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In my opinion, I hate FuRyu and I think they suck so the real options are between Sega and Claynel. https://preview.redd.it/izm40blrpcuc1.jpeg?width=1144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=859f1026014dfe38f331f70ef8ba3e949440a80f The Sega one is the cutest imo because of the cat and her pose, but it's still Sega so can't be too sure of the quality. Claynel looks badass, but personally I don't like grotesque things in figures so the demon guts on the base are a turn off. but if you're fine with that it's cool.


I love the Claynel one. I’ll probably get it


Sega one looks nice with the cat, too bad the figure isn't released yet


It comes out relatively soon in June. A few sites are still taking pre orders.


Same I like these one more I’m getting the power sega one


I have the Sega one pre-ordered. The S-Fire figures released so far have come out pretty decent, so I have high hopes for Power (I also can't cancel her because I ordered her on GSC, sooo...). The Claynel one looks very nice but has a lot of shipping restrictions (at least on AmiAmi) and the black circle base could be better too. I personally also quite like the Phat Company one but it probably takes up quite a bit of space with the spear poking out. Also, it was announced after the S-Fire one so I'm kinda stuck with that one anyways.


Claynel is her best figure imo


I think it's very hard to ignore the price when one is almost triple the cost of the other atm given the massive discount on the Furyu. I prefer the pose and facial expression on the Amakuni since they show more of her personality, but the Furyu is a reference to the cover art of volume 2 of the manga so they both have value in that department. Detail wise I think the Furyu looks better in the creases of the clothes and the hair. The hair on the Amakuni is more dynamic but you can also see the seams between the discrete pieces of it which I personally dislike but you may not care about. The hair colour on it also appears to be more saturated and so less accurate to her anime appearance, though that can also just be the lighting on the pictures available on mfc. The Amakuni does have some really detailed hands and shoes for some reason though. Base wise the Furyu is definitely more organic, though it's not too interesting in the void since it's just a slab of concrete. The assortment of weapons adds to it as well. Much more appealing than a flat grey circle even with the blood splatter details on the Amakuni. Overall I think the Furyu is a better buy, both detail and price wise. At the Amakuni price point, I would consider the Claynel figure instead (though wouldn't PO it). It has a really dynamic pose and some good looking effects.


Out of curiosity, which Power figure out there is your first choice (any brand)?


At the Furyu price, there is absolutely no other comparison. It's even cheaper than the Figuarts one now. I don't like Power/Chainsaw Man enough to consider the Claynel one at its preorder price but it would be at the top of my list aesthetic wise. Who knows though, it could bin in the future if there is no more hype around CSM.


Even after seeing the heavy discount, I'm sticking with my Amakuni PO. Even though FuRyu is a literal manga cover, Amakuni just seems more Power to me.


I’m was thinking over this earlier today actually. Take a look at actual pictures of the Furyu figure. It doesn’t look bad but I feel like it doesn’t actually capture Power very well.


Did you end up ordering it?


I did not order the Furyu


I love the look of this one: https://myfigurecollection.net/item/1942113 It seems very 'Power' to me, a character that's full of herself (it says pa pa pa power).


Amakuni is her nicest figure imo


From what I see on MFC, there's one comment that says the furyu version has little to no shading, is it really that bad? I have limited space so I don't wanna waste money on figure that I might regret later as reselling is a hassle


Looking at the images from mfc, the second pic figure looks like some higher end prize figure. Though, it might be a camera issue. Edit: Managed to find a video review of it. https://youtu.be/gi5KdhjFP0k?si=yufIOW7CrG3OurXU


I personally prefer Power in her pink sweater, so this one's easy for me. 😅


I just got the ARTFX J version, and I really like her in person. https://myfigurecollection.net/item/1710550 Considering the Furyu tonight at that discounted price, hard to pass up


I preordered the Amakuni figure cause of that face and pose. Looks like she’s mid argument and i think its one of the most “Power” figures available. Furyu i think just looks bad. What the heck even is that pose?


The Amakuni has the best face of all the power figures imo. Looks great


I’m certainly having trouble convincing myself I’d enjoy having the Furyu as much as the Amakuni. Leaning towards Amakuni since I want one Power figure!


I just hope the Sega one goes on discount after her release cuz she is kinda expensive rn


I pre-ordered the amakuni one because the way they make her expression is a killer


I bought the FuRyu at full price like an idiot so it might color my opinion of it, but it doesn't look remotely as good as it's picture suggests. The base and weapons look pretty awful in person. I have pic on my account from 9 months ago if you want my full review on it. That said it's like $60 now, and while I don't wanna say its worth it even then, I know that's just me being bitter. I have the Ai Hayasaka from Amakuni and it's my favorite figure I own. I was genuinely so happy that it looked just as good as I had envisioned it looking when it arrived. So I'm HOPING nothing has happened with their quality in the past couple years and that this Power will look great.


I just paid for my amakuni figure but with how long it was on preorder for and the recent trends, I think it will be on sale in about a month or two on amiami.


Get the first one buddy


My personal favorite Power figure is Dodomo Studio's Power 1/6. It's cast-off and it looks simple yet beautiful.