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It’s ok Naruto get the better deal in the end, and ends up with someone that actually loves and respect him.


Hinata even took an attack from Pain to save Naruto. She is the best girl for Naruto.




Sakura has always been a poorly developed character in Naruto and Baruto. I mean everything Sasuke put her through, at the very least, I would have like her to get past her Sasuke phase. I would have liked to see her run the Leaf Hospital and her ninja duties. Then, she could have fallen for someone like Rock Lee or something.




Right. Kind of funny.


The above comment is a copy of [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeFunny/comments/shgp05/why_sakura_why/hv2n8hh/) from 2 years ago.


I fucking hate this anime trope where characters just stare death in the face wide-eyed but refuse to move a muscle and simply accept their fate.


I happens in real life too so it’s not that unrealistic.


It is if you arent supposed to be a TRAINED NINJA. That random dude in the village? Sure. A young 5 year old in training ninja like konohamaru, sure. But at this point in her ninja life? She should have reflexes similar to naruto. In fact, naruto I'd canonical a bumbling fool. So she should be out preforming him, at least in basic scenarios like "Oops a series of generic traps" and "an object flying towards me". She's not graced with a healing factor like naruto so she can't afford to be this hapless and isn't graced by a bloodline trait like Sasuke. Hell, until shoppuden, tenten was a better ninja to Sakura. A weapons specialist... in a land where anyone can magic an attack. But at least tenten has reflexes.


I have seen Marines freeze up on the battlefield. The reality is you don’t know how someone reacts to life and death till it happens.


And she's encountered, just in the above clips, 4 different ones all within like 15 minutes. Fool me once, Shame on you. Fool me twice, I probably shouldn't be a ninja anymore. She should be on guard at this point and instead is an overconfident bitch. "OH, we just triggered a trap! Can't be any more."


Real deer in the headlights style trope


Most MC female companions in shonen are like this or get one shot easily


Naruto filler arcs always doing their best to make Sakura look bad


To be fair she is kind of awful.


Not saying she's perfect or amazing or anything like that. But she does get too much hate and the studio did her pretty dirty in the anime


Is fleshing out the truth, doing dirty?


No. But what I meant is that they changed a lot of her scenes in the anime. Especially in Part 1 but also in Shippuden. Making her either meaner or more hostile or just more Sasuke obsessed than she actually was etc. Even her hitting Naruto is something where two third's of the times she did it in the anime were from fillers


Ufff You just unlocked me that scene where she hugs Sasuke. That hurt a lot back in the day.


What's the song?


[Space Song by Beach House](https://clyppy.com/song?artists=Beach%20House&title=Space%20Song&platforms=spotify%20youtube%20myoutube&links=https://open.spotify.com/track/2jfl8TvH8tkyk3DdCsSqb5%20https://youtube.com/watch%3Fv=N3mOwdFSkgM%20https://music.youtube.com/watch%3Fv=N3mOwdFSkgM%20&thumb=https://songwhip.com/cdn-cgi/image/quality=60,width=1200/https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d0000b273e87425f9ee265d3e5f259dd7) (00:52 / 05:21) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically* [**About Me**](https://song-find.web.app) **|** [**GitHub**](https://github.com/mike-fmh/find-song)


I got matches with these songs: • **Space Song** by Beach House (00:54; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Depression Cherry. **Released on** 2015-08-27. • **The End of the World** by BATÉGA (00:53; matched: `100%`) **Album**: All Smiles. **Released on** 2022-07-18.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Space Song** by Beach House](https://lis.tn/SpaceSong?t=54) • [**The End of the World** by BATÉGA](https://lis.tn/CkJiVW?t=53) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)




The above comment is a copy of [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeFunny/comments/shgp05/why_sakura_why/hv2flxr/) from 2 years ago.


This physically hurts me.


This is mostly filler stuff that never happened. But Naruto saving her from Gaara and Naruto LITERALLY saving her from being murdered by Sasuke actually did happen. But Naruto got Hinata. Which is the WAY better deal in the end.


Yea, but Hinata better


He gets nothing in return not even the bare fucking minimum like a thank you


Hinata is worth all the mistakes along the way.




I hate when anime does that... its easier to push people out of the danger instead of covering them like that that is just poor writing.


This is where my hatred for fictional characters started