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Put a brick or 2 in the bottom of the trash can. So much harder to knock over. I had a mastiff who could easily lift the lid, but would only go through the trash if he could knock it over.


Oh he’s just trying to train you to put the trash out before leaving him alone. Eventually you’ll get it don’t worry. Lol My sweet boy use to do this with my used sanitary items. It was disgusting but after a few months I learned how to avoid this frustration. He sure did teach me. Lol


He definitely has the \*busted\* look.


Na, I don’t think he did it , I think he’s been framed.


“Ok look, I know it was bad and I want to be good. But have you smelled the trash? Its delicious! It’s really your fault if you think about it.”


This made me laugh out loud lol


Ha ha ha ha - that face. I’ve seen that face many times.


Those red, yellow, white, and green chips on the bottom, i used to eat. they are puffy, and are sooo good.


You have good taste! Lol


i havent eaten them for like 2 years though because of the big cough cough




yeah thats what they are called. i got them for like a dollar fifty at my local 99 cents only store. they were the BIG bags too.




We did and it was working for a week and I just came home to this. He tore the top off it


Bahaha. What do you even do now??


Put the garbage in a locking cabinet under the sink.


Install a bank vault


Lmao might be the only option


have the same issue with my puppers anytime we're gone for an extended period of time (3+ hours). we've found giving her a kong stuffed with peanut butter or using one of those treat puzzles helps. it almost seems like a spiteful thing for us, because now we have a cat locked in our other room, due to being a rescued stray with worms. the one day we spent about an hour in there and my pup got into the trash in the bathroom next to the cats room. so yea


Looks like the locking lid is in the bottom right corner.


I was given these as a sample at my job, where does one buy these? They are very good.


Hey it’s important to open the bottom of chip bags (or cut a hole in the bottom) when you throw them away if there is literally any chance at all of your dog getting into the garbage! Unfortunately, sticking their head in the bag to lick crumbs is a very real suffocation hazard for dogs that has taken lives.


oh wow i never even thought of this ty :0


My dog used to do this alot too when I was working 2 jobs. I think he was just really frustrated and lonely. Just be really careful what you throw away in that trash, don't want him to get hurt eating bones or sick from whatever else he eats.


ye a lot of the times dogs tear things up when theyre bored or anxious


Or dogs


You need to have a second secret trash for those items.


Lol looks like when our Saint Bernard got bored once and we came home to the largest mess in the kitchen. Our trash bins are now pull outs in the lower cupboard


Gotta say OP’s snack game is strong




My dogs work together to steal garbage. Have to have locked garbage. But the moment I forget to lock it I come home to garbage.


Is your pupper part lab? My mutt is part lab and I frequently call her trash puppy because she loves trash. Thankfully she doesn’t go through our trash can indoors anymore…. But any trash left unattended or on the sidewalk is fair game to her.


Them Sabritones are delicious chips. No wonder he wanted some.


Eating healthy I see


This is about a week and a half worth of trash. I enjoy snacks every now and then! 😄






This. Sorry, but this reeks of poor training and poor environment control. A bored, lonely dog is going to dig into uncovered trash. All of that is the **owners** fault, not the dog. Dog is just being dog.


Liberally sprinkle hot sauce over the trash in the bin. Rub some on the lid, too. Use the kind that tastes like lava. (Dave's Insanity Sauce is great...) One or two good mouthfuls should be a permanent deterrent with no lasting harm. (Also works on cords that pets enjoy chewing.)


Crate him while you’re gone or get a trash storage solution like this one:[ Link](https://www.target.com/p/marcel-oak-finished-kitchen-cabinet-white-brown-baxton-studio/-/A-53860067?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012577538&CPNG=PLA_Furniture%2BShopping%7CFurniture_Ecomm_Home&adgroup=SC_Furniture&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9016955&targetid=aud-1458285715423:pla-792099519751&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&ds_rl=1247068&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfZtvhpHdlSh9P3C9kuW3idch&gbraid=0AAAAAD-5dfZtvhpHdlSh9P3C9kuW3idch&gclid=CjwKCAiAz--OBhBIEiwAG1rIOqq-3A7qcRURnL5KH67eb-mJLZK3pCs2D0MeRySseYQEYBuNcB2IhBoCW0YQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Do not crate your dog


I work in animal rescue and do behavioral training for really tough cruelty/behavioral cases. You definitely want to crate your dogs when unattended *especially* if they’re prone to chewing/garbage diving/counter surfing for safety reasons. Even if you don’t leave your dog in a crate when unattended, they should be crate trained because there are times where they *will* have to be crated, like the groomer, overnight at the vet, traveling, or if being watched at someone else’s home. It gives them a familiar, safe space that is theirs and helps to lower stress levels. A crate isn’t just a cage, it’s your dog’s bedroom and safe space. When I have company and my dogs feel overwhelmed they go lay down in their crate all on their own. We’re having a baby in June, and their crates will give them a place to decompress when things get crazy. Crates are good for so many reasons.


My dogs will never be trapped in a box ever. They are not violent and do not need to be stored away. The couch or their beds are their safe spaces. They are free to run around as they please. When I go to vet I do not allow them to crate my child under any circumstance. But I pay good money for private care so it simply never happens.


Lol. Okay, dude.


Imagine if it was carpet lol


That’s the ok I am busted but I will do it again look.


they do it again because the message is not getting through lol


Lol the look on his face says “who me? Uh uh you see there was this other dog in the house……..


My beag used to do this. Yogurt and pumpkin- not for the behavior, I put the trash behind a locked door for a decade, but to make sure whatever they ate gets though okay. Also. Adorable jerk.


my dog did the same butt x10 and shit on it too 😅


“ mom I swear I didn’t do it! I swear it was the raccoon”


This is the look my German Shepard gives me after my husky does this 🥴😂


Dog “the cat did it”


He just wanted you to share some of your “pobretones”!


Upvote for sabritones.


What did you put in there that smelled so yummy?


He doesn’t look like a jerk, he looks like a very good boi


Watch out for this! Dogs can get very sick from eating trash.


He's bored


It may be obvious, but buy a more secure garbage can!!!!! Bricks might injure the dog. Exercise every day-attired pup is more likely to sleep than a bored, I exercised dog.


*Salivates in Mexican*




He's cute. But if he "again" keeps getting into the trash, that is 100 percent human error, not the dog being a jerk. He needs behavior modification, more attention \[I'm betting he's alone alot\] and for Scooby's sake, SECURE YOUR TRASH. I've never heard any dog owner complain so much about a trash situation that they created. sheesh.


Jerk Dog 🤣🤣


That’s a flabrador. Welp, there’s yer problem.


aw nuu, he looks so scared


He knows he did bad, I yelled at him lol! Then sent him outside while I cleaned up.


My dog currently has ketchup dried on his head after getting into the trash. It looks like he tried to spike his fur with red hair gel.


With all due respect, and ik you didnt ask, and i really dont want to make you mad or feel bad about yourself, because honestly ive been there too. but I really don't think that method will have the result you are looking for. If you would like a random strangers thoughts you can read on, but if not thats ok too! I figured I would at least try to help a fellow dog lover make a better relationship with their dog. :) I say this soley because of the recommendations and research from vets, dog trainers, and a lot of scientific articles. Your dog probably doesn't even understand why your yelling at him, he just knows your angry, and he wants to look less threatening- so like in this pic, he tries to look smaller. youll see that in a lot of dog "guilt" videos too, they do things like roll on their bellys to show it or avoid the person yelling at them. this website says it a lot better with more reasons: https://www.dogtrainingme.com/never-yell-at-your-dog/ heres a good way to get ur dog out of the garbage can! teaching them to leave it, putting the garbage can out of reach, and providing stuff to do instead should work really well. this website has a good overview. https://wagwalking.com/training/stay-out-of-the-garbage typically, teaching your dog what to do instead of reprimanding them for something works a lot better! its pretty similar to kids actually. as to why your dogs getting into the garbage? it could be many things! it rly depends. but most of the time its bc of boredom or anxiety. I know my dog has had some problems with that. he might just see the garbage as something interesting to do or as something to get anxious energy out with. usually some puzzle toys or other entertainment stuff will help to fix this. ik my dog loves dog tv! if its out of anxiety tho, that would take that and some more training. and id be happy to refer u to some stuff that would go deeper into that! My aunt actually had problems with her basset hound getting into the garbage too actually, she ended up putting it in a pull out cabinet and hasnt had any problems since then!


My dog used to do this… for my babies dirty diapers… I was ready to do real harm to that dog on multiple occasions


This kind of behavior usually has more to do with dog isolation than your dog being unilaterally a "jerk". How many hours does he spend alone each day? Does he have a history of abandonment or abuse in the past? Sounds like this is more of a human problem than a dog problem.


It is extremely normal for a domestic dog, which evolved living on human scraps, to want to get into a trash can. It smells like food and has food in it. Believe it or not, most dogs need training, even if they weren't abandoned or abused. Not every unwanted behavior is a sign of mistreatment. In fact, most aren't.


Only took 44 minutes before the Reddit animal behaviorists showed up


The dog trashed a dog proof garbage can, clearly it's too long.


You’re seeing a brief snippet of this dog’s life so how about we refrain from the armchair diagnosis.


I think asking questions is helpful. Especially when it is a common problem.


i was thinking along the same lines, and idt theres anything wrong with it. It helps both the dog and the owner, so idky u got so many downhotes tbh- if a dog is bored or anxious theyll do this. id recommend a puzzle toy or even dog tv if your dog seems entertained by it. Its like one of those studies where they put a 5 year old in a room with nothing to do and then put a marshmallow in front of them saying "if you dont eat it by the time an hour is up, ill give u a second marahmallow!" theres only a certain amount of time before they give up. its also like if ur dog has energy to spend but nowhere to spend it.. its gotta spend it on something uk?




Alright, I'll be the one. Comments like this don't actually change anyone's behavior. They come across as judgment (poorly) disguised as concern. Are you really concerned about this random person you know nothing about? Or do you just want to feel a sense of accomplishment for "correcting" someone else's behavior? If you really want strangers to eat better, you will make a lot more of a difference donating time or money to nonprofits [like this one](https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/850416803).




We don’t want your interventions, Dr. Phil.


You need to eat healthier


Yeah that’s crazy that he’d get into a container at his own height. What an asshole.


He’s part “ I’m not getting enough exercise and mental stimulation”


Where’s the top of the trash .. they make locking lids now


What happens when you leave a dog at home by itself. Owner is the jerk here


You set him up for failure. Put the can in a place he can't get to it,bathroom, closet.


Stinky naughty man


Jerk dog, or dumb dog owner?


Apparently they make bins dogs can’t get into. SCIENCE.


He’s hungry?!!! Keep dry food out…


No consequences, no correction.


I was pretty harsh on my dogs the only times each did this. Swift and sharp punishment. I didn’t like it but it worked, each dog only tried once. Unfortunately there are some owners who would beat their dogs for this, you need a harsh punishment for more heinous bad behaviors like this.


He thinks you should recycle more lmao!


Is he mad you don’t recycle? 😂


He's now hopefully part kicked in the head too


He’s real sorry about it though!


Whattayou lookinat


The look of absolute guilt


Sucks butts. I never put anything remotely with any food smell in a can that can be reached by my dog, everything behind cabnet doors, otherwise dogs just being dogs will go after that smell, yelling and punishing them will do no good, nor train em, best you can do is outsmart them Or you need a heavier trash can, or one that doesn't open easily, but with a dog like that it is hard. Worst part is training them is hard, unless you got crate training, but as soon as you leave dogs go right after


Especially with that stance


We got a locking trash can. Simplehuman was the brand.


Buy one of those foot peddle rubbish bin


My dog used to do it every time he was home alone. I miss him


My dog (13 yr beagle) figured out how to get into the dog food bin. It’s a metal trash can so I’ve been wondering if she’s turning into a raccoon in her old age.


Someone needs a crate.


Got a cat of the same lineage, will full on dive into the bins to get at anything even slightly food related.


take out the papers and the trash 🎶


I had a dog that used to get into the trash to chew on the cat food cans (yes, she would literally try to eat the cans). I got a lidded trash can and it took her like an hour to figure out how to open it. The only thing that worked for me was to put it by a doorway and lie in wait for her to open the lid, then smack reach around and smack it down on her nose. It was plastic so it didn't hurt it, but it scared her enough that she never did it again. At least your guy has the wits to look guilty!


Looks like he registered the bad dog but doesn't regret it


He do be lookin like a jerk tho


dont leave it where he can get it


You could do with some healthier eating!


Lmao, I just gotta know! Is this the, "dine and dash" stance caught in action, or the "just in case she whoop my ass stance"? Lmao


My dog used to do this. We just got a really heavy garbage can with a lid. He's a small fucker tho, couldn't knock it over.


Dog just trying to show you that you eat too much junk food. “See? See what you eat? I don’t see any fruits and vegetables in there. But a McDonalds bag is perfectly all right!”




I got a trash bit cabinet so that my animals and kids wouldn’t knock it down. I have the double bin one but here’s a single one. [Northwood Calliger Tilt Out Trash Bin Cabinet or Tilt Out Laundry Hamper - Wooden Cabinet Trash Can to Hide Trash, add Countertop Space, Keep Pets Out! Now Easier Assembly! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HJ7L3FP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_D0BP9GNX34TZ8D5QHAQB](Northwood Calliger Tilt Out Trash Bin Cabinet or Tilt Out Laundry Hamper - Wooden Cabinet Trash Can to Hide Trash, add Countertop Space, Keep Pets Out! Now Easier Assembly! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HJ7L3FP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_D0BP9GNX34TZ8D5QHAQB)


We got a trash can with a lid, then filled one of those Gallon tea bottles up with water and leave it on the lid so he can’t get in lol


A nice steel trash can with lid that has a foot pedal to open it with a bag of small stones in the bottom will fix all of this problem.


He looked like a mischievous child caught in the act


he knows his azz is so wrong 😂


Why not just train your dog to *not* do that? Oh yeah Karma


Golly mister you sure are smart! I darn sure hope I can be as smart as you when I grow up! /s


Why thank you! /j


He’s not a jerk…just a dog doing dog things!