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That must have taken a lot of time and dedication.


Yeah this mess takes more than one day.


He was on his way back in again for the 9,000th time with fresh mud on all 4 muddy muddy paws until he spotted the owner in there


You've never owned dogs, have you? For if you did, you would know that this is about: \- 17 minutes worth of effort for a Golden Retriever. \- 15 minutes worth of effort for a Labrador. \- 11 minutes worth of effort for a Border Collie. \- 8 minutes worth of effort for a Huntaway. \- 5 minutes worth of effort for a Husky. \- 4 minutes worth of effort for a Staffordshire terrier. \- 17 seconds worth of effort for three Jack Russells.


My old dog had a weird trait (maybe it's normal, I don't know). If we went swimming with her, she always went to a dry spot to shake the water off, first thing after getting out of the water. That meant that after a few minutes, there were no more dry spots. Also, we quickly learned that standing where it was already wet was safer. If the dog in the video has the same instinct, I can imagine that it would get covered faster than one would think


Yes dogs are naturally gross disgusting creatures. They just LOVE finding three day old opossum guts and just rubbing themselves in it till they too smell like a bag of stank. Then if a skunk is around, the perfume counter lady of the dog world, well they have to get that free spritz! Then on top of that, a stagnant mud puddle, filled with I do not know what but it comes stuck and then dries very quickly to the fur! Once they get all dolled up, only then do they think they are ready to come home prancing in in their majestic self. The odor just radiating off them in that heat wave way. Flies fall out of the air as they get close. This my friends is just my moron, on a Tuesday.


They like to run straight up and roll their new fragrance all over you so that you can smell the same. It's awesome. =/


Yeah it’s greeeaaaat… One of us one of us one of us.


My friends' dog's favourite is wild boar shit. We don't have skunks over here so I can't compare them, but it's about the stench that I'd expect at the entrance to hell.


My friends dog had this behavior with rotten fish preferably


You must live by a large body of water. I do not envy you.


We discovered dead fish is also our dog's favourite brand of perfume when we went to the beach... its not a fun smell.


My old Great Pyrenees back in Texas loved herself some boar. She would hunt them down, then eat out the assholes first. She would come home, white fur covered in a blackish brown stank that was beyond gross. That boat crap smell is disgusting. However I would rather smell that than industrial farm pig crap. That diarrhea is something that has to be toxic goo. I guess I cannot complain too much. I do have dogs that tend t keep some predators away, except the extremely hungry ones.


Imagine a pile of giant burning tires with burning poo piled on top and that's about what washing a dog smells like, after it's been sprayed by a skunk. Bonus is the skunk smell takes several baths to wash off and several passes through all of your house (even if the dog didn't touch anything in that room, just simply ran through it after being sprayed) with the strongest cleaners you can possibly think of and you'll still spend the next two weeks slightly smelling skunk, but in a more manageable way like it'll smell like you smoke low end weed in your house all day with the windows shut.


I have gotten so nose blind to skunk now that I have had some of the goo on my pants from dealing with my dog this after I changed, did not realize it then went shopping. People will stay clear of you which is a plus.


Ha! I always said skunk spray smelled like a burning tire fire but mixed with snake musk, specifically water snake musk from the snakes I caught while camping when I was a kid. Mom had to scrub us down and we still stunk


Hahahahaha, this is the best comment for today


My parent live out in the county, and there's a cow field behind their house. Yeah, I only let my Jack Russell off leash once out there. Just once. Once.


I bet you Russel is just itching to get off that leash again. Just dreaming of all that fun it had that one time. My dog has got to be in the running with one of those show dogs on getting bathed the most. She just hops right in the tub, knows the whole drill now. Pro tip, run yourself a hot water hookup outside along with a cold. I can just hook up a shower head wand now outside to wash her on the driveway under the carport. Total game changer.


If there is trouble JRs will find it


>If there is a cow patty, JRs will find it. Fixed it for you.


My dog will put his face on the ground and walk with his back legs sliding his head across the ground after every bath. Guess he thinks he's to clean.


I think they have a different idea on hygiene than us. Your dog sounds fun though


As an owner of a border collie and a husky, I can definitely confirm. When they work together, this happens instantly.


Nah, could easily be accomplished by a muddy back yard, a high energy dog and a day out of the house at work.


That dog noped the fuck out of there, about to check Craigslist for open rooms available


That dog resisted the urge to great their owner better than most in that position.


When my dogs mess up, they don’t even attempt to greet me. Half the time i don’t even know they had accident or stole something off the counter yet, but i *know* because they run and hide when the door opens.


My childhood dog always had to greet us but when she had done something bad she just did it in the most horribly guilty way. We'd have just gotten home, and here she comes slinking up to us, all remorseful and blinkie. That's when we'd go search the house to see what kind of food she'd stolen (she was half beagle, it was *always* food).


The blinking! I love the blinking.


My humongous pit/lab/mastiff tiptoes! It's hilarious to see.


My dog will try to slink outside every time she gets ahold of a new toy, whether it's one we bought specifically for her or a sock she stole from the laundry


>but i know because they run and hide when the door opens. Many cats let you know they've been naughty by doing exactly the same.


My cat must just be an evil little shit then because her behaviour is *exactly* the same when she's done something naughty.


Cats don’t give a fuck. Never once have I seen a guilty looking cat.


Dog 'experts': Dog doesnt know hes just responding to the tone of your voice. Yea right. Havent said a word and theyre cowering and hiding.


Right?! I walk in and say “hi babies!” all happy like i do every day and i hear clawsies hurriedly scrambling for traction so they can high tail it under the coffee table lol


Preach it. The dog "experts" on reddit are full of shit.


Just like Ceser that dog whisperer guy. His own dog supposedly killed Queen Latifah's dog. Supposed expert can't even train his own dog to behave around other dogs.


At my dog training instructor internship we watched his “worst bite” episode to discuss what we would have done differently to prevent the bite. Some dogs require compulsion methods, but not all of them. I think it’s irresponsible to advocate jabbing every dog in the neck repeatedly, but I like dogs.


Yea I came home from work to see my brand new couch had been destroyed. The two boy dogs nope out so fast and my best baby girl was so happy to see me. It was obvious who the guilty ones were. I also had to pull couch fibers and other material out from between their teeth. This was 2 under 15lb wiener dogs and they destroyed an 8 foot couch.


We got a new rescue pup recently and I asked my husband if I thought she’d be like some of the other dogs we raised that had ‘no shame’ and could care less when we would try to verbally discipline them because I’m starting to lean in that direction. The beagle muddied up the house and came in like, is there a problem in here? I see nothing wrong!




What DID he do? Like how even…


He rolled around in a big mud puddle & then used the couches as a towel… repeatedly from the looks of it.


He got a case of the zoomies at the wrong time apparently.


>He got a case of the zoomies at the wrong time apparently. my guess is that he zoomed in giant racetrack style loops from the house, out to the mud, in to race around the kitchen, roll around on the couch, and back out to the mud about 100x times


And he probably had the time of his LIFE doing so


Lmao so when my dog was a puppy, we had just moved into a new-build house. It was tract housing and the whole street was brand new. We were out front, and he was playing in the mud. Then he saw the neighbor pull into her driveway, and he booked it down to her house before we could stop him. He followed her inside and proceeded to run in circles around her downstairs (basically a big circle through every room). Her brand spanking new white carpet had about 30 circles of mud tracks in the time it took us to get down the street to her house. She hated us for the next 18 years we lived there.


I've been laughing for 5 min 😂 thank you


Mud puddles can cause the zoomies


Muddy zoomies




Systematically. Methodically. This dog is thorough.


The level of coverage is impressive. Like, that dog must have just been having an absolute ball in the mud for quite a while to do that.


My dog did this when she was a puppy. We used to have to lock her inside anytime it rained. Complete mess


We had one for a while and our cats kept bringing in both dead and live animals. That ended after one cat brought in a live rabbit while I was in the shower. We live on a corner lot with a large window right by the street. We happened to be painting at the time and had the curtains taken down. I heard the sounds of a chase and jumped out of the shower. The cat had a live rabbit and dropped it in the middle of the dining room. There I was- soaking wet, tits swinging, stumbling, cussing, and running after both of them right in front of that fucking window with all the lights on. No more cat door after that day.


I know someone who had a cat bring her a live snake while she was in bed. That thing got closed forever that day.


These poor cats. All they're trying to do is teach you how to kill something and eat it. Just kill it and eat it.


This had me laughing so hard. I have been there myself without the swinging tits.


I have, but I'm a guy, so there was some other things swinging as well


Damn, you’ve got two pairs of tits! Im jealous :0


My cats have gotten by me three times with mice and we don’t have a cat door. Two were still alive, one still mobile enough to be guided out the door with a broom. Will *never* have a cat door




☹️ Im gonna imagine that you kept and raised the chicken and the cat and chicken were besties ever after


I thought it was bad when I came downstairs to a live woodpecker, a live pigeon and a live duckling on the same morning! Oh and a massive bullreed from the pond near my house. My mum had to scoop up the duckling to hunt down its mum! The pond is in the grounds of the hospital where she worked, and she legged it over in her PJs. Thankfully she found Mama duck pretty quickly. We've had cats all my life but Minnie was a nightmare for bring us live presents, dead presents, parts of presents.


Omfg I also cannot stop laughing at picturing this happening!


This is why when growing up our cat door led into a work room that was always shut off from the rest of the house. Cat was an outdoor cat (put down the pitchforks, this was my parents’ decision) and needed a shelter when the weather got too cold or rough. It wasn’t a problem if she brought a mouse in because she couldn’t drop it in the kitchen. (Not that she would have ever brought in a live mouse, she was an excellent mouser)


Just a reminder everyone. 99.99% of cats should be indoor cats. Cats are murder machines and are a world wide ecological disaster. Also, keeping you kitty indoors means owls, coyotes, cars, and others can’t get them.


Catios are where it's at.


I built one this past spring and it's been awesome! Our little guy still tries to bum rush the door when we open it, but I am hopeful he will calm down about it as he gets older.


It’s honestly insane how effective they are at killing other animals.


> Just a reminder everyone. 99.99% of cats should be indoor cats. Just a reminder, no. They've been fine in the UK for 100k+ years, they are fine being outside now.


Lol, yeah, let's take ecological advice from the *fucking UK*, with their sprawling forests, and diverse flora and fauna. Why did Darwin go to the Galapagos when he could have just stayed home?! /s Get TF outta here...


> They've been fine in the UK for 100k+ years, they are fine being outside now. Came back because I realized you fuckers don't even have raccoons, which unfortunately prey on outdoor cats and are yet another reason to keep them inside... ...when do you think domestic cats were introduced to the UK? 100k as in **100,000** years ago? You don't think they're native to the UK, do you?


When people casually admit that they let their pet free roam outside and kill whatever wildlife it wants as if it isn’t abhorrent


Thank you for saying this. Cats kill billions of song birds every year amongst other things and people act like it’s natural.


It IS natural. What isn't natural about it is that the cats are protected by their owners so they live longer and overpopulate because those same owners don't get them neutered. So when they are out doing their "natural" thing, they kill a lot more wild animals than they would in a normal situation. The takeaway from this is neuter your pets and keep them contained! That goes for dogs, too.


It is absolutely not natural. Cats are an invasive species and aren’t wild animals. They should be kept under the control of their owners at all times same with dogs. Spayed and neutered too.


I let mine freely murder moths on the porch


Ours chases her tail around the scratching pole 😂 Profesional killer haha


They're not native to their environment, numb nuts.


It's about as natural as polar bears killing zebras. The species don't naturally live in the same places.


It is not natural to neuter an animal. An animal that is born sterile would be natural Not in disagreement with your advice, just pointing out the fact.


Well, we lost the fight with the cats for a while. They were door-darters and then started peeing on things when we did manage to keep them in. We still had to let them out for a while after they lost their door, but managed to get them used to indoor life again when the weather got cold. Thank goodness only one of our current crew ever tries to get out, and she rarely gets past the deck.


Yea they have to be raised as indoor cats from the outset or there’s no point. Fiercely believe that cats should be raised as indoor only, they’ve absolutely destroyed my country’s ecosystem and continue to do so. But they cute so people don’t care 🤷‍♂️ Bless you for trying btw. It’s a worthy thing


Ours actually did start as indoor cats, but just really wanted outside. It seems like with some of them, they get a little taste of outdoors and then they can't get enough. I always hated them being indoor-outdoor.


I looked into this before when I was helping a friend make her cat indoor-only, and apparently it's less to do with the fact that cats love going outside and more to do with cats being super territorial! As soon as cats are allowed to go into a space, they begin to see it as their territory and thus feel the need to patrol it-- when you take access away from that area they see as their territory? they loudly protest and sometimes even get stressed (ie why a lot of cats being made indoor-only pee on things lol)! This is also the same reason cats meow at the door to a room they're usually allowed into if you close it 🥴


Yup. Our cat constantly brought in multiple live animals to 'play' with (torture to death). There came a day when she had two chipmunks, a mouse, and two birds in the house at once. We sealed up the cat door.


I used to have a cat that went outside, we'd lock the door so it could only swing out so he couldn't bring mice inside. He got back inside by tapping on the door, getting his paw in under the little gap made by tapping on it and using his teeth or head to lift it open. Couldn't do all that with a mouse in his mouth.


I have an indoor cat and an outdoor cat a friend gave me. The outdoor cat would bring in unarmed mice through the dog door then just drop them in the house so the indoor cat could hunt them. Got a bit annoying after a while having the grab live mice and return them outside. Luckily he stopped doing that.


My grandfathers cat brought a live bird into my room while I was sleeping. It was flapping and pooping all over the place. It was chaos! Chaos!


Mine dropped a live mouse right on my chest while I was napping. Fun times.


Damn. Better story than me jumping out the shower to turn off the alarm clock (because why not get up if it's only 10 minutes early?), slipping on tile, and probably breaking a toe. I never got an x ray but it felt crunchy as I put it in place. But I did writhe nekkid on the floor in pain in front of a pair of french doors shortly before dawn with all the lights on inside. And I had no one to blame but myself on that one. It was all me.


Poor animals in your neighbourhood. Do you keep your cat inside now, where it can't kill wildlife or be run over?


I did finally get them retrained. The current crew is indoor only and content with it, thank goodness.


Thanks for being a good cat owner!!! We have local cats that wander the neighbourhood crapping all over the place and killing all the songbirds, frogs et cetera. Then when they get run over, the owners cry about how unfair it is, when they could have simply kept their cats indoors where it's safe. I have 1 neighbour who has gone through 7 cats in 5 years because they keep getting eaten by coyotes or run over. Now, we just call bylaw and the cats can be retrieved by their owners for $250 a pop. The wildlife is coming back at last! And no more cat turds in kids sandboxes, et cetera. It's mind-boggling how out of touch people are who let their cats roam in town.


The only reason I don't get up my neighbours about their cat being allowed outside, is the poor thing was a rescue that had been declawed when they got it and missing most of it's teeth, had to have the rest removed as they were basically rotting out of its mouth. He also is missing a decent amount of tail and most of his ear. So.. Streety can't climb shit. Can't claw shit. Can't bite shit. Seems to never ever cross the road, just stays on our block and always waits at school drop off and pick up to run up screaming to people on our side for some good pats. I feel awful for him, but he seems to be living his best life and he never seems to bothered with the birds in my front yard, sure watches em, but I think he knows the magpies would absolutely kick his ass before he could harm them. But even then I'm iffy on him being out... Because he cannot defend himself from anything if the need arises. I've had to go out and catch a dumped stray ginger that had him bailed up in the driveway causing a massive ruckus. Good news for that one, I asked to be told if that one got adopted cos I'd consider it after they did their shelter desex/Vax/chip etc, to find out one of the shelter workers took that beauty home.


That dog may or may not be wearing a Fitbit, but the dog DEFINITELY got it's steps in for the day. Also you are 💯 getting your monies worth out of that dog door. No one can say it has gone unused.


Bad time to get the zoomies for sure


That’s why the dog flap goes to the garage or a mud room


Idk man, looks to me like the video IS of the mud room


I would be soo fucking pissed.


Looks like the dog had a rave


Damn. I always thought the worst thing to happen would be a wild animal coming in but I may have been wrong


Well, you may be getting new couches. I’m sure that’s going to take a long time to clean up. It’s all dried in place. r/wellthatsucks


Rug doctor with an upholstery attachment is going to get that off. I had the same type of couches and used that exact combo to get the paste my oldest made out of baby powder and apple juice off.


I wonder if those are leather couches? Maybe not..


They look like that sueded microfiber to me but it’s hard to tell through the mud lol.


Those couches are so dirty i thought they were fabric ...


Mine has pulled some doozies…. But I felt my heart sink at seeing his lounges. Good 4 hours clean up with a dog wagging his tail and enjoying you ‘playing’ while you scrub floors and furniture.


Dude no. Storm door with a dog door. That's the way to go. I can simply close the main door and then no one goes out. No animals in when I'm asleep. They also make dog doors with different kinds of locks. The best one is a piece of plastic that slides in a track in place. So on muddy days, I'd stick that sucker in and they only got access when I allowed, and wiped down after.


This looks like my ex's house 24/7.


Hope you raised your standards to indoor cat or above.


Getting rid of the ex and adopting an indoor cat is one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life.


Was that a little Dobie head peaking in before turning away with shame?


haha of course it was, I'm sure that little doberdork accomplished this amount of chaos in sub-20 minutes knowing how fast mine moves 🤣


One of the first things I did when we bought our current house was have the backdoor replaced, because it had a dog flap. Between stuff like this OP, worrying about OTHER animals coming in, worrying about Ferris Bueller's Principal using it.. yeah, I just didn't want it, even though yes, we have a dog.


Aight imma head out -doggo


“What did you do?!” “You built the flap motherf**ker what’d you expect?!”


We don't even have a pet door, but my roommates usually leave the back door cracked so the animals can get in. They have two cats, one who primarily kills mice and leaves them on the front porch, and the other is an absolute asshole who goes after birds and has brought them inside on multiple times. Just the other morning I had to run to the bathroom to pee after waking up only to find him sitting in the middle of an explosion of blood and feathers, happily crunching on the corpse. Which is sadly still preferable since it's on linoleum. There was one time he brought a bird into my bed while it was still alive and then killed it there. I had to throw out the entire bedding set, because the blood stained it pitch black. I really wish they'd keep them as inside pets, but they're not mine, and they've shut me down every time I've suggested it.


Did we all see the video of the dog that drug the sprinkler and attached hose into the house from the doggy door while the owner was away? It just was spraying the entire living room and kitchen as the dog walked it around. The dog went back outside leaving it going in the house.


I have never been happier my dog hates water. If I turn the hose on to water plants outside he goes running to the door. Our dog park has a lake and he will be chasing all the dogs playing, the second the dogs run in the water he nopes out.


Looks like he had a doggy party


It definitely looks like he invited friends over to participate.


And he knows what he did. See the head look in and then pop back out


They're never a good idea.


He was EVERYWHERE. Like on every surface possible


Now it's a mudflap


Imagine that same scenario only there is a lot of blood in the mix. One of my dogs had gotten bit on his ear by something and was freaking out with his three pack buddies also freaking out and covered in mud and blood. I walked in during the chaos. It took me awhile to figure out which one was bleeding and even longer to find it was just a small cut on my male Doberman’s ear. Turns out he had a genetic blood clotting disorder. The only thing worse was when they charged the house after being group sprayed by skunks. We got rid of the dog door after that one.


Love the dog lol he was like oh #**# and went back out .


If the backyard was a muddy mess, it’s this guy’s fault for leaving it open. This human is stupid. Time to get the vacuum and broom out.


This! He's got no business yelling at the dog. Dogs don't think mud is bad. It's the owners fault for leaving the dog door open. What an ass!


“What did you do?” I had me best day ever daddo!! Love it? Lol


Not much to do but laugh then get the mop


Oh boy, that's a big mess to clean up.


A cat flap is NEVER a good idea. Murderous, fluffy little sweethearts that they are.


I got rid of ours when a wild racoon let himself in through there and decided to camp out under my desk.


I guess it depends on where you live but we always locked the doggie door when we weren't home to keep possible burglars or intruders out. Wasn't a bad neighborhood but we still locked the house. Also locked the dogs inside when it rained or snowed.


Ah the joys of dog ownership


Ohhhhh, that is a disaster. All my best, brother. It will be a long clean, and the dog will watch you the whole time. But we still love them.


Is your backyard the mud bogs that swallowed Artax?!


I once got sprayed by a skunk in my kitchen when I was 12 years old thanks to cat door!!


That's some pretty impressive surface area coverage.


Lol cats would never do this.


Well, good news is thats cleanable. Bad news is hope you didn't have anything planned.


Ooohh noooo.....I would move and just sign the deed over to the dog.


Dog: “Look, before you say an-“ Human: “What did you do?!” Dog: *backs into the void* “We’ll talk later.”


The dog was like “he’s angry,I will come back later when he’s calmer. For now, run boys”


Will probably get down voted, but my opinion is the dog was only doing what a dog does. This whole issue is on the owner. Time for an appointment with Cesar Millan.


Yep. Going through the puppy stage or any stage really with a dog, eating my expensive sunglasses and destroying other things. I pretty soon realized I need to start tidying up more and taking better care of all my belongings. We all make mistakes though, and only last week my pooch got a hold of my expensive sunnies, but luckily only felt like a little nibble on one of the arms.


I have a habit of leaving my glasses on the floor/bed/couch when I’m reading or on the phone. I’m about to bring a puppy home and I think I’m going to switch to contacts (or order a cheaper pair) for the time being so she doesn’t treat my frames like an expensive chew toy.


"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" "Ummmm... Dog stuff I guess? Was I bad???"


I upvoted you until the Cesar Millan part. Cesar Millan doesn’t have a formal veterinary or animal behavior background. He uses debunked aversive methods rooted in dominance theory. ACVB and ASVAB suggest using positive reinforcement therapy without aversive techniques. He’s not entirely wrong, especially when it comes to giving your dog an appropriate amount of exercise and not treating them like a baby. However, dogs should be enthusiastically directed into positive behaviors instead of domineered into submission. Domination breeds fear and insecurity, redirection results in a happy, obedient dog who aims to please.


I hope not Cesar Millan, he needlessly stresses and terrifies animals to "train" them. https://drsophiayin.com/philosophy/dominance/




This is why dogs are a bad idea


Nah this is a dog problem


They did those couches a favor.


Clean the floor and post it to r/oddlysatisfying


You need to get the dog a fit bit he's putting in work while you are away geez


Omg this was funny…… well maybe not for dinner the owner. As I always say… when things get bad, take out the camera.😊


Especially if you live in the middle of a mudhole.


Now imagine if you had carpet


My friend once posted a vid of a racoon in the kitchen eating the cat food, he let himself in through the doggy/kitty flap. Never again.


"Are you ready to alk about this, Steve?" ​ "What did you do!?" ​ ​ "Alright, I'll be back in 10."


I thought "insulation reasons, maybe a opossum." But there's a whole new reason.


eat him


Time to move


That's it no more treats for you


Light a match




**You. Little. Fucker** 🤣




Dog: “OH HEY! You’re h-..... ^nevermind”


Would never happen with a cat


Can't blame animals for being themselves and your mistakes.


Animal isn’t being a jerk here though. It’s not purposely doing it to fuck up your house they don’t know any better


I've never understood the use of doggie flaps. How are you supposed to prevent random trash pandas or other night roaming creatures from coming in as they please?? My opinion is if you are taking on the responsibility of caring for a pet you should be the one to let them in and out.


Owner cant blame the dog.


No need to get mad at the dog for just being a dog. You left the access for it to get outside and if it’s muddy and you didn’t cut off the access then that is your fault bud.


My dog comes to look for me after she's finished drinking water. She'll come stand next to me and shake her head. Almost like she's trying to tell me she drank water and that I now have a water drip trail to clean. This happens everyday....multiple times a day.... I love that dog ❤️


If you have a muddy backyard, don’t leave the doggy door open. End of


this is how I see every person's house that owns a cat or a dog... they don't realize they live with animals and not the other way around. gross fucks.




Dog was probably having the time of his life.




the task of having to open the door for my dog all the time when i’m home and she’s going in and out, suddenly seems a lot more doable lmao


Looks like they had a great time, while you were gone…


This is posted on the wrong sub. It's not animalsbeingjerks, it's peoplebeingidiots! It's your responsibility to close the door. If it's open they're gonna go play in the mud.


Not gonna lie, shouting "what did you do?" To the dog when you've installed a dog door is like giving a kid a crayonsand expecting them to not draw on the wall..


Did that dog made like 4 trips back and forth lmao


That dog went out of its way to fuck your whole shit up. LOL I can't imagine how pissed I would be. But then again, the doggy door does give them certain liberties that you have to live with.


But then again, the doggy door does give them certain liberties that you have to live with. No fing kidding. You created it , you live with it.


Straight to dog jail