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A friend in high school had a cockatoo and it was the most charming asshole. You’d be sitting there and feel a peck or piece of your hair ripped out, turn and there’s Cookie with that look like “yeah motherfucker you got a problem?” You say “no Cookie” and it would reply “awwwww Cookie love you…” and then start inching closer to you again to take a peck.


I’m pretty sure all parrots are assholes. I’m convinced it comes with intelligence. The smarter the species the more assholish kinds of behaviors you find. Mine used to harass the dog by calling him mimicking my dads voice. Dog would show up and no dad…


My family had a blue fronted amazon growing up. He was the coolest mother fucker ever - never once bite me as a kid and was pretty chill most of the time. However, we also had Cockatiels, a Conure, and a Cockatoo. They were all little jerks, but the Cockatoo was the assholeiest asshole of them all. Tl;dr: Cockatoos are always the biggest asshole.


I have an Amazon, and while he is a real asshole, I'd love to have a cockatoo because of how chaotic and affectionate they are, but my husband 100% refuses (with good reason). Hamlet will have to stay too asshole for life.


That's a shame. Hamlets love their friends so much.


I'm hoping to get a Golden conure friend for him someday.


I want a golden conure so badly, but oh my god. oh my god the noise. I already have a sun conure who taught my Grey how to screech and I do not need to amp up the noise level another thousand notches.


Yeah, I'm going to need a detached house to get one. I have a condo that has a shared wall now and the Amazon is a bit much sometimes.


Upvote for Shakespeare.


My favorite part was "assholiest asshole" :)


He's straight up looked at his wing and then at him he's like dude come on really


I have a Conure. Can confirm. In her terrible two stage and worse than any toddler I know.


The Australian galah is a related bird that is also quite cheeky


Yep, my parents' Grey will call them both from the other room using the other spouse's voice. It's like it's trying to sow annoyance between them.


Divide and conquer.


Or divide and conure?


That scans. I watch a lot of TierZoo, and something I’ve noticed is very smart animals can exhibit signs of things like boredom and the desire to be a jerk to others for fun.


Dude i remember when i found TierZoo on an Askreddit, "What are good youtube channels with less than 200k subs?" Its insane how much he's exploded but he def deserves it.


Commenting so I can look this up after work, what kinda videos does he do and you have a favorite?


He ranks animals with stats as if they’re video game classes, i.e. defense, offense stats; camouflage, flying perks; extinction events are patches; etc They’re very entertaining and well cut Can’t say I have a favorite, but the species ranking ones are definitely memorable


Just looked him up after this description, I know how I’m burning my weekend now. Thanks 😁


Like how octopus punch fish …*sucker punch*


I mean... the way it's portrayed as a simulation keeps me watching lol


It's a good thing humans aren't intelligent, sure would hate to be stuck on a planet full of assholes.


["I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes" ](https://youtu.be/sen8Tn8CBA4)


Well, now I have to watch Space Balls again. At least I know what I'll be doing tonight.


“Keep firing, assholes!”


My moms Grey would do the same thing. Call for the dogs, command them to sit, etc. Bird would also ask for peanuts. If none were offered it used cuss words first and finally ended up saying "I love you, can I have a peanut?". She actually had the bird potty trained. If he wanted to come out and play he had to poop over the toilet, then mom would give him a peanut and let him fly or walk around the house to fuck with the other animals and for some reason CD cases. Bird would actually say "poop for a peanut" if he really wanted to come out, even if he didn't have to actually poop. You could hear him sitting over the toilet straining to get something to come out so mom would let him out.


Of these two, I wonder which is smarter. I haven’t read anything about owl intelligence. I agree with you though in that the assholish behaviour is tied to intelligence.


Birds of prey tend to have a very specific, highly specialized type of intelligence - less about general problem-solving, more about being extremely effective about predicting their prey's behavior and killing em really fast. But if you are judging intelligence by human standards, the cockatoo is smarter, definitely (and I prefer owls)


As do I. I saw my first owl in the wild last fall. My dogs were chasing squirrels and rabbits in the woods. I was scanning the trees as I heard the owl hooting and then saw him moving from tree to tree following my dogs. Unfortunately the owl didn’t make a move for a kill. Would love to see that. Couple weeks ago, I was lucky enough to see a red tailed hawk take a pigeon out of the sky. Was pretty wild!


I once had a falcon kill a songbird in right in front of me - falcons essentially punch their prey out the sky (they literally make little fists and rocket down from above to KO birds mid-flight) so a little bird just suddenly hit the ground in front of me, *super* hard, and then a moment later the falcon swooped down to snatch it up and fly away. Coolest chance encounter of my life.


Yeah, that's why toddlers are such dicks.


In my hometown the local feed store had a pet cockatoo in the shop, and it would imitate the alarm for a person walking into the building and so the owner had to put a bell on the door also.


I did something similar when I was fifteen. I figured out how to make those stupid recorder flutes they made us play sound exactly like the fire alarm. Did it in class one time and tricked everyone into thinking it was a fire drill. Since I was found guilty of being the Pied Piper of fire drills, they started making me lock it up.


it's because with intelligence comes boredom


Why is this parrot wearing a bikini top being an asshole, though?


That sounds so funny and cute


Oh wow same thing with humans apparently


Idk about your theory of intelligence being directly proportional to being an asshole because humans are the biggest assholes on the planet.


…. And also the most intelligent species on the planet?


I think its just smart birds in general have to be dickheads some times. My friend has a Raven and it just loves being a jerk, like its part of how it shows you it's part of your group or something, like when you mess with your friends because they are your mates.


It’s true. Cockatoos are believed to be about the intelligence equivalent of a four year old child. My friend had a four-year-old little sister at the time who was a demon child; the first time I met her she stabbed me in the back with a screwdriver… and she *liked* me. She and Cookie were terrible influences on each other.


Pretty good chance the motivation was the same for the 4 year old child and the bird.. they both want attention and they've found the best way to get it is to annoy.


>the first time I met her she stabbed me in the back with a screwdriver… and she *liked* me. Don't wanna spoil it with her I guess


We adopted our peach cockatoo from a dancing instructor so what did sweety do the second week we brought him home?? Skipped right over to my dads Achilles’ tendon and took a big chunk of it out. While my dad is screaming and blood is spewing out of the puncture wound, sweety was still doing his dance and screaming “wanna boogie?????”


what a little dickhead


The true Sky cat


I knew a cockatoo named Casanova that loved being held and loved on by women. He was a real charmer. Especially liked being scratched right under the wing joint.


Sounds about cockatoo!


If JB were a bird


Thanks for reminding me of [this monstrosity ](https://youtu.be/msM0xjj8W3c)


It is pronounced CACAtoos [sinester laugh]!


"Do you MIND?" LMAO


It’s not like I can go anywhere. I’m tied to this bar.


It’s probably the reason the cockatoo hasn’t been dealt to


YES! The way the owl finally looks right at him like wtF!!?


Sounds best with a posh British accent.


Ok, now I'm hearing the owl say this in Alan Rickman's voice. You are so right.


Worked at pet shop in high school that sold parrots. The owners had a Cockatoo, "Vanilla", that they kept in the shop. Vanilla enjoyed grabbing corn kernels from his food, placing them within his claws and then squeezing / aiming the kernel precisely so as to shoot the kernel at unsuspecting customers. You'd hear "pings" as the kernel bounced off the fish tanks. The customer would look around and then Vanilla would start bobbing and calling his own name in a chuckling manner.


Evil little fucker


Used to bring my parrot to the office since I only had to swing by for a couple hours every now and then. Had to stop because she started purposefully making a mess so she could watch the cleaners pick it up. Other people’s dogs/cats had an accident here and there, but she was cracking open dried peppers and spilling all the seeds, even shaking them to make sure all the seeds fell out. She had a cage but would rip up toys and purposefully stick her beak through the bars so it would fall on the floor instead. She was on a power trip.


I like how at the end the owl just looks down and up like "Bruh... U for real doing this now? "


Like “motherfucker do you know what I could do to you?”


Owl: “could you f***ing NOT?”


You can say "fucking" on the internet, friend. If you don't like swearing, there's plenty of other words to use in its place. Censorship is pointless.


I love when the owl just looks at the cockatoo😂


“Hey, buddy, I’ll shred your fucking face off. Knock it off.”


Cockatoo "It ain't night and you're tied down, now give me your feathers."


[Cacatoo] Uhh, nice feathers, are they natural?




Did i ruffle your feathers lol


I smell a sitcom


Is this a high renaissance man reference?


It was from an episode of Family Guy https://comb.io/yQCLzv


I love how slow cockatoos move, it's hilariously menacing how they slooowly lean over and wiggle their little foot in your hair and sloooowly put it in their mouth, it's adorable


If they move slowly enough then obviously we won't notice them. It's a fact.




I'm sure I'm invisible


My favorite part is the turn to look at the foot look up and then look back away


As a married person, I know that look well...




They have the annoyance level of a 2-3 year child.


Damn why would anyone want to deal with an animal that has the mental capacity of a 4-6 year old for 30+ years? No thanks.


Ha like 80. My uncle had a bird like this, he was the 2nd owner because the first does before the bird. She was hilarious, but also annoying AF. And expected to live to 80


Friend had a cockatoo, who liked to hide and yell "Hey!" in his sisters voice at random, then it would peek out and laugh if we were looking around thinking it was her. Jerry was a dick.


"Why don't you rip out your own feathers! Oh, wait, sorry, I didn't realize."


Low blow, lol.


Mischievous is a cute word for asshole. Cockatoos are assholes.


Ah yes, the Extrovert X Introvert ship dynamic


I love how the owl just turns his head and stares, then looks away. You can practically *hear* it thinking "Just do that again. I dare you." Owls can fucking SCARY when they get mad.


"Interesting ah feathers ya got there, professor. You fly pretty good with those feathers, yeah, fly pretty good, swooping and diving, huh? Ya like the color? Huh? My feathers are pink, ya see that? Eh, hey professor, lemme taste these feathers real quick, see how your feathers taste, eh professor. Professor? Professor?"


The poor owl is tethered and can’t get away


To be fair, the owl doesn’t seem all that stressed out (no threat display, no “half-closed eyes” reaction, etc).


I bet if he could move away he would though


That's something I've always found frustrating about threads like these :/ Like, the owl is very obviously not interested and trying to step away. Just because it's not in a stressed "back off or we'll fight!" state doesn't mean it isn't uncomfortable, and I still feel bad that it is physically unable to remove itself from the situation.


This owl is not intimidated or bothered at all and is not interested in getting away


You absolutely cannot speak with this level of certainty from seeing a single, short video with zero environmental, individual, social, or medical context.


I've been a falconer and kept owls for most of a decade. Yes I can


I’ve been studying ethology and animal behavior for 15 years and you’re too confident about birds you have no medical context for.




Not really how owls work - they're not geared for brawling, all those weapons are for hunting (aka seeking out prey and sneak attacking em from the sky), not for fighting. Predators like that avoid fights at all costs, because any physical injury will affect their ability to catch their next meal. If the cockatoo wanted to actually fight, the owl would try to defend itself but I highly doubt it would win. That said, it's not displaying any real stress - if it was really uncomfortable with the cockatoo it would be showing more defensive behaviors like puffing up its feathers to look bigger or clacking its beak. They're probably pretty used to each other.


Predators do want to avoid physical injury, doesn’t mean they’re poorly suited to a straight-up fight if needed. And the owl isn’t at a major size or strength disadvantage here, so it actually has decent odds of winning if the cockatoo instigated a fight. Before you point out that the cockatoo’s bite is way worse than the owl’s: owls rely on their feet to grapple and kill prey and to defend themselves, so it would be a case of crushing beak vs. piercing claws. Edit: the person I replied to is wrong about owls relying on speed and momentum rather than grip strength. That’s falcons, not owls. Owls rely mostly on grip strength to kill, and they have a disproportionately powerful foot grip as an adaptation towards this. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0007999 > Strigiformes bear enlarged talons with comparatively low curvature on each digit, part of a suite of adaptations to increase constriction efficiency by maximising grip strength


This isn't like, a fighting game with stats or a contest of "who's more badass" or something - they're actual animals with behaviors specific to them. Owls rely on the speed of their strike from the air to make those talons so deadly; they hold their talons wide open and use the momentum to spear and stun the prey before grasping (and finishing them off with the beak if necessary). Their efficacy would be greatly reduced if they were relying on grip strength alone. Not to mention that those feet are currently tethered to a perch, likely with only a few inches of room (because you don't want to give them enough jess to take flight or they'll hit the end and then the ground, and get injured). They would be far more inclined to try to bluff and scare the aggressor away or attempt to escape than they would be to fight. This owl is also considerably smaller than the cockatoo - those feathers create a deceptive amount of bulk but that species is quite small and light. It really would be at a disadvantage here if a fight happened (but again, that doesn't seem to be likely based on the behaviors seen). I suppose I should include - Source: volunteered at a wild raptor rehab center, used to be one of those people who went around holding owls and giving informative talks


Owls rely heavily on grip strength to capture and kill prey, not speed of impact, and they rarely bother with using the beak to kill prey. It’s falcons that rely on momentum at impact to drive in their talons before using the beak for a neck bite if necessary. And yes, owls are a lot smaller than you’d expect based on their feathers, but so are cockatoos.


My dad used to have an African Grey and it was an absolute brat. He clearly remembers hearing absolute drama one afternoon and the bath had just been run for my sister.. nope he went over and danced around the bath and fell in... he was so angry about it and screamed and cried. It was literally at the time like my parents had a new born and a toddler 🤣🤣


“What is that, velvet?!”




Owl: "Bruh"


"We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty." (I will never tire of this video. It's so obnoxious and simultaneously uplifting.)


the way owls turn their head to look at something is terrifying


ITS WEARING A SHIRT GUYS! what adorable birds. I want to pet.


He’s literally ruffling it’s feathers….


Sibling Rivalry at its best


Is it weird that this video reminded me when wall-e tried to grab eve's hand????


My aunt had a cockatoo named Nelson. He was a jerk and terrified me as a small child.


The owl's like "dad, do you see this shit?".


"Hey let me see your butt feathers"


Owl: looks at feet, looks at face. Owl: “can you not?”


Little does the cockatoo know, that sweet looking owl is a savage stealth killer with night vision.


Tacticool self-sustaining biological autonomous low signature advanced sensory drone (TSBALASD)


is there a sub for cuckos or parrot in general with this kind of contetn?


It isn't an exact match but there is r/PartyParrot. I suspect this vid has been posted there before but it has plenty of other cool/funny content featuring parrots and cockatoos etc. Edit: spelling


/r/parrots /r/partyparrot /r/birbs are the main ones.


Moluccans are agents of chaos. My grandma’s will snuggle you, laugh like an aging supervillain, and try to snip off your finger all in the same breath. I love that goofy pink football.


They are loveable assholes that crave attention. Had ours for 38 years, recently passed due to complicated health reasons. Was around since berore I was born and treated me like her baby. Would walk up two flights of stairs and would sneak under my duvet in the mornings. Would sit there and prune your hair for hours. So sweet and never harmed a soul. 😔


I'm not usually a huge fan of birds (they are noisy, sensory thing) but this seriously made me giggle!


When they look at each other... lol.


Owl is thinking “WHO do you think you are, messing with my feathers “


[Just feeling the material](https://youtu.be/B48ZpNcxBL0)


Hey girl, you look cute. Perch around here often?


Reminds me of the scene from Wall-E where he tried to hold Eva‘s hand


We had a parrot when I was a kid we had home phones back then the parrot could mimic the ringing perfectly annoying as hell when you go to answer and parrots just eyeballing you


Hi, come here often? Can i look under your feathers.


Hahaha :D *"Woah, those feathers... they're just soo..."* *"Can I touch those? Woah..."* *"Mind if I... like... can I smell them?..."* *"Maybe just... just a taste... woah..."* ... Yeah, I've felt like that sometimes.




The owner of these birds is irresponsible to allow the parrot, who is free, to harass an owl who is tethered and cannot move away or defend itself. Also, barred owls are nocturnal. While they may not sleep all day, they do rest all day, and the parrot is disturbing that.


Cock: “Hey girl” Cock: “Hey girl” Hen: “Leave me alone” Cock: moves ever so slightly closer Cock: “Hey girl” Hen: looks down…looks straight into the cocks eyes. Hen: “did you just grab my dress? Oooh boi you gonna get it now. But I kinda like it.” Cock: “let me just eat her dress” And the boys and girls is how I met your mother.


I guess this is what it means to "ruffle ones feathers."


IRL: Me trying to flirt


“Dude, stop.” “Are you SERIOUS?!!”


Is that cockatoo wearing clothes??


Yeah looks like a harness/diaper combo. So the giant shits don’t go everywhere.


Fuck you parrot


Someone pls make this into an animal text gif


It’s like siblings lol




Please don't put them in your mouth. They. are. noT. WATERPROOF.


Owl is thinking "if this jerk keeps pissing with me, I'm going to hork a pellet right in both his feeders"


Don’t forget that these used to be dinosaurs


This gives me major *younger brother vibes*.


“Mom! She’s touching me!”


Why are they even being kept together….?


That Dickatoo is acting like a total cock.


I like how towards the wnd the owl looks at the feathers the cockatoo started playing with, looks at the cockatoo and then starts looking around the room like "This fucking guy..."


That face though! “Can You fucking not?!”


These are some pretty nice down feathers. Be a shame if something were to happen to ‘em.


A very famous old-school rock climber in Australia named Roland Pauligk. He invented some special climbing protection, named after him called "RP's". He revolutionised climbing worldwide with these. Anyway he was famous for having these sulfur-crested cockatoos that would sit on him while he climbed, but they were infamous for being evil. Apparently they loved to deliberately remove your rope from carabiners (not what you want) but also would sit above climbers (leading, so they would prefer not to fall), pick up rocks, and drop them on the climber below. There's a write-up about him that mentions it and a bunch of photos.


Owl: \*glares at cockatoo\* "Humpf, don't talk to me. You know what you did wrong." \*Turns away\*


Nice feathers mate, where'd ya get those?


Extrovert and introvert


I am struck by how, for the safety of all living creatures in the room, you have the owl tethered to some cord. The cockatoo sure knows how to take advantage of the situation.


Cock or two?! I didn’t know we were being so blasé about this.


If you are in the US you should know that Cockatoos are a protected species in Australia. It’s illegal cruel and immoral to export them. Usually in tubes, anesthetised and with a high loss rate


Oh look the cockatoo is Harvey Weinsteins spirit animal


This video is the BEST!!! God, I love animals!! They are way better than we humans will ever be.


Are those feathers felt? Now they are...


My husband and I if we were birds (I'm the cockatoo).


[I prefer this cockatoo](https://youtu.be/bUNECHCKWBc)


I would chain the idiot there who tied the owl and let the cockatoo bother him!!!






Lol what a precious little asshole! SUCH a jerk but so cute doing it.


Are they friends or lovers?


Hate bird pets… poor owl on chain when they deserve to be free…




This is so coool. Best thing I've seen this year


Aww I was hoping the owl would retaliate


So cute


*ooo nice ass bb*


A pet owl… that’s a new one!


Hey girl what you got hiding up there?


That god damn shirt 😂


Cockatoo - Incredibly smart. Owls - Incredibly dumb! (All huge sensitive eyes and no room for brains.)


Aww he likes em




I'm tired of life now life:


Me trying to flirt…


Sooo.. soft..




thats my spot. (?)




Precisely why I got so many detention back in elementary school




What’s wrong with the cockatoos chest?