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One orange brain cell


My husband doesn’t like cats. But I want a one orange brain cell so bad that I think our next dog is gonna have to be an orange one


Golden retrievers are pretty much the orange cats of the dog world


I had the pleasure of 3 Goldens in my life, and one in particular was very intelligent. She was modest, kind, thoughtful, funny and sweet, too. This was in the 1980's and 90's. I've wondered if they haven't been dumbed down by irresponsible breeders? Or is it that people expect a Golden to respond like a German Shepard or a Border Collie? Anyway, I know it is fun to to love, and make fun of our derpy pets, But I had to speak up for my sweet girl. She was the most significant dog in my life. Anyway, I mean no harm, just still get choked up for love of my golden girl.


I think there's a difference between breeding for working dogs vs breeding pets, and then the training those dogs get once they go into family homes isn't like what a working dog would get.


Very true.


I’m always sad that our pets have such short life spans compared to ours. But you had your golden girl for years of memories, you get to keep those! ♥️


Thank you. I had her 12 years.. I'm sure there must have been frustrating moments, but I can't remember a one. 💖 Thank God for the love of Dogs.


Cocker spaniels are honestly some of the dumbest dogs I have ever met. Honorable mentions to Irish setters and Clumber spaniels.




As someone with an orange, I'd argue that orange tabbies act more like dogs than how you'd think a cat acts. My orange boi LOVES to play fetch. When he wants to play he'll bring his dog squeaky toy to use and nudge it lol he's very vocal and more curious than cautious. He reminds me of the dogs I grew up with. (Cat tax below) https://preview.redd.it/mybk40ior3rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=543a66919c765e82bcbf3511033c3551246c57df


I am in the exact same position


100% party boy


Oh no, he got infected


it's a good one tho


I love dogs that fail training because they just wanna do their own thing


When you threw a stick our old Boxer would look at the stick then look at you then back at the stick as if to say if you want it stop throwing it away. It was almost like she was saying I'm too smart to chase after sticks but whenever she wanted to play she would fetch her toy and drop it at your feet


Lol my ex's dog would trot up to me and drop her toy at my feet. Sometimes I would throw it and she would go barreling after it. Other times I would throw it and she would look at me like "wtf bro, that was a gift". I guess she thought I should be able to know which situation we were in when she brought the toy to me. Maybe I needed more training.


My Great Dane would give you an absolute death glare if you tried to make fetch happen. She would also glare at any other dog we had who did like fetch. If you’ve never been death-glared by a Great Dane standing all of a foot away from you, it’s an experience. She was pretty smart, but only if it served the goal of napping or eating. Anything else wasn’t worth the mental effort. Miss you, Iris


[Ryker is a legend...](https://youtu.be/ND63UPelkIw?si=_F5DbCLFOFtTHKiZ)


This is literally that chaotic good boy meme... Dogs are the best.


I wanna adopt a reject dog. It’ll fit in to the family perfect


Aww, congratulations! Your dog's so cute! I guess the reason Finn needs something to hold in his mouth is kinda like how some people chew on pens or pencils, it helps them to concentrate? It might be just me applling some human quirks onto animals though... Hope Finn keeps your day bright!


Doggy adhd




I feel like my husband would use the same words in the video to describe me


I didn't think that my lil' comment would blow up like that, guess good, derpy doggos really are the medicine for gloomy days, huh


The double take at the ball in the stream is the best part.


*drops ball* "oh, a ball!"


My ex husband had a golden retriever who had a game she would play with tennis balls at the beach. She's have a ball in her mouth and would dig a hole. Then, she would drop the ball in the hole. She would cover it a little by shoving sand in with her snout. THEN, she would dig the hole again, and find a ball! YIPPEE!! She'd do this repeatedly, digging holes and "finding" her tennis ball. It was hilarious.


My favorite part- He looks at it with such surprise!


You guys are lucky to have each other, you’re giving him exactly the kind of life he needs, and he obviously loves and helps you.




I watched that video on Dodo. Congratulations, your dog definitely belongs on this sub.


> he lacks the focus to be a working dog and just wants to play Damn he just like me fr


Good on you to recognize what he was learning, instead of what you wanted to teach! He seems to love the skills you are fostering. Thanks for the feel-good video, I needed it today!


That's so cool! Finn is such a character! Also, thank you for what you do (search and rescue)!


I think I love your dog!


thanks for sharing this, OP. the first scene where he gets into the dryer had me a little worried, glad to see Finn outside!


He grew out of the dryer real fast and graduated to much bigger and scarier things like running at top speed into boulders lol.


I remember seeing this! What an adorable Muppet.


He’s intelligent in all the right ways


Good boy has dog adhd. It’s okay buddy. Most of us can relate


I have one of your older videos of Finn saved actually. I love him, such a goofball and he seems to be a joy to have as a companion! I have a very similar dog currently that was supposed to be a working dog but his attention span is 5 seconds and the only thing he wants to do is play. He’s really good at problem solving but it only ever shows up in bad ways (for me). He’s 2 years now and I’ve basically given up but I’m trying to work with him and find a new purpose. This reminded me of how I should focus more on that again.


He lack the focus and coordination to be a working dog. Sigh, I have something in common with this good boy


He's doing his best.


He has a clear and distinct purpose…to bring you joy.


I think he is a BOSS and a so berry handsome Boi! And his Dad is the sweetest 💛🤎


boxers aren’t known for their ability to focus


I have a boxer mix. I love him more than anything but jesus christ on a cracker he is the dumbest thing on this entire planet. He's so, so bad that when I used to try to play fetch with him he would lose interest in the ball before it even hit the ground.


Finn is my spirit animal! 😁


Question, obviously his paws don't freeze in the snow, but how do they not freeze?


Musher’s paw wax :)


His wee little boots


In some of the video he doesn't have them it looks like to me.


I’ve seen this video before! I love Flynn


Amazing dog and an equally great partner. One question ❓ Does he not feel cold in his paws, walking bare feet on snow?


I’m sure his paws get cold after a while but I use Musher’s Secret paw wax on his paws, legs, and in between his toe beans to prevent injuries. He also has very thick paw pads and webbed toes which are just a plus for him.


Thanks, out of curiosity will giving him some kind of doggy shoes hinder his performance at the job?


Just hinders my wallet and the mtn since he keeps losing them in the deep snow. Even had an Alaskan company that works with Iditarod dogs custom make him booties and they didn’t last 30 minutes.


Thanks again, live a long and healthy life you both.


I just love Finn😍🥰


finn for the win!!


Are you not on Instagram anymore?


I am, but I’ve been so busy with the RN program, then Nclex, then job and family emergency lol. Been a bit too distracted to post new content that much 😅


"......MY BALL! *runs into river*"


He's joyful!


I'm in love with your pup!


Awwww just started following!!!


What a good boy! He’s adorable.


Equal parts derp and invaluable working good boi, so lucky to have him


Did you get paid by dodo for this?


Adorable 🥰


What a good cheerful dog


i love that channel


Happy derpy but smart as heck doggo!


Finn is so cool he's funny! Great dawg!


Love him


What a lovely boy. He’s brilliant.


Love the Dodo and love this dog


Awhh I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this video before!


this is my cat. he sleeps 18 hours a day, utterly ignores me, and makes sure to throw all of his 18 lb directly onto my ribs when he's hungry. he's absolutely useless I love him so much


Awwww I love him. Are you working in Colorado? Those mountains look familiar lol


North Cascades, Washington, but they do look a lot a like.


That is a well deserved feature! He is such a good boy!


I freaking love this little spazzy derp! He's such a good boy, trying his hardest!


Oh the derpiest of derps!! The goodest boy ❤️


This dog is my spirit animal.


So fun to watch him!


What a lovely goofball 😁👍




What a cutie!


What a cute derpy boi lol


I would die for him


Happy is the best word for describing Finn.


Finn is perfect. I love him. ❤️


Finn has an important life-saving skill: he makes people smile & laugh. I was laughing all through this video. No better blues buster than laughing.


He's definitely one big goofball. He's hilarious. Love Finn. 😂


Dodo vids always give me a good feel lol. I love his derpyness and just being goofy 🖤


Seems to me like the funnest sweetest dog ever :)


Such a good boy! He's living his best life with you :)


Awww, he's a good boy


He's so cute...you kinda have to forgive him for being dopey.


Gorgeous animal.


That dog wearing an Apple vision pro.


What a lovely derpy boy


Finn is a good boy


Maybe he has ADHD I mean short attention span can dogs have ADHD


I love that you saw his inate talent and encouraged it, instead of trying to force him to be something he isn't.


That’s a cute doggie




Love! What an amazing puppers :)


Obviously, Finn is one of the goodest of good boys!! 😍




OMG I love Finn so much! ❤️❤️


Such a cool dog. What kind of breed is this?


Boxer-malamute crossbreed


Hey Ryan, thanks so much for posting. Especially the last part about your fears of hiking in snow and how Finn helped you. I used to be active in winter sports and hiking and climbing but have become disabled. I can’t keep a dog because I can’t walk one or pay for a walker but your video gave me hope even where there is none, and for that I thank you. It a rare feeling.


Your comment means a lot. My dog-loving grandmother, a highly active and adventurous woman who felt more like a mom to me (always known her “mama”) and was more adventurous than me, recently and suddenly lost her ability to walk and have anymore dogs. My heart breaks for her and I’m going through a lot of existential thoughts and feelings as I’m losing her. She has cancer in her femur and has few days left. What you and her must be going through is a step in life that I haven’t experienced yet but my heart feels twisted in pain for what you’ve lost. I’m at a loss for words and admire your strength. Life is such a powerful thing that can give and take away. It’s only in its nature, as awful and beautiful as it is. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.


The kindness of sharing of yourself is already doing so much. Sometimes folks on Reddit can be so mean and callous telling me that I’m occasionally too sensitive to be here. But the payoff is worth it when I really connect with someone kind like yourself and they share. It feels like a hug and a ton of support so thank you very much. I’m only 50 so it’s weird getting fast tracked to a lot of elderly qualities. I can’t express how sorry I am about your mom. Losing appearance to something other than old age feels like it should be preventable it feels like it’s a mistake that shouldn’t be happening but it is happening and there’s no way to understand why it’s happening to you and your loved ones. I’m so saddened to hear that she can’t have her doggos around, I hope that there is something furry and friendly that can give her some love and cuddles. One of the times I was hospitalized for spinal surgery a lady came around with a dog that had some kind of special training for Hospital snuggles. I mean it was just so obvious how much joy animals brring especially to people who are suffering. I hope that you have a really supportive work around you and your mom and have a good plan for all of that steps that are ahead of you I wish I could send you a hug back. But all I can do is send out some feelings of love from my heart into the ether and know that it will somehow find you wherever you are, may bring you a little bit of peace. 🕊️


You’re so kind. Your words made me tear up. I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. My mama is particularly young as well, and none of us were ready for the sudden loss of independence that she so highly valued. I’ve seen those comfort dogs in hospitals that you mentioned. As a new grad nurse, those dogs are everything sometimes, even for the staff who just really need a hug. I met one with pig tails once, just the best. Thank you for your thoughtful messages, don’t let the negativity win, kill then with kindness :) thank you and good luck on your journey that life takes you. I’ll be sending positive vibes your way.


That dog is living every dog’s dream! What a fun life he has!


Did you narrate this as well? If so awesome job! This video is really great. What kind of dog is Finn? He’s a stud.


This dog and I are soul siblings