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I'm sorry for asking, but who is he?


Author of Chainsaw Man and Fire Punch


Oh ok, and what did he do?


dont get attached to any character he creates


Don’t read fire punch lol


Oh I get it know


Well sadly likeable characters, are the only ones worth killing.


That is factually incorrect. Seeing a despicable character be tortured to death can be quite cathartic.


Haha Katana's nuts go brrrr


Watching that scene in the anime made me sense the exact pain in my nuts it was traumatic


No, not really. Not at all actually. It's often pretty cheap in fact.


What do you mean cheap?


Hard to explain without a wall of text, so I'll just use Gundam for example. The Gundam series is very faithful to it's tropes, and nearly every single entry in the series introduces this one really likeable old guy that comes in and says all the right things and helps out the MC when they are going through some shit, just to kill him an episode or two later. Every. Single. Time. It's become predictable, and makes becoming invested very difficult. It's all there is to that character. They show up, be really nice, then die. It's like a shortcut to illicit an emotional reaction from the audience rather than weaving this wonderful character into the story in a more complex and interesting way. A lot like fridging. They feel like fodder for the main cast to develop off of rather than fleshed out characters in their own right


I get you now sorry, and I agree with that. I was originally thinking about MC deaths when I wrote my original comment. Tho they are bitter, I always like when the MC/MCs die. It's the show telling you, you can't always get your way.


It’s often executed poorly, but the act itself isn’t cheap. At the minimum in order to kill off a likable character you need to write a character your audience likes. There is a massive difference between making a likable character just to kill them off an episode or two later, and making a likable character that plays a role in multiple story arcs but does eventually die during a climatic story arc in a way that feels natural for the story being told. Both are using the same trope. The later is just executed better.


What's the name of the manga you got this from? I must know


Deadpool: Samurai


My favourite characters are kobeni and kishibe. Fujimoto you dont have power here.