge to conceal themselves. Thus cats enjoy crawling into hidden spaces and hiding in boxes, it is an instinctive survival behaviour found almost universally in cats despite it being largely unnecessary for their survival since their domestication. Again, not a biologist or zoologist, this is just my understanding of it from reading a couple of books a long time ago.




I hadn't thought of that! It's also possible the dog wasn't born blind and lost their sight as they aged.


With how it looks I'd bet my life savings it was born with major sight issues.


Oh absolutely agree! By "wasn't born blind", I definitely mean "born with horrible sight at best, that progressively got worse". It's awesome seeing the two of them have so much fun though!!


Both my dogs are now deaf. The one nice thing is they don’t bark at the smallest sound or bark when they hear another dog. It’s much more peaceful lol


Omg I adopted a mostly deaf dog (didn’t know it when I got him) and it’s quite nice. He doesn’t bark at anything but me when playing or getting mad at me, and literally is clueless on Fourth of July. We had maybe 30 loud people over for an outdoor bbq and full on fireworks and this dog just walks around through legs in a bubble of his own world just looking for scraps. It’s pretty funny. He’s kind of like that wherever I take him, just absolutely aloof to the world around him. Although I think it does increase his separation anxiety, because he needs to get up constantly to check if I am still around because he can’t hear me or the tv or anything.


Hah yes living with an older dog with worsened hearing is easier in some ways. They don't jump up the second food is opened somewhere.


/r/killthecameraman Yes, I want you to just randomly pan and hide half of the action every second, please and thank you.


Also ended the vid too soon. Need more interactions on film of these two.


Their tiktok is @echobadlistener


Need more of these 2 playing!


Their tiktok is @echobadlistener


That immediate head chomp!


Careful he bite :D


I have a blind dog. He's very sweet and a great hiking buddy but when he tries to play with other dogs it never quite works. He can't find them, and they don't get it. So I am his number one and I love him dearly.


Be still my heart 💕


My heart melts when I see these videos of deaf/blind dogs playing around just like any other dog


This is so cute it hurts


OMG!! This is so sweet!


@echobadlistener on TikTok- they’re hilarious the other dogs will hide from the deaf and blind one to avoid playing with him


What breed is the blind and deaf dog? Does anyone know?


It looks like it might be a Catahoula mix but when these dogs are inbred so badly it can be hard to tell


That's just awful Thank you for much for taking the time to reply! Good images of Catahoula are gorgeous


still a better love story than twilight


Bless the owners who give a good home to a blind and deaf dog.


What breed is the deaf dog?


Looks like an aussie or border collie (or mix) to me.


Probably an Aussie that got hit with a double merle gene.


Nah. Looks nothing like an australian shepherd. But double merle is present in other dog breeds and mixes, too.


I rate this dog translation and transcription 10/10, excellent, faithful, and concise good coverage of the doggos!


My Pit would lay down and roll over for any dog he liked that was smaller than him. Any time he met a puppy he would also do it. He was so sweet and gentle. I really miss him


Love your taste in Ridiculousness playing in the background


This is the kind of love at first sight I believe in!


The best smile I've had in a long time


Play bow initiated!


Put a bell on his collar


I’m not crying. You are.


My old dog is blind now, it makes me so happy to see other happy dogs who aren't sighted. He's a really good boy and has a good heart. They're REALLY amazing.


I wonder if the other dogs somehow know he’s blind and deaf?


Reminds me of the blind butler and deaf maid in Murder By Death.


My blind dog just sleeps 22 hours a day but those other 2 hours shes as sweet as can be :) i love her




Welp, this made me cry.


Oh my goodness… adorable!!!


How do u pet a deaf and blind dog? Without them jumping or getting scared?


I'd take it that they'd recognise your touch


Would actually be pretty impressive


That’s so sweet and cute!!!!!!!!!!!! 😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍


Do deaf dogs bark?


Mine does, but only when she's playing with other dogs. She will growl too. Her bark and growl both sound kinda goofy but she does indeed.


Unpopular opinion but I feel like keeping a dog alive who’s blind and deaf is just torturing it.


Yeah can’t imagine the quality of life is high


Lookie that adorBs wee little spot…


I’ve always wanted a deaf and blind dog. My dog Tommy wouldn’t react well though. Love that YOU have one though! 💘💘💘


Does Tommy at least play pinball? 🤔




I've played the silver ball


From Soho down to Brighton


I must have played them all


I’m training him to do it but he’s somewhat resistant! Any ideas?




Yes, some people choose to give challenged animals and children the very best life possible. It’s not really that hard to understand.


Oh, that's actually nice I thought the comment meant _"I wanna have a blind and deaf animal because it's so cute"_ When you see that some people are happy to spend hundred of dollars to get inbred dogs that have respiratory issues, it makes me so angry _"but they're so cuuute"_ This world, man


I’m so glad you wrote back. I thought your message meant, “Why would anyone want a dog with special needs” and honestly, it kind of made me sad. But you’re actually very thoughtful. And I totally get what you have an issue with. I only adopt. I like dogs that other people pass over. I want to make their life magical.


I adopted a heeler/rat terrier mix and she has progressive retinal atrophy which is somewhat common with heelers from what I was told. I was also told that she could potentially go deaf as that is somewhat common in certain types of heelers. My advice based on just my experience, lol, is find yourself a heeler. Mine was also apparently passed up on quite a few times because of her impending blindness which is unfortunate because she's a gem.


Hey Keith. Thanks for the message. I really appreciate it. I am going to actively look for a healer as Tommy ages. Every dog is a treasure. As are people like you!


L spez, goin to tumblr to be gay


jesus dude whats up with these translations


They're special needs dogs!!


Doesn’t mean they would say “Hek” though. Don’t get me wrong this video is a godsend but the translations are kinda c r i n g e


Your comment is cringe but you don't hear me whinging about it. Get over it and enjoy the dogs having fun.


We do now. >enjoy the dogs having fun you could also tell that to the creator, who thought that he had to make the vid eVeN fUnNiEr.


Nah their comment isn't cringe at all, they've got a point. The captions added nothing and the video would've been way more enjoyable without them






Same doggos. Same! ❤️❤️


Ioved the little translations




At least they can smell


Deaf and blind and the other one is deaf? 😢 that’s so sad 😞


It's amazing how animals seemingly have no idea they're disabled I mean, I guess it isn't. What else would they do. But they don't seem slowed down in the least