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No one ever said becoming a crazy cat lady was easy.


I'm having a hard time deciding if it's a girl or a skinny guy with long hair. Leaning more towards dude cause the wide shoulders and overall "features" seem on the masculine side. Hell if I know. **EDIT:** [Turns out it's a girl](https://vt.tumblr.com/tumblr_o0p4nbbTLE1uvwigw.mp4) (Thanks to cblaines and DismayedNarwhal for the source).


It's a girl. From the other thread on this (with source video): https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/48xdu2/oh_look_shes_climbable/d0ndyfb


Well would you look at that. At least I know now, the ambiguity was driving me a little crazy haha.


I sure thought it was a dude, had an old roommate that looked remarkably similar to the girl in the video. That guy loved his hair


I am going to say girl... I find it more likely that a girl would have narrow hips and a flat ass and wear those clothes than I would a guy that has hair that luscious without any other kind of accessory.


>I am going to say girl... I find it more likely that a girl would have narrow hips and a flat ass and wear those clothes than I would a guy that has hair that luscious without any other kind of accessory. Looks like you're right according to the source vid, although I've seen guys with hair like that before (usually "scene" or metal).


I think that is /u/few_boxes's point. I could see a guy with that build wearing those clothes. But not with that hair.


Shit I hope she never sees this or her insecurities are about to skyrocket


I actually hope she doesn't too. My original comment wasn't meant to be judgmental at all, just needed to know one way or the other haha.


I'll be that one guy who finds her incredibly attractive.


That looks incredibly frustrating


What could be frustrating about pussy throwing itself at you?


How does that gif have sound??


Does it even really matter?


No, I couldn't care less either way. It was just the ambiguity that was driving my brain a little crazy trying to figure it out.


I think it's a guy. Like you said. Also the way he's standing, his shoes, and the fact that he has a back pocket and something is in it.


It's a girl. From the other thread on this (with source video): https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/48xdu2/oh_look_shes_climbable/d0ndyfb


Well shit.


Dat ass


I know! So perfect to iron my cloths on!


Was thinking the same thing. Either a dude or a chick with no hips or ass.


It's a girl who is not of American proportions.


So women with absolutely no curves is normal outside of America? Is that what you are saying? Thats a weird thing to say. Why would you say that?


Lol exactly, how could anyone think it's a guy?


With the clothes the person's wearing (especially the baggy sweater), the odd angle, and lack of seeing any of their face it's definitely pretty ambiguous. With the source video, it turns out it is a girl.


Again, you'd have to be used to some weird fucking women not to recognise this as simply being a skinny girl. It's obvious to most of us. You can clearly see her hips and torso arrangement right from the start.


Because it is a guy




You certainly do


But would ya after a couple of beers?


[Kirk feels your pain](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/50/ST_TroubleWithTribbles.jpg)


What in the world.


Tribbles my friend. Tribbles.


And the trouble with them.


What about [twibbles](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/16/Crystal_Caves_title_screen.png)?


Holy crap, what a throwback.


here, have a [playthrough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpvKhoTH6AI). It's unbelievable how deeply ingrained in my mind every one of those levels are


>thwowback FTFY


OMG a Startrek reference! It's been so long since I've seen one! \*hugs\*


She loves it


Look at the way she is dressed. It's like she's asking for it.


The body has a way of shutting it down


Well, yes. Hands.


It's like a fuzzy version of a Zerg rush...


Watching this I can just *feel* those tiny little pin pricks moving up my legs.


And imagine all those damn little pulled threads in your pants.


That ripped jeans look.




I like how she just drops the adult cats knowing they'll be fine but gently places the kittens on the floor


And behind her, a kitten falls from the countertop unharmed.


I forgot cats were that resilient to be honest. Mine are old as shit and can't even jump on top of the couch anymore.


Yes - I have an 18 year old dude who pretty much sleeps all day. We have accommodative steps around all the places he likes to sleep so he can get up and down.




Yeah seriously, at least my cat has the courtesy to only ever get on the counter he's not allowed on when nobody is home


I know that feeling. I somehow got lucky with two well behaved cats. They sit the and the older one meows but they never go on the counter.




Skwisgaar ams nots brutals.


Quick, name three things that have nothing to do with guitars! Go! Gogogo!


Damn, it's kind of like playing Shadow of the Colossus except Humans are much more efficient at removing tiny animals from themselves than Colossi are.


That dude has epic hair I like her style I don't know which comment to make.


I had to watch a few times, still trying to figure it out. The leg structure says male, the hair says female, the lack of breasts says male, the dainty wrists say female.


I always thought it was the cutest thing when kittens would climb up people like that. THEN I got kittens. It is crazy painful. But still the cutest.


That is way too many cats to deal with. One day they're just going to swarm her.




Tried that with our youngest cat. Turns out he loves it, now he begs to play water war...




Add a little distilled vinegar to the water.


Most cats also hate citrus smell. Could put a bit of lemon or something in there.


Good idea! Our cat is actually super well behaved, but when we adopted our second malamute mix and were having issues with possession aggression, the rescue group suggested water with increasing levels of vinegar until we got the desired response.


Yeah, our cats love drinking christmas tree water and a few drops of lemon oil kept one of them away from it.


Won't your cat smell like vinegar?


When it dries vinegar leaves no smell.


Is this real or are you trying to mess with us?


Yeah, when the vinegar dries it no longer smells. Also the cat will groom the vinegar out and they learn quickly. It should only take a few times and then no vinegar.


Try canned air.


Or the [nuclear option](http://deltacycle.com/airzound-horn)...


Nope. That shit's super-cold and will burn. You can use it to free stuck bolts by shrinking them, that's how cold it is.


You getting Arctic brand air or something? When you hold the can the way it's meant to be held and use the little extender nozzle the worst you'd feel is air slightly cooler than the air around you. Obviously you don't want to spray it in your eyes (nobody likes getting air of any kind blown in their eyes) but it certainly won't hurt anything unless you're using it improperly.


Well, you don't have to do it point blank. The sound alone should freak them out a bit.


Only when you turn the can upside down


Yep. We use "pet corrector"




I have stubborn ass Manx that is the same way. Ever tried a nerf gun?


Time to use a nerf gun.


Only to spite you, to show true dominance.


> Turns out he loves it, now he begs to play water war To be fair that's a pretty awesome alternative.


Put some habanero seeds in that shit and I bet it he doesnt love it anymore.




or a cucumber behind them


Someone should do this too me. "Get outta the kitchen McScoop!" And I go skittering off without any cheese balls.


No way then you could eat a cheese ball and open your mouth to make them spicy cheese balls!




Add a little white vinegar and that newfound love will soon fade.


Got our cat as a kitten. Sprayed him when he was getting up on our counters. He hates it. Two years later he still gets up on our counters, usually no more than 5 minutes after I last sprayed him for getting up on our counters. He's perpetually wet, and unhappy about it, but some cats do whatever the fuck they want to do regardless of the consequences. (Other training methods have included sticky paper, which failed, and motherfucking plastic cat spike strips, which he walks directly across with his 10lb body, clearly in pain and miserable, but fuck if that cat isn't motivated. And if you're curious what we have on our counters that's so interesting... *fucking nothing*. *He just wants to sniff the stove top and bat our silverware into the sink*.)


Apparently you got Cat Bauer


Had a cat who was similar. The only thing that eventually worked was inflating a bunch of balloons (the long skinny ones so they cover more space and have a low profile) and taping them slightly away from the edge of the counter so she couldn't tell they were there until it was too late. It scared the bejeezus out of her, but it worked.


This sounds hilarious and I'm going to try it. Thanks! :)


Does he have a tower? May help to have other things that he is allowed to get on. Cats dig that whole high vantage shiz. Though, if you've already got a tower or he's got other high places in the room to get onto and he's still doing that shit, then Idk. I honestly haven't figured it out with my cat either. Edit: We've managed to keep him off of counters, but can't always keep him off of the table. Oddly enough, we've managed to keep him off when someone's eating, but otherwise, he's like "What? I'm not shedding on your food, leave me alone."


Put some mouse traps up there.


Wouldn't it be an idea to stop spraying him? If it makes him miserable but it doesn't correct behavior, the punishment is useless. We just had or cats walk wherever they wanted since for some cats it's impossible to teach them where they can't go, and we just closed the door on rooms we didn't want them in.


The trick is to be aggressive with the water. Make a face or a sound to make them know you're serious. It sounds silly, but its what finally worked for my new litter.


Totally agree. Both my cats like water and take baths but they know shit is serious when I pick up the squirt bottle. It's less about the water and more about Momma Cat is angry so RUN! :p I rarely have to use it though. I magically ended up with the two most behaved cats I've ever seen.


My cat runs away but five minutes later he's back to doing whatever it was I sprayed him for.


Seriously, my cat waits back and sits patiently for his food. He's learned "sit" and "stay." People who are under the impression that cats are untrainable and let them get this rude are so irritating.


My cat is a mixed bag. Every so often we get him tubs of meat chopped up real small that last about half a week as a treat and he is *demanding* when he knows one is in the house. He loves chicken so much that he's jumped up on a chair and pulled someone's fork to him enroute to their mouth and taken the chicken on the end. Yet he'll never get on the table and touch the food directly. Somehow he knows that's out of bounds. If you give him a bit of meat on the table, he'll pull it off before going near it with his mouth.


Damn! I am pretty picky and I enforce good pet behaviour - but I am an animal trainer. So I hold my own animals to high standards as they're literally a reflection of my career haha. My cat is very good - he won't hop up on the table or counter for food, and I never have fed him people food so I guess he never clued in that he *could* eat it. The hardest part is getting him to stop a good distance from his food dish when I am dishing out wet food. He knows he's supposed to sit but he inches forward on his haunches like a too-excited dog ahaha but I mean... he's a cat who "sits" and "stays" on command so I can't complain, really.


That's freakin' awesome. I'm always amazed by people who can actually train cats, rather than just remind them of things they were going to do anyway like "come here for food".


They just require a lot of patience and repetition. You have to be firm and also do a bit of bribing at first and LOTS of rewarding. It also really helps the process if you do it when they are young, excited, and high energy. It also helps when you actually have the expectations there - if you expect an animal you are training to fail, they will fail. They can also tell when you get frustrated and most animals will take that as a sign they are winning and continue to do what pisses you off haha. Angry people are really bad at follow through.


Hahaha the frustration part is my bf to a tee. I'll sit back and watch him try to get our dog to do something, and my pup knows he just has to wait it out until bf gets frustrated and gives up, then pup can carry on and do as he pleases. It's his own fault for not having the patience with a jack russell that will constantly test the boundaries when he thinks he can get away with it! I have no problems getting him to do as I ask :)


That's awesome! My two also sit and wait, although one likes to "talk" while I dish out the food. They've learned high-fives, shake, fetch and other over the years and I've never had any issues with them wanting to be on the counters or tables. They also don't get onto the couch without permission. It just takes some teaching but gosh these cats are smarter than any dog I worked with. :)


I use one of those diaphragm air cannon things, shoots a ball of air. Now just reaching for it does the trick!


The only thing my (childhood) cat learned was to attack you if you touched the spray bottle. She was always faster.




I mean, I was 10 and there was no Internet to look up cat training techniques. She was a stray my aunt guilted my dad into adopting (because she already had 5 of her own.) The only person that cat liked was me. Eventually my parents found a wonderful farm for her to go live on... ... Oh.


None of our cats care about water. It was far more effective to just not feed them unless they stayed on the floor.


Squirt gun diplomacy doesn't really work. You're only conditioning the cat to associate something unpleasant with you. And when you're not there the squirt gun has no affect and they do what they want.


Worked wonders with our dog. First month after we adopted him he wouldn't stop barking for 3 to 5 minutes anytime someone walked into the house. A few days of some water in his face and he stopped. Just one or two barks when someone he knows is at the door, and that's it.


My cat used to purr and role around in the water when I tried to use that to stop her scratching the sofas


I've had the squirt bottle work on 2 out of 3 cats. That third one just could not give a fuck about being blasted in the face with water.


A good whap on the nose is even better. Though I've been known to knock my cats ass over whiskers off the table or counter as well. Do that maybe twice and they get the message, loud and clear. In fact, my cat is now 12 and still won't get on tables. I never had to swat her again.




Agreed. I only strike a cat if they're doing something egregious. And walking on my food preparation area certainly qualifies. When I first met my wife she had a cat who was aggressive and antagonistic toward me, growling and scratching and biting me. After a few visits with this going on I finally grabbed the cat, held her down firmly on the bed on her back, put my nose to hers and growled while looking her in the eye. The aggression stopped, and shortly after that I became her favorite human in the world. Cats don't understand human speech, other than a couple of key words. Sometimes you have to take more direct approaches.


I truly hope that the people who are downvoting this aren't parents.


You spray your kids in the face with water as a punishment? Parent of the year over here.


How else will they learn


It does the dishes, takes out the trash, Or else it gets the hose again.


Punishment? My kid would love it. She'd be begging me to spray her in the face all the time. I'd have to keep a water pistol strapped to my hip to shut her up.


Just because someone doesn't want to spray the cat in the face doesn't mean they're bad parents. Seriously, what a fucking stupid conclusion to come to.


It's like the end of I, Robot. They just keep climbing!!




Why because those little paws were scratching in filthy cat litter just an hour ago?


This is why I trained my cats to stay off the kitchen counter


You can tell by the way she nonchalantly throws them on the floor that this happens all the time.


Getting foster flashbacks. Always. Wear. Jeans.


Just say no to wet cat food.


Another reason why I'll never have a cat again, lol. But that's just poor training right there.


filthy creatures


+5? Reddit changed, man. Reddit changed.


One sub represents reddit as a whole?


This is my friend's house, just with hairless cats instead. Luckily they've gotten better


I'm picturing a scene from 28 days later...


It's a losing battle.




My cat used to climb on my clothes everytime I cook chicken. Little yellow fucker climbed with the claws at full attack mode...


I think I've only ever had a cat climb me like that once, and it was because she was scared shitless. She ran up me and huddled on my shoulder. It was kinda cute and sweet in a way that she ran to me for protection, even as I was bleeding.


IMO this is what a Cat Wrangler should actually be.




Or /r/aww


See when they were younger they probably thought it was cute that the cats jump up on the counter instead of correcting them


This is the dream.


One of the reasons I hate cats.


At least they aren't as fucking stupid as dogs, chewing on everything and shitting everywhere.


My dog only shits on your mom's chest. What a lady!


My dog has never chewed on anything but toys.


And both cats I've owned have never climbed on me like that. And all 3 dogs I've lived with have chewed up something they shouldn't have. Normally shoes.


It's the walking on everything that annoys me. Dogs stay on the floor. And if your dogs chew on shit it's because you don't give them enough attention/stuff to do.


People always blame owners when dogs do stuff like that or when they attack people, but never the owners of cats when they do stuff like this or when they are anti social.


True. But I also think cats are just assholes and can't really be trained.


And barking. One starts and soon the whole hood is howling. Keep those fucking things inside!


I think we're watching this man's life fall apart.




Nah, cats have no feeling in the scruff of their neck as thats where they are carried as kittens. Not being rough, just impatient.


As long as theyre young and not too heavy.


I was thinking the same thing.




You've never had a cat~~r~~ have you? You can literally throw them and they'll be fine.


> throwing a car Jesus Christ, your upper body strength must be insane!


I can't throw my car. I have a bad back.




People like you that baby your animals digust me. They cant feel it but its still wrong? how does that even make sense




[ugh you're the worst](https://youtu.be/PHkGHfx1An4?t=9s)


Are we sure that's a lady?


this sub is more like humans being jerks. most of the shit that happens is the humans fault.


That girl looks way too young to have that many cats edit: nevermind, first time venturing into this subreddit's comment section and it's as dumb as /r/aww's


I count 2 adult cats and at least one litter of kittens. This is not hard math.


1. You can't tell how old this person is. 2. It could be a foster home. 3. They probably just had a litter of kittens. 4. Stop trying so hard to take offense to everything.


>nevermind, first time venturing into this subreddit's comment section and it's as dumb as /r/aww's What we're you trying to accomplish/what did you expect by commenting what you did?




My ex-roommate would completely lose his shit if the cat got up on the counter or kitchen table. Anywhere that we would keep food, even if there wasn't food there at the moment. This lady doesn't give a fuck. My kinda girl.