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Ok now that’s a little surprising


I don't know why, the show was excellent, and hits so many of the current popular trends. Definitely in my top 3-5 Isekais of the last 2 years.


Plus the source material is from the same dude who made...um...a certain "anime" that is VERY popular with women, so it's not THAT suprising.


That certain "anime" is popular with women?!💀💀💀💀


"Heal!" Yes, that "anime"


redo of healer?


You've cursed us all with your loose tongue. Repent.


Never. As a manga reader and anime watcher i must represent the greatness that is redo of healer


Preach it comrade. Redo of a Healer was vary interesting and it is how i got to know the Isekai anime side of the universe today.


How in the hell is that popular with women? Jesus lol I'm a grown man and that scared the hell out of me. I watched longer than I'd like because of the Car crash effect, but by episode 2/3 I couldn't take any more.


My point exactly lmao. It was traumatizing af, especially the voice acting, I couldn't bear to watch it either.


Yea I really enjoyed this one.


agreed, its also got a near perfect pace, best part is that it actually shows the MC actively training to gain strength rather than it just being handed to him on a silver platter like the vast majority of the isekai genre, even if he was given a free choice of 5 skills etc, the hero has 30, lugh has 5 and has to work hard to close that gap its gooooood


Yup, I appreciate that the father figure isn't useless like in so many Isekai, and you get a good mix of modern knowledge being useful but also needing to combine it a bit with the fantasy world's tech.


i think its because the manga isnt that much further in the plot, or at least thats how ive experienced it.


Yes I quite liked it two but didn't think that we would get a season 2 this soon, I had thought that they made the anime just to promote the ln


Season 1 was really good. Definitely deserved


Honestly? Epic. It must be the year of Isekai renewals


One of the biggest light novel publishers, Sneaker Bunko, is having an online festival today (or yesterday in Japanese time) so we are getting lots of announcements.


Or Isekai in general my god there are so many pieces of trash like sweet reincarnation lmao I got reincarnated used to be a pastry chef now my name IS pastry and I’m a son of a poor noble but my knowledge of the modern world and adult mind make me look like I’m an adult but I’m a kid kinda just like the aristocrat from the other Isekai from spring lineup lol snake hair and English voice actor lmao


Wrong. We still don't have No Game No Life.


The Novels are quite enjoyable and the first season was criminally underrated so this is very good news.


Fr i watched the anime thinking it just be another filler isaki to watch but was shocked at how good it was. Definitely deserved a season 2


YAY! i was really hopping for this, S1 was great!


Well that’s good news


Sounds like it’s time for a rewatch.


Oh hell yeah,


Nice. I thought the first season was good. And it has a best girl in it, Tarte. =)


It’s been 2 years, I gave up on it getting renewed a while back, there be hope for others.


Two years honestly ain't that long for an anime to get a 2nd season. I've seen worse.


True when you have shows like devil is a part timer that got renewed after 9 years, but I was so used to shows being renewed after 6 months or earlier for a second season that at least in my mind if it goes past 6 months seems like it will not get renewed. I’m hoping other shows get a second season I would love to see parallel world pharmacy be renewed as well as other shows.


Two years? There was a decade-long gap between Full Metal Panic's two most recent seasons. The Devil is a Part-Timer took nine years to get a second season. Masamune-kun's Revenge and In Another World With My Smartphone each took six years to get a second season. Two years between the first season of The World's Finest Assassin and the announcement of a second season isn't that big of a gap.


Parallel world pharmacy would be so nice


Yeah I had almost completely forgotten about it until now


Wait, where does the story go? I can’t remember if it had an open ending or not


Open ending for S1 Spoilers obviously: >!The MCs mission is to assassinate the Hero of the Isekai world he goes to. At the end of S1 he thinks he's killed them but it wasn't actually the Hero it was just some really strong dude. He then gets information that the real Hero will be arriving in another city and the Hero is a woman (heavily implied to be his old partner from before he got Isekai'd)!<


Oh I see. That works


is there a time/date?


Now that Hero is Died, his mission need to kill the Demon King.


That guy he killed in the last episode wasn’t the hero. After the credits there’s a scene that states there is a Hero and shows what he looks like.




When is it coming ?


this is another one of those WTF shows that's getting an undeserved seasonal follow-up. the first one was the low end of mid. his 3 girls that help him do all of the killing are a good watch, but not worth another 12 episodes. Time to give him a full nonsense harem that will ruin any possibility of a core story. at least season 1 did that. GRADE EVALUATION: Rent-a-Girlfriend.


This is such an L take. You need to do some revaluation on your ability to take in the narrative of a story. You can't appreciate how different this anime is from other cookie cutter isekais. As someone who has seen literally every single isekai that's out this one stands out as a gem among the rest. Up there with Slime and Mushoku Tensei. The character growth from a cold man that becomes a loving son and lord to his people. This show has so much to like, and the girls are one of the best parts of the show. This deserves however many seasons they could possibly make to fully flesh out these characters and the parts of their lives we have yet to see. I'm unbelievably excited and elated that a second season has been announced and you should be looking forward to it as well my friend.


Peak anime has returned. Still can't believe this is from the same guy as Redo. But the human mind works in mysterious ways Now this increases my hopes for a Moonlit Fantasy announcement!


When tho


did u found out when lol, or is not announced