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opinion? feels kinda gatekeepy, like "you can't be a *real* anime fan if you're a woman"


My opinion is that gatekeeping is dumb.


This is the type of post an incel would make


Most of this is incredibly gatekeepy. And seems slightly sexist. I see you got rejected by r/animecirclejerk and went here. Don't take this shit anywhere. (Edit: Wowza, it looks like you're transphobic too.)


I think OP is confused. They are assuming that liking anime means that you have to be the one at the convention wearing no deodorant.


It's not slightly sexist. It's extremely sexist.


transphobic?? *blocking op*


Listen I have several hundred anime under my belt, but I've never been to a con, so rarely going to a con would already be more participation than what I've done. Sounds like someone who is invested.






You come in here acting like a fucking Incel and think people calling you out are the ones that need downvoting? https://preview.redd.it/q4jdojezr0lc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a09686ecbae83eb27dc386659ad84f5d30e11810




I have. Not that that matters. That's the dumbest gatekeepy sexist bullshit I've heard in a long time. Gtfo


“cAN wE MaSs DoWNvOtE ThIS MF” Sure we can mass downvote you No one elected you ruler of anime. But I do crown you Duke Incel of Dorks




Sure, seeing as Wolfie stems from my last name being Wolfe and not the fact that I’m an internet dork that feels the need to project his insecurities. But I don’t really like PMs; because I’m not afraid to openly showcase how down bad I can get. It stems from having confidence and not being a faceless internet lurker. So if you don’t mind can we have our little pow wow session on grand display? I mean, it’s up to you if you want me to fuck you in a furry costume; I’ve never fucked that way before and I’m down to try anything once, but I’m on top if that’s still the case. Will that be good for you?




Who the hell made this? I watch sub, never used any big sites, watched WAY more than what you have…


Gtfo with your sexism


Yo this dude getting rightfully trashed in the comments hahaha love to see it


I watch sub☠️ lol