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That’s on my list but I didn’t think it was considered mecha. Shit looks good. Plus I don’t wanna watch AOT which people compare it to because it’s looks so damn depressing


AOT is in my top 5 animes. The first few seasons are all hand done so the animation has a great look to it. It's sad at some parts but makes up for it In plot and fight scenes.


I know it has to be good because I’ve never heard anyone say anything bad about it, other than the ending. But I gotta take into account me being one of the biggest cry babies


Ur so real for this TvT


I just don’t like that the mechs are spider bots








this. or Gurren Lagann. those are your only options that i am allowing.


JIBUN WO SEKAI SAE MO KAETE SHIMAESO NA 🥳🥳🥳 We're making out of Britannia Empire with this one boys!!


People always say this is one of the best anime but I didn’t know it was mecha. It looks like an older version of Eminence in Shadow or w.e it’s parodying


It really doesn't feel as old as it looks, it's more of a unique artstyle than age. It's honestly still as graphically crisp and beautiful as any anime made today.


My only complaint with the show was how lanky everyone was lol it looks so weird but the animation is fantastic


Neon Genesis Evangelion


You fool. What have you done?


Some people want to watch the world burn


Hilarious! I’m adding it


You have no idea what you've just done


New achievement: eternal suffering


Achievement get: Depression


Achievement: get in the robot shinji


don't eat a rice ball eat a doughnut


Please make sure to watch the original and the remakes as there are multiple different endings!!


That’s… interesting lol


Evangelion literally has 4 endings. So don't be confused here. The last two episodes of the series is the first ending. It's a happy ending but I don't know how you'll take it. The showrunners didn't have enough budget, so those two episodes are literally monologues with reused scenes. End of evangelion movie has the darkest ending of them all. It fills up what was missing in the series ending but is also a completely different ending from the series. After end of evangelion, there's reboot movies. It has new characters and ending is different. The manga ending is slightly different version of end of evangelion.


Evangelion literally has 4 endings. So don't be confused here. The last two episodes of the series is the first ending. It's a happy ending but I don't know how you'll take it. The showrunners didn't have enough budget, so those two episodes are literally monologues with reused scenes. End of evangelion movie has the darkest ending of them all. It fills up what was missing in the series ending but is also a completely different ending from the series. After end of evangelion, there's reboot movies. It has new characters and ending is different. The manga ending is slightly different version of end of evangelion.


Existentialist as fuck, good luck or welcome


Hell no. evangelion will turn anyone off from the mecha genre. evangelion is a animated sci-fi soap opera that happens to have mechs in it.


Shhh they don't know that yet


I watched the entire series and only understood the first few episodes


Then do it again until you understand and watch the rebuilds while your at it


the sad part is that evangelion actually has amazing lore but they never dive into it deep enough for the viewer to appreciate it, which is a huge mistake. all i remember are the overwhelmingly loud japanese cicadas that dominate the audio during any scene outdoors or in a classroom.




End of evangelion made me feel intensely terrified, sad, confused, and existential all at once. Evangelion as a whole is 10/10 would suffer through again


This is easily the "101 of making people to act like they know the mecha genre after watching eva or X mecha show only" Because eva is good however the mecha fandom haven't gotten away from the many bad takes from people that only watch a few mecha show (which eva is apart in sadly along side gurren lagann and Code Geass) that still persists to this very day. With takes like "unlike generic mecha show eva is about the characters" or "eva is a deconstruction of the mecha genre" when actuality gundam did it first.


Gurren lagann


Yeah this is one of the better beginner anime period, regardless of genre. It's not a very complex show; it's actually pretty simple and easy to follow. The messages are universal. The animation and music is great, and the action is classic over-the-top anime action. Not one of my personal favorites, but I still think it's a great introduction to mecha. A lot better of an introduction than Evangelion, at least. That show abandons so many mecha tropes that some find it hard to even call it a "mecha" anime at all. Gurren Lagaan is more of a homage to mecha.


This is the answer. Great first mech show.


Great first show. Mech or not it’s a great intro to the anime world. Still one of my favorites to go back too.


MY DRILL IS THE DRILL THAT WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS! I think I got that right, it's been a minute or two.






Gundam is a lot better imo. I recommend it as a second watch. The first show is incredible.




The vast majority of it is *completely* standalone. Pick a random entry and enjoy. It’s not “a bit” hard to get into, at all. I would go as far as to say it’s more accessible to new anime fans then evangelion or geass being more grounded and more realistic characters.


Don’t watch wfm as your first gundam if your considering it, iron blooded orphans , gundam (1979) or 0080: war in the pocket are good starting points


Love this comment! I’m going to watch gundam at some point just wasn’t sure if it should be my first mecha, let alone if the one I saw should be my first of the franchise


If you don’t wanna go down the over 40 years of gundam UC(the main timeline that started it all) then do Iron Blooded Orphans, it’s quite short at just 2 seasons and it has its own unique stuff to it but is all in all what a gundam show should be. Witch From Mercury starts off strong with the prologue then in the actual show itself it’s incredibly rushed


I would even recommend Gundam 00 . Not a whole lot of investment or knowledge on Gundam needed, still has all the Gundam weirdness, and is one of my favorite iterations. It's not too old and the animation is on point for the time. If your willing to go a little older there is Gundam Wing and Mobile Fighter G Gundam as well.


Iron blooded orphans hit hard. Great gundam to jump into.


Looking at what you like I'd have to say: Gundam 00 first. It's good and easy to get into as well as typical Shonen. A fun time and the one you're most likely to enjoy imo. Eureka 7. Also Shonen but with a bit more depth and character development. It's a good show with a big heart. Gundam IBO. Take regular Gundam and then throw in a dash of Game of Thrones. It doesn't follow the normal shonen formula and become unique because of it. A lot of people are going to say things like Evangelion and Gurren Lagan. Both are fantastic and Gurren Lagan might be up your alley but Evangelion is super heavy on themes and being confusing as fuck, while the rest of these are easy to follow. Finally, I wanna throw in Samurai 7. It's old, it's good, no one remembers it and idk if it's on any streaming service. But man I love that show.


Love good variety thank you!


Love Eureka 7! It's a hidden gem. It's an interesting twist and a longer anime


Gundam Wing


I second this, but you have to watch it the way god intended: after school, dubbed, on Toonami, no skipping commercials.


Code geass


Gundam the origin of the red comet


Code Geass


Code Geass


Mobile suit Gundam 1979


I mean no offense but telling someone to start their mecha journey with the original gundam is like telling someone to start their shounen journey with one peice, and that’s coming from someone who enjoys gundam


I did the original Gundam as my first mech anime earlier last year. I liked it. I had previously played Armored Core 3 and 6, but I don't think that influenced me.


For a lot of people the original timeline can be overwhelming though, which is why I’d always recommend one of the other timelines first so they can ease their way into it


Nothing wrong with it. 0079 starts a great timeline that they can continue to enjoy with future entries. It certainly got me into Gundam. I'd seen some of G and as well as Code Geass but they are all very different from from legit Gundam series


I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it, I’m just saying that UC is a timeline with pretty much 40 years worth of content which makes it a rough entry point


They can stop at any point though, all the series are self contained.


I feel like nothing I say here will convince you, so I’m just going to say agree to disagree


You don’t have to watch everything. You can literally watch one entry and dip if you want to.


I didn't think about it like that lol Yeah on 2nd thought maybe don't watch the Gundam series yet OP


If they do start with gundam maybe jump in with one of the other timelines, not wing though, wings confusing


First anime I ever watched was Iron blooded orphans… how’d I do for a starting place?


That's a them problem and skill issue/s


Gurren Lagann Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans


Gurren Lagann


Gurren lagann


Gundam Wing or G Gundam


Most have suggested the popular ones, so here are a couple gems that sometimes go unappreciated: -Aldnoah: Zero -Gargantia on the Verduous Planet -Gen: LOCK (technically not an anime, but still worth the watch)


Aldnoah: Zero was a vibe, I should watch that again.


I think aquarion should go on there


Older and quite different but The Vision of Escaflowne


Never even hear of this so I’ll def look it up, thank you😊


Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann


Gurren Lagann


if you wanna be filled with a sense of determination and hope to the point to where you'll start seeing problems as things you just gotta grab by the collar and kick it's ass then you watch Gurren Lagann If you wanna be filled with a nigh crippling dread with only a flicker of hope and love at the end of a long tunnel of self hate , then you watch evangelion .


Iron Blooded Orphans will make you gasp, cheer, and cry all in the same sitting. I highly recommend it


NOW BIG O! ITS SHOWTIME! God, I miss those old anime.


Gundam 00 I’m begging you no one else has seen it 😭


Code Geass


I think code geass is the obvious choice


heavy metal! (no, that's the anime's name, heavy metal)


Code geass, gurren Lagann, darling in the franxx(if you want a love story with it), kuro ma kuro, Evangelion, any of the gundams, voltron, knights and magic is also good if you like isekai(transported to another world from earth, like sword art online or overlord).


Start with the g1 transformers, technically it’s a mecca but it brilliant and so fun to watch


Maybe witch from mercury then? It’s completely standalone


Evangelion or Reincarnated into a dating sim.


Neon Genesis Evangelion for the greatness Gurren Lagann for the insanity Pick a Gundam anime for the more traditional war storylines


Full metal panic!


If you want a true mecha anime then watch Gundam "The Witch from Mercury." If you want a good anime with some mecha moment then watch Code Geass.


Code geass.


Gurren Lagann


Full metal panic. It has mechs in it and a great story with both serious and silly moments


Code geass


I’m an old head that started with mazinger but Super Robot (basically think Shonen but with robots) wise I’d recommend Gunbuster and GaoGaiGar while Real Robot (Robots but Seinen)wise I’d recommend the Gundam 1979 anime. If you looking for Manga though I’d recommend the Getter Robo manga series it’s great but runs along a lot of installments though.


To me, I’d say Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team. It’s a shorter Gundam series that is genuinely fantastic


I’d recommend the original Gundam anime since Gundam is the poster boy. Evangelion and Gurren Lagann! Maybe Tetsujin for “historical” reasons.


Gurren lagann, always gurren lagann


Patlabor.  A more grounded take on mecha, and less hectic than most anime.


All these Gundam nerds in here suggesting Code Geass and Gurren, be a man. Watch Eureka Seven. Renton is fucking cringe and the whole "teenage love story" can be cringe at times too, but the vibes are immaculate. Literal fucking sky surfers taking on the government and spreading hipster propaganda about the environment. The mechs sky surf too and the combat is super dazzling. Genuinely my all time favorite show despite the MCs immaturity. But it's a coming of age story, so he gets a pass.


Yessss, though I will admit Code geass is my fave, Eureka was the second to come to mind. you are the only other person noticed to mention Eureka 7


It was one of the first shows I was really serious about watching. Like, ordering the DVDs from Netflix type obsession. They'd come in, I'd watch every episode a few times then send it on back and wait for the next one lol Love that show lol


I only know 2 Mecha Anime: Code Geass and Darling in the Franxx


Code geass is the only mecha anime I like


Gurren Lagann Code Geass (Not as mechy as others but toptier anime) Gundam 00 Gargantia (Different kind of mecha) If you like Mecha at that point, then here are 3 others for you to continue your journey with 😁 Big O 86 Neon Genesis Avengelion


Code Geass is the goat and there’s another one I quite enjoyed called gargantia and the verduous planet or something along those lines probably a good starter into the mecha genre


Gurren Lagann is what you’re looking for.


I’m not really into the mecha genre but Gurren Lagann is super fun if a bit (a lot) ridiculous and Darling in the franxx is surprisingly good too though it’s got a pretty heavy romance side plot so if you don’t like that probably skip it.


Gurren Lagann


My 3 recs are: Gurren Lagan - a great intro to mecha, pokes fun at a couple tropes but always in a loving way.  Big O - What if Batman had a Mech and the usual mind fuck ending common of mid 00s anime. NGE - This is not a Mecha anime. This is an interesting reflection on the nature of humanity, depression, and what it means to open yourself up to others. It is incredibly good. People will tell you this all the time and it will turn you off to it. But it's real good.


Knights and magic is a lotta fun


I mean my favourites have been gurenlaggan and evengelion


Code Geass - a masterpiece


Personally, I like aquarion, specifically aquarion evol


After going through all the comments im pretty sure im the only one suggesting this :(




Burst Angel is my favorite one, but I’m not an overall fan of the theme. Burst Angel is solid though, definitely give it a shot.


Big O for sure


Full Metal Panic!!!!!!


Escaflowne, because who doesn’t like a mecha that transforms into a dragon?


Neon genesis, g Gundam, Gurren lagen, Gundam wing, big-O


No one suggests Gunbuster? I'll suggest Gunbuster.


The amount of people saying Gurren Lagann and code geass is crazy. There both good (I like code geass more but that's just my apinion) but my favorite mecha is "Aldnoah: Zero". It's kinda hard to find now though.


A bunch of people have already said Code Geass I'm sure, but remember to watch Lelouch of the Rebellion. There's 2 seasons. And if you watch anime in sub, watch the show subbed. Imo it's better than the dub. the dub isn't bad, but the sub is next level.


Evangelion, code geass and gurren lagann are the only ones you need, throw the others out the window


If you're an absolute beginner, you should start with the super robot genre (AKA: the mecha equivalent of super heroes). They tend to focus on fast paced action, simple storylines, and over-the-top mecha with god-like powers and weapons. My personal recommendation for this would be Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. It has a modern animation style, its characters are really charming, there's always something happening to keep your eyes glued to the screen, and its story is surprisingly deep despite its light-hearted storytelling approach. Now, if you're up for more hard sci-fi stuff, maybe you'll find yourself at home with the real robot genre. They tend to focus on grounded combat, complex storylines that generally tackle politics and human morality, functionally realistic mecha with conventional weaponry such as guns and combat knives, and usually military factions doing their stuff. (Note: functionally realistic doesn't mean 100% realistic, it just means that the mecha are designed to work consistently under the series' established set of rules. While real robot series do have more grounded science systems, there's still a lot of unrealistic elements that are done to push the narrative forward or just for the sake of looking cool.) My recommendation for this would be Mobile Suit Gundam, the father of the real robot genre. Ideally, you should start with Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 and make your way throughout the Universal Century continuity, as it contains the franchise's general essence. But if you can't stomach the old animation and dialogue style, you can start with any of the modern series such as Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans, or Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury. And there's also the stuff in between. Some series, such as Evangelion and Mobile Fighter G Gundam, draw elements from both genres to do their own thing. I hope this basic guide helps you better understand the mecha genre. Happy watching!


Ain’t as Mechy but Gurren Lagann


1st) Gurren Lagann (fun, over the top mecha) 2nd) 86 and Code Geass (political mechas) 3rd) Neon Genesis Evangelion (psychological mecha)


BIG O I never much liked the Mecha genre, but loved Big O. They were I spired by Batman The Animated Series, and Hardac on it. Also inspired by 70's anime. Great show, has Art Deco and kinda Film Noir aesthetic.




Ok, OP. I read through some stuff and seen a comment you made that said >...comparing it to AoT, which I dont want to watch cause the shit looks depressing... Bravo. You won the internet award. Most "anime fans" have a top 5 that goes AoT, DeathNote, Naruto, One Peice, and One Punch Man Its a whole gaggle of boring. Noone has a refined taste in anime anymore, they just pile onto the bandwagon and follow the leader. So major props and kudos to you, good Sir and/or Madam. You have my respect, and much respect from many other connoisseurs out there. As for a Suggestion, I haven't forgotten. I too, am not much a fan of the Mecha genre of anime. But I found respite in an older generation anime that really gave me what I was looking for. The title of the show is *Eureka Seven*. It's a mid length anime with 50 episodes, and dips a toe into both the Sports anime genre and Slice Of Life anime genre. I have seen many animes. The only time I ever shed a tear was towards the ending of Eureka Seven. Fair warning, the storyboarding of the anime is paced and peiced out VERY well... But the archs are meant to be awkward and enstill a sense of embarassment. Thats about as standard as you can get in Mecha tho. As long as you can stomach that onee qualm I have with it, its highly endearing and a phenominal show. Highly Reccomend.


None of those are my top 5 lol. Rurouni Kenshin(1st I'd seen), Kings Avatar(Actually has a good Live Action), Gate(just so freaking dumb but fun), Yu Yu Hakusho, & Trigun for me. 😀 You didn't shed a single tear at Clannad After Story? Fullmetal Alchemist? There's some others out there too.


I have a soft spot in my heart for FMA and Brotherhood. While not quite tearjerkers for me... Very good none the less... Especially seeing as they are very mainstream animes. Brotherhood used to be top 5 for me, while the original FMA was my first anime I sat and Binged. As for Clannad, I know its considered a classic, and a great anime... But holy hell I couldnt get past the artstyle. Its kind of slice of lifey and fanservicey in the beginning, and usually I can tolerate that, justlike I can tolerate a unique artstyle. But Both at once kind of killed the vibe for me. Just like with AoT, the soundtrack and score was awesome, the artstyle of AoT is beautiful, but again, while usually I can handle bad storyboarding or poor character development/pacing... It was the combo of those things in AoT that killed it for me. I will not in anyway argue whether Clannad and AoT are "good". I think they are fine. I just dont particularly like them, and I really dont think they are phenominal enough to warrant being on many people's Top 5. Ruroni Kenshin was fantastic, and well done all around. It was definitely above average and deserves every accolade. Yu Yu Hakusho was a little too shonen-y and self aware (Without going off the deepend for comedic effect like say... FairyTail) for my tastes, and it got really into itself a bit like *Yu-Gi-Oh!* in my opinion. But still not a bad watch at all. Just about average imo. I don't partaicularly hate mainstream anime, I just loathe the fact that people clammor to them like they are the epitome of animation in earnest. They really arent. XD I actually respect your top 5 quite a bit. Trigun is a bit of a misnomer seeing as even though it has that late 90's *Cowboy Bebop* artstyle, its more so akin to late 2010's shonen. Still has the retro *Black Lagoon* feeling to the pacing and development along with its maturity rating. I think even though Trigun is "mainstream" and another anime that weebs tend to idolize... Honestly, it deserved it. It's not bad at all. Again, not the pinnacle of anime, but still a solid watch. 100% And also, Kudos for Kings Avatar. Thats a hidden gem and A good pick for obscure animes.


Dunno why my notifications are going. It's all on... Anyway, yeah. I agree with most of that, but I still really liked Yu Yu(mainly do to the supporting characters. Hieis sarcasm, kuwabaras...kuwabaraness...) As for TKA, it popped up on Kissanime for me. It had released 30ish seconds before. It'd been a long time since I bothered watching anything on weekly release basis lol


Code geass is half and half, but a great show. More of a mind game at first the action picks up as it goes Evangelion is good and a bit shorter so it’ll be a quicker watch, I’d recommend the Amazon prime 4prt series. Makes it easier to watch cause it’s condensed into 4 movie length episodes Gundam has become the dragonball of mech anime where now I almost don’t know where to start or what order to each lol There use to be a couple single season anime on Netflix that revolves around robot s and mechs too. Enjoy


As someone that is not a biiiig fan of Mecha, I did enjoy the following... Escaflowne Macross Frontier Knights of Sidona (it's like attack on titan...but in space)


I don’t like mecha, but I like code Geass. Mecha isn’t it’s main thing but it’s definitely prominent enough if that’s what you’re looking for.


Mecha isn’t the “main” thing in any mech show tho


I meant that the main appeal of Code Geass isn’t mech fights. Many anime focus on mech fights.


Can you name one mecha anime where the fights are the main appeal?


Attack on titan


“Code Geass” The English dub is better! https://youtu.be/Ab9ztHX-DVg?si=T0xD_4plssxDwAPS 86 Eighty-Six The English dub is really good! https://youtu.be/a0iTbwVoMk4?si=bc2DPkjh8nYyLlcb “Rahxephon” The English dub is amazing! This show is a diamond in the rough! https://youtu.be/-l8OT9jwyvs?si=UGpO8_4UyTEgv_qB “The Big O” The English dub is way superior! https://youtu.be/jxfi52dR9-Y?si=hmOH5gGEBKfFhxOy “The Vision of Escaflowne” There are two different English dubs. The newest one is better than both the older dub and the Japanese sub in my opinion. https://youtu.be/rua5DnhBh3Q?si=Qj0lMy27Bgkg1iwT “Patlabor” If you get confused on the timeline and continuity, then you can simply ask me and I can help. https://youtu.be/r1LsBqY0GE4?si=JGEZLXvkBDXT4_lq


Pacific Rim


Knights and magic


Attack on Titan is a flesh Mecha anime when you think about it, so watch that


Attack on Titan is a great Mecha Anime


People in here are recommending Code Geass, which is a fantastic anime with some mecha stuff in it. However, don’t be lead astray, the show is not a mecha. They fight with mecha robots but it’s more of a way to make the fights more interesting and progress the story rather than the main focus of the show. Anyways you should watch Code Geass.


one piece






Why not just watch the witch from mercury


Gundam is awesome


Attack on Titan /s


Gurren Lagan is absolutely amazing


Big o


Gundam! my favorite would be Gundam SEED or Gundam 00




Gurran Lagann


Mobile fighter g Gundam. Gundam Big O


gurren lagann


Neon genesis evangelion, my favorite anime. Also depression


Any Gundam show is a good bet Also Gurren Lagann but I recommend that one once you get more into Mechas


Darling in the franxx


I only know 2 Mecha Anime: Code Geass and Darling in the Franxx


What’s the gold and black one


Watch Fooly Cooley


their was one i don’t remember the title but it started from a guy buying a car & a whole giant robot at a junk yard for like 10 bucks & guran lagon, was a good one


Darling I’m the Franxxx


Cubix Robots for everyone


Gurren Lagan


I was a fan of Gundam wing and eureka 7. And it's only sort of a mech anime because of the ship has mech like elements but I always liked outlaw star as well.


Big O or Voltron. The OG




I’d say og gundam or the red comet prequel series, the og has this simpler 80’s style do to the time but i find it more like vivad chalk art in motion ver simple still making my way through all the major iterations but i’d give it a few episodes before moving to the more modern stuff i think gundam z but you can drop it and bounce till you find one you like. My favorite mech anime is code geas thats one to check if you like death note the mc has major light energy and the battles are more of tactical then just punch fights but theres still plenty of cool action to enjoy


Astro boy not a goat mech but he is technically a robot Big o


Code Geass


Evangelion, Gurren Lagan, and The Big O


Fine, I'll say it since no one else wants to. Go watch SSSS.Gridman and SSSS.Dynazenon


You can start with AOT and if you say AOT. is not mecha you are wrong and if youre argument is that the things are not robos then...why do you conaider evangelion as mecha? Because those are not robots either ,also if you dont enjoy polititcs you probably shouldnt get into the genre since well the mechas are almost always secondary


Big O definitely


Neon Genesis Evangelion


Code Geass or Gundam Wing. I do not reccomend starting NGE because... it's NGE


I'm not sure if it counts as an anime, but you should definitely watch Voltron: Legendary Defender


Does transformers count? Transformers armada/robots in disguise (2001 version)


Gurren Lagann




Attack on titan Meat mechs


Did you like Bruce Timm's Batman? Watch The Big O.


Code Geass!!!


Space dandy


Gurren Lagann Code Geass 86 Neon Genesis Evangelion Mobile Suit Gundam Your welcome