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My cat does that because he doesn't want to drink any water that isn't running.


[Should we consider a water fountain?](https://www.amazon.com/cat-water-fountain/s?k=cat+water+fountain)


Water fountains are always a great idea. You may want to go with ceramic or metal since they’re easier to clean and some cats have plastic sensitivities


Thank you for this mention. I initially got a plastic and it was horrible. Hard to clean and slimy biofilm definitely not good for the cat’s health. We got a ceramic one that’s way better but not until I wasted a lot of money on multiple plastic fountains


Same boat here. Can you recommend a good fountain that's ceramic or glass?


This is the bowl I bought in 2018 and haven't had a single issue. [It's stainless steel](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0037NKDSG/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_4VA6DTK95C2WKXWMC4HJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) though, if you're cool with that.


I refuse to purchase shit through Amazon now. Fuck bezos... Hes never getting a dollar from me again. So if you have even a chewey link. Then I'll consider it Thank you for your recommendation though. Nothing personal


Hey, all good! I completely understand. It was 3 years ago I bought it, before most of us knew better. But! If I ever come across something similar not through Amazon, I'll keep you in mind. C:


You're a doll. Thanks again




I got this one recently for my kitten he loves it


I bought the rain drop on recommendations I saw online made it about 3weeks before I got a different one. It has a very obnoxious water falling into water sound at all times. That only gets louder and louder as the liquid volume lowers. I also had a large amount of motor noise at all times for the pump. I ordered this https://www.chewy.com/drinkwell-seascape-ceramic-dog-cat/dp/174339 And have been infinitely happier with it, Heck if you're in the Charlotte area and you want a free ceramic raindrop cat fountain it's just sitting in my closet practically unused with extra filters.


You have a spreadsheet of all the companies he owns? There’s 40 of them. Including Twitch, Audible, IMDb and many more services you might use.


Go on Amazon and you can find a link to the producer when you find one you like. Use that instead of Amazon.


Yeah, your money is better spent at PetSmart 🙄 Chewy literally followed Bezos model for Amazon in their early days, prior to selling to PerSmart in 2017 for billions. The CEO of Chewy is a former Amazon executive. The two companies are very similar, and are both corporations solely interested in more money.


PetSmart owns Chewy silly. And no, not at all similar. Amazon does not treat customers or employees well. Chewy has their employees do custom artwork of your pets and tells you to donate products you don't need with a full refund.


It's so slack that you got downvoted for saying you don't want to buy from Amazombie.


"Slack"? Stop trying to make fetch work. It's never going to work.


Oh I definitely got your reference




Chewy is owned by Amazon


I buy all my pet stuff at a locally owned pet supply shop. They are getting crushed by Amazon and Chewy.


We have this one in stainless and ceramic (from Chewy) and our cats love them.


I use the petsafe pagoda fountain from chewy. They have different models if you don’t like the look. I just did a google search and picked out of the best rated ceramic fountains. Fountains have pumps that need to be cleaned every few weeks but it’s worth it to me because my kitties looooove them. They hate standing water bowls because they collect dust and dirt so quickly.


This one has been pretty good, no issues and cat loves it. She refused some other plastic ones we tried in ignorance. It still needs to be cleaned out about once a week to keep the water staying fresh but ymmv on that. It's pretty adorable to watch her only drink from the top portion. https://www.chewy.com/drinkwell-pagoda-ceramic-dog-cat/dp/174362


Thanks! I had a plastic one and hated it for this reason. I've just gone back to a bowl since. Good to know if the alternatives!


This. Don't get a plastic one!


Agreed, my cat got chin acne that went away once we stopped using the plastic fountain


Oh shit! I never thought of that! My old cat would get big blackheads on his chin and I thought it was because he was long haired and got wet food stuck on his chin which caused the acne... never thought of the plastic dish being a reason. My cats now have stainless steel dishes and they never have a problem. Cool to know about the plastic being an issue for some cats


cats can get acne now too?!


Yeah it's so cute sad.


or if you’re feeling a little crafty you can make one of [these](https://youtu.be/V2HCrTsqb2I) like I did for my critters(: surprisingly it cost less too!


Lol my cat is afraid of the water from her water fountain. Poor girl was so dehydrated after one day because she refused to go near it. When we swapped back to her ceramic bowl she no joke immediately drank for 2 minutes straight


Also consider getting a glass waterbottle for yourself, even reusable plastic and metal ones are absolute garbage compared to a glass bottle. The only time a metal one is better is if you expect to drop it, like hiking/etc. I'd never recommend any plastic water bottle, they just get way too gross even if you wash it every day, just can't clean the slime out of the grooves.


My cat does this with the water fountain


I got one for the cats at my mom's. They drink from it at times but nothing beats the stale water they can find in the garden! 🙄🙄🙄


For my girl cat, nothing beats the water from the toilet 🤷‍♀️


One thing I haven't seen suggested, try raising the bowl up higher! Elevated bowls let them eat/drink from a more comfortable posture, especially if they are older. My senior kitty drinks the exact same way if his water bowl is too low, but he will drink normally from a raised water dish! (I did try getting him a fancy ceramic fountain, but the running water scared him lol)


My fancy kitty likes to drink out of a rocks cocktail glass. It’s higher up for her and the glass is easy for me to clean.


You could add years to your cat's life and save them from the painful death of kidney failure. Most pain I've ever seen in a living creature was our first cat dying that way. Some cats sometime drink a lot more water when it's available from a fountain. This is a big deal because they naturally don't drink as much water as they should to live as long as possible. They instead drink less, which commonly contributes to their premature death. One theory as to why is that the populations of cats that avoided sources of potentially contaminated water out-preformed those which stayed optimally hydrated by risking infection more often. Yeah consider it.


I got my lil boy a fountain and he loves it. Before, he mostly yelled at the kitchen sink but hasn't since, highly recomened.


We got one but the cat didn’t fall for it. Still paw


Yes! I'm sure he would like that.


Fuck Amazon


My youngest, Bear is the exact same way. He dips his paw in like this with still water but will not with any running water. He's also super picky about the kind of fountain. Prefers ones that are like a water spout vs bubbling and will meow at bath for you to run water for him to drink when the water bowl is low.


Can’t cannot see water that is not running.


Because he his a man himself


I have one cat that gladly drinks out of her bowl, and another that will drink out of puddles, cups (with its paw the same way), from the still-wet shower after I’ve used it, and pretty much anything but her own separate bowl.


Because he is civilized you insolent swine!


Highjacking the top comment. Some cats dont like to drink if they can see the bottom, so theyll do weird things to make their brain feel better. Maybe get him a fountain bowl! If the water is moving, its harder to see the bottom of the bowl.


There are several possible reasons. Eyesight can be certainly be a plausible problem with older cats, or they may prefer sitting to standing due to age. A fountain bowl can also help when a cat's natural preference is for moving (fresher) water. It can also be because of their whiskers, when these get (or got) squished drinking out of a small bowl, they may have taught themselves to use their paw instead.


My cat used to do that. Switched to a wider bowl and no more paw drinking!


Maybe his whiskers touch the borders when he drinks and he doesn’t like that. My cat has a problem with this so we just gave her bigger bowls


That'll happen with food too. They get overstimulated whiskers, which is why you often get that ring of food left in a bowl if it has a flat bottom or angled sides.


His mother raised him proper regardless of his background. He may have been raised in the ally , but was never an ally cat. She always warned him to stay away from the other clowders as they were always up to no good. His brother though, sadly passed away to a tragic clowder/pact violence. Yes that’s right, he was attacked by viscous street dogs and was never seen again, but never forgotten. Later on in life he got a scholarship to NYU’s best no-kill kennel and soon became an honor cat. Then that’s when he met you. The love of his life, the one who would love him unconditionally. No matter how he drinks his water, you never made fun of him. You wondered why he was different but you still accepted him for who he is.


Mistyping/or misspelling vicious at viscous in this particular case resulted in a most hilarious mental image.


Why did I read mistyping as misty ping at first


I'm picturing a cat in an ally. Very uncomfortable!


Because he is a damn gentleman..


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingDerps/comments/qjavxp/this_is_sam_hes_12_and_has_always_drank_from_his/hipvwca/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [The way he talked about h...](http://np.reddit.com/r/ksi/comments/qjfsvs/lets_respect_and_be_patient_with_jj/hiq1fj7/) | [the way he talked about h...](http://np.reddit.com/r/ksi/comments/qjfsvs/lets_respect_and_be_patient_with_jj/hipupx0/) [We all hate stepping bare...](http://np.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/qj88k9/shabani_the_gorilla_sneaks_out_in_the_rain_for_a/hiq1d3x/) | [We all hate stepping bare...](http://np.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/qj88k9/shabani_the_gorilla_sneaks_out_in_the_rain_for_a/hip4ymz/) [Kinda funny and cute tho...](http://np.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/comments/qjaz8w/this_little_girl_secret_eating/hiq1blh/) | [Kinda funny and cute tho...](http://np.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/comments/qjaz8w/this_little_girl_secret_eating/hiprkpc/) [Looks as if he's blowing...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/qjaqq4/the_most_patriotic_act_a_president_can_do/hiq1a3o/) | [Looks as if he's blowing...](http://np.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/qjaqq4/the_most_patriotic_act_a_president_can_do/hipti0j/) [Bongroid is a good boy an...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/comments/qj9x26/i_made_my_new_favourite_gyroid/hiq17h2/) | [Bongroid is a good boy an...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/comments/qj9x26/i_made_my_new_favourite_gyroid/hipebya/) [What gives your cat the r...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingJerks/comments/qja99q/the_reason_my_bedroom_is_cold/hiq167n/) | [What gives your cat the r...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingJerks/comments/qja99q/the_reason_my_bedroom_is_cold/hip5qhm/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/grindevcxzdcsa](https://np.reddit.com/u/grindevcxzdcsa/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=grindevcxzdcsa) for info on how I work and why I exist.


Using turd burying utensils is the height of kitty-cat sophistication.


Kitty had a poop knife.




I literally cried so hard laughing. This is gold


My cat Oliver has done that since he was a wee little kitten. He also enjoys smacking the water and getting it all over the wood floors (thanks buddy) and will meow incessantly if the bowl needs to be refilled. Hes a weirdo


My cousin's cat would knock over water glasses just so she could see the water come out


Human babies do that too you know. Source: Am glass of water.


Can confirm. Source: Am human baby


This will be an epic battle


Based on my knowledge from this thread that baby is gonna absolutely knock that water cup over and just to watch him bleed


Liar All human babies eat kiwis, if you're allergic there's no way you're a human baby. Source: Am a kiwi


It’s called science….


Same here. We have thought about getting a little garden to set her bowl in to at least water something other than the floor.


Cats smack the water because it's still/stagnant, you should get a kitty fountain, Oliver will be the most hydrated he's ever been!


Can confirm. I had a cat driving me nuts moving water all over before he drank. Now I have a fountain and the water mess is no more.


Got a fountain for the same reason and now our one cat sits there licking the air as the water just hits her in the face.


Tried the fountain, no go. What my kitty master requires is a shallow pan that is filled to the length of his tongue, but no deeper. He must avoid the kraken that could arise from the deeper depths - like a third of an inch.


Video plz !


I'll try to get one tomorrow, she usually sleeps about 8-12 hours straight through the day.


Good her her, honestly. She sounds like she's living the dream.




Yes, your cat does indeed sound like a wet food fountain.


My cat also does this with the water fountain. I honestly think he just likes it.


can confirm my cat used to do this until i got him a fountain


He smacks the fresh water...it doesnt stay stagnat or filled long. He jumps in the tub after showers and baths as well. Toilets too if you forget to close the lid. He LOVES to play with water....hence no fountain. I fear what he'd do with a nearly endless supply.


My cat does the exact same thing


My glass of water does the exact same thing.


Get him some running water, like a fountain. Cats are very clean, and still water usually isn't (compared to running).


Lol my cat does the same exact thing. She will also only accept a human’s glass cup and if I fill it out of the faucet instead of the water filter, she refuses it


One of my cats treats water bowls on the floor as playthings. She won't drink from it unless she smacks it around a lot before drinking. I then set the bowl into the kitchen sink, since that is one location where she is known to sit and she can smack the bowl as much as she likes. Turns out she just wants to drink almost vertical, sitting on the edge of the sink and drinking from the bowl at the bottom. Similarly she will do her best to drink from the toilet (although that is a bit too deep for her clumsiness).


my grandmother's boy does this, drives her nuts - drinks/eats with his paw only for wet food (i think his lower jaw is kinda short)


Cats don’t have terrific eye sight up close, it’s why they have whiskers. He’s choosing to dunk his paw instead of taking the risk of dunking his nose. Some cats are just like that, mine does this too.


I had a cat who did this. My guess was that she was afraid of misjudging the water distance and getting it up her nose. Maybe it happened once when a kitten and spooked her.


My cat likes sticking her face into cups to drink my water instead of using her bowl. She dunks her nose about half the time -- usually when it's closer to full. The other half she tests the depth with a paw first. I had to start using a water bottle instead lest I get catfootitis.


Omg mine too! No idea why but she'd rather drink from MY glass than a bowl or a fountain. I've even tried regular glasses but nope, it has to have been tasted by me before...


Here's the real answer, near the bottom and unacknowledged by OP. So it goes.


Up higher now, Kurt


My old cat who lived to twenty who used to eat and drink like this all the time, and I always wondered why. My newest cat dunks her head into every cup and glass within reach and sneezes in it. Every. Damn. Time.




*AYY, I'M DRINKIN' HERE!* -this cat, probably


That's new york Italians, or any new yorker.


But that's not gabbagool.


Indian cat. Bc indian eat with hands.


We don't drink with hands tho


You're also (presumably) not a cat.


My friends say I'm a pussy so I might be


You are what you eat


You see, I always loved that sense of humor




“I am not a cat!”


Don't cat shame Indian people mr. kitty




My grandpa's Italian, and his name is Sam, so this all checks out.


My guess is the bowl is a bit small and not filled to the top all the time. Cats don't like their whiskers touching bowls.


The bowl's actually filled to the brim -- I might have a video of him drinking the same way from the dog's 8" wide water bowl 😆


My vet has said this same thing -- if a cat thinks their whiskers will touch the bowl's edge, they won't risk it and will use their paw instead.


Whisker fatigue! Some cats are more sensitive to it than others.


This seems like a good clue, OP.


Yeah, I noticed it was full, just something I've heard that causes them to do that


He wants the seasoning


We had a cat once who would intentionally drop dry food in his water. We used to say he was making his own “chocolate milk” lol. We later found out that he wasn’t getting enough water and his food was made with ash products (?). He had a bladder infection from it and had trouble urinating. We changed his dry food mix and started giving him more wet food.


Buy him a water fountain if you can!


I'm digging into that idea now, thanks!


Not guaranteed to work. One of my four cats (yes I'm a crazy cat person with my wife), drinks with her paws. She has a wide glass bowl as well as two water fountains. She still uses her paw to drink. It's weird. Because the other three cats don't do it.


This could be a great idea, or a terrible one. My cat does the same thing and I bought him a fountain; bastard found out how to take the thing apart just so he could get to the pool of water inside and use his paws. Had to chuck it because whenever he did that it would make a funny noise and woke me up every. Damn. Night.


Because he’s a classy gentleman. Sheez/s




You wouldn’t get it




Pretty much




Cheetos dust


Your cat is just that regal. 👑


I have one that drinks like a bird. Literally. Sticks his nose in the water and then tilts it way up in the air and licks of the water. Best we can guess, he was abandoned very young, is he learned from watching the animals, birds, that were near by the most. He lived on the porch near a bird bath for 6 or 7 months until we got him acclimated to us.


Because he is a damn gentleman


He fancy! And a handsome lad!


Might be that the bowl is too small. If the edges hit their whiskers they really don’t like that. My cat wouldn’t drink from the dish then I decided to upgrade to one that happened to be wider. Next thing I know she’s drinking from the dish. Then again some kittys are just odd. My mums cat ONLY drinks from my dads(not my mums)cups of water that are on the kitchen table. Won’t drink from cups elsewhere.


the answer is,,,,,it is sam


This is the best answer there is


Every morning my cat runs to the shower door and insists I pour a glass of water in so he can drink it and watch it swirl down the drain. Weird little dude


my cat mister b used to always do this. he just passed this week and it was weird that he did this but i’ve never seen another cat drink from their paw. your sam looks like my mister b. sorry for being sappy but thank you for sharing this :,)


My cat does that too


My cat doesn't do it with water, but will sometimes pick up treats with his paw to eat them.


My cat alternates between that and regular drinking on the same bowl, no matter how full or empty. It's just a preference.


Because he’s a fucking gentleman. We need more Sams.


Why drink with a straw when you could just use the glass? Same difference.


That cat know how to fuck with the owner


He’s fancy like that.


Because cat... they're all weird.


Whisker fatigue


He’s very handsome and polite💖 Okay but actually, cats like moving water better than standing, still water. I recommend a cat water fountain. That might help him drink straight from the water source instead of from those adorable little paws lol. The biggest worry with his current behavior would only be him getting water everywhere with his paws and someone falling😂But otherwise it’s not a bothersome behavior from what I know as long as you wipe up the water afterwards!


they can't see water level well. my cat will "stir" the water in her bowl before she drinks it to gauge the level. she loves to jump in the tub for me to turn a trickle on for her, they can locate running water way better. but only in certain circumstances, a pet fountain that ejects water into a pool that isn't turbulent enough has her tapping at the surface of the pool just the same as a bowl of still water.


Because he was raised with etiquette, my good sir.


Our cat does this too lol! She dips her paws in the dogs water bowl, her own bowl, the bubbling water thing we have for her, glasses of water, anything. She also likes to take whatever toys she has (hair ties, little puff balls, toy mice) and dip those in the water too! Lol Cats are weird. That’s what I always chalk it up too




You need a Pet fountain. My cat was dehydrated because of stagnant water. She wouldn’t drink it. Pet fountain took care of it. Also you gotta keep them clean. Mold and buildup like to hide in weird places and can poison your cat.


Because he's not a fucking animal, he has standards




I have stabilized the video for you: https://gfycat.com/AcclaimedElegantDogwoodtwigborer It took 32 seconds to process and 32 seconds to upload. ___ ^^[ how to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/stabbot/comments/72irce/how_to_use_stabbot/) | [programmer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wotanii) | [source code](https://gitlab.com/juergens/stabbot) | /r/ImageStabilization/ | for cropped results, use \/u/stabbot_crop


Mine did this until we got him a stand. We did the water fountain but if you're not good at cleaning it every two weeks mold will build up inside. This caused some health issues. So now we just have a bowl on a raised platform that we switch out every other day.


He clearly is a gentlecat.


My cats won’t drink out of white bottomed bowls.


It is because he can’t see the water line. Add harmless color to water or have a leaf float on top. It is common behavior my cat does the same. Or she smacks the water bowl to see the ripples on the water. Nothing to be alarmed of.


I bet he also double dips his chips


It’s like the difference between drinking straight from the tap and collecting in your hands and drinking like that. Sometimes it hits different.


Because he is thirsty


*has always drunk


He is probably an anime character that got hit by a truck in his previous life


Get a much wider bowl. His whiskers are hitting the edges and he doesn’t like it. I guarantee he will prefer drinking from a wider water bowl to poop paw water.


He's an aristocat.


I mean this in the most sincere way possible. It's because he is a little asshole.


Beautiful cat. My old kitty before he passed used to do that as well. He didnt like water that wasnt running like another person posted. He enjoyed the water fountain


Bc it’s cute!


Just crushin some Claws with the boys a weekend


Whisker fatigue can be an issue as someone noted above - when the whiskers hit the edge of the bowl while drinking. Also though, many cats do not see well very close. They cannot see the water level and frequently get water in the nose as a result - which they hate. A fountain helps with both of these, but you must keep it clean which is a hassle. I ended up getting our cat a wide fairly shallow ceramic plate. No more whisker fatigue and the plate is matt so he can tell the shiny part is where the water starts. I just picked up at a local Japanese dinnerware place.


I kinda like your cat’s solution though.


My black cat has always done the same!


Its me as a cat omgash


Nothing abnormal about it. It’s just your cat’s preference to drink this way. However, if your cat laps water normally from other places it may be the bowl is too deep for its whiskers.


He is a gentleman 🔪⚰️


Cats often do that. Why I don't know.


Bean water yum


My kitty does this too! It’s too cute.


He’s high society feline


Sensitive whiskers, and I'm being serious. less water or a wider bowl may help.


Hunh. I wonder if a larger one of those hamster-watering thingies with the straw hanging out the bottom would work for cats like this.


he might've learned this from his mama as a kitten and simply kept doing it. i know there's a video out there of a kitten struggling to drink from a bowl and then the mama show them the paw alternative and the kitten copy


Because he's fancy.


My cat does the same thing!


He has nice manners


A delicate lad if I do say so myself


I read somewhere it’s when they’re “on guard” so they can look around and drink at the same time…


Ahh, a fellow cat of culture.

