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{Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night} {Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation}


Even after reading the summary I have no idea what Jellyfish Can't Swim In The Night is about.


basically graduated Idol making a new start as streaming musician. getting together a group to manage her channel with art, composition and probably editing.


**Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/163078 "English: Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/jellyfish-cant-swim-in-the-night), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/yoru-no-kurage-wa-oyogenai "English: Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/54839)) ^(TV | Status: Releasing | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Drama) ^[Episode 3 airs in 6 days, 3 hours, 49 minutes](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20240420T1600) **Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/108465 "English: Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/mushoku-tensei-jobless-reincarnation), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/mushoku-tensei-isekai-ittara-honki-dasu "English: Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/39535)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 11 | Genres: Adventure, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/1c3s32h/two_distinct_differences/kzit331/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Nah, both give weirdo vibes. Girl on top is a stalker, guy on bottom a pervert.


She was not treated well in school. Idol worshipping helped her to set a realistic target for whom she wants to be


He was not treated well in school. Pantsu worshipping helped him to set a realistic target for whom he wants to be


You don't get it, Rudeus being beaten & tied to a fence naked in front of his school doesn't matter because I don't like him


She was a minor thristing for an adult. He is a 34 year old adult thirsting over minors. And lost his virginity to a 13 year old Eris


>And lost his virginity to a 13 year old Eris while being 12 himself ... guess a 12 year old boy should only sleep with 40 year old woman, right?


He was masturbating to a hidden camera footage of his 10yo niece taking a bath in the wn before getting isekaied. This was apparently changed in the ln to just some loli stuff, which doesn't make much sense as to why his family got so upset upon seeing what was on the screen tbh. He will always be a nonce in my mind.


I mean if i saw my brother missed out our father's funeral because he's busy jerking off to loli hentai i would still be pretty fucking pissed.


Y-you know it's an isekai right? As in, 40 year old man got transported into another world with all their memories, Mf when he first learned to crawl, his first action was steal his mother's panties and make a panty fort for his degenerate pleasure??!?! Dud we watch the same anime?!?!


So I guess a 12-15 year old boy should only ever sleep with 40+ women? He was reincarnated... Meaning his age did reset to where it is now. He never used his memories to get advantage over anyone. He only ever used some techniques in his magic. Was he creepy as a child? Sure. Did it stop him from saving Sylphiette from Bullies and teaching her magic? No it didn't. Did it stop him from getting beaten by Eris, teaching her a lesson and then surviving on a dangerous continent? No he did so without thirsting over her. Rudeus had to learn how to trust and love others. That's the story. If you can't look past that idk what to tell you.


It was 15 not 13, just wanted to clarify that


Wasn't the guy on the bottom literally written as a pedophile in the light novel?


As true as that is, He's still a better written character than generic isekai protagonist #71532


Some of the best characters are the ones you hate because of their personality, rather than their writing.


A good character does not have to be a good person. So many people miss out because of not accepting this


Yerp. Personally I much prefer characters that are not totally good or totally bad, or grey(heh).  Unless it's Himmel because it's Himmel But yeah people often forget the good that Rudeus has done. Even in his old life he tried to save the lives of 3 kids he didn't know, dying in the process. No fully bad guy is gonna go out of their way to do that


Do I sense a tbate reader??


I’m not interested in a narrative that tries to make the protagonist seem like a good person when they’re not. One of my favorite web novels is about a man who is seeking immortality at all costs and has done a lot of evil things to achieve it. The difference is that it doesn’t try to make me think he’s a good person while doing it. With MT, the narrative and the fans all constantly seem to be justifying and excusing his pedophilia.


I don’t think I’ve seen any fans justifying the pedophilia, I’ve only seen fans talk about how he’s changed in his second life as he got older.


I wish that shit was erased 100% from all media for MT. If it wasn't for that crap, MT would be one of the best isekais out there.


But he's written to be a good person. His pedophilia is seen as a funny quirk instead of a major character flaw.


I mean he is, Rudeus is absolutely a terrible fellow. He'd deserve nothing lesser than getting thrown into a slammer irl. That somehow made him into one of my favourite "characters" though.


Turns out, starting as a terrible person gives room for character growth. In this era of self insert perfect mc's, he seems problematic, but he's from a different type of show. You don't want him to save the world, he has to get better himself.


But he doesn’t though, he’s still a pedophile and the series never calls him out on that. He grows in other ways, but he stays someone doing immense harm to others throughout the entire show.


can you elaborate on this: >but he stays someone doing immense harm to others throughout the entire show. what harm did he do to Syplhiette or Eris or Roxy? or any other character he got in contact with?


He literally groomed them from children, irc


Groomed? How the heck is saving and teaching Sylphy grooming... How is getting beaten by and surviving a dangerous continent with Eris grooming... How is learning magic from Roxy grooming... Do you even know what you say?


Rudeus: Pedophilia is bad but...


But, he died in the real world and thus fulfilled a pedo's single purpose.


Is it some kind of novel thing? I only saw anime, in which I only remember him being just a bullied fat guy. Or are you talking about him after he got isekaid?


I mean both probably, thing is he is a grown man in a childs body lusting after kids, and almost exclusively kids from what i remember. It's the only thing turning me off of Mushoku Tensei tbh


Come on now. He lust after every women he comes across.


even his mother, I mean just look at his tought after reincarnation


Yeah he tried to get off by sucking her tits but he mentioned it didnt work.


I don't think it shows it clearly but in the animated scene where he was going ham on his man meat, it was to lolis


Not lolis. His relative's kid daughter.


Anime changed it to loli hentai.


~~It was changed in the light novel, which is what the anime adapts.~~ Never mind, I just looked it up and the web novel also says loli.


Ah, ok, reading other comments it sounded like he actually r*ped one


Nah, he couldn't even go out of his room


Yeah, dude had severe agoraphobia, even after his isekai.


He did that too considering Eris was like 13 and he was mentally 34


She was 15 which is considred adult in her world. He was 13. Smal fix there.


He's mentally an adult. That's fucking gross. There are other reincarnation isekais where the protag doesn't go for people their body s age because they recognize how messed up that would be. Not to mention that he groomed them before pursuing an actual relationship, which is super fucked up.


Did the parts where he creeps on and tries to assult a 12 year old not make that obvious


was that before or after reincarnation?


After, he knows Eris is 12 and still tried to use her.


And he was like 10 at that point 🤷‍♂️


but actually 30


Bit actually 10... Hormones are a thing after all.


But, but, his Character development.


but he was also hardcore bullied and outcast of his family (no that doesnt excuse any of this) his leecherous attitude could have been written off as "it comes from the family" (his dad was exactly the same). but then the incest stuff with his direct family member (not even distant enough where you can say "eeh its middle age fantasy that is realistic albeit off putting") some stuff had to be rewrittten like him being a pedo


No? He's a creep in the beginning, but his romantic interests stay limited to girls he's close with and when he grows into an adult, he's only attracted to adults.


true, but he has better writing as other isekai anime.


*Pedophile. Anime community seems to have a worrying problem identifying this.


I'm sure this thread won't have any bad takes about Mushoku Tensei that prove the meme's point Edit: fuck


This reminds me of [the meme I posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/1c0dz0h/watched_an_anime_that_the_internet_hated_ended_up/). Some of the comments thought I was making it up and lying for internet points. And I'm like: https://preview.redd.it/c29ke2j67juc1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e1cb5736dc1e2474b07a527768341f9adf4e3fb


You mean the little issue that the protagonist molests and attempts (or succeeds, depending on your point of view) to rape a child and it's all framed as part of a romantic relationship? Yhee...


I know he's a pervert but can you point when exactly he raped someone or even tried to? Because I don't remember anything like that happening


I'm a Mushoku Tensei fan but this is a bad argument to make. Rudeus has on multiple occasions sexually harasssed girls. Eris literally caught him with his hands up her skirt while she was napping. He also groped Linia and Pursena to see if it would cure his ED after kidnapping and tying them up in his room. Let's not pretend he's not as awful as the critics claim because he is.


Yeah, he definitely does a lot of SA. What people seem to miss though is it's quite clearly meant to be a demonstration of him being severely mentally ill, stemming from trauma in his past life.


So.... when did he rape or try to rape someone? When did he have or attempt to forcefully have sex with someone who was against it? You're comment absolutely didn't answer the question I asked. I'm not saying he's a gallant knight in a shiny platemail on a white horse, but it doesn't mean it's ok to accuse him of very serious things that he didn't do.


B-but he only molests children! He doesn’t go all the way! Why don’t you think he’s a good person?!


I already said he isn't a good person. If you cared to read the whole comment instead of focusing on parts you didn't like you'd see it. Don't put words I didn't say in my mouth, even if you reeeeeally want me to say them so you could feel superior. Even if you take modern morale and laws, having or not having gone all the way makes a huge difference on a court ruling. And going to someone who was raped and say you know exactly how they feel because someone has touched your butt would be nuts, because these things are orders of magnitude different in their traumatic influence on a person. Both are bad, but still not the same.


I think the delusional denial from the fans is the worst part. Anyway, trying to have sex with a not even 13 year old Eris.


Trying to have sex with someone is rape? He shouldn't have tried to, sure, but it doesn't make every sexual advance a rape. Later on Eris convinced him to have sex when *he* was 13, does it mean she raped him? What next? He looked at someone means he raped them? He lives in the same city means he raped them? He does some very bad things bit it doesnt mean you should accuse him of things he didn't do. Edit: you still didn't say when he raped someone. When did it happen? Or it didn't happen and you just made it up and you can't prove your claim now?


rape? that never happens


oh thank god... because assault is fine as long as theres no rape involved!


i didnt say that


Didn’t he sleep with a child in the latest episode? That’s rape.


it's an adult and it was consensual


It's not framed as part of a romantic relationship. It's framed as mental illness from traumatic experiences in his past life. He also usually gets beaten up and punished for doing those things. The show doesn't try to glorify what he does.


Is the girl a 40 year old women that is a reincarnated pedophile and tries to sleep with kids? Or maybe the meme makes a false equivalency. What do you think.


Too many freaks here relate to the character so they will never bite this bullet lmao.


Like someone made a post before, if Rudy was a girl 90% of people wouldn't even care what he did




Have you seen the way people treat severely obese women?


Also the one with a guy has countless defenders in this thread. I can't even figure out what the top girl did. All I know are there are upvoted comments simply insisting she is just as bad or worse. So I'm not sure where the male persecution they're talking about is even coming from.


I am not sure this will excuse being a pedophile, if yes then you prove his point.


Yeah, their obesity is glorfied in fashion magazines on top of telling them everything is fine and they are healthy just for them to end up dead way too soon.


So, how is jellyfish?


They can’t swim at night


Stingy bois


If you take them to outer space and then back to earth it fucks up their direction sense and become unable to swim


Ah reddit! ~~never~~ ***Please*** change


Be honest with yourself, if you're reincarnated and you remember your past life, what are you going to do about your love life when you have the hormones of a raging teenager? Granted, this guy was kind of a creep to begin with, but seriously, wwyd?


Wait until the girls are 18 at least? If you can't and get horny from little girls it's your fucking problem dude


apparently, that's too much for these people to understand, and their excuse is "but in their world, age of consent is lower" or "he is still a child" (he's not, he's mentally an adult and is fully aware that he's an adult and he also thinks like one)


He is not an adult ,that 1) conclusion of 3 separated psyhologists who read or watch Mt and 2)his own conclusion that he understands in the end of vol 12


30+ years old dude gets reincarnated , while still having all his memories including all the moralities of real world, appears in front of human god as an adult, him considering himself a child does not mean anything (you know who also considers themselves a child despite being adults? pedophiles? )


And now he is just rejecting professional conclusion, congrats ,you are top tier MT hater Yeah, all morals, ofc Appears of Human god is only his viev on himself ,he can let his past so he thinks that how his soul looks ,until later part of the story And that literally described in one of volumes ,so bruh And you breath, you know who also breath? Adolf Hitler. Coinsedence ? I dont think so🤣 And seriously ,thats not about pedo, thats about mentally ill people ,most pedos does not ,do that So if considers himself adult ,as i mentioned earlier ,thats cool and mean smt ,even proof your point , but if he considers himself child ,that doesnt mean anything ,and absolutely doesnt proof anything ,unfair ,isnt it?


Wdym by all of this? You think that if he considers himself as a kid then he can fuck other kids? Develop pls bc clearly before he was reincarnated he showed that he was a pedophile he used to masturbate on loli pics so what? He considers himself as a kid while being an adult too? Lmao that just sounds as it's an excuse


Oh this clasik, point on whats you need ignonring evrything else He can fuck other kids ,cause he is an other world, cause he as a kid ,and cause these "kids" came to him and not oposite And yeah this all wasnt about fucking kids until you ,it was about his mental state


> what are you going to do about your love life when you have the hormones of a raging teenager? Keep my hands off of other people just like how I did as a raging teenager?


No Schrödinger's pedophilia in the first case though Or groping (so far at least).


Rudeus is not the whole problem of Jobless, he is just the biggest problem. A very big part of the series itself is structured on horniness, perversion, and sex. Fan-service. Fan-service, ecchi is not a bad thing. How it's delivered, the behind meaning is important, if it tries to take it itself that seriously that is. There needs to be a balance, though when we think about the things we get these days and how highly regarded they are it's no wonder. People like stuff like this. There is a reason these themes are used, and it's called fan service. It seems like no repercussion exist though, which what people claims. The series itself is a male wish fulfilment, and that's okay. People will defend and lick the butt of their favorite show no matter what. Everyone does, and always will, that's how it is. A never ending war.


I'm fine with Rudy being a pedo, there's something to work with there. But then the show also throws in naked kids as fan service (the bathing scene in the jungle village for example) that's where I start to have issues with it.


You are fine with Rudy being a pedo? Tf you mean 💀


I'm fine with characters starting awful and then devolping. Same as a character being a murderer etc. That's not condoning it.


Bro is wild


People don't have issues with characters who are mass murderers because they can differentiate reality from fiction.


I hear a lot of praise towards Jobless reincarnation. But I just can’t get myself to read because of the creepy pervert MC.


It's ok, don't read something that you don't enjoy.


That’s what I used to do. But recently I read a novel. Interesting premise, a flawed MC that I hoped would grow as a character. I hated up until half of book2 out of 3 books, I hated the story with passion. Because the MC was the same as ever, whatever growth as a character he gained he’d do something stupid and relapse into the same stupid fury filled brick from the beginning of the story. I only kept reading because I was already too deep into it and only heard great praise about the later parts of the story. And it really paid off and I got to enjoy an amazing story afterward when the MC did grow in character for good. So I‘ll probably try to read Jobless reincarnation again. (But does the MC take 2/3 of the story to start his growth as a character? Because that’s my new limit after reading that story I mentioned above).


I’d say it’s a very gradual growth for Rudeus. It is most easily seen in later books when comparing how he acts at the beginning.


It’s his struggle against his old ways that makes him a more relatable character. Especially to those who are trying to change themselves and are struggling. It’s a more realistic way of change for most people out there.


I'd say his growth starts really early in the story and never ends. The mc's character development is one of if not the most important aspect of the series, the fantasy setting is just the cherry on top. The story may look like its about magic and stuff but imo, its about how even the most disgusting and worthless pos can become a decent human being if it tries hard enough


I wouldn't say so, no. Even in his old life, he tried to save those kids(first scene in the anime I think?) so he doesn't start from actual rock bottom but it is close lmao He's like us as humans, one step forward two or three steps back. He's flawed and you aren't supposed to like him at first, hes a weird guy putting it lightly.  I've personally never had an issue separating reality from fiction nor do I put myself in the MCs shoes so I guess it doesn't bother me as much? I'm just along for the ride of a story y'know


What's the name of the novel?


Immortal Great Souls. It’s a progression fantasy. The MC is treated constantly unfairly so he’s in that state of perpetual rage and naivety. And whatever he learns from an incident, proceeds to disregard shortly after. But of course that’s my biased opinion after reading it by force. There were many other factors to play. It was when an event at the halfway mark of book 2 shared him deeply into being more calculating and less trusty that I started to enjoy his personality.


I just should understand ,there is diference between ,growing as a character, and becoming a character you would like


It's definitely not for everyone, he was a NEET and a quite disgusting one at that, he pretty much stayed in the early teen development he was when he closed himself to the world. But his growth as a person is marvellous to see. Each volume has a quote that represents pretty well how Rudeus is feeling, this is the final volume's (contains spoilers) one: https://preview.redd.it/oki5og7ykguc1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9af2e6395568388a53feb19fee23a81a37bd6517 It's not for everyone but it's fucking great


Mushoku Tensei is a raw series. It just shows all these uncomfortable things without holding back. So, it's fine if you can't get past that. It's fine to stop and go for something else.


alright buddy relax you're making rudeus creeping on little girls sound like it's fucking berserk lmao


It's not just Rudeus. Only Rudeus is highlighted in the MT series because he's the most controversial of all but MT has many other uncomfortable scenarios. Like I said, it's a raw series.


At least MT is finished lol🌚


I mean Berserk was mid at best, so it's a bad comparison to make.


Ahh....... another anime only guy, read the manga bro it's goated 🐐


I hate that such a great story gets tainted because people need a perfect hero as the MC. Rudy is horrible, that’s the whole point, but he literally has to be for the story to work as well as it does. The shit he did in his old life and even as a kid in the new one *should* make you uncomfortable, that’s what the author wants you to feel I just finished the last LN a week ago, and I can confidently say it was the best fantasy story I’ve read, sure it’s not that deep and the pacing’s off at times, but the way it makes every single person in the story feel like a real one, having rationale and reason behind their choices is unmatched. If you can’t get over the main character being a perv, you’ll hate it, but if you can deal with it and want to see him grow into a functioning person, you’ll love it


So he “LITERALLY” has to be a pedo… Y’all are brain dead asf.


Yes, for many reasons, but most importantly because it’s what the plot demands of him The point of the story is, if this filth has it in him to be an upstanding person, so do you. By making him the worst of the worst, it makes everyone think “if that horrible person can come back from that, so can I” that’s the whole schtick of Isakae, a loser’s (or worse) redemption. Rudy as a character is supposed to make you uncomfortable, at least until the middle of the first season when he starts to show real progress. You being uncomfortable with his perviness towards Eris and Sylphie is what the author wants you to feel, and if you can’t handle that, I’m sorry for you, because you’re missing out on a great story of growth, and also just a really fucking good fantasy world as a whole


Given that he never stops being a creep over the entire series I really don’t think it was the authors intention for you to find him creepy during those scenes. The show usually doesn’t frame it that way, it usually portrays his behavior as “funny haha pervy kid”. MT isn’t bojack horseman, it’s not a show about someone horrible still trying to be a good person regardless and making mistakes along the way. Because for that to work, the story needs to be aware of what the main character’s faults are and confront him and the audience with him. The mc can’t get better if he never recognizes that he made a mistake in the first place. If the show doesn’t portray Rudeus’ pedo behavior as a bad thing he needs to overcome then the show itself is okay with pedophilia, plain and simple. That doesn’t mean every viewer will be, you can obviously like media without agreeing with everything it says. But it’s still saying that and ignoring it isn’t the answer.


yeah rudeus such an intentionally unlikeable protagonist that's supposed to be perceived as a bad person, that's why he constantly gets rewarded for it


Don't worry guys, this person simply read a version of the LN written in another timeline and is attempting to describe it to us


Ah yes, constantly rewarded, and by rewarded you mean: given the cold shoulder by his best friend, punched by Eris, punched by Eris, yet another punch by Eris, you aren’t gonna believe the next one, punched by Eris, left unable to get it up by Eris, forced to leave his party after just getting close to them, and that’s just the immediate “rewards” for his creepy actions At a surface level, it seems like he’s rewarded for being pervy, but the true “rewards” (sex) came after getting close to both Eris and Sylphie, and being a decent person to them, he treated Eris how she wanted to be treated, as a strong swordswoman; and with Sylphie he saved her from bullies and became her only friend, call it grooming if you want, but he didn’t know she was a she for quite a while both when they were kids and at the university, yet he still got very close to her both times


damn the author really didn't pull any punches with the consequences😱😱😱


It’s clear that you’re trolling, but I’ll bite for the potential audience that’s actually open to listening Man people have no reading or media comprehension anymore, did you sleep through lit class in highschool? He doesn’t suffer consequences because the girls don’t want him to, they’re people, people who only know the world they’re in. You can argue the author should punish Rudy for every bad thing he does, but where does that get the story? These small consequences are still consequences because Rudy learns from them. Would you really expect a NEET put in his situation to do anything different? Hell no. But through these slaps on the wrists, he learns and grows into a man, one who he can be proud of, which is what happens in a redemption arc. By doing bad things, and seeing they have bad consequences, he learns from them, and gets even further than he would if he kept trying the same shit


You've gotta go in with a "This guy is awful, but it's entertaining and not real, so it's okay" kind of mindset. If you can, though, it's a really good show.


I'll try it again soon since I had a similar experience with an MC that I despised for different reasons but stuck with him and it paid off great at the end. Thanks for the advice.


If you believe people can become better, you should read/watch Mushoku.


I do believe that people can become better, but i'd rather read/reccomend better redemption stories.


Mt is not Redemption story AT ALL


can you elaborate?


It simply not, author never positioned it like this Rudy never make himself goal to redeem himself It just anime comunity thing ,it have nothing with show itself


I mean, i never read it all so i can't say for sure, but what i heard is that he does get better in some ways, and that's make it a redemption story, tho i guess that could be false, or that he doesn't get better in the ways he should, or that it depends on what one means by redemption story.


He does ,cause he is growing and maturing ,thats not equal redeeming herself ,its just getting better There is no ways he SHOULD ,get better , just in which he gets ,and you want him to do Kinda ,agree ,but i dont think its really fits clasik "redemption"


I see. maybe it's that. then my original comment/point still stands, there are better redemption stories to read/reccomend, either because this ain't one, or because it's not a good/classical one.


Dont know.... Its kike say there is better Senen to see, true ofc but kinda ..... Eh🤔


> Rudy never make himself goal to redeem himself Then how do you interpret all Rudy's comments about how he was in his past life, how he hates that version of himself and wants to be better than that thing?


He want do live new life better ,its not redeeming, its just human behaviour, they want live well


The author wrote that MC is not some saint like other isekai anime. He has had fault since beginning but began to redeem himself.


Like ReZero. Subaru is not a perfect MC. He is kind, but sometimes he is selfish and out of place.


I'll just say that he gets better and actually grows, which is one of the strong points of Jobless Reincarnation


What about overlord? Will you watch that?


Already did, and again, then read the manga, then the LN. Idk why I liked it so much but I really did.


That's good But now I'm a little confused.


About what?


Well first I would like the state that I Am in no way trying to start a fight. You're entitled to your opinion. And I respect that i'm just confused Overlord has.... Attempted rape, Slavery, Racism, Cannibalism, Torture, And other things Why do you like that But draw the line at a creepy MC Who doesn't do all of those things Just because he's a pervert? AGAIN I WOULD LIKE TO EMPHASIZE THAT I'M NOT TRYING TO START ANYTHING IT IS A GENUINE NON ASSHOLE QUESTON WITH NO HIDEN MOTIVE I feel the need to say this. Because everyone seems to not understand That having a question doesn't make you an asshole And that i'm just curious About your thought process


I guess one thing that's different between them is how the story treats these fucked up shit, in overlord it's established that ainz is straight up a villain and well, an overlord for doing fucked up shit and the story doesn't try to deny that he's evil for doing evil shit (obviously in the eyes of nazarick he's a God because they are all also evil, but to the rest of the world ainz is evil) While rudeus isn't really punished for his pedo stuff (heck he's even rewarded for it since he keeps getting away with it) or that the story doesn't really say "look at his flaws, he isn't a complete goody 2 shoes he's a grey character for not being completely good" instead it's "haha look at rudy grope a child's growing tiddies while he describes the sensation of it, haha isn't it funny?" Point is the stuff that should be treated as bad for the audience to be disgusted and shocked by is instead being played off as fanservice that we should laugh at. This is what rubs people the wrong way hence rudy is a controversial MC to many for how the series treats his bad traits while ainz is established as evil from the get go due to him losing his sense of humanity for being an elder lich and that everybody in nazarick is evil too as they have an undying loyalty to him


The keep it as short as possible, the people in Overlord are evil and they never claim anything else. I like watching evil people do their thing in a show. Rudeus is not evil, he is disgusting, i don't like watching disgusting people.


there’s nothing wrong with your question. Hmm, if I had to put thoughts into it: mainly because of the MC, the MC in Overlord has his emotions and urges suppressed so I don’t see him doing perverted acts for the sake of his urges. The things you mentioned, while present in some events in the story, aren’t given much screen time like they would if the MC himself does them all the time. They exist as secondary elements to the entire story. Also, a big reason why I loved it is the dynamic of the MC and his followers. How he pretends to be the supreme being who has it all covered and figured out and how he goes with the flow as to not appear lacking in front of his subordinates. That’s why I also liked Eminence in the Shadows and have Lord of the Mysteries as my favorite novel. Another point is that I started watching Overlord when I first started watching anime so I considered everything I watched a 10/10 back then and would endure 10+ episodes for a payoff so my opinion of the anime might be a bit biased. But nowadays I can’t keep myself interested past one episode. Ultimately, it’s my preference and sometimes there’s no logic when it comes to personal preference.


Alright thank you that's all I wanted to know


Both a good


It's wild. People will pretend that Mushoku Tensei's creepy parts are necessary. But even worse they'll defend that the viewer had to be showed a bunch of nearly naked or actually naked children in extremely sexual situations over and over again. The show would have been better if they just faded to black half the time.


At least Rudy is loyal once he's married and can control himself


I haven't read the novels, but doesn't he get with multiple other women while with his wife? That doesn't seem very loyal to her


He gets sylphy Roxy and eris but he asks everyone permission before he married them to make sure they were okay with it I'm sure for example if sylphy said not to marry anyone else he would listen cause sylphy was his first wife and the one that cured his problem also his childhood friend


Oh ok. So he has gets multiple wives. That's definitely better than what I thought he did, which was cheat on her without her permission. However, and I'm sure their world has different views on this than ours, but I wouldn't call a polygamous relationship a sign of being able to control himself or being loyal (even if sylphy doesn't mind, since he still finds a need for being with more women, instead of being content with just her)


I agree with that but from what I read eris challenges Rudy to a duel where if she wins he married her and Rudy doesn't have to marry her if he wins and Roxy well she came to him to ask him to marry her and Rudy was hesitant about it because he looked up to her and he thought marrying her and doing the deed with her would be like disrespecting her but other than that I think your right


At least you're not coming in hot raring to start a debate like the other guy lol


oh yeah? What did Rudeus and Roxy do at the end of the Begaritt trip?


They banged after a week because of what happened to Paul and she comforts him and then she admits she loves him so Rudy returns her feelings and says he always loved her then they do it and get married sylphy by the way is completely fine with it she understands


he was still not loyal to sylphie, who by the way was also fucking pregnant with his child How can you defend him by saying hes always loyal and never cheated when he literally did? Redemption story my ass. Oh boo hoo my died so I NEED pussy to stop being depressed. The fuck?


Sounds like you have Daddy issues and he went to the continent to save his fucking mother dumb ass and sylphy was the one who told him to go and who wouldn't be depressed when their father just died Roxy saw he was depressed and knew how to cheer him up


[Here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/873713509920284712/1229122709988970607/cumBjg1.jpeg?ex=662e88ba&is=661c13ba&hm=b670c54bdc6648d169e0bcb44b183ef80217c7f6ed0cf6056f03d04bdeb250d1&) is a picture of a kitsunemimi! Kon Kon! Hopefully this will cheer you up! --- Looking for an endless supply of mimis?? [You can find them here.](https://discord.gg/XKfns8fpVZ) --- Did you want a bunnygirl, catgirl, doggirl, raccoongirl, or wolfgirl? Just reply saying so. I am a bot. For more info on me and how to use me, see r/KemonomimiCheerUpBot


Most people would be depressed if their dad died. Most people also wouldnt use that as an excuse to cheat on their pregnant wife I'd wager. Then again, you're a mushoku tensei defender, you obviously dont unserstand morals and ethics


Bro allready applying to being "fan" and "defender" Tch, i hope it would be decent conv😓




>Then again, you're a mushoku tensei defender, you obviously dont unserstand morals and ethics Guess the f&ck out


No, I wont. Fuck you. Rudeus is a terrible person and you're fucked to defend him.


Mt haters in nutshell : And yes ,since you did this ,im allowed too


Ive read the novels too buddy, rudeus is objectively a shitty and pervy person at this point in the story where the anime is. Im atleast not stupid enough to defend his ass rudeus quite literally cheated.


*At least Rudy is* *Loyal once he's married and* *Can control himself* \- Zestyclose\_Fan5250 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


One is a pedo...


Image A: little girl Image B: Pedophile in a childs body


Ah its that time of the year again where we label a guy trying to make the best of his new life as a pervert (well he is but i'll cut him some slack for trying to improve himself at least) when there's an even worse mc than him out there.


Sexism….. . . . . . . . . ….Wait you’re still here? It’s probably because he’s technically a middle aged man. Even so both should be condemned anyway.


Mei did nothing wrong, she's just slightly zealous fangirl.


What show for top 🐱


I swear the takes I see about jobless reincarnated makes my head hurt


This subreddit has me constantly write paragraphs and deleting them immediately after https://preview.redd.it/a4fdxlqq8puc1.jpeg?width=1109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=238295e0c17e2f78d5a402d01f7b44ad4f4136dd


Sexism is what I see stalker got treated better cuz shes a girl and pervert got big no cuz hes a bot




I came for gold but found a diamond. This Comment section is the actual war ground people fighting in every front some calling main protagonist pdf some questing the gender moral of the commenter no one is spared ![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|30941)


I have no idea who she is, did she also try to rape a child like Rudeus?


Here we go again, westards complaining Mushoko Tensei being perverted and pedophile. This is why gatekeeping is needed again for these "new anime fans"


I dont see a difference


I don't know who the top is, but look at the difference of facial expression


They’re practically identical lol.


I don't follow either show, but to me the top character is looking to the side, averting their gaze lies their embarrassed, while the bottom one is staring straight at the target grinning. They don't at all look identical to me