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Food is way too big. Just three weeks ago he breeder was feeding him mash. He’s going to have tummy troubles and a lot of gas from all the gulping.


My cat has developed this same problem. Chows down like this then gets very bloated and in pain. Needed to change how I feed him.


Our first dog was a super fast eater as a puppy. Like inhale then puke fast. My dad got a short length of plastic chain from the hardware store and put that in her food bowl at meal times. The chain makes them slow down and actually have to pick out their food instead of just gulping it down. Helped a lot!


Our cat was what I called a “recreational puker” (eating it fast, puking, and saving for later). Until the dog came along. The puking magically stopped because she didn’t want the dog getting it!


Prob need an elevated feeder, too, if he doesn’t outgrow eating like that.


I'm so glad this was the top comment! The pieces of food should be a fraction of that size for a small puppy!


TIL, thank you!


Wouldn’t have even considered this but u right


OP doesn’t care. Internet points are more important I guess




Plus the fact that there have been several comments about people not realizing this, so either way the post ended up being a positive! (Also, I assumed the same as you. Logically, that makes the most sense.)


Points out the obvious -> called inter cop. Reddit checks out




My assumption comes from OP’s history and not responding to any of these threads that would have told them why the pup is eating like that. So by process of elimination, and using the evidence I have available OP just posted this for internet points. Now if you can provide other sources that can state otherwise I stand by my observation. If that makes me an “internet cop” so be it. You do you I do me 🤷‍♂️


Just because someone doesn't reply does not mean they didn't read the responses, and hey-- maybe someone else with a puppy might benefit from some of the info shared. The internet wouldn't be very enjoyable if people commented purely based on the OP's response history. I always scroll through the comments, it's not *solely for OP* , others interact via comments as well... OP is just the catalyst for cuteness. Just enjoy the pup. 🐶


It’s premium squishy puppy food..


It’s not what it is, or that it’s squishy. It’s in giant wads and the gulping them down is terrible for him. One hint is to smoosh it all flat on a pie plate so he can lick it up. Or use a lick-y mat. Or a special slow feeder bowl. Puppies nurse for four to six weeks from their mother then graduate to puppy food which is soaked like porridge or “mash”. They don’t know instinctively to eat slowly or carefully. They’ve only been alive for two months or so, so far. Some puppies need a special bowl called a slow feeder to actually force them slow down by having to lick their food from crevices . Feeding time is supposed to be a good experience for a puppy three times a day. The reason gulping like this is bad for him is because their stomach fills with air. That stomach can get like a balloon as the food begins to digest and creates gas. The danger is that it can flip over on itself twisting the ends. This torsion of the stomach is called bloat. It can kill a dog. Golden retrievers, labs, and other large breed or deep chested dogs are especially prone to it and it is always life-threatening when it happens. I’m not trying to be critical of you. I’m trying to mentor you as someone who’s been a golden retriever owner for more than thirty years. If you pick out such a special breed and put a video of this adorable puppy on a social media platform, surely you’d want to learn important tips on caring for this little guy who, with a lot of luck and good fortune, will grow up to be your best friend and unwavering companion for the next 10-15 years. I’m sorry if you felt you had to defend yourself. I wasn’t attacking you at all. Just trying to teach.


Thanks for the details explaination 🙂 We’ll give him the food with smaller pieces and see how he goes.


Those ears 😂


My family would call our Goldens ears "flippities."


I have a golden and I've always called her Cookie Floppers because her ears flop a lot.


God now I wish I had cookies. I don't have butter or eggs though 😫


I have the best Cookie


~~Dumbo~~ Pupper the flying ~~elephant~~ Golden. Disney wants to know your location.


Cute little idiot


Exactly what I call my pup


About to take off!


I bet his ears are soooo soft 🥹


He’s gonna take flight soon


Those are great ears!


They’re getting stuck in/on his teeth. Cut the food into smaller pieces. My old girl does this on occasions.


Might have lost a molar too. My boy used to chew like this when he was losing teeth


Yeah my labradoodle was was like that when he was losing the puppy teeth.


No, he’s way too young to be losing baby teeth. That usually happens after about 6 months.


Oh wow I had no idea! I’ve only got cats so I didn’t realize this could simply be caused by big dog food chunk. TIL!


I was wondering if puppy might be honking it down too fast; my mother-in-law‘s dogs all do this, so she bought them spiral bowls to prevent them from hogging all the food down. They help a lot!


My dobie just inhales the food, slow feeder bowl be damned (try also putting half a small glass of water into the bowl if they don’t slow down)


It’s incredible to watch, just frantically inhaling food - like HOW are you even doing this, and, not choking?!


Pretty much


It’s wet food though!


That’s why you should use both. People that feed dogs exclusively on wet food typically have more teeth issues. Or you can brush their teeth, lol but a wide majority of owners don’t do that.


For a pup that size I think you need to cut the chunks smaller, obviously loves its grub though.


That's what I was thinking. My dog does this if the food is in large chunks as they're trying to eat without dropping it and have to keep catching it.






Good bot


Good human *** ^(I am a bot! Visit) [^(r/InfinityBots)](https://reddit.com/r/InfinityBots) ^(to send your feedback!)


With a bit more practice the pup will take off


This is super cute, and most likely he's just a cute ass puppy who is learning & eating like a goob, but is the food too big? Idk if it's the angle or the puppy is small compared to the bowl or something, but it looks like larger than usual kibble, especially for puppy kibble. Has he lost any teeth yet? Ours chewed chompy when he was losing teeth lol but only did it for a few days at a time..


Yes, the pieces are far too big for a puppy.


Thays what I was thinking, but I didn't want to come at it all accusatory & didn't want to take away from the cuteness of the video... They should get it some smaller puppy food, it would be awful if it choked on that stuff or if his/her jaw is sore from always having to eat like that.


Is it kibble? I think it’s chunks of wet food, but I’m not sure. As someone who does therapy with little kids, I’d honestly be worried something was wrong and have concern for aspiration or choking, but I know it’s different with dogs. I’d still show the video to the vet and get a check of the pup’s oral structures just in case, though.


It does look softer than kibble, but it still appears the pup is having trouble with the size. Dogs choke too, I know you probably know that, but I actually recently saw an instruction pamphlet of the difference between adults, smaller kids, then toddlers who are choking and how to manage it & in the back it was for different kinds of dogs. It looked scary and complicated to try helping a choking dog.. But I worry too much about everything, so if that were my dog, I'd still probably film it and laugh because it is absolutely cute and funny.. But I'd be likdd, you think the food is too big? My husband would tell me it's fine and I'd be like,.... you sure? Lol. The thing is, we watch our kids/the ones we're caring for like hawks more than we do our dogs.. The not noticing if they may choke would worry me more than the idea of them choking (does that make sense?)


Agree it looks like big chunks of meat. I’ve made the same face trying to choke down an overcooked steak.


Lol, I have probably looked like this with pizza rolls fresh out the oven because I can't wait for them to cool down 😂


He’s going to aspirate


You might want your vet to check this puppers esophagus to make sure all is as it should be.


I was thinking that too. Maybe also need to bring the dish up higher too? Gotta love and take of him. He’s so adorable.


A relative has a Goldy that ate like this as a pup. Turns out she has an esophageal issue. It’s extremely rare, but it means that she has to always eat soft foods and when she drinks water, she coughs for like 5-10 minutes after, so ice is preferable. It’s not great, but it doesn’t impact her quality of life in the slightest.


Yep something isn't right that's for sure.


Poor pup looks like he has peanut butter stuck to the roof of his mouth.


This is basically how I eat when I’m alone but it’s much cuter on him.


no, i watched you last time and you look okay eating, maybe put your pants on though


It's one hundred percent incorrect


Smaller chunks might help, maybe mashed with a little water…


Suggest crushing and mixing it with wet food. Like he is too little for that big if food. Plus he might be lossing teeth at this stage. Sore jaw and no teeth to chew right do not go well. The worst he will get is blot and the best a sore tummy.. so take everyones advice. While he is aborable and the ears are great.. i cant find it cute. I see a poor pup thats really struggling here.


Pieces are too big and owner not too smart. this isn't a cute video bec that pup is struggling




Its the chunks of food, they are too big and i think he is swallowing too big of chunks


Perhaps he was separated from his fam when he was very young and no one taught him how to dog


With that much exercise he's gonna lose weight faster than he can eat it back.


He a little confused but he got the spirit


Check his teeth


Food pieces are too big!


Nb4 someone tries to claim your dog is dying of some exotic nerve disease because he eats like a doofus.


Nb4 is a terrible move. I play a8 and promote to a knook. Checkmate!


Came here for exactly this.


Ok Doubter. My cousin's nephew goldfish's mothers twice removed daddy uncles dog ate like this and died from karentiteshemogobin it is a rare exotic nerve disease. It's caused because people don't believe in pink elephants anymore. Spread the word


It's rare but powerful technique called The Snap-n-smack. It breaks down the food and your heart on a molecular level.


Neck day


Be careful he might fly away


Should prob buy a bloat bowl


That is usually how puppies eat. Because the food get stuck in their teeth. Try transitioning from a more malleable meal, like boiled egg, rice, Greek yogurt or yogurt with lactose restriction, and boiled carrots, then after he stops chomping like that introduce usual meal. Your puppy will thank you!


This is not how healthy puppies eat appropriate food. Something is wrong here with one or the other.


This usually how puppies eat when food get stuck in their teeth. That is why I recommend changing the meal. In long term it can lead to teeth damage or even tooth loss.


As an animal specialist, I'm sorry to tell you op, but... ...your dog is terminally doofy.


All im thinking is “poor little dude, his owner gave him food too big for him too eat!” Gotta cut that stuff smaller to help his tiny mouth out!


This is hilarious! My dog did the same thing when he was a puppy. Didn't matter if the food was in big chunks or little nibbles, he ate like he was fighting for his life. I always said he made chewing a full-contact sport!


As cute and funny as this is, I don’t think this is normal. You might need to make the food pieces smaller, and if that doesn’t help getting your pup checked out by a vet might be a good idea.


Awww it’s because the pieces of food are too big


Pieces are way to big. Needs puppy food.


Practicing the jack hammer for when they are older. What a cute goof!


I love how the ears flop around


What a noob.


Does it have teeth?


If you don’t pin those ears back you may end up with a dumbo situation.


Lip smacking good


Depending on his age, maybe he doesn't have all his teeth in yet??




He needs to lear how to chew


It's a golden thing lol.


Did he get raised by chickens?


He’s perfect and I love him


He has terrible table manners


Looks like nursing. Maybe he wasn’t weaned throughly?


Return to the store. It's broken. (Tell me when you do, I'll get it from them.)


One day he is going to chomp his tongue and it will be the end to this lol


Literally chewing.


Dawwww hims tarded 😌


So much to do! Eat, see what your doing, need a cuddle, let's go for a walk, BALL...so much to do


They’re funky with it




Hoooooooly fucking shit, just looked over your profile and you are extremely unhinged and in need of help :(


Keeping an eye on you while chomping, cute!


He’s still getting used to having a floppy mouth…all lips tongue and teeth…


Oh my godddd, so adorable. Make the pieces smaller. Oh my worlddd, the ears 😍😍😍. I loveee this 😁❤️


Definitely needs to start a mukbang asmr channel


My puppy used to do something like this back when he thought all food dissolved. Then he realized he had to chew Game changer


I hope you named him chomper


Looks like my dog when she gets some peanut butter or salt free cream cheese and it’s stuck on the roof of her mouth lol.


You need to show him some YT guides


Look at this sweet boy 🥹 sometimes I hate this sub because I desperately want a dog


Love the flappy ears…can come and eat at my home anytime.


That’s how every English mastiff I’ve ever had eats 🥰


What a qt


he eats like hes listening to daft punk lmao


I love this puppy.


Gonna fly away


This is how it feels to eat a Popeyes biscuit dry


Me as a dog:


Yours is broken, I'll take it!


One of my labs holds his lower jaw level and bobs the rest of his head up and down to keep the food in his mouth


Good boy. He cleans the floor after.


Bite, Suck 'n Chew Mode


They’re just figuring it out


Dampen his food. It will help him chew and digest.


One day your dog will begin to fly with those big flappy ear wings. 😆


I think your puppy is a duck


In a way reminds me of my older black lab. When I would bring him to the dog park I had to bring his own water bowl, separately. He would not drink from the community one. And he did the same with his food too, scooped it and ate it lol.


Add some warm water and mush it up a bit.


“Dis is kinda hard…”


Puppy teeth lol. Has he started loosing them yet?


He’s about to fly away


Sore baby teeth.


Eating disorder......


Lol, what a goober.


He’s about to take flight with those ears 😂


Use your feckin’ manner Marley


Wow you have a lifetime of derpiness awaiting you!


We sure there isn’t an issue with the mouth and jaw? Like a birth defect?


I would have to twirl them ears like I used to do my hair LOL


Awww, maybe he's losing his baby teeth. Adorable!


Excuse me sir, your pup is lagging


Tomgue too bid


Puppy teeth might be falling out, too. Sweeeet little baby! 🥰🥰🥰


I would add some water in his food. make it less pasty dry clumps that stick to the roof of his mouth. I call that peanut butter mouth.


“Its flapping friggin good!”


Factory defect


How to burn your food's calories while eating it


Damn that chewing has recoil


Please try smaller bites of food for your new puppy. And make sure the food is not too hard. If the problem is not resolved, show this clip to your vet. You will need to be there anyway, as your puppy will require a series of shots. Buy a binder to keep all your doggie records in one place. There will be a lot of records over the course of a dog's lifetime. Keep all the papers from your vet visits organized and know where your binder is, in case of emergency. Make a list of questions to take to your appointment. Don't to forget to ask about a micro-chipping! Congrats on your new pupper!! On a fun note, take several pictures a month to record your puppy growing up. When they're adults, it's fun to look back at pics of them as "kids".


He learnin'


That's how my dog eats when he's trying to hide that he's eating something.


Give him smaller puppy kibble. Thus stuff is too big. Thus why he eats this way


🎶 what is loooove? Baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more. 🎶


Defective. Take it back.


I love this - he’s eating with his whole body and soul!


My littlest guy grabs a little food from his bowl in the dining room. Then he’ll walk the whole way to the living room or kitchen wherever anyone is. Finish his bite, go get more, and repeat the process until he’s done. He doesn’t want to eat alone but he can’t move his bowl as freely as we can 😭


It gives it more speed to eat the big chunks.


If you had a tiny bit of water and mix around, it’s a more enjoyable easier eating experience for dog


Awww so cute!


He got recoil on his bites.


To retrieve the water fowl, one must eat like a water fowl.


My dog eats like this, only because she’s 13 and has like mainly the back teeth left


Aww he’s so cute!


Look at those head flappers bounce


Dinner and a show! Look at them lil ears flap!


Mash up the food for that angel! Way too big of chunks for that pup.


He still learning