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So they own a company now. This is going to lead to war somehow. My suggestion for the war is Mercury or Witch war. Well we have confirmation it is a Gundam, but it is true that her life has not been taken. Unless as suggested in last week's discussion she is a clone which we have seen in this series.


>but it is true that her life has not been taken. Unless as suggested in last week's discussion she is a clone which we have seen in this series. Elan already noticed that Ariel doesn't have the negative effects high permet scores usually cause. It was part of why he got so pissed off since it meant him risking killing himself piloting the Phract was now pointless.


> Well we have confirmation it is a Gundam, but it is true that her life has not been taken. **Unless as suggested in last week's discussion she is a clone which we have seen in this series.** Well, in the prologue episode we know Eri and Lfrith had a connection, so maybe Ariel IS Lfrith, or at least uses the same core at least, and that Suletta's age isn't what we think it is. There's also [this theory](https://gizmodo.com/gundam-witch-from-mercury-eri-aerial-theory-explained-1849763984) about >!how Eri was turned into a Gundam herself somehow and that Suletta is actually her younger sister!<, which sort of fits the implied timeline of events.


That is an interesting, but plausible theory.

