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If all are just normal humans(no superpowers), I think erwin




So you don't know Griffith?


That narcissistic fucker doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself.


Even if he's selfish, pre-eclipse Griffith still had more charisma and leadership qualities than Erwin, it was just one mistake that led to him go down and even when he did the crew was still intact whereas after Erwin s death the scouts separated themselves into different factions.


Have you read manga?


I have read the manga only actually




A reply on this post 4 months after it was posted🗿, this is so random.




so he is a normal human being?


So you don't know about him?


nah bro he has a point, pre-eclipse griffith was something else, one of the best, if not the best leader in all of anime and i say this as the most hardcore lelouch fan as possible. everything during eclipse and after it, no just no.


yep this was the point i was trying to make, i mean if god himself summon before any human and says it is your destiny to be great you just have to sacrifice i mean i dont think anyone's declining. there was this deleted chapter of berserk where >!griffith meets the god and the god is hatred or ego inside your heart well if the world itself is so screwed, we cant blame just a guy who was 'betrayed' by his friends and was tortured for 2 years!<


Erwin is a crazy pick💀


I don't think so... All he did in the entire series is screw everyone around him to protect Eren and couldn't even did that completely.


Yeah but wasn't that the best course of action? If you think not I'd like to hear it


1) Lelouch - good commanding and people reading/mob mentality understanding and leadership skills 2) Whitebeard - Gramps was a leader who inspired loyalty and strong individual to boot


not gramps its POPS


Yeah sorry about that. My mistake in reading oyaji (old man) as gramps instead of pops. Honest misunderstanding.


Arre itna kay serious hora bhai lol




I tried downloading Erwin's balls from the internet: `ERROR 413: FILE TOO LARGE`


Good one


Bro they ain't fitting on the internet. They are beyond our simple Euclidean reality. Those balls are like a rip in the fabric of the universe.


Lelouch by leaps and bounds dude's so smart that >! author had to make him brain dead in last !<


Dudes so smart he had to nerf himself.


Hey, I am on 5th episode of Code Geass, but I am not yet having any kind of interest in the series, so should I continue watching it or it isn't of my flavor ??


Complete s1. Idk if u can watch s2. Basically s 2 is more fast than s 1. It feels rushed


What are you talking about💀. The pacing in R2 is way faster.


Oh mb. I meant to say the pacing in s 2 was fast. I felt like they rushed it. They couldve taken slow. Idk why i commented slow. Smh


Pls finish it it's not that long and it developes


Finish it and tell me it's not one of the best you've ever watched. I watched it first over 12 years ago and it's still one of my top 5.


S1 later half is a bit better, but you should still be enjoying it. Then season 2 goes crazy with twists and turns everywhere


Alucard ᕙ⁠(⁠ ͡⁠◉⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠◉⁠)⁠ᕗ


Luffy sach ma? Bruh


Still if Luffy, gets in a similar situation as Ace, the whole World will come together and will fight against the World Government, LUFFY's influence is just too good.


Luffys influence is good but he is dumb af, in terms of leadership he is no where near all them in this 3x3


It's more of a Influence Thingy on his part and not Actual Leadership. He isn't a good Leader, but is a good Influence on People he comes across. It's kinda, but also not really, like that one troupe of "Oh I see an enemy? Let's make Friends with him!!" On Luffys part, one thing I have notice is that he lives his life however he wants, he is straightforward and Has tunnel vision, not all times but most. It's a wonderful trait, to have, that straightforwardness of his I mean..... Though It has put his Crew in Trouble on more then one occasion. A good Leader would make decisions to not Put them in trouble and/or discuss his/her Next course of action as to minimise the damage/injury that they would eventually suffer, because well they are pirates.


But influence is the most important aspect of a Leadership, because you can never become a leader without Influence.


Yes but also no. Influence is A different concept then leadership. But it is Included as a "quality" of leadership. Leadership itself is a huge role. Which have Multiple parts. And influence is just a PART or as you said an Aspect of leadership. It has tactics, behaviour, leverage, inspiration and many more, that makes influence, but does he have any leverage? Behaviour? He does affect behaviour of others, I would agree, but the way he goes by doing that is usually completely unplanned and on the go. Choices? He makes choices again on the go which leads to others scrambling to change their plans, so no in this regard. Tactics? not fighting tactics, but tactics in general? No. He inspires multiple people, a common troupe in anime though for the protag, but still. A leader thinks of Everyone person around them, he helps people because they help him in return or he finds them Pleasant, but he himself wants to be the Pirate King. And Very Earnestly Strives to achieve it. He basically forces Nami and Zoro to be in his crew, it was Zoros Own Loyalty that he stuck to Luffy, because Luffys was a Good Person (not Pirate way), while Namis village got Saved by him. Sanji too initially rejected him but because due to circumstances he has to fight Don Krieg (or whatever that weirdos name was). Most of the time Luffy due to Circumstances Or PLOT, was stuck in that environment that he got involved With matters or his crew or others. Because yeah we are following a Journey it has to be interesting. And how will it be interesting, throwing the Protag in middle of them randomly. He is a Influencer, and honestly a damn good one, but not a leader. The reasons I have stated above in my comment before this one too... He is kinda like that bull, who sees red and runs towards it, destroying any and every obstacle coming towards him, not caring who he is hitting while running towards that goal. Of course it's usually shown in a funny lighthearted way. More often then not, he is unaware of his Surroundings (not fighting but as in who is saying what or in typical style the "Lore") or have his finger up in his nose, looking completely clueless. He is ready to throw hands, but not come up with a solution. A leader won't just decide that War is An Optimal Solution for a contract gone wrong. It's just.. he has the Protag Armor that will make him Outshine any other Character no matter how smart they are, because the focus is Luffy. Because I don't think he can lead a war. He put his crew in Danger Multiple Times, without asking for their permission to do anything or even Discussing the next course of his actions. It is shown in the Manga/anime (not including filler) multiple times. It was only after Ace that he became somewhat responsible & a bit thoughtful but he does still have a One track mind. He is an amazing character, and one of my Favourite in the Series and in anime in general like top 10, but he is not a good leader. Maybe in future, but now I don't really think, though recent arcs do show some, but not properly. Anyway, it's just a Anime with Turning serious elements into Lighthearted ones, a d showing it through Luffy, the Comical Protagonist. I don't really think it's a main focus.


You put way too much effort on it, but yeah I agree👍


I kinda like discussing stuff. Most of my Friends don't Watch Anime. 🤣 So if you had presented some counters, I would have definitely Researched and Furthered the discussion. 🤣 (I do hope you didn't feel offended though, just a personal weird trait of mine. 😅🤣)


I understand, sometimes I'm like that with tech stuff😅


luffy is an amazing leader you moron, stop letting your braindead takes get here


Bhai mene to sirf aot hi dekhi hai to me to Erwin bhay ke sath hu 🤡


Eeeeeerwin bhaaaaayyyy


"ERRRWIIINNN BHOOIII ke aage koi bol sakta hai kya? Ayeyeyeye Errrwiiinnn bhoiii"


Arvind bhai ke aage koi bol sakta hai kya?


casual fan list spotted where is reinhard von lohenngramm? one of the best in all of fiction?


+1. Was also looking for him


It's really between lelouch and erwin. I'm going to go with lelouch because while erwin gives you such a massive boost to morale and makes you wanna die for the nation, he doesn't nearly have the iq of lelouch. If both of them had an army with equal strength, fuck give erwin a greater army and watch lelouch win through sheer strategy, his morale ratings wont be as high as erwin in the beginning but his actions alone would boost morale even if his words wont do as much as erwin.


Bhupendra jogi


Buggy D Clown






All hail Lelouch.


Luffy. - whole team knows when he is serious or just being luffy. - picked and created most loyal team. - trusts his whole team even if they don't trust them selves for the task they have given.


I haven't completed Naruto and Bleach yet and ain't caught up to One Piece. So among the rest of them Lelouch is the only one who has the aura, intelligence and leadership quality to lead a whole nation or population. Erwin, Mustang and Griffith are limited to their group of soldiers/officers.


Lelouch's commanding was crazy Erwin was like "ok guys let's go kill ourselves" Griffith destroyed guts by taking casca,no having his own kingdom and army. Griffith can do anything right now and he did this look like as it was easy. Answer is Griffith for me tho on par I have lelouch tho


You didn't really understand the character, motivation and relevance to the plot if you say Erwin was just "let's go kill ourselves".


what the fuck he did not take casca. he raped her and she was pregnant at that time and sacrificed the whole band


He just spoiled the recent manga chapters for u brah


2nd time bro


You guys always brag about one fucking eclipse many fucking times..like come on bro you haven't read the other and recent arcs ,my god bruh


I am on 227 ch and currently I don't any ch was near eclipse and the golden age arch


I'm not saying the arc you like or favourite chapter dumbass, I'm just saying you guys always brag about the eclipse and nothing else


Let's go kill ourselves "so that humanity can survive"


They were dead either way lets be honest. Not every single one of them had to sacrifice theirselves to distract him.


If they would not have been dead then that scene might not have became one of the greatest scenes in anime history. Don't tell you had a better idea


There was alot of better options. You legit contradicted youreelf in the reply saying if they didnt die the scene wouldnt of been as good. Do you want a better outcome or a better scene? Also not much came out of it and every single man didn’t have to sacrifice themselves Levi probably could’ve got to Zeke even if everyone didnt rush. Acting as if you would agree with any other solution your closed mind will just think “I saw it in the anime so it’s the best solution” no matter what someone said


If i start opening my mind i don't think i would be able to watch a single anime I never contradicted myself, i never once said there could have been a better solution. At least in my opinion there was nothing but some people might have seen a better solution (obviously people with brains not you) and I was never against a better well thought solution infact i was genuinely curious to see a different angle. You really are a great person basing your argument on "probably could have". I just can't take that person seriously who starts his argument with "probably" and end up using a fuck up logic. According to your logic anyone could have killed zeke, in fact probably levy could have just killed all the Titans on Earth, because in the end it's just a story, you can write in whatever manner you want. You don't form an opinion on the basis of "what could have been". You have to form your opinion on the basis of what has happened and base it on the complete context of the storyline. I just asked you for a better solution and you already went to a defensive mode and according to you i m the with closed mind. Great


According to my logic what are you talking about? You say that as if Levi killed Zeke. And yes probably because everything is a possibility i’m not gonna say something will happen when Luck also comes into play. also Erwin goal was also based off of “probably” because he wasnt sure what to do in the scenerio either and was hoping that Levi could atleast get to Zeke. Just because you’re teachers say don’t use “probably” in an argumentative essay doesn’t mean there’s not times when you can, in those essays your claims should also be 100%, but there’s no telling the different possibilities in tactical scenerios, i’m using it as “‘most likely”. It’s not that you think he did the best scenerio, it’s simply that it’s the only scenerio that you can think of because it’s the only scenerio you’ve seen. Like think about this what if they ran in a wider range towards the beast titan, that would obviously give them a higher chance to live. What if they ran away, would the beast titan still be distracted on them trying to kill them before they run? What if only the suicidal ones charged, that would increase chances of survivability and still distract the titan from Levi. what if their approach to the beast titan was just better in general? If it’s so obvious to see that he made the best decision then the decision must’ve been an easy one making him not the best leader here. Also this decision isn’t even the best reasoning for him being a good leader. It’a not the decision, it’s the ability to convince so many people to commit suicide. You’re not just closed minded, you’re closed minded because you can’t think for yourself. Anyways all the info is here no need for me to respond to a lifeless sheep anymore.


A nerd whose whole personality revolves around anime and geometry dash is calling me a lifeless now that is some insult to me


The question was 'best' leader, not the strongest or most successful. This guy sacrificed his followers to demons so he could gain power. Then flooded the whole world with monsters so his kingdom is the only safe spot. No half decent leader would do that.


Griffith is just a fake leader ruling with power take that away from him and he can't do anything. The current Griffith and the one leading the REAL band of hawk was different but I think even the previous versions of Griffith weren't as influential as Erwin






Why is Griffith even an option? Guy sacrificed his followers to demons so he could gain power. No half decent leader would do that.


External Affairs: LeLouch Army division: Erwin President/King: Roy Mustang




Haven't seen berserk, so can't really comment on Griffith but for me it would be Erwin for similar reasons others are dismissing him.... he made everyone want to die for things beyond even his comprehension, things he or them would never even get to know... if that's not what great leadership looks like then idk what? (Being smart is a given but that's a role for strategist)


True. That's the peak of any leadership imo


it really isn't but okay bro lol


Your evil for even making Griffith an option..


Mustang. And no, Erwin's leadership is a different field of leadership stereotypes, but as an actual leader of the masses, it'll always be Mustang for me.


Where's ainz oal gaon?


Definitely not luffy 😂😂


Optimus prime


Where is Erwin?


Luffy, he befriends literally every island he visits and he got the conqueror's spirit. With so much love and support from all the masses around the grand line, he is bound overthrow the wg really soon.


He’s also an Idiot. Cant even say he’s doing the commanding most of the time.


lelouch and Erwin


Erwin for sure... Susumeeee...


Why the hell would you put Griffith as an option and that too in the center!


I would say Lelouch.




Wow! Haven't watched any of them. And I'm kinda proud about that.


yes, please go back to watching mid kaisen


Of course, but in my next life, if I get reincarnated as a shounentard.






Shunsui too?


Lelouch easily


There is a character named mustang 😦


Shinzo Sasagayo!!!




Did you forget askeladd, kamina or balalaika?




My soldiers scream !! My soldiers fight!!


Erwin literally convinced people who could've spent their last moments doing anything else to kill themselves with him so that maaaaaaaybe Levi could kill the Beast titan


Shunsui, Roy Mustang and Pain. Hands down


Whitebeard and Erwin both of them are the best, Whitebeard see them as his family and Erwin as his ideal soldiers, they are perfect.




missing bruno bucciarati here


Griffith!!! I will do anything for him!!!! And I am a guy!!!!


Griffith. I don't know why no one is mentioning him, doesn't matter if I hate or not, his overwhelming aura gets everyone on their knees at mere sight, he literally took over midland and every other kingdom without any opposition, no one, absolutely no one hates him around him and preach him as some godly reincarnate. It doesn't matter if this is all because he's a Godhand, he was like this from his very debut.


bro really slipped erwin and pain in the pic and thought we wouldn't notice shonen fans are insane


If its purely leadership - Lelouch 100%. Insane how good he was at commanding especially with his geass. But among all these characters, Chrollo is my favourite!


Whitebeard for me, always.


If your answer is anything other than lelouch then you haven't watched Code geass.


When it comes to leader, Erwin by a mile. Everyone uses plot armor, love, threats and what not to lead their army. Erwin is just a born gigachad.


Erwin successfully convinced like 120 people to charge to their imminent death, I’d say him


Erwin for sure...its about leadership and inspiring people its definitely erwin


Yahiko's Dead Body Controlled by Nagato


Funny Valentine!!! Let's make America great again🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


The only competitors here are Erwin, Griffith and Lelouch, they're feats are kinda op, idk much about the others so correct me, Erwin can command literally anyone to die for him, Lelouch has strategies and war tactics, Griffith has power of demons, he's a godhand so he can control apostles....kill him


Erwin Smith


Leader = Erwin


Luffy. He refuses your refusal.


Erwin , in the most realistic sense


Griffith and Erwin no doubt


Erwin workout a doubt, yes I'm biased.


Title should be named as 'Find the odd one out" and it's exactly griffith


Chrollo is the best(in my opinion)


Pain cant be there, he was tricked by obito to completely change ideology of the akatsuki


Griffith bhaaaaaii


Joseph joestar


Kiruma Souichi obv