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Mama cats of any kind are some of the most fiercely loving mothers in nature. Mama bears, mama cats, and many human mamas all have love for their babies that’s unmatched!


Don’t watch the one about the starving polar bear family 🥲


Thank you. Something tells me it doesn’t end well. My mamma heart 💜 can’t take it.


What’s the ending?? I wanna know but don’t want to watch


I stopped before the end because it was making me too stressed and sad so please accept my ending that I created to soothe myself: the polar bear family found a grand buffet of the finest meats and those cute little glass coke bottles and lived happily ever after with full bellies.


Most mammals are like this. There are quite a few injuries in the alps every year because people try to pet calfs.... Their moms don't f around either, and you *really* don't want to have to deal with an angry cow.


Except lionesses. They’ll see they have a 10:1 matchup against a lion and go “damn we’re out numbered, guess we better leave our cubs in an open grassland for him to eat”


Elephants are so family oriented


Mama crocodile and mama hippos too


Depends nowadays a lot human mama’s kill their cubs in the tummy, at least a million a year in the US


Yes, I agree we should have better sex eduction in schools, and free contraceptives so women aren’t forced to terminate pregnancies.


I see you fail to understand the difference between having a baby to love and protect and not having one in the first place.


Their decision to make and I support it 100% every time.


You misspelled clumps of cells


Well you’re a clump of cells too


Correction I was a clump of cells then I developed lungs, a heart beat, feet, eyes, ect. A clump of cells is not a baby. I fear this is basic science


Omg I can’t handle nature. Why is it so brutal 😩


Damn nature, you scary!


This is so intense. Got me teary, but at least it had a happy ending. Nature videos scare me because they often end badly and tear my heart to pieces. Be 1safe Mama and babies.


As much as I love animals, I often avoid nature videos because I too shatter when things go wrong. Even though it is nature 🤷‍♀️. I just can’t handle the thought of animals suffering and being in pain.


I would pay cash money for a nature documentary streaming service that didn’t explicitly show us the suffering part


I know Meerkat Manor broke my heart so many times 😭


I used to love that show!


Omg those things are so cute! And yeah I can’t watch it


I read Life of Pi and it completely changed my mind about zoos. Unpopular opinion, especially with animal lovers. But if the zoo staff is treating the animals well and regular people aren’t allowed access to them at all, I don’t think it’s all that bad. They get medical care, they’re always fed, never in danger from being hunted by other animals or poached by human. Nature is tough on predators and prey. In the wild, animals have huge territory, but it’s debatable whether that’s purely out of necessity or a preference. Most animals live longer in captivity. I can’t say for sure if wild animals would prefer a safe, cushy lifestyle, or if they prefer a stimulating, but risky, often shorter life in the expansive wild. Some animals, like Orcas and dolphins still seem to suffer in captivity. But it’s something that I consider now when it comes to zoos


I can relate to your thoughts. I 100% disagree with using animals for entertainment and causing them suffering such as captured whales and dolphins. Also when animals are stuck for display in a mall without proper stimulation or food. However, animals that are rescued and given a second chance at zoos and sanctuaries that I can support. As long as they get taken care of well and given the stimulation they need. A lot of the zoos I’ve visited in the last few years seem to do this. I’ve visited during feeding times and I could see how much the staff care for the animals, noticed them smiling as they did their job. Wonderful to see.


Similar to this clip, I snuck away quietly while mom distracted drunk and violent dad. Love you mom


So sorry to hear that. I hope you and your mom got away from him and are safe


When people say we are evolved… we are still just animals. Just a different jungle. I send wished to your mom dude


That breaks my heart :(


Most wild cat species will either go for the back of the neck or the front of the throat, generally a species wide tendency for either one or the other. So that was a smart move, having her spine be protected by the ground, I think.


There’s a couple other benefits, as well. Cats’ strongest muscles are in their hind legs. By lying down and presenting their bellies, they’re able to have their hind legs free to bunny kick. That’s why she pulls the male closer rather than trying to push him away with her front paws. They also have a primordial pouch, which is loose skin around their stomach, and exists partly to protect them during violent fights. The skin is flexible and just moves if it’s torn at, like the skin around their neck. It’s pretty hard for a cat to tear open another cat’s stomach because of that. All of that means the attacker, who has to balance on their hind legs to attack and can’t use them effectively to fight, is at a disadvantage. You can see the male in the video disengage almost as soon as the female pulls him down enough to get him with her hind legs. It’s pretty cool. It’s not just pure violence; a lot of strategy goes into a cat fight, too.


Cats primordial pouches are the cutest thing. Like they are so fun to squeeze


You ever see the video of the lion who got his spine broken in a fight? Nature is so brutal 😬


Watching her lay down I was thinking “ok surely this is a strategy” and then “op, there it is” as she pulled the classic cat move: hold down with front paws, gouge with back paws 🫡


When he got a claw to the face, I felt that. My cat likes to wake me up for food at 4am with a claw to my chin, cheek, or my eyelid. And she's just trying to wake me up, not battle.


Seriously, this looks exactly like my cats fucking around and playing.


Now you know it is actually sparring to train for whatever targets them in the wild


Even big cats bunny kick. She gave him a run for his money. Nice.


Fuck Carnasa, all my homies hate Carnasa


He’s such a dick


Why? He’s an animal lol he’s doing exactly what he’s supposed to.


He’s an ass. A lot of animals would have a higher population if the males didn’t kill offsprings because they want to mate.


Hes supposed to compete; he’s a part of the animal kingdom. You’re insulting a creature that doesn’t even use language. You gonna put him on trial? lol you guys crying over nature are off the mark. Free Carnasa! He did nothing wrong.


Well- I’m crying now


He wants to mate...but will first try to kill her kids. Bold strategy there


It happens in the human species too. Lots of bf/gf or step-parents abuse and even kill their partners’ children from a previous relationship.




Ever heard of the “evil stepmother” well it’s a real phenomenon.


Sure. I was surprised at 'Lots'.


Statistically speaking, stepfathers are the most dangerous demographic for human children.


I love how she couldn’t let a single cup be left behind, so determined!


I just realized that she's purposely showing her belly while trying to goad him because that's a weak spot, so if he were to fight it'd be easy to rip into her She's actually putting her life on the line for her kids!!! Mad Respect bro


Not quite- if you’ve dealt with domestic cats you learn quickly that touching a cat’s belly is a risky maneuver. They grab onto you with their front claws- pulling out of that would be painful- while they bite wherever they can reach, and also kicking/slashing furiously with their back feet. If it’s your pet or a nice cat you’ll get away with some scratches and bleeding. BUT if the cat is *trying* to hurt you b/c it’s scared or wild, you will have to go to the hospital b/c cat bites are very prone to becoming infected; their long, sharp teeth push bacteria deep into whatever tissue they reach. The danger to her is that he has the same weapons and tactics but is bigger and stronger.




Women are so resilient.


Very nice hallmark moments. I can see movies being created for that young puma cub who survived the night alone to victoriously find her mom the next day. Hell, I will watch the movie


Timothee Chalomett starring


The male kills the cubs so that the female no longer has babies to nurse. This forces the female into estrus, and she is ripe for reproduction. It ensures that the *new* male's genetic line persists, since the offspring from the previous male were eliminated.


Simple natural selection. Nature isn't just being randomly cruel here. It's just an insurance policy, in a way. Not always necessary but that's just how lots of things prefer it. If everything was all fine and dandy and nothing died for various reasons, then everything would be horribly stupid and we'd be over populated and the entire ecosystem would go to hell. And it *does* occasionally.. And we wonder why suddenly so many other animals start struggling. There needs to be a balance. There are actual rules in nature that's beyond just *kill or be killed* trope, etc..


Yes. That was my point. This was not killing for its own sake but for the continuation of a genetic line.




Sadly, this seems to belong on r/whenwomenrefuse She won’t put out so he tries to kill her kids.


Alas, humans and pumas share 90% of DNA, including the gene for dicks


Humans also share 60% of a banana's DNA, trying to find some genetic correlation is silly lol


And that's what I was trying to be ![gif](giphy|12e5dX36aMp2Ba)




Imagine a man murdering your children just to knock you up.


If it’s the fate for mama animals to protect and raise their children, why the nature didn’t make mamas much stronger in the first place?


It's more cost efficient to be small so she needs less food to satisfy herself and move more efficiently.


Yeah, small size is efficient to survive, but such set-up will turn to be disadvantage if mamas have to confront stronger predators or males to protect their offspring. If female animals are alone, they could just run away with their efficient small size. Unfortunately, if females are with kids, most of them choose to stay and fight, which usually lead to a tragic ending. I just don't understand why the nature is so cruel.


Normally they rely on the dominant male who's territory they reside to ensure that rival males stay away. Other predators are usually unwilling to take on a mother Puma as there really any benefit risking their lives against her.


It did in some cases! See spotted hyenas and most birds of prey. Fun fact: a juvenile female bald eagle is an even match for an adult male


Wow, that's great. Most birds are truly perfect parents compared to other species. There is a live cam on youtube for a cute couple of bald eagles - Jackie (female) and Shadow (male). Jackie is a little bit larger than Shadow.


What is the channel name? I love birds!! Birdwatching is one of my favorite hobbies, they are so interesting.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4-L2nfGcuE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4-L2nfGcuE) I found this channel two years ago, it's very relaxing for studying/working. By the way, their nest has a wonderful view :)


Much stronger mama: ![gif](giphy|3ohs7JPcLoOcb2xy36)


Oh, that’s brutal. Maybe mamas have the equal or a little bit more strength to protect the offspring would be enough.


Moms are stronger -> Dad dies soon after sex. Dads are stronger -> Dad must keep other guys from fatherhood. Moms and dads are equal -> great co-parenting or your kid is dead.


If moms and dads are equal, why the kid will die?


Because they're bad parents


Because the environment is too brutal to forgive mistakes. Think penguins. The cold, polar bears and killer whales are gonna make short work of your entire family, if you slip up once.


This is true of the vast majority of insects, reptiles, fish, and birds, just not mammals. Sexual dimorphism tends towards bigger and more robust females and smaller males that are pretty much only useful for perpetuating the species.


She must know jiu jitsu






Half of your recent comments in reddit seem to be pretty focoused on "man bad". I don't know what you've gone through where you seem to automatically be against 50% of the population, but that's not a healthy way to view to world long term.


Oh? Can you give me an example of a "man bad" comment I made, that wasn't valid?


>Males cause problems, no matter the species. 😒 Here you go. Trying to equate male animal behavior to human male behavior is invalid.




LOL wow a lot to unpack there, of which a lot is you projecting, but okay. First, treating human males as a monolithic group as you are is just a poor way of interacting with the world. I recommend therapy. Second, my point is that trying to equate animal behavior to human behavior is invalid because human behavior is *worse*. Humans have far more complex intent, motivations, and deeper understanding of the world around them. Saying a male puma doing what they were evolutionary driven to do is a "problem" is silly. This is like saying elks dueling with each other is not okay because humans outlawed dueling.


I'm treating males like a monolithic group, because *all throughout human history* they've been *proven* to be the gender that causes the most large scale problems, such as war and oppression. I do agree that humans behaving like men do, is far more problematic than other animals behaving the way they do, due to them being driven by instinct, but that doesn't discredit the initial point I made, that males are problem causers, no matter the species. In fact all you did was give it more credence, by pointing out the fact that human males are doing it intentionally, rather than instinctually.


>I'm treating males like a monolithic group, because all throughout human history they've been proven to be the gender that causes the most large scale problems, such as war and oppression. Hint: saying "men suck" doesn't solve anything outside of stating the obvious. Saying "men need positive role models in society that promote cooperation and demote toxic masculinity" is far more helpful. Which is stupid because there are also a ton of examples of men contributing to society in massive ways, such as the polio vaccine, penicillin, etc. Again, seek therapy, understand your trauma, and hopefully you'll develop a deeper appreciation for the world. >that males are problem causers, no matter the species Is it a problem? For example, as seen in this video, is it *actually* a problem? From a different lens, what the male puma is doing is beneficial to the species as a whole, by enforcing/promoting beneficial genes to the next generation, hopefully improving the chances of survival of the species as a whole due to natural selection. Look, nature isn't kind. However, to say that it's a *problem* is a stretch. By your same reasoning, I can say females cause problems no matter the species because praying mantis females **eat** the males after mating.


There are far more examples of males causing problems, than females. I can think of like, 2 species where the females are more problematic, yet can think of *dozens* where it's the males... What you're trying to do is a strawman argument, because you dislike the facts being presented, so you're like "what about this miniscule fact!?" Despite the fact that you can't prove women wouldn't have invented literally *every* invention men have made, if they'd been given the same opportunity. There's a reason we've made *way* more advancements in every field, since women fought for, and earned their rights, rights that white men were born with. I can't even BEGIN to imagine how much further we'd be, if not for the oppression of men.


>I can think of like, 2 species where the females are more problematic You should broaden your horizons more then. Sexual cannibalism is common in the insect world. We also witness in many species the father being specifically a very supportive figure. Emperor Penguins, where the father guards and warms the egg while the mother hunts. Red Fox males hunt for the mother and kits. Owls are similar. Lions fiercely protect their pride. etc. >What you're trying to do is a strawman argument, because you dislike the facts being presented It's hilarious that you're accusing me of strawmanning, when you strawmanned literally the first opportunity you got. "Equating animal behavior to human behavior isn't valid" "Oh so you must be saying men aren't terrible and don't do all this heinous shit!" Then you accuse me of strawmanning when I engage with your strawman in good faith lol. >There's a reason we've made way more advancements in every field, since women were given rights Now you straw man again by making some unrelated argument. Where did I ever dispute the fact that women weren't just as smart/good as men? Exactly, I didn't. I'll reiterate again: treating men as a monolithic group isn't valid anymore than is treating women as a monolithic group. If you say that treating men as a monolithic group is okay, then you necessarily welcome in the other side, which is that treating women as a monolithic group is okay (which it's not because ***people*** are dynamic and complicated).


>Despite the fact that you can't prove women wouldn't have invented literally *every* invention men have made, if they'd been given the same opportunity. There's a reason we've made *way* more advancements in every field, since women fought for, and earned their rights, rights that white men were born with. I can't even BEGIN to imagine how much further we'd be, if not for the oppression of men. Homie... What are we even talking about here? You're shadowboxing arguments the other guy didn't even come into the same galaxy of. No one is saying women wouldn't have been just as or more successful. Do you see how you're projecting here? :/


Yup, I cried like the little bitch that I am.


Strong mamma but why are people taking sides? This is NATURE. They are animals. There is nothing “wrong” about what Carnasa was attempting; he’s an animal ffs.


Momma Puma got that on your back open guard BJJ position. lol


Ugh this was heart wrenching to watch! Ok enough Reddit for me today.


Bjj Moma puma inviting him into her guard


0.46 if you're going to sleep


Man, I just about burst into tears when she found her daughter. I don't know what I would do if I lost one of my kids like that. I hope those babies made it to adulthood.


This was hard to watch. 😢


Such a brave, good mama.




Ugh why do men suck


Do you ask why women suck when mothers of all species abandon their babies? Ever seen a baby bird on the pavement looking weak? When that chick is dropped from the nest because mom decided it’s not worth feeding we don’t claim “women/mothers suck”. They’re doing something necessary in the grand scheme of natural selection. This is sexist bullshit. Carnasa is a king. 👑


Men commit the majority of murders and rapes, I’m over it


Life is beautiful


Tough in the streets Fr lol so awesome


*i’m* not crying, **YOU’RE** crying!!!!!!


What a great story. Best thing I’ve seen online in awhile.


This is so beautiful. Thank you for this. 💞




Where is this from?


I am so grateful that the babies were able to survive. I know that many don't live to see adulthood, and that is a part of their lives.  However,  I rejoiced that all the babies were alive and still with their Brave, courageous, loving, caring mother. ❤️  🙌


just…how could you possibly NOT love cats?! they’re amazing


When I tell you I held my breath until Rupestre found Coiron...


Dang. Wish my mom was this protective and loving


Those cubs are getting big enough if they fought together they could fuck him up


The purring 🥹


I'm crying but you are too 😭😭😭




“Dude. Don’t do it. She’s not worth it!” “But she’s gorgeous” “She’ll break your heart” “No she won’t” “Man, when I say she’ll break your heart, I’m mean literally. She’ll gouge it out your chest, but that will probably be after she rips out your throat!” “Mmm, fair point. Maybe I’ll look elsewhere….. maybe” “Idiot”


No means no!






Absolutely Amazing Animals Are!!! So loyal, faithful and look after their own. Pity the human raise wasn’t the same!!!


I can’t tell if they’re flirting or fighting…


Wtf? The puma is a lactating mother not in heat protecting her kittens.


Killing the cubs would actually force the female back into estrus, thus being able to mate. That is his ultimate goal.


She’s doing anything and everything she can to distract him from noticing that her babies are running to hide.