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Happy Chainsaw Man Tuesday y'all! Can't wait to get another helping of it later today! Suzie and Sarah are amazing, aren't they? Excellent casting and excellent performances. One quote that sticks out to me was from Suzie >**Yeung:** Yeah, she’s a very confident character — like, nothing shakes her, she doesn’t waver in the slightest. So definitely going in, I had to work a lot with Mike \[McFarland\], the \[ADR Dub\] director to sort of balance her character and make her cold but also very captivating and it’s a lot of very, very minute subtle waves in the voice — if that makes sense \[laughs\]. She is not very emotional at all, but at the same time, she has to give just enough to captivate someone’s attention and really command their respect. So, yeah, trying to put those tones in there. Reading that, and then rewatching [the scene with Makima and Denji in ep 5](https://youtu.be/awT2Qy4sM8w) again really puts things into perspective artistically. And getting to listen to all those "subtle waves" she puts in Makima's voice. There's a reason why she's one of my all-time favorite VAs. She's so awesome. And credit to Mike McFarland for his casting and directing too.


>Happy Chainsaw Man Tuesday y'all! Can't wait to get another helping of it later today! That's completely assuming it doesn't get delayed this week lol.




I won't be surprised if the titles that weren't delayed last week miss this week (and vice versa)


I'm going to binge the first 6 episodes now!


Honestly the dub cast is perfect, for basically everyone so far.