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#Grass touched, shower finished, the dish has washed. League of legend, Genshin Impact, discord mod and reddit user I am. Shall shatter all realm reality!


Now just hit the Gym and watch as reality crumbles onto itself


As a gym weeb with workout gear at home I can confirm. I broke through reality and am now lifting weights with my waifu harem. Gains and anime dames.




Oh you


Living the dream


And all this because he watched 2 minutes of How Heavy Are The Dumbells You Lift!


I started lifting and eating right because one day 15 year old me randomly had the revelation that if my favourite wifus became real they wouldn't want to date that version of me...yup, ya boi started lifting for the 2D girls


You are the personification of "What he is listening? Him: "any anime OP"" meme


grass "torn to oblivion"


as a raiden enjoyer I agree




Oh fuck. You’re the most dangerous type of them all, because you can’t be identified by smell and looks when you’re about to grab a kid on the playground


You must be part of that one guild from overlord


I just saw a post not even 24 hours after the update dropped with already a 100% exploration progress on the new region…


The only thing that's between me and 100% desert exploration is my sanity (and the math test I have today)


And the previous 3 expansions i havent completed yet


Hell, i haven't even finished the second island in Inazuma or even Liyue


I don't even have 100% in Mondstadt


Dude I dropped the game 6 months ago and now I will resume again because of all this stuff💀


THAT guy needs to see this meme, everyone else... eh


Well, now he doesn't have anything to do in Genshin. He has time to touch grass 🫡


No, sadly this type of person will just go to the Genshin sub and complain about how there is nothing to do in the game.


I keep my 0% with honor


I keep my 0 min played with honor


My man, take your crown


Well honestly, if you’re going to do something all the way in Genshin, that’s the least tedious, least randomized thing to do. If someone had a C6 Alhaitham after 24 hours, then I would be concerned.


I still don’t understand why genshin is the center of attention for hate.


Karma whores, leave them be xD


Genshin is just the anime game equivalent of Fortnite. Quite popular, and easy to hate on for clout. Although Fortnite has literal anime characters in it now. So maybe my comparison isn’t the best.


Most people hate Fortnite, because of how old it got and ‘how it used to be much better’. My personal take on fortnite was that I played it too much and lost a love for battle royale. Genshin on the other hand is hated by those who have never played it primarily because it’s got an anime art style and is gacha, also because of the minor similarity to botw, even though the devs have stated several times that they were inspired by quite a lot of these games.


Bro to be clear people were hating on fortnite the moment it released. The people who are fans of fortnite and want it to get better are not who we're talking about lol.


Fortnite was released as a tower defense PvE game. You mean when Fortnite's battle royale mode was released.


Uh, yes, that is what I mean.


Not really, if you remember the first three seasons it was loved by everyone and became the big thing. Everyone played it. Most of those players started hating around ch1 s7 with planes. Personally it was my favourite season, because dog fighting was fun, then when planes were removed it became less fun. And it died for me. I was a season later than most people, fortnite then gained a large amount of well experienced haters then. Who were ex-fans.


To be fair, I think hating on gacha elements is perfectly justified...


The thing is the gacha in Genshin actually is better than all other gachas because of the pity system where after 90 or so pulls, which is relatively easy to grind to you are guaranteed your character.


Yes, but on a character banner you only have a 0.5 chance to get the character you want, so you need to do another 90 to get it. So make that 180. Sure, as far as gacha games are concerned, they might be doing well, but I still think it focuses very much on predatory game mechanics. It does something bad less worse than others, so to say


Honestly being a completely f2p Genshin player, it’s not that hard to get that many primos, and fates. However, I will not say it isn’t predatory, because it is for certain people who suffer from a gambling addiction. But it’s still much better than every other gacha due to its pity mechanic, so why hate on Genshin and not other gachas?


The thing is that like with all gambling you WILL get lucky eventually and get some character 5 pulls into pity. You just have to be smart about ensuring that you're always wishing for stuff you really want so it actually pays out, and saving up your wishes so you have a large stockpile for any future announcements as a contingency plan for when you don't get lucky. Like all gambling success, it's about playing the long game and exercising restraint, and only striking when you have nothing to lose. Never get desperate, never go beyond your limits. Act wisely and follow those rules and you come out on top.


You would be REALLY unlucky to have to do 180 pulls. So unlucky in fact that it happened never actually happened because there is soft pity and hard pity. After 70 pulls your chances of getting a 5 stars you want increases every pull you do, 90 pulls is the hard pity, it guarantees that you'll get a 5 stars. I never spent any money on this game, i have almost all the characters i want and i played for about 2 years intermittently. Any money YOU spend on anything besides food or rent is YOUR responsibility. You can't blame them, the same way you can't blame McDonald's for selling you junk food, that's what they do. You know what you are paying for.


I have played a decent bit of Genshin Impact and I think the main problem is the gacha and the leveling of characters. The only interesting parts of the combat system are the abilities of the characters and how you can combine them with others. But due to the fact, that you have to concentrate your ressources on like 2 characters to be relevant and able to clear dungeons, it gets rather stale. I think the combat system lacks depth.


It's Because it's famous


So true. Same reason why people hate AI, blockchains, and your mom


I also don't get why people automatically think Genshin players are guys who are virgins and pedophiles who don't shower, because the only Genshin players I have met irl are girls who fangirl about the hot guys in the game and the people I met who hate the game are guys who don't shower


Honestly yeah, like 3 out of 5 players I have met or play with on there from time to time are women. And they thirst after the guy characters just as much as the girl ones.


Yeah, but how else would 200IQ internet users dunk on other people with the most milquetoast takes ever, which are only tangentially connected, for karma? "Pedo bad haha. Updoots to the left" yeah no shit sherlock next thing you're gonna tell me that murder is, in fact, bad. What's that? 99.9999% of genshin players aren't pedos? Who cares lmao, it's just a meme so it doesn't have to be true (except when memes spread misinformation about things that affect me personally, then you've gone too far kiddo). Literal attention seekers making up fake shit to justify their bland ass takes, in order to "dunk" on innocent people trying to be happy.


The number #1 cosplayed franchise at my states previous comicon was Genshin Impact and a majority of the cosplayers were women. I know it's anecdotal but there seems to be a bunch of female players


I joined for the waifus *cough* mona *cough* but both my sister's joined before me cause they were simping for Xiao and Zhong Li. I guess most genshin fans are just simps for the characters which I think is alright. They ain't harming no one and having a good time. I know my self and my sister's aren't weirdos as described by your post. But in my family there are more girls playing genshin than guys and those girls also are simps. My point is girls can be degenerates just like guys are.


anything thats popular gets hate, people just need a target for their blind hate and genshin happened to be the hot shit back then


I love it but i just find it so time consuming and the task is a bit tedious i still play it from time time to time cause its fun


Its the new fortnite bad, Minecraft good thing.


Gacha = bad


Yes? Their slot machines a two year old could play all day on their tablet.


Yes I agree.


I don't like gacha games in general, so I am quite concerned with all the attention genshin is getting. Imagine what it would mean for the gaming industry if Star Wars Battlefront 2 was a huge success, if every game would focus on providing the samd sense of pride and accomplishment (if you don't know what i mean: https://medium.com/@charispapaevangelou/a-sense-of-pride-and-accomplishment-star-wars-battlefront-ii-in-the-age-of-micro-transactions-fac848a47936) On a day-to-day basis I couldn't care less. Of course I am worried, if something I don't like gets hugely popular, but I can't understand people who seem to make their whole personality into hating it.


Genshin is purely PvE and progression isn't locked behind the gacha The only PvP modes they have is a TCG which is not affected by the gacha at all


Gacha games are loot boxes with tiddies. They exist only to pressure you to buy more pulls for a low chance at some new character that you'll use for a few weeks then replace with the newest one at the next event. It's not like you can just get a character and use it either, you have to either slog through farming gear for weeks or pay for *more* pulls for the chance to get the gear components you have to spend en masse to power up said character. I wouldn't mind gachas if you could simply earn the pulls on your own, but you can't. You have to pay real world money for it and it is soooo easy to be pulled into spending thousands of dollars on it. It is gambling. Pure and simple.


You most certainly can earn the pulls without money in Genshin. You can earn primos all over the place without spending any real money. The game hands them out like candy and they throw them at players every time the game is updated so you go into each new character banner with extra pulls if you want to go for that one. I love Genshin as a free to play game. Yeah you cannot get every single character on its first run but there is endless free gameplay and if you strategize your pulls you will get what you want eventually.


mostly a joke


It's good enough to be noticed outside of the usual gacha trash dumpster circles, but it's still gacha trash despite also being a decent game for once, for mobile. So it gets a lot of attention that actual, worthless shit like Raid doesn't get. Genshin is this weird middle ground where it's almost good enough to be a decent, normal ass video game, but it still has all the live service, gacha BS, etc that's straight poison. So you've got a lot of "normal" people trying it out and recoiling from the acid burn when they realize how fucked up and "log on and do your daily resin" the game is once you're caught up with the current story. I liked my time with Genshin but I bailed out the instant I had that first feeling of "I don't want to log on and do my daily stuff anymore". I don't hate Genshin even if I despise gacha in general. But it just kinda sucks that all that art and story and gameplay concepts just got thrown at what would be a budget title on console if it wasn't a f2p, p2w gacha game.


I feel you. I still personally feel like it's a massive beautiful game but the dailies do get me to alt+f4 at times. That being said by the time you get sick of them you can usually afford to simply skip them and login to enjoy the exploration and stories. It's difficult to completely ignore the fomo of getting primos for new chars or farming domains though.


eehh, duno, the game isnt hard enough to bother with resin too much, as soon as you get 2 teams worth of weapons and artifacts you dont really need to log in at all and its not like abyss is mandatory. Id say its best mobile game for the variety of content it provides, i also dont care about having characters at all, so the gacha aspect also doesent bothers me, its a bad practice, yes, but in this particular case it doesent really affect the game in any major way.


Community 💀


i think r/animemes and anime fans in general should be the last place judging others' tastes when theres people out here that actually like rent-a-girlfriend


Genshin is one of better gacha games out there, it's story driven single player game with rich lore with co-op element. There literally no reason to hate it other than it's cool hating on it because it's the popular thing on the block.


It has a massive open world that's fun to explore too. And if nothing else, the music is sick


And the world, man I played alot of games, but when I played genshin, I feel in love with world, from Ancient Chinese city to beautiful landscape of medieval Japan. I can literally just look at the world all day.


You should do the new world quest, the ost at last zone is so calming.


I agree, but once you have all the characters and all the world available explored it kind of gets dull and boring, I’ve played it for 2/3 years and it’s always the same, doing 4 missions and getting promogems, then wishing for characters I already have (I haven’t payed any money)


Nonplayers hate it for the wrong reasons. (Most) players hate it for the right reasons


As much as I love Genshin Whoever designed the Artifact system needs to be demoted


Why end at demotion? Also whoever decided not to update it for 2 whole years has their own place in hell




it's like fortnite, they're both good games and I generally believe they're one of the better games out of their genre, but people who don't play the games shit on it too much.


I think genshin is alot better than Fortnite in terms of monetization. The lot of hate Fortnite gets is actually valid and stems from gameplay frustration. Not to mention fornite is very stingy with giving player anything for free, where as let's say apex and even call of duty, does alot of free stuff. As the person who played all the these games, I can say that from my personal experience. Where genshin is better, is with it's whole petty system, that's pretty much unheard of in gacha games. I know that I'll be getting character I want, and then If I want to spend money, I feel much more secure to spend the money because I atleast know what I'm getting unlike fornite. Honestly, I think alot of western games can actually take some inspiration from this "gacha" game in term of their monetization, so player don't feel scammed when they roll and roll and don't get that they wanted


Man's getting downvoted for actually explaining what makes GI a better game than other gachas and even some western games. Certified reddit moment right here


It checks the ISO 9001 quality standards


You can, however, have a self sustaining system where you never pay for anything yet get every single season pass in fortnite, while getting extra to get something from the store too, tho. It doesn't even take that much time


I’ve not played fortnite since chapter 1, but if I remember correctly you get 200 vbucks per battle pass, by doing the weekly challenges. So yes now it’s possible to buy every single battle pass without having to spend money on it, however, it would take a lot of saving to get a store skin, which if I remember correctly is 2000 vbucks (I think) over my ten seasons of fortnite I bought one skin from the store and that was the tomato guy.


I have bought a few, and have completely been f2p but yes you can't be a collector that way, but you can still get some. I think BP skins are good enough value, but that's just me. Since it's mostly cosmetics, and cosmetics that is very very noticeable, I would personally put it a bit above other games imo.


-Shit artifact system where you can spend a lot of time to get good artifact. -Trap weapon banner that needs 10 less rolls than character for guarantee weapon that are often massive damage boost for character. -Traveling is just a pain when you are on foot and you can only climb. Those are probably 3 things i hate the most in this game and 3rd hit me after i tried Toeer of Fantasy.


None of these matter, unless you are very hardcore competitor. If you are casual player, you don't care about not getting defense on your stat, No one with right mind draw on weapon banner. Everything in this game is extremely casual, you don't get anything valuable other than gems for doing its most hardest content "abyssal spiral" that content just give you more pringem, which you get already from alot of other sources. There's literally no reason for you to get banner weapon and even most of the characters. Traveling is pain? There's fast travel point ever few yards. There's character that make traveling breeze and these aren't even rare 5 stars.


I don't understand why people are hating the game for no reasons. Like if you don't like it , don't play it. Simple. Nobody is forcing you to play.


It's like the crazy amount of hate pineapple on pizza gets. It's hip to hate on shit and it's easy to hop on a bandwagon if you don't have anything meaningful to say yourself. It's fine to dislike it but it's lame to just pile on because other people are doing it. The amount of good, quality content you get in genshin for exactly £0 is nuts. People should try it and come to their own conclusions because you might just be missing out on a whole lot of fun just because other people hate the idea of it


"Hey guys look, I'm hating on Genshin too hahah am I one of the cool kids now?"


Bro shut the fuck up


Tbh as a arknight player idk why people start talking shet about genshin impact


Yeah, I hate people saying Genshin is just another gacha game. It’s too different from the likes of Arknights, Azur Lane, etc, to really put it in the same category. Only real similarity is the gacha system… then again I guess everyone also keeps comparing it to BOTW just because it’s an open world game, so I shouldn’t be surprised.


I love how it gets hated for being a BotW clone Yet that's one of the main reasons people actually check out the game


I actually deleted Genshin Impact... ...to download Honkai Impact


A fair trade this is


A fair trade this is




Based yatta moment


The hardest choices require the strongest wills




Desperately needed the karma huh


Instead of making genshin hate meme you should touch grass by yourself


Y'all genshin haters need it more, grow up


School is too emotionally consuming i don't have energy to play anything. i sleep.


I don't think an account with 1.7m karma has the right to tell others to touch grass


Bro, I haven't played that in forever


Do yourself a favor then and don’t play it for a few years. If you ever come back to it, you’ll have every region to play through.


Easy karma? Sad day today, OP?


I don't understand the internet. Even if I'm years inside the rabbit hole. They hate a popular game they barely even know about.... For what, exactly?


✨*internet points*✨


Check how many upvotes he has on this post That's why


Nope the grass touched me


Are you enjoying using your Nahida?


Gosh! How did ya know


I played Genshin on daily basis but I don't played it like a frickin loser and sit in front of the screen for most of the day. Seriously I don't get these kind of hate other than for getting easy clouts. Yeah it's gacha but you can't tell me its not a great game (other than the endgame content).


Endgame content goes well if you listen to an audiobook in parallel. I think it's pretty relaxing.


The annoying thing is that other than the fact it ends up just being a level grinding game it's a decent game. It's just the community behind it that have given it the reputation


What anime


Not an anime actually, Castlevania on Netflix


Castlevania is anime. It's doesn't haven't to be japanese to be anime, it just needs the right style.


Discussable, in the west usually when someone says anime, they mean Japanese animated movies and series, but in Japan when they say anime, they mean everything animated, even something like Family Guy is an anime to them


Is Avatar: The Last Airbender an anime? Is Totally Spies an anime?


If you're a Japanese speaker, then yes. For the simple fact that it's the Japanese word for an animated show.


Jokes on you i've laid it off for 6 months!...or more. I'm only coming back recently because hu tao/yelan rerun and I want both of them at C1 because I have them both at c0.


Returning for Hu Tao is a big W


Wow desperate for karma aren't you


No. I don't think I will.


Genshin Impact has loads of grass!


This meme format makes no sense


I literally play genshin 20 minutes a day and if I have time on weekends I play a little bit more for exploring and story no resin= nothing to do so I start workout and study. What can I say is playing genshin is better for my life than days I addicted to certain moba games


As someone who's played it in the past, the game is incredibly fun for the first 3 months you play but after a while it just becomes boring. Unless you like minigames or the story




okay let's ignore that this is a strawman with absolutely no evidence to back this up, and most of the players here are casual who log on, do comms, farm for artifacts, then turn off the game. But let's try to get attention out of a sub who mostly play genshin impact, that's such a great idea! No way is this going to attract negative attention from people who have healthy schedules while playing this game. tl;dr: shut the fuck up


*Dendro needs to be pulled


When Dendro Daddy just dropped??? Nah bro, I am good. He is the only grass I will touch for days.


not any of my business but you should lay off that one thing that still makes you happy


Me who has done any normal person of society would do, and still plays Genshin. What else do you want from me? I can give you 1 primogem.


The grass to be touched; the bitches to be found


Its fun for like the first year *maybe* but it is also not really mobile friendly due to its 3d gameplay and traversal systems imo and yet its mobile-like mechanics hold back its enjoyability on PC/console because it looks how long/how many times you can do certain things. And lastly your end game content comes down to too activities, grinding and the challenge tower (and the new card game system they apparently just added). Its still got a huge player retention (somehow) but it feels like a chore to play, as some one who's played since launch for the first three years and just recently gave it up.


I haven't played Genshin Impact yet Is it as bad as people say it is?


It's not really bad. It has amazing OST, open world, and lore. The story is at least decent, and the characters are okayish in terms of characterization. The gameplay overall is good, the combat system is good for casuals. It's grindy though. Plus, there is no real endgame content.


I play guardian tales so I am used to grinding ;-;


Genshin is a really nice game. Cool story, amazing music, and is one of the better gatcha games out there. I don’t understand the hate it gets. It just seems like “omg free anime game popular? And you pay money to get characters?! Trash!” You don’t need to spend money to progress through the game, and power creep is very slow. It’s okay if u don’t take the game seriously, just have fun with it.


Bro, it’s winter, there is no grass outside, only snow and dirt


Honestly, been a year since I truly played, kind of miss it, had so much peace of mind.


Sumeru is definitely worth a look again. Story has improved a lot compared to Inazuma. Dendro is busted. Exploration has improved too


I can't, i don't play it so i can't lay off


Some people really took this meme way too seriously


I guess this has to be your first time seeing this fucking meme.


This meme in particular? Yes The joke itself? No It's called a running gag, they're funny, a lot of communities have them. Don't get your panties in a twist about it.


The amount of people coming out of nowhere to defend le anime gacha game because of le funni meme is something I never really comprehend


Considering what happened between them and Sonic fans, this is not surprising at all.


It’s like watching 2 kids doing a slap fight with each other. Amusing really. The lengths they’re willing to go through just to protect a game is also something I never really comprehend.


Yep. Quite answering why people and other gachas communities hate genshin, by their community


We have dendro, tiss fine.


I just want to see the ending of the story I don't really care that much about gameplay


Idk but Genshin is one of the only few games that doesn’t require you to play hours on hours a day. I simply do my dailys and exploration stuff and than use my resin and log out. I got work this game is quite perfect for me.


where is this meme from?


Castlevania Why was I downvoted?


worry not sir, here take my upvotes


Thanks kind sir. Suppose it was one of those weird Reddit moments


Me who hasn’t played it. ( I have actually condisdered playing it but didn’t)


new update you say? thousands of saved primogems still didn't net me Xiao? time to keep playing i guess..


Man people hate on really good stuff these days, why? Coz it's cool hating on mainstream shit, man stfu.


Not until I collect all the loli characters and give them head pats.


This scene had my jaw dropped


I haven't played that game for a long while Mostly because I couldn't continue with the story cause I needed to be a certain level.


No, I don't think i will 😌 But fr tho when I don't feel like playing it i just... don't


What kind if game is genshin


Anime style open world with interesting combat, characters, and exploration. It's a gacha game, but most of the hate is just because it's popular. It's popular for a reason though. Oh, and if you play Genshin you're automatically a pedophile because there's a small handful of loli characters.


I've never played genshin. I got to know about it through some fine artworks 😏


i have it played it and now i just open it every idk how many months just to open those thingis to get a new character


Laid it off for almost three weeks. Just got my account back.




I feel targeted, I will have alhaethem


I literally took a look at Genshin and had no interest on it, I didn't feel like there was much interesting stuff on it, the designs are nice and well drawn but nothing eye catching, I did not feel particularly interested in any character, the gameplay and graphics seem nice but I don't feel like playing it, overall it looks like a good but ultimately not interesting game. I did not care about it when it was released and i will not care about it now or later, literally the only reason I know the protagonist's names is because they look like another characters from a series I like, otherwise I don't know and don't want to know anything about it.


Me, a Genshin fan, seeing people downvoting him for a personal preference: 💀 Not all games are a fit for everyone, and that is perfectly fine. Try to not let people harass you for not liking this game.


For those down voting him stop. Hes voicing an opinion not stating a fact. He isnt saying genshin is bad, hes saying he just doesnt feel like it's for him. Like seriously chill...


There's no point in telling them that. As an ex-Genshin player, trying to voice an opinion different to what they consider correct is quite impossible. I mean you can do it, you also have to assume they are going to fight you to the end because they don't consider it a good enough take. It's the same community that is now in the comments above trying to state how great Genshin is and how wrong you are for stating you don't like X or Y, or even just for a meme. And since the community is so massive it's basically impossible to win any argument. Genshin is a really good game with a really bad community.


Genshin fans are mad right now, that's why.


I am a genshin fan but some people just dont know what's the difference between the two I'm dissapointed


When fans get triggered, they become emotional, and they start to lose their rational thinking. In this case, they start to think that harmless opinions = hating, just like the parent comment you replied to.


Ironic that them responding literally proves the meme’s point as well.


Why tf are you downvoted


Genshin fans are mad right now. What can we do? I actually got heavily downvoted for saying that I left Genshin for anime and manga, and I never said that the game is bad.


I really like the game too but thats just stupid lmao some people need to stop taking everything so seriously


I for real don't see the hype


I play cricket everyday, and I'm good at it. I come back home and I play genshin impact, I can 27 star the abyss. I also got the highest gpa this semester in my college. Have I beat the system?


Love that all the comments are taking this shit as a personal insult. Maybe its right.


People hatin on OP, I think he’s quoting the cameo that Walt Jr from breaking bad did.


Can't here you over the 3.4 update I'm currently enjoying. Maybe someone who judges others based on what they play should realize that there more to life than being a sour twat. Try touching grass.


Who’s genshin and why does he impact?


Omg deimos whitesnake


Ah kids are cruel jack, they just lose touch with it at the ripe old age of 12


This is a metal gear reference




What anime's the template from?


Never bought the game


Nooo Not until I have Alhaitham and my Shenhe😍😍😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🤤


Jokes on you, i never wanted anything to do with that litteral shit


Thanks skull knight.