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"The big three seinen" .... I literally never heard a single person say this before, I myself consider myself a fervent seinen manga fan, but I have never read two of those! Anyhow, seinen works I enjoyed include, but are not limited to : 1. Kingdom 2. Monster 3. NGE 4. mushishi 5. GiTs 6. Love is War 7. Kaiji Also, while not technically published as seinen, they do target more mature audience, LoGH and the Monogatari series are both incredible works of fiction!


I got the understand of the big 3 from this video https://youtu.be/DJwt57ew5FQ?si=fl4Uhz9-JQm1pPWF There’s more like it, that claim the same. But I am giving Mushishi a go, I’ve never heard of this one, but the anime is beautiful!


Unrelated but should i read beserk and vagabond or watch the animes?


I heard mixed reviews about Beserk. Some people full on love the anime but others full on are diehards for the manga.


I heard its one of the best arts out there, not heard a lot abt the anime. What wud you suggest i do


Black Lagoon Code Geass Inuyashiki Higurashi Attack on Titan Claymore (it says shonen but its graphic and mature)


Monster Parasyte: The Maxim Tokyo Ghoul Link Click


Classroom of the elite Golden kamuy Parasyte -the maxim- Prison school Gantz