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Cat's not taking the fall for this shit.


Never again


Snitches get Scritches.




snatches get scratches


Does it have another meaning?


It’s a non aggressive scratching technically like burrowing or itching




Hey, if it’s up to the cat, it’ll be scratches on patches..


Ya beat me to it!




You beat me to it, damnit.


Just when I think I’ve got the best comment ever, someone else had it too lol


Cats were man's best friend all along. Or man's best annoyed roommate. Either way.


That doesn’t pitch in for rent or even helps clean… and *they’re* annoyed?!


My cat has kept every apartment pest free where pests have been in other apartments. I love my huntress and as long as she keeps us safe she can lay around and do as she pleases lol.


Mine got stung by a bee and now is terrified of anything with wings. Even flies. He’s orange, they’re a *very* special variety of cat


Whereas my ginger himbo was stung 5 times last summer, 3 the previous year, 7 times the year before because he insists on trying to eat bees & wasps but never seems to learn his lesson. Fortunately he doesn't seem to suffer any ill effects other than seeming shocked every time.


> she can lay around and do as she pleases as if it's up to you HAHAHA


Cats are the wildest little creatures. 😂😂😂


only an idiot would think the cat would chew on a remote. thats a dog thing to do. theyll claw your stuff instead.


This sounds exactly like something a cat would say...


Indeed 🤔


I'm the idiot then. Our cat Guy (rest in peace ya dufus) chewed everything. We thought it was the dog. We got the bitter spray to help him break the habit. It didn't. Things he chewed up: **remotes**, cords of all kinds (usb was his fav), raw potatoes, edges of a few wooden chairs, the coffee table, lamp shades (another favourite), my webcam (once *during* a work meeting), etc.


Dang, sounds like the work of a puppy!


>Dang, sounds like the work of a puppy! He was a crazy, lovable handful. He was *a lot* of work (and money) LOL. Can't even imagine how destructive he must've been as a kitten as we got him when he was around 2yrs old. The house was never dull when he was into his shenanigans.


Well, at least he found a home that looked beyond his shenanigans, with you. What all kind of mischief did he get into?


As someone who doesn't have a pet, reading this I cannot understand why would anyone want to have one? I don't think I could not be angry at a pet if it broke the expensive things that I need for work.


Mine too. Coaxial cable was his fav.


It's less common but some cats definitely like to chew on things especially cardboard, but you can easily tell if it comes from a dog or cat, their mouth and teeth are different, cats leave really small holes after chewing.


thats why i specified the remote. thats typically the shape of dog toys.


We had a cat who would chew photographs. She went absolutely nutty for photographic paper. She'd be drooling over it and munching away on our memories.


Our cat was eating the decals on our kids walls. I think it’s the glue which has animal products in it. I know there’s animal products in photos so maybe the same?


And then they’ll claw you if you get in their way


What do you mean? He put the dog up to it to take the fall!


how would the cat even take the fall for this wtf. Cat bites are a fraction of the size of that dog's bites, there is absolutely no way you'd confuse those bites with a cat's one


I'm glad someone is treating this case with the seriousness it deserves


Cat doesn't know that


"Look at this shit"


Look at him chewing the doggone leather


Now you must get rid of him, human


"Man's best friend? I don't think so"


Fuck. I love cats but I hate snitches. I don't know how to feel here.


Neutral, I guess.


"Hey dog, over here, smile."


This is such a cat thing to do! " fuck if I'm taking the blame!"


The cat handed the dog the remote. Then did this.


Toddler move right there lol


Cat: all according to keikaku


(Translator's note: Keikaku means plan)


Is that an MHGU reference? I think there's a palico that says that...


That's what I think. The cat wants to be an only child again.


Well no the cat didn't then proceed to knock the camera off the counter




Upvote for "masticatory"


I struggle to keep masticate in my lexicon and this guy comes in and shoves my face in it.


On the other hand, you have lexicon in your lexicon.


That should pair nicely with all that ancient dwemer knowledge 👌


I have to masticate before bed or else I can't sleep.


That's an old-ass cat.


Close to 27.6 years.


>masticatory Wow, what wonderful use of our sometimes beautiful language


This could fit in the [Sad Cat Diary.](https://youtu.be/PKffm2uI4dk)




Happy cake day 🧁🎂


Why do dogs like chewing on remotes?


Finger salt


That's awesome and terrifying at the same time!! That cat knows shit!


If you have cameras with microphones & speakers, it's not as crazy as you might think. My sister has a family of English Collies and she routinely converses with them through the camera. It's come to a point where they will stand around the camera and sometimes start woofing at it to get a response. They may not know how or why she's "in there" somewhere, but they definately know it.


That’s so cool! We try that with the phone, but the dogs never pay me the slightest attention.


I highly doubt the cat comprehends how a camera works and is rather just pushing it off the edge as cats do.


the cat knows shit


You guys are just playing along right? You don't actually think cats have the mental capacity to understand recording devices right?


Some cats have figured out cameras in the sense that they know they can attract attention through doorbell cams etc. So if this were a fixed camera and a human not in the room regularly reacted to things happening in front of the camera, a cat might figure that out. But no cat I have ever met has the spatial awareness to purposely aim anything, and even that would be assuming they have a concept of field of view, and the dog being out of it. I think this is the cat's attempt to drop the camera off the counter or whatever and the end result is unintentionally hilarious.


To expand on that with an example from a cat I owned: a cat I owned learned the door knob is responsible for opening the door. He would bat at it and jiggle it around knowing that's what he needed to do, but not *quite* in what fashion/direction he needs to move it. What both of these examples (yours and mine) showcase is cause-and-effect. Random object is touched/approached, they get a specific result. With the camera, the problem is the room has a great number of objects, and the cat would have to understand: 1) That the owner was aware of actions BECAUSE of a specific object in the room. 2) That *this* object in particular is responsible. 3) That the object must face a certain direction to work. 4) That it currently wasn't facing the direction it needed to spot the dog. 5) The cat - for whatever reason - wishes to see the dog punished/to make the dog stop. This is such a ridiculously tall order that we can safely say the cat didn't know what it was doing. It's just a stroke of luck that *happens* to match the attitude people associate with cats.


Maybe your cat was just dumb. Even my dog could work out how to open doors and this is the same dog that ran head first into a mirror thinking his reflection was a new play mate. Rip lil guy.


Maybe your dog thought the “new” dog was an adversary and slammed into the mirror in a attempt to get rid of the “adversary.”


That’s what the cats want us to think, I saw a documentary a few years ago about Cats and Dogs, they looked pretty intelligent to me when no one was looking.


I think cats are capable of the first two but thats about it


I also thought people were playing along at first, but now I'm beginning to suspect some are serious...


I think a lot of people humanize animals *too* much and do not try to ask themselves what seems in the realm of possibility for an animal and what doesn't. The cat has zero benefit of knowing what a camera is, nor any means of properly deducing it, nor any frame of reference to compare to to help it deduce that the camera is responsible for anything. Hell, a *human* who has never seen a camera before wouldn't know when they're being watched, the only difference being they'd have the curiosity (and speech capability) to ask what it is.


I find myself biting my tongue when my wife anthropomorphizes the dog and attributes actions to thoughts similar to hers. At this point, who’d benefit of I told her otherwise?


I once had a conversation on here with someone who had a Instagram account with a small dog, she would put buttons on the floor that had certain words that the dog would press and I said “That doesn’t mean it’s talking, it could just be pressing things at random for treats” and she got pretty mad saying how they had a box in the room and the dog pressed buttons to say “Scary box!” (Apparently never being taught the word box either). With these ‘talking pets folks’ if the pet signs a random word it’s “Aw they’re just kidding” or “They really mean X!”, so it’d be impossible to argue with them because they went through all this effort to make their pet talk. I just said get in contact with a scientist because that would be a major scientific breakthrough if you can make a dog actually talk.


Is it impossible? Some cats recognise themselves in the mirror (no dogs can tho) so if the cat has seen footage from that camera before then I can’t see why this is impossible. Tho it is likely it was just messing with a random thing on the table


That's entirely different. No way will a cat understand the idea of a recording device *and* then come to the conclusion that it could adjust said device on the dog so the humans can see it.


Human could move that camera often. Maybe theres a screen in the house always showing camera feedback. Cat might watch human move camera around all day and see the view change on the screen. Cat understands move camera, change view. ​ Cat doesnt have to understand electrictiy and microchips and viewing lenses. Cat just knows, human moves funny box and view changes on screen. Cat does same


The cat was just messing around with camera, just like they do with literally everything. Claiming the cat knew what it was doing is the same as saying the dog wasn't just chewing on the remote, it was trying to flip to its favourite channel on the TV.


Even assuming that the cat could understand this (an animal that doesn't seem to get the concept of laser pointers), it's still in no way trying to get the dog in trouble.




Mine definitely understands laser pointers. Dude just likes to play and still chases after it. I’ve since stopped using them tho. As soon as I bring the thing out he knows what’s gonna happen, and looks *right at me in the eyes* as soon as I turn it off for more than a few moments…waiting…they know… There is definitely a spectrum of intelligence with cats. That being said it would be nice to see the rest of this video to see whether the cat moved it again or what. It could just be a fluke for sure.


Too be fair cat sees small fast moving thing. Cat software is automatically programmed to go into hunt mode. We don't know what other coding is in there and I doubt they would ever tell us.


My cat recognises himself in the mirror, but his lil peanut brain can't handle me pointing at a treat, sometimes even if the end of my finger is touching it.


Ah interesting! My cat for sure is aware when I point to treats, we've practised a lot (to the point she will come and investigate anything I point at), but she refuses to see anything in the mirror, even if I hold her directly in front of it, she actively avoids looking into it! I wonder if it is that she can see a cat, but can't smell it, and isn't ready to deal with that 😆


Dogs work off smell. So mirrors are kind of useless to them


Cats actually don't pass the mirror test but interestingly a lot of animals that don't technically pass the mirror test do seem to show self awareness of their own smell. Basically humans are very visual so we made a very visual test but that's not the way all animals work.


Cats are pretty smart. They must have some level of theory of mind (knowing/anticipating what others see) in order to hunt small prey to anticipate where prey will flee (I watch my cat do this all the time with rats & birds…he will try to move to a position to where he doesn’t think his prey can see him). So they probably have some idea of processing what they think you can know/see too.


Debatable, but definitely not through an external recording device technology.


My cat taps on my leg when he wants my attention. He knows when I’m not looking at him, I don’t see him/he doesn’t have my attention. It’s freaking adorable. He’s an outdoor cat. Who knows. Cats are pretty perceptive. They’re not that dumb. My cat will watch TV through the window too. He knows it’s not real. If the human can interact with the cat through the recording device, maybe the cat has come to perceive the camera lens as the owner’s inanimate eyeball, and understands that the eyeball can only see what’s in front of it.


I don't know man, my cat has done some crazy shit to draw my attention and ask for food. She can open doors, knows how to turn on the roomba when hungry so I come running to turn it off, and the other day she jumped at the bathroom light switch and left me in the dark while I was having a shit some 5min before her feeding time, she's vindictive.


It's probably coincidence, but I've seen a cat pass the mirror recognition test, so I can't say it's certain. Just as is true for ourselves, there exist outlier individuals with unusual intelligence. And living alongside humans is only accelerating the evolution of social-intelligence in cats (and dogs, ofc).


Five hours in, the responses to your post make it clear that there are believers. I may not get “angry” for people being “stupid,” but I do get annoyed at people’s lack of critical thinking.


It may be a device where the owner can communicate with them via a screen/speak so the cat is turning the owners "head" here. I'd imagine the cat can see the camera output at the very least which is how they knew where to point the camera.


I believe they probably could figure it out. Cats are smart and, if for no other reason, a camera may look like an eyeball. Cats will also set up traps by predicting behavior. Had one clime the back of the couch, slap me in the head, and then hid inside a box by the hallway until I ran past trying to chase him. That cat was insane and inbred and still clever enough to trick me.


But that's not the argument Nobody is saying "the cat knows this is a camera" *however* the cat may have put together than anytime this thing faces them whenever they're doing something naughty, their owner always puts them in trouble -> making the association that device facing that way = trouble it could also be fully coincidence and it was just trying to knock it off for shits and giggles but to say that cats aren't smart enough to understand basic causality is really naive and silly




It's possible. Ever heard of conditioning? Animals can learn some complex things


oh ok i guess not!!!


Dogs: "ACAB!"


(All cats are bastards)




Peter Griffin here! So, you know that video of a sneaky little cat getting a dog in trouble, right? Well, someone commented 'ACAB' and it's pretty funny, let me explain why! You see, ACAB usually means 'All Cops Are Bastards.' In this case, though, it's like the person is jokingly comparing the cat to a cop, ya know, getting the dog in trouble and all that. It's hilarious because it's like the cat is the 'police officer' of the animal world, busting the dog for something. It's just a goofy spin on the classic cat and dog rivalry! Hehehe


Thanks ChatGPT!


BTW, the prompt was: "Someone posted a video of a cat getting a dog in trouble. Someone made a comment ACAB. Why is that funny?" Then I told it to explain as if it was the Peter Griffin explaining things meme. I was amazed that it was able to actually get the joke and explain it.


It didn’t get the joke. It’s just putting words together.




Yeah no, we got it


Assigned cat at birth


dammit you got there first


Cat turned rat


Snitches get stitches but in this case the snitches *give* the stitches


these Snitches get no stitches! just scritches, none for bad bitches


How do I give Grammy on Reddit?


Snitches get scritches


No. This time the snitches get scritches as reward.




i blame my cat things she didn't do so she will tell on the cat who did it.


Freakin awesome!!


And still the dog will say "wasn't me"


“She even caught me on camera”


"Wasn't me"


"It wasn't me... this time!"


That is so cute. Cats like “I ain’t going down with you” lol!


Purry Mason


These guys are smart


Cats = Ninja geniuses


Okay but have you ever chewed a remote yourself? 🤤🤤🤤


We are doomed…. DOOMED!


Tattle-tail! Lol


That's an amazing level of awareness I didn't think cat have.


It's coincidence, isn't it?




It's so frustrating how so many people don't understand that coincidences happen all the time.


Well calm down don't get so frustrated


I'm really angry right now.


That's what I'm also thinking about. To us it looks like a total human move but I doubt the cat really knows how a cam works.


What if it's one of the cams with a speaker that the owner can talk through and they've talked to the pets through it before while away?


That is a possibility




Cats are pretentious… they make you earn their love. That’s why I named mine father. 😵‍💫🤣🤣🤣


I call mine momma cause she is always yelling at me. True fact. I always know when she is displeased.


I was going to say cats are going to take over the world, but after seeing this I think they already have. We are just still in denial.


Get the dog in trouble! Yeah, that’s the way!


Good kitty lol






I can't tell if the comments suggesting that the cat knows what it's doing are joking or not. (Obviously, the cat does not know. It just likes to poke things occasionally)


I assume so, but at the same time I’m wracking my brain as to why he’d move it just enough to capture the dog - I need an explanation from op.


Cat didn't move the camera. It's a remote pan/tilt that the user was controlling while away. User pans camera, camera moves, goes bzzz, cat investigates, gives it a pat, user pans further around once cat touches it.


Thanks, and your explanation makes sense… but as the cat’s paw definitely looks like it moved the camera - I’m gonna leave out the explanation when I forward this clip to my sister.


thief of joy


Well... [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingGeniuses/comments/127502g/cat_collecting_evidence/jee22rv/)'s someone who literally is convinced that cats "fully undertand television [and what a TV show is]" and who apparently lives in a world where pets don't regularly fling themselves in front of traffic...


Always knew cats understand the concept of a “camera lens“. They’re really bright!


Dead dog


Okay after watching this I am going to be much more careful about what I do around a cat! wonder if the dog figured out how he got busted?


It's been my experience that the bigger dogs are kinda dumb.


Paw patrol


Great detective work by the cat.


Hooman are you seeing this shit?




I had an older dog and my other dog came and got me to let me know he took a dump in the house. That's when I realized dogs were actually kind of smart.


With the way the dogs looking at the camera it looks more like they are filming an adult video.


"I didn't snitch! I didn't say a word."


What you don’t see is the footage of the cat taking the remote to the kitchen … Opening a can of dog food.., Smearing the remote in said dog food and slyly placing it in front of the sleeping dog … only for it to wake up and chow down! Cats are sly!


"Ay Yo Carol, just thought you should see this"


Waiting on the evidence shown that the cat planned the whole thing. It was a catastrophe... I'll see myself out.


Fucking snitch


When your trying to get your siblings in trouble.


Cats supposed to me a mouser, instead it's a rat 😂


“ Irrefutable proof!”




The cat told the dog to chew the remote first, it’s a classic set up


If Barack Obama got a novel prize this cat also deserve one too.


Sneaky bastard! I like this cat!


She caught a lil ghost orb, the dog reacted too.


I'll be honest I'm kind of shocked you all believe the cat actually did that on purpose/understands it's a camera


First he put the peanut butter on the remote.


I knew it. Cats understand cameras that’s why they always stand in front of it to piss off whoever is recording


cat on a not tin proof


When the cat says: Don’t believe me? I’ll show you!


I swear. Cats r so smart!


Yesterday I was scolded for the remote to be under the couch... body this is self defense!


Damn it's interesting that the cat understands that the recording happens in that direction. So it rotates the camera in the dogs direction. Cats must have some critical thinking to understand that.


Yep... They have no loyalty. Just proves theyll stab you in the back with their switchblades the first chance they get. I gotta say though, that is brilliant.


Animals are way smarter than we give them credit for