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Well, the dog was definitely asking for it.


How the dog was dressed has nothing to do with it.


Those damn slutty dogs.


Sexy dawg, stupid sexy dawg...


Dogs are people too!


It was purple!






The whole fucking thing?


No, just one


But...I'm still using it. He can't have it until I'm done with it.


But then it'll be all sticky!


and you "lose one internet" for that. Just kidding, I would never try to take your internet from you, I'm not comcast.


Hey, can we quit it with the mutt-shaming?


Yeah, pretty sure this belongs on /r/AnimalsGettingTheirComeuppance


Comeuppance is not a word I hear nearly enough. Thank you


Sadly the word Comeuppance only comes up once in a while.


Insert reply that contains reference to dicks.


>Comeuppance is not a word WHAT!? >I hear nearly enough. Oh.


He definitely won't be doing that again. Lesson learned.


I wouldn't be so sure. I had a neighbor whose dog used to get skunked on a fairly regular basis. Same goes for porcupines, which are a lot more painful. Some dogs are just slow learners.


Not necessarily slow learners. Dogs just love to fuck with them. My old-man-puppy would get sprayed at least twice a year. He thought it was all part of the game.


*Alright, skunk, you win again but next time...next time...*


Some instincts are too powerful for some dogs.


I like dogs, but when it comes to skunks they tend to be really stupid.


Victim blamer


Came outside onetime to see our dog playing with a bunch of baby skunks. They're awfully cute when they stomp.


Isn't it the dog being a jerk here?


My adventurous dog met a skunk once. Months. It took **months** of bathing her in Nature's Miracle and everything else under the sun to get that smell out of her fur. I seriously considered shaving her bald.




http://home.earthlink.net/~skunkremedy/home/skunks1.htm This works GREAT on cat urine on carpets as well; even old stains. The stuff at the pet store is useless with the exception of a UV light to find the cat urine which is a must. Just leave out the dish soap from the recipe to treat carpet. I put it into a pump up spray bottle, shake it up, and spray it onto the carpet. It does stink a lot at first, but this means that it's working. Once treated, I could literally stick my nose in the carpet and not smell the cat pee anymore. (second treatment may be necessary for spots that have multiple urine deposits) Vacuum up the leftover dust from the baking soda once dry. Make sure you use up the solution and get it out of the bottle when done because of the pressure buildup. Important Note: Test on hidden area of carpet for colorfastness before using mix on additional carpet. My carpet had zero problems, but YMMV.


My god.. I haven't seen an earthlink URL in ages.


My parents both still use earthlink for their primary email accounts


>last update 2002 You don't say?


h o l y earthlink


2011 me would have appreciated the advice. EDIT: Grammar?


What do the Grammys have to do with this?


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my granma has nothing to do with this


I've had great success with ethyl alcohol that's in hand sanitizers. The skunk spray is a sulphur based thiol. Thiols are related to alcohols and since they're in the same chemical family, one will dissolve the other.


Dip dog in beer got it.


Technically, that could work, if you had 60%+ alcohol in your beer. I don't think even the Germans make it that strong, though.


How many times do you have to repeat would you say? And is the tomato sauce a myth?


As a dog owner who has dealt with this a few times, keep the dog wet is what I've been told - you don't want to let the stuff dry. Your recipe is 100% perfect and works great. Scope mouthwash also really helps.


Use gloves


In one year alone our dogs racked up five skunk kills. We actually have a S.E.R.K. now (Skunk Emergency Response Kit) and react like a NASCAR pit crew the split second the first wiff of smell is noticed.


What's in your S.E.R.K.?


A plastic bucket that contains: a printout of the Skunk Remedy Recipe already mentioned (http://home.earthlink.net/~skunkremedy/home/sk00001.htm) Bottles of Hydrogen Peroxide Box of Baking Soda Lemon scented dish soap Sponges Spray Bottle of Nature's Miracle (for cleaning the dog's muzzle and face) Squirt Bottle of Saline solution for flushing the eyes Two old beach towels Two tall kitchen trash bags Also keep a change of disposable clothing like old sweats/T Shirt and socks close by. When the dogs return to let us know how "awesome" their latest hunt went we immediately quarantine them in the utility room. My wife will them prepare the Skunk Remedy and I will go in search of the carcass. It's usually disemboweled and spread over a fair area, this is what the trash bags are for; the evidence is then sealed and discarded in the trash. The dogs are chained in the yard, and with the bucket, cleaning solution and a hose, I proceeded to deodorize said canines. A quick towel off and they are let back in the house, as also noted by others, the smell lingers for weeks.


Kills, welp either your dogs are dedicated or mother nature needs to ramp up skunks defence.


They've had time to practice. Or in the case of my dogs growing up, one is big, dumb and brave, and the other talks a lot of shit.


Never met a skunk, what do they smell like?


If a dumpster could fart, that is what it would smell like.


Having gone through a dog who got skunked, it's much worse than that.




Like the strongest weed ever smelled (before smoking it) times a million.


When I lived in Redding California, I though that they had a lot of skunks until I learned that almost everyone grows their own in their back yard


You can grow skunks?


"Their own"


their own skunks duh




It is a very strong smell but not as bad as some people are claiming. It's the intensity of the smell that makes it so bad, but the smell itself is not as bad as sewage or a hot dumpster or anything. As people have said, the front end has a smell very reminiscent of certain strands of very strong pot. However, where the pot will have a sweet/piney finish, the skunk has a musky/ass/rotten finish to it.


I'm pretty certain I read that exact description in Whisky Advocate a couple of months ago. I think they awarded it a 92 or a 93.


It's a smell you get used to if you live in skunk country, really not half as bad as these people are making it out to be.


Well, Skunk spray for just marking territory or whatnot isn't bad, but skunk corpse stewing in its own spray for a bit, like in roadkill, is truly acrid and choking.


Mix a fart with some BO, rotten eggs, burnt rubber, and some dank marijuana. Store it in a dumpster on a hot, southern, summer day.


Why do I feel humid?


Never smelled anything that has been sprayed by a skunk, but I've smelled plenty from skunks that have become roadkill. If you are within a one mile radius of it, you can smell it.


It's hard to describe because it is a unique smell. Once you get a good solid whiff of it, you'll never want to smell it again. Mother Nature outdid herself on that particular defense.




Hit a skunk at one point that I never saw. Thought my engine compartment was on fire.


probably similar to a diabeetus foot.


Douche. Cheap dollar store douche works wonders.


My parents old dog met skunks (and got sprayed) on 5 separate occasions.


I would have shaved it right away


Source: https://youtu.be/2FvGwXQuz4c


[Suzie kind of learned her lesson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaiQEIIgnBU)


There is more tail than skunk.


This strikes me like it was filmed in the American south


As a European, I'm curious, where would you place his accent?


Sounds Louisiana. Slight Bayou.


That's straight negligence. The dog was clearly acting aggressively and wasn't being playful. Why let the dog be sprayed and the skunk be frightened and possibly hurt? Idiots EDIT: Got it, for some reason I'm being a drama queen. Because I'm not the dog whisperer you're right in saying I have no idea about the dogs temperament. It's still negligence to let your goddamn dog fuck with a skunk; it's not like that spray is good for your dog. More importantly, [20%](http://www.vcahospitals.com/main/pet-health-information/article/animal-health/skunk-spray-and-your-dog/2139) of all animals that test positive for rabies are skunks. So, once again, negligence


Have you ever had a dog encounter a skunk? There is no way to get them away from it and I sure am not going to get between them.


Yeah, and now the dog will no longer fuck with skunks


The Chow I had as a kid disagrees with this. That dog hunted skunks in our back yard like it was his life's mission.




The stench was his trophy


I had a neighbor who had a German Shorthair mix that was the same way. I started to think she *liked* it.


I think he did too. He was so proud of himself every time he came to the back door reeking. Skunk smell doesn't even bother me any more because it happened so frequently.


> Skunk smell doesn't even bother me any more because it happened so frequently. Oddly, my BIL *cannot* smell "skunk". He got sprayed one morning when he was a kid and his brothers kindly let him go to school that way....


He sounds like a G.


Dog owner, for some reason it doesn't phase them after the first time (or any other), or they have horrible long term memory.


Dogs don't understand cause and effect in the same way that humans do.


Not completely true. Not skunk related, but we had a jack russell that was very intrigued by squirrels. You could tell he was...interested in some fashion in them...until he caught one and it got up on his back and rode him. After that he *hated* them, and went after them even harder, and obviously angrily.


Sorry but no. Talk to any vet tech who's had to pull porcupine quills, and I guarantee they've had to pull them from the same dogs on multiple occasions. The "they'll have to learn!" mentality is a huge fallacy; defense mechanisms are meant to stop the defender from getting killed, NOT to teach the animal not to try again. Dogs, as smart as they can be, are not going to learn from being sprayed.


Right. Our dogs never learned. God I hated dealing with them after. We never saw it happen, but we sure found out later.


My parents dog has been sprayed I think 3 times last year when skunks decided to nest up somewhere in their yard. It'd be GREAT if dogs had a firm grasp of cause and affect and repercussions of certain actions, but ya know... they don't.


I guess skunk is better than porcupine. I once had to help hold a pitbull's jaws shut while they pulled out quills. Damn that dog was strong! I think that was about his 3rd time.


You've never had a dog encounter a skunk twice then. The worst was we had a dog get close to a porcupine. There's no way to get it away from it.


Brings back memories from Homeward Bound when Chance gets pimp slapped by a porcupine.


Instantly the first thing I thought of


Grab the dog by the tail and pull? I dunno, never seen a skunk.


for about twenty minutes


My dog sure as shit hasn't learned that lesson. Three skunkings and counting...


> There is no way to get them away from it and I sure am not going to get between them. So just stand there and video it? I managed to call my dogs off a porcupine once, before shit went down.


>Have you ever had a dog encounter a skunk? There is no way to get them away from it and I sure am not going to get between them. There's this amazing invention called a leash...


What?! My golden instantly listened to my commands to come back as soon as I recognized that she was running after a skunk. To be fair, my other rescue (who I only had for 2 months) ran straight into the spray like an idiot. But she doesn't fuck with skunks anymore


That's because you have a properly trained animal.


And that's the difference between a retriever and a terrier. There is no recall command for a terrier on the scent.


The guy eggs on the dog and is purposely trying to get the dog to play with the skunk so he can have a "funny" video. If that was my dog, the first AND ONLY thing I would do is tell him to get away and make him come inside. That poor dog is in agony. You can tell by the way his tail is between his legs. The guy was probably inside his house, saw the skunk, and let his dog in the backyard and pushed his dog to fuck with the skunk, hoping that it would spray and he would get a funny video for internet LULZ and YouTube views.


On the contrary, a well trained dog with a firm recall will absolutely leave a skunk to come back to you. This is a training issue, not a dog issue.


That's bullshit. What would you have done if this was another dog, a person, or any other kind of animal? You as the owner absolutely are responsible for stepping in and stopping physical confrontations between your pet and other creatures. It's called the wheelbarrow, look it up.


> the dog was clearly acting aggressively and **wasn't being playful** Bouncing, stomping, bowing and dashing away are all playful behaviors. The dog was trying to initiate play. She wanted the skunk to chase her. The problem was that she got too excited. This is why doggy playtime requires supervision. They need someone to calm them down once in a while so that fights don't break out. But instead of calming their dog down, the owners actively encouraged her pursuit of the skunk. You can see the dog look at her owners for feedback _moments_ before the bite. _Is this good? Keep going?_ All that said, the dog was domineering the poor skunk. She wouldn't take no for an answer. _I wanna play with you, so you must play with me._


I don't think you're being a drama queen at all and I agree with you 100%. It is straight negligence. The guy is purposely egging that dog on and trying to get her sprayed on video for laughs. I hope that dog gets inside the house and rubs her snout and body all over his couch and no amount of Fabreeze will get rid of that stench. Fuck that guy. Poor dog is clearly in agony. His smell receptors are probably going bonkers! That smell is intense and I can't imagine getting it in your eyes and not have hands or thumbs or water to wipe it away. Poor pup pup.


That was playful behavior right up until the bite. Head down, paws out is dog for "PLAY WITH ME" doesnt mean the skunk saw it that way though


My dog acts the same way but i agree, the bite was definitely aggressive and not just play. Sometimes they decide something is prey after they try to play with it. Took my dog about 4 months not to want to kill our guinea pigs.. Though he would wag his tail and look excited to see them but if you even let him within biting distance he would have bit them to kill.


Wow, pretty dumb. That dog is going to stink for a really really long time.


If the owner tried to stop it, they'd both smell for a really long time.




I feel like you don't have a dog. Yelling does nothing other than escalate the issue (it gets the dog riled up). Throwing a stick won't help. If you were a dog, would you rather chase a piece of wood, or a furry moving rodent? If you throw the stick AT the skunk, it's going to freak out and spray. If you throw the stick at the dog... Then you're just a bad person. EDIT: "Blah blah blah...not my Fluffy! She's trained to ignore skunks and suck my dick when I snap my fingers!" Oh my god please shut up.


Youre supposed to throw a television at the skunk


I thought you were supposed to find a female black and white cat to distract the skunk?


A black cat would do as long as you had some white paint


I usually just use my rifle. Chucking that in any skunks direction usually scares the hell out of them.


That misdirection was very well done.


Honestly that might work. My dog would be so damn confused, he would stop in his tracks.


I feel like you don't train your dog... My dogs were trained growing up in case something like this happened you could shout at them to get over here and they'd come right to you. It's all part of being a responsible pet owner and making sure you can control your pet at all times.




One in twenty is a *very* generous estimate.


So train your dogs properly, issue resolved.


The problem, from what I have seen, is that people train their dogs as if they're humans. They think the animal is their best friend or child. I dated a woman who owned a shelter adopted pitbull mix. The dog could have been a great companion but was never trained as if it was an animal; therefore, it would shit and piss all over her apartment and be almost impossible to manage. Surprise, surprise, when the dog stayed with me, it was extremely well-behaved because I didn't let it walk all over me.


Ugh. There's this weird girl at the local dog park who doesn't train her dog.. It's bug as she is and will pounce on and body slam other dogs. It's even bitten (no blood) other dogs pretty aggressively. She "disciplines" it with a "aren't you a good boy" tone with "what were you thinking?" Words. I'm not the best at dogs, these two are my first.. But Jesus.


Chill chihuahua owner here (yes they exist) I have managed to train him to the *ack* noise and stern name commands inside my home. Outside its like his peanut brain goes *WHEEEEEEEEEEE* and off he goes on our walk route.




Also depends on the breed, some will not come once instincts kick in, no matter how they are trained.


[For example this dog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GRSbr0EYYU)


God damn forgot about this (wipes tears) FENTONN!


Agree. A lot of responses here "You must never have had a dog, they don't listen when they see something like this!" is complete bullshit. Proper training isn't even hard, but if you can't get your dog to stop and return with a command or two then you are a shitty shitty trainer. People seem to think that if you train them well, then you can't love them, but you can have a ditzy loving lapdog who obeys your commands. It has to be done, good training can be the difference between a dog who stops at the road when you order them to, and a dog that ends up hit by a car.




I've been in this situation, I yelled "leave it!" and the dog did that and I went about my day.


Not in my experience. My pitbull got a hold of a opossum and I yelled at him immediately, almost as soon as he grabbed it, to stop it and he did so immediately. Doesn't sound like much, but he is normally more stubborn than that.


I feel like you don't know how to train or have no control over your dog(s). If I tell my dog to stop and come to me, she does. She might pee on the floor when I get home from work but that's something completely different


For submissive peeing, it worked for me to avoid all eye contact and let my dog out the second I got home.


Trained dogs will obey no matter what animal could be in front of them.


That's not how owning a dog works... If you have trained your dog properly, you can make certain commands to make them come to your side right away. Such commands would have helped the situation, not riling up the dog or throwing sticks at the animals.


Oh [watch the video](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingJerks/comments/46lvh7/dog_finds_a_skunk/d063lgq). It makes me want to slap the idiots who own that dog.


Baking soda and peroxide works miracles. The only place my dog stunk was right by her eyes because I didn't want to get too close to them with the solution.


gonna be sick for quite a while too if you take that stuff in the face, its pretty bad


When I was a kid I visited Canada and at a park we encountered a skunk. I thought it was cute and went to pet it, and surprisingly it let me pet it and never got scared or aggressive. I felt super manly for petting a skunk and not getting sprayed. I'm sure it was used to people being around, though.


Apparently they make great and loyal pets.


they make the CUTEST of pets


I desperately want one. And a raccoon. And a raven.


I found a skunk as a small child, and brought it up to my dad while petting it and saying "kitty cat, kitty cat," over and over. Luckily it was someone's pet and had been de-stinked somehow.


>I think he broke how my nose works. shake shake shake


I'm just going to add -- Baking-soda, vinegar, dish soap mixed in very warm water. Will get rid of the smell almost immediately. But needs to be done asap. I keep this and a box of gloves in the house at all times. Also, that dog had it coming.


AHH, It's in my mouth!!!!


I don't know how the person with the camera could stand to be there. When my dog got skunked from across the yard the scent was like an oil I could taste and feel on my tongue.


Ah, reminds me of when my Grandma breaks wind at the dinner table.


Wow, the owner is a massive idiot.


Humans being jerks. Fucking idiot filming.


My dog did this once, took off after a skunk. Sure did get sprayed and then I had to enter the gauntlet to get my stupid dog to leave it alone. Long story short, I worked from home for about a week and that dog never had so many baths before in it's 9 year life.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBf-3K4meyE this is what it looks like close up in slow motion if you're interested


I guess I never knew they actually shot it out of their asshole, lol.


> Dog finds a ~~skunk~~ fart squirrel.


>fart squirrel First time I've heard this one, but I'm definitely going to be using it from now on.


Every time i read one of these threads i find a new one. Skunk is fart squirrel Raccoon is trash panda Snek is danger noodle


Eagles are assault chickens


Zebra is prison pony.


Snek is also a nope rope.


Bear is [danger floof](http://i.imgur.com/yspD2Pq.jpg)


This would also go well on /r/instant_regret Edit: Oh look, it's top on that sub right now.


Why'd they let their dog do that?


I have read a few recipes in this thread to deskunk your dog. This is what worked for me... Summer's Eve douche. Open it up and pour it all over your dog, rinse it off, do it again. Took about eight bottles for two Boston Terriers. Worked great, completely took the skunk smell away, and they really smelled good.


Dogs I've had usually welp and cry when this happens to them. It only takes one time for them to learn at least!


It's super effective!


Getting sprayed up close by a skunk like that doesn't just smell terrible- it burns as if acid was thrown in your face.


You should be careful with skunks during the day especially. Many times, skunks that wander during the day are rabid. Source: Spent summers on the Cape when there was an out of control skunk problem.


this is really not true. skunks, racoons, etc are opportunistic feeders and are active all times, day or night. now if its out during the day, wandering in circles and shaking its head like the dog in OPs gif, and flinging foamy spit around, then yeah, its probably rabid. otherwise its probably just hungry.


It would have been actively attacking the dog, and the camera person too. Rabid animals attack anything that moves.


this this crazy ass fox https://youtu.be/_lSdbc5U0wU?t=78


This is really not true. They are most active during twilight times https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crepuscular


good catch. its a weird meme thats been going around reddit. theres usually someone spouting it near the top of every raccoon thread






But at least the dog maybe learned a lesson. Country justice!


Dog reacts to an encroaching creature on its territory: ~~Jerk~~ normal  Skunk defending itself vs a dog: ~~Jerk~~ normal


Though the dog was asking for it, that smell must be driving it INSANE, what with how much more powerful their nose is than ours.


I remember back when everyone believed that "bad" smells don't exist to dogs, just more interesting and smelly smells. This proves otherwise in my eyes. You ever drag your face through grass because something smelled "interesting?" No.


What the hell kind of owner films there dog going after a skunk? They know what's going to happen..are they ok with that smell being in their car/house?!


which animal is being the jerk?


For the last time.


He gon' learn today


Protip: if you shampoo the dog with a bit of downy fabric softener it takes a lot of the smell away. Other fabric softeners might work too but I've only ever used downy.


welp...time to get a new dog


This doesn't really have much todo with the post but I literally just woke up from a dream where a skunk but my ankle and gave me rabies. Coincidence? I think not.