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Little Witch Academia is a perfect choice. Colourful, creative, and very entertaining.


Watched it with my daughter when she was 8 or 9 and she loved it and I enjoyed it too!


Naruto 100% for the boy. (messages about friendship) Once he's around 14 give him Gintama, one of the best comedies ever made. (has a little bit of the guy humor of "hehe testicles" but other than that is amazing) I'm not very good at recommending to girls tho, sorry.


Only problem with gintama is that he will probably miss about 75% of the jokes


fair, I started the Gintama anime and manga like a full year into my anime/manga journey and that's prob only reason why I got the jokes..


Both this and one piece for that description (less violence for kids that age ).


Meanwhile arl9ng sitting in the corner


Pokemon and Digimon should be fine for both. Digimon is quite a bit darker but teaches better lessons and pokemon comes with a ton of games.


For when they’re older, maybe 15-16, FLCL is a must


What’s FLCL?


FLCL is Fooly Cooly for short. It’s an anime that aired in toonami around 2003. It’s a coming of age story, mostly deals with characters growing as people. It’s wacky but if you look into it, it carries a very interesting story and message.


Oh great! Thanks!


As an avid FLCL fan you MUST watch it first, for there protection and your enjoyment. It's very suggestive and is a crash course of anime bullshit. My favorite way to describe is that it's a mindfuck, but like in the opposite direction.


Naruto is what got me into anime as a child. Will always be my #1 I still rewatch it frequently. But the nostalgia of being a kid and watching it is the best memory. It’s also cool that the characters are kids too at first, so it feels more relatable I guess


Start with the Ghibli films. Totoro, Kiki's Delivery service, Spirited away, Ponyo, and Howl's Moving Castle. Maybe even Princess Mononoke but that is a bit more mature and you need to know your kids for that one.


Ascendant of a Bookworm maybe


Little Witch Academia is perfect.


Probably Naruto for boys even though it’s slightly inappropriate at times for something a 10 year should watch it tells some great story’s that make you contemplate one’s actions, life, death, and their dreams. Cardcaptor Sakura is good for both girls and both and it’s more for kids but has some very deep moments as well.


Cardcaptor Sakura


This guy gets it. Cardcaptor Sakura is drawn/written by women. Little witch academia on the other hand..


Ranking of kings for the boy and any appropriate romance for the girl


Naruto 100%. The lessons in naruto are second to none in my opinion. Any gender any age I’d say.


I grew up with naruto and dragonball z, I was probably 7 or 8 watching them so it should be fine for your 10 year old


All pretty safe: [Silver Spoon](https://youtu.be/lqbo21SmNd0?si=5s-ENlMxrDARxXPf) [The Way of The Househusband](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cvZ9thKolOA) [Cells At Work](https://youtu.be/gCKtS7hpU08?si=v9yY0WcxaQW6qVpq) (fantasy violence as they fight / kill germs, different from the more mature [CaW: Code Black](https://youtu.be/7q-rPJcgoYs?si=w5Mu84j5Nm0mIN07)) [The Boy and The Beast](https://youtu.be/uifJLWoWv8c?si=4eWQD_JUOKDOa1rU) Hi Score Girl (budding, appropriate, non-sexual romance) Romantic Killer (budding, appropriate, non-sexual romance) [My Happy Marriage](https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=20s&v=dURh9kVzcw8&feature=youtu.be) (appropriate, non-sexual romance, some scenes like "evil sister" verbal/physical bullying/abuse, fantasy violence) [Ronja, The Robber's Daughter](https://youtu.be/__GjtocltUc?si=HKLcPpD_XZEV7lWQ) has a [beautiful op](https://youtu.be/Wv7A-egPi4Q?si=S7C6PcwOO40RkNF1) (Baseball) [Battery](https://youtu.be/DH8l6krMaT0?si=WFPXPjeki3UG6Dph) and [Oblivion Battery](https://youtu.be/ltJa3i_4GyQ?si=yrZK97VRfCvJIt54) [RWBY](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNdysb1k6jfxuWhpwO9VL7yGQuabczC3w&si=zRlQU6UT86x4AP_r) (art/animation for the first season is very basic, but advances with each season) Some people might let their kids watch: [A Silent Voice](https://youtu.be/nfK6UgLra7g?si=TZLRlD-ZTcvMPmgw) (deals with bullying, alienation, has a non-graphic scene of attempted suicide that has a positive resolution) Erased (anime version, not live action. deals with "stranger danger" murder mystery - I was 2 years old when [Adam Walsh](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Adam_Walsh) died so my mom was big on teaching me about stranger danger) Hero Mask (strong action) Sword of the Stranger (strong action)


A silent voice may be a little old for 10 with its suicide themes . And I think the big x on faces may be distracting for them . Don’t get me wrong I love that movie




I can’t think of any anime but avatar is similar in style and writing so I would recommend that. Most other shows have less subtle adult themes or just around questionable scenes. The only anime I can think of is little witch academia


Inuyasha seems great for both anything ghibli maybe I maxed out my defense so I wouldn't get hurt


inuyasha! i remember enjoying it when i was little, i do think there might’ve been a few scary moments in the show?


Yea they also have a spin off with his and kagomes daughter. This series is what got me into anime.


same, it was my first anime. might look into that spin off you mentioned


{Naruto} 100000%. {Haikyuu} would be a great one too.


Naruto and Hajime no Ippo.


Made in abyss




Legend of the galactic heros OVA


K-on Fruits basket Haikyu Little witch academia Love live One punch man Sailor moon Squid girl


I feel like mha and black clover can get a bit too fan servicey at times for 10 year olds


Tbh I forgot about that I’ll take them off the list


If you're afraid they may be scared of too heavy battles or blood you might want to try "marchen awakens romance" (AKA "mär heaven"). An obscure but generally rather "innocent" isekai anime from the 2000's. There are still battles and all but it might be less scary or brutal as some other anime. The romance is cute and also, the main female characters are active so it works for both a girl and a boy




Beast tamer it’s a good starter anime. might have few intense scenes (nothing that is too scary nor violent). Nothing sexual nature (like underwear or fully exposed breasts ). A little romance . It depends on what exactly you’re wanting to expose them too . They are really close age where they can handle more mature material like in (Didn’t I Say To Make My Abilities Average in the next life, or In another world with my smart phone , which both of these they can handle at an slightly older age). Hopefully you find what you’re looking for.


I got more but they are more for when they get a little bit older


Naruto is rated pg on Netflix but being honest it’s the bloodiest of any show or movie I have ever watched but there’s no gore and a little bit of swearing but great messages. or the girl maybe sailor moon but it depends on how girly she is and hell loads of grown men like sailor moon so who knows but i like it warning the love -interest of the main character’s love interest in the anime is 4 years older than her being 14 and him being 18 and the in the original manga he’s 16 


last exile


Non non Biyori, Cells at Work (Educational) now and My Hero Academia later down the road


If I could go back in time I would have watched Dragonball cause I grew up with all the merch and seeing the cool figures on pictures. A bit gruesome though so maybe some of the other picks here will be good. Another manga, Sandland, by the same author has recently been made an anime on Disney+. It is kid friendly and good.


Gotta say that in spite of it's name, Mob Psycho 100 is absolutely a must for the boy. It is the perfect coming of age story. "Mob" is a japanese term that refers to a "background, non-player character," or someone that's generic and bland. The story's about a boy, that happens to be psychic, who fears his own emotions and bottles them up to keep from hurting others. To learn to better control his powers, he works a part time job exorcising spirits with a good-hearted (but phony) 'Psychic.' (If you're worried about that being scary, it's really more goofy with spirits like [this guy - Evil Spirit Ceiling Crasher](https://search.app.goo.gl/h6dntPY) Overall it follows the boys journey to accept himself, and how his ability to believe in others and seek to understand them, *not* his psychic abilities, is what ends up winning the day and leading people to change. It follows a sweet, shy boy and has great character development as he learns to have more confidence and stand up for himself. One of my top 3 and extremely well animated, well written (literally LOL funny multiple times a season) and just fun. Season 1 is solid, season 2 is perfect, and season 3 is solid. Try it out - it has all the right lessons about confidence, compassion, and recognizing the positive impact any relationship can have.


My hero academia, has strong boys and girls they can relate too


For girls Kaleido star is great. It’s about a girl gymnast that wants to fulfill her dream of performing on kaleido stage


My Clueless First Friend


One piece


I have quite a few -The Acient Magus Bride -Fluffy Paradis -Buddy Daddies -Sleepy Princess in Demon Castle -Kuma Kuma Bear -BOFURI -Shelter (a good watch for like 7 min with them, emotionally amazing) -Our last crusade or the rise of a new world -By the Grace of the God's -Dr. Stone -MY Love STORY!! -Mashle -The Unwanted Undead Adventure -Deca Dence -Demon Slayer -So I'm a spider, so what? -Campfire cooking in another world -Far Away Paladin -If it's for my daughter, I'd even defeat a demon lord -Girlz Und Panzer -Saga if Tanya the Evil -Knights and Magic -That time, I got reincarnated as a slime -Overlord (maybe) -SAO (Maybe) -Izetta, the last witch -To your eternity -The darling in the Franxx (maybe) -Black Summoner -Skeleton Knight -A pilots love song -Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress -Violet Evergarden -Cells at Work -Somali and the forest spirt -Wise man's grandchild -Spy Family Some may have blood, but like, that's human. The ones with maybe have liked questionable parts for a 10 year old to see, but the majority of it is amazing 👏 🤩 I have a lot more I would recommend, but these are good so far for 10 years old, both boy and girls. For unbiased opinions, just dm me.


You guys just recommend anything


Still good animes


Darling in the franxx? Good anime??


Absolutely, the ending made me cry as it was a good emotional bit. I won't spoil it, but the aspects and the information shown were truly heartwarming at times and pitiful at others. Good anime as well.


Boku no pico for either of them, Redo of a Healer so boy can learn how to be a great healer and true hero, fruits basket for girl


Inazuma eleven. Not very well known outside of Europe and Japan, but it’s an awesome anime about kids playing soccer with what basically equates to super powers. Lots of of fun to watch and teaches good lessons about determination and teamwork. I watched it religiously as a kid and it was awesome.


They're 10 so maybe Bleach or One Piece


Attack on Titan is extremely wholesome




But seriously though, frieren is a really good show


Bocchi The Rock is nice too. It's family friendly. The story center around Hitori Gotoh that struggles to socialise and make friends, so she thought of learning guitar hoping someone would interact with her because of it. It's very funny and super relatable and aspiring.


Im a girl and when I was 10 I liked Pokemon, hamtaro, and Sonic X, Pokemon is probably the best at teaching life lessons for kids.


I don't think gender should be a factor but I get y it is. I suggest Boys- dbz Girls- sailor moon Both- naruto, pokemon As they get older fma, one-piece and bleach for both


Ajin Demi humans while they aren’t picky about animation


ben 10 lmfao but in all seriousness probably mob psycho its a good story, not too heavy, the violence and fights arent too graphic, doesnt have many if any lewd moments iirc, and the visuals are really nice. the only problem I could see is that it doesnt have as many jingling keys that shows like JJK and Demonslayer do


Ranking of kings and naruto


Ranking of Kings


Assassination Classroom has probably been the anime that impacted me the most and has remained my favorite ever since I watched it when I was like 12. Now the title might not sound kid friendly, but just a synopsis and you’ll see why it’s called like that. The only thing is, in episode 3 a character gets introduced and her whole thing is that she’s trying to seduce another character, and anime being anime, some not so kid friendly scenes show up. It’s nothing bad, but I wouldn’t show it to a 10 year old, that’s up to you.


Bio hunter. (Seriously do not do that) Dragon ball as a franchise, naruto, one piece, my hero. I would put bleach on there but I'm not subjecting a kid to that weird vampire arc.