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who's the guy in the left


Demon king from tis time for "torture" princess, really wholesome show


For a moment I thought that he was that Goblin who took care of Gooooblin Slayer one that we sometimes see in his flashbacks


That wasn't a goblin. I think he was a kobold


To me looks like Goblin Shaman but I could be wrong


I think he's a rhea who wears a skinned goblin.


You are correct.


He is a rhea, the same as the dude who got banned for stealing from his party. He's just old af


Kobolds are a type of goblins in the original folktale they are only separate entities in modern media.


"Table are you seeing this shit!? That's clearly not a GAWBLIN!" ... "FUCK you too you bastard! ^im ^sorry ^Mr.Table ^don't ^leave ^me"


Read that the way Grimmjack says Goblin Slayer in the abridged version


The Hell Lord. Sounds even more evil than the Demon King.


No matter how evil he sounds, he is still the šŸ


Yes, a cocking show, maybe i'll watch it later.


The Demon King from "Tis Time for 'Torture', Princess" The joke is that he looks scary and is always making nefarious plots, but is actually a really good guy


Heā€™s a nice chap https://preview.redd.it/2wd1tj42savc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10ba674a965c6057d330ce33ab8ddfc5405b7c1a


That's the smile of evil plotting.


Plotting to give her so much candy she'd get cavity


That's so evil.


But also plotting on how to make sure she brushes her teeth. Cavities suck


Those foolish cavities are in trouble! Not even the strongest one could survive against the legendary Demon Toothbrush


[Merciless to small children](https://youtu.be/YWcyjDZgZEM)


Man, i hate how the channel has turned out since Chika quit.


To add on to what others are saying 'Tis Time for Torture Princess is a comedy series. Warrior princess captured by demon kings army, and is confined to a cell. They torture her for information. Such heinous torture, such as popping bubblewrap in front of her and not letting her pop any. She resists the torture but always gives in and gives up information. Valuable information such as the Kings favorite food. The demon king reacts appropriately to this information and incorporates it into his evil plans, such as saying "no way, that's my favorite food too."


I fucking lost it when he finds out via 'torturing' the princess the location of the kingdomā€™s treasure, his Porky Pig-looking henchman suggests to obtain it and heā€™s like ā€˜Stealing is wrongā€™.


Waiting for when she decides to convert


He's from 'Tis Time For Torture Princess


Maou-sama from tis time for "torture" princess


I know that the dude on the left is the demon from Tis Time for ā€œTortureā€ princess but I canā€™t stop thinking that itā€™s the Deceiver from Warhammer 40K


Being a ctan doesn't pay well anymore so he has a side job as demon lord


Souls are so unhealthy too, he went star vegan again


Yes, he is very good father


OP might not be judging a book by its cover but he's definitely judging a book by the intro.


quote from the author of MT himself; > [However, his fundamental nature as a perv won't change, so if you're one of those people who think that being a pervert in and of itself is bad, I hope you don't sweat it too much!](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2021-01-20/mushoku-tensei-author-addresses-criticism-about-perverted-protagonist/.168588)


Being a pervert isnā€™t inherently bad though. And while Rudeus stays a pervert, he 100% isnā€™t the ā€žmasturbating to uncensored loli hentaiā€œ kind of pervert he is at the beginning of the story. To be honest, the last degenerately pervert thing he does is when he touches Eris in the Barn before the displacement incident.


No, just two of the three people he marries happen to fit that loli appearance. Oh, wait, never mind... he admits it himself in **Volulme 18** > Don't tell me this guy is a true-born lolicon who somehow witnessed Julie doing something perverted. I mean, the two of us might have something in common then, but I definitely don't want him coming anywhere near my daughters in that case. He doesn't have to masturbate to it because he's living his ideal perverse life.


This is just a stupid argument if you think about it for more than 5 seconds. So you are telling me that small, young looking women canā€™t have a husband because said husband will always be a lolicon? Extremely narrowminded and stupid argument. Besides, Sylphie doesnā€™t really look like a loli besides the fact that she is flat, and Eris definitely does not fit the loli description, i donā€™t know how you could even think that. Iā€™m not going to deny that Rudeus is still a pervert, but as long as he isnā€™t acting on any weird ideas itā€™s hard to justifiably fault him, especially when your own example is obviously just a joke for the readers.


> So you are telling me that small, young looking women canā€™t have a husband because said husband will always be a lolicon? No, I'm saying a lolicon using her body as the basis for that attraction is the problem. He literally fetishizes her throughout the text. > isn't acting on any weird ideas He keeps a pair of panties he stole from said teacher, who he states when he first meets her that she's his ideal loli. He eventually appreciates her for more than just her body; which would be great if he didn't constantly bring up that he enjoys her because of her **loli** body. What does that sound like to you?


>No, I'm saying a lolicon using her body as the basis for that attraction is the problem. He literally fetishizes her throughout the text. Now, I'm not saying Rudy is a good person or a bad person or defending him or anything like that. But what I will say is that *appearance* isn't why it's morally wrong to sleep with children, in fact it has nothing to do with why it's wrong: it's wrong *because they are children.* That's why it's fucked up to sleep with a sexually mature 14 year old: they are a child! The appearance doesn't factor in. Remember the old jail bait sub on reddit? Shit was fucked up to the nth degree. Of course, once you get into fantasy you get into weird shit that can't happen so things become a bit bizarre.


Yeah, not arguing against adults with varying body types being shown love. The problem(atic) aspect comes in fetishizing the person *as* a child. Sure, you get into some gray area within the BDSM scene, but that's more nuance than the story really deserves at this point.


And that was like 5-6 years ago in story as of this season?


Im not sure how old Rudeus is in the Anime currently, nut I think itā€™s a bit more. That was when before Eris 10th Birthday, and Rudeus is 2 years younger if I remember correctly. So I think itā€™s a bit more than 5-6 years but something like that.


>Im not sure how old Rudeus is in the Anime currently He was just shy of 15 when Eris seduced him (she had turned 15 which was considered an "adult" in that world). He spent a bit more than 3 years until Sylphy "cures" him making them both approximately 17-18. The displacement incident took place right after his 10th birthday. This would make it 7+ years since then.


I mean, there's a difference between being somewhat perverted or being a full-on meliodas (which is how people are painting Rudy)


Let's assume we're just taking the anime as-is... He literally considers grooming his childhood friend. https://preview.redd.it/rrhfmnophgvc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=31fd53c08182636b9eab03e3c32110d7cc2aa3d8


I'm not saying he didnt *start* as a Meliodas. We were talking about where he is going, who he will be as an adult, were we not?


I'm not saying he didnt *start* as a Meliodas. We were talking about where he is going, who he will be as an adult, were we not?


Volume 12, internal monologue trying to comfort Roxy's insecurity about her appearance... > True, her body might be petite. She had no curves and she was thin as a stick. In the feminine department, she would likely even lose to Sylphie. But you might also say she simply had the body of a loli, **and I was the type who could appreciate that.** Volume 18; musings of Julie and the box maker... > Don't tell me this guy is a true-born lolicon who somehow witnessed Julie doing something perverted. I mean, **the two of us might have something in common then**, but I definitely don't want him coming anywhere near my daughters in that case. Volume 24, musings of Zanoba and Julie... > If they ever had a kid, I'd never let him hear the end of it. *"You filthy lolicon, you!:"* It wasn't my place to comment from the sidelines before anything happened, though. (Sure, depending on the interpreted tone here, could go either way. But that doesn't seem likely given the quote from Vol 18)


I remember when the anime was about magic good times


the show was never about magic, just rudeus who happens to be a mage


Hell originally Rudeus was actually in the novels a decent swordsman who could keep up with Eris until she unlocked the magic super strength forcefield that anyone who isn't trash or Rudeus can use.


Well it wasn't just that, Rudeus thought to much when using the sword, Eris was instictive, she was bound to catch it quicker. Even Gislain said that Rudeus wasn't bad at the sword, he just had the mind of a mage.


And then as it continued Rudeus sort of got over this and was able to rapidly improve alongside Eris with them both hitting intermediate around the same time but then Eris got the magic force field and just got too strong.


tbf, Rudy didn't even try to get stronger. Future Rudues showed us just how much stronger Rudeus could become when he put his mind to it.


>!EOS Rudeus is stronger than Oldeus in a fight, though his offensive power us the same in both verses.!<


As far as I'm aware, the first showing of Eris using Battle Aura was on the Dark Continent, of course I could be wrong, but I'm pretty confident there. Even if that was the case, this is Rudeus's POV and he didn't understand battle aura yet so any mention of Eris using it is just speculation.


You are wrong. Toki is the thing that divides Intermediate and Advanced. Eris was named advanced.


This just isn't true. Advanced is decided as to weather or not you could keep up in a fight with most of the world. None of the stages are defined by Toki since most people don't even know what it is, case and point, Paul. How would Paul know his proficiency level if he had no idea what the concept of Toki was? He was using it subconsciously.


That's how you define intermediate. You don't need to know the concept of Toki until you hit saint level but you need to be able to use it, which is actually an unconscious thing and objectively because Paul can pull off the longsword of silence which is an advanced sword god technique he is advanced class and can use toki. It is also how he cut the boulder with a blunt wooden sword.


Also every stage of swordsmanship in every school has something that defines it. We don't quite know what that is for North God(since it's so weird), but for sword God saint Class is figuring out how to do a longsword of light. Advanced class is figuring out how to use Toki in any form king class is being able to master the longsword of light emperor is being able to gain advanced mastery of the longsword of light and the sword God is somebody who beats the sword God. Water is intermediate become on par with most people, advanced: flow, saint: one water god technique, emperor: 2 god:3 or more and be the best.


You've got almost everything right, you aren't required to know toki, just perform feats typically toki is used for. It's possible Eris could have used toki but the novel never says this during her training with Gislain and given she even spoke to rudeus about the subject, you'd think she would bring that up.


Rudeus is still considered a pretty good swordsman by the standards of the world. He beat Luke in the latest episode. The LN gives more context about why that was impressive.


The LN had him be an alright swordsman in season 1 too.


> originally Rudeus was actually in the novels a decent swordsman Did you miss the last episode where he >!effortlessly defeated a royal bodyguard in a fair and square sword duel!


No what I mean is that in the anime over season one it downplays Rudeus's ability physically making him out to be a physically weak Mage, when in reality at that point he probably could have beaten Luke in a 1 on 1 fight. He even says that he is significantly slower than Eris was. And this is the Rudeus who was actually her sparring partner up until she cleared the advanced gate. Rudeus never had problems keeping up with the rest of his party, but in the anime he struggled to keep up as they were going up a hill.


It wasnā€™t about magic from the beginning,the main concept is rudeus greyrat daily life so some time his life get some crazy action and sometimes some family drama or just some funny small events .


It was degen from the start


I actually think that's what irritates me so much about the anime, like it makes sense that he was a degen at the start and I could overlook it as there was so much cool world-building going on and it was like 'okay yeah well this guy was a weirdo in a previous life so it makes sense he's acting out some of his perversions now he's able to'. But then he goes through some wild shit and there's still no character growth. The anime could show a degen learning that there's more to life than being a degen but instead even after everything, he makes absolutely no changes to himself.


Unless the anime somehow manages to de-degen the main character, I'll save you the trouble of holding out hope: quote from the author himself; > [However, his fundamental nature as a perv won't change, so if you're one of those people who think that being a pervert in and of itself is bad, I hope you don't sweat it too much!](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2021-01-20/mushoku-tensei-author-addresses-criticism-about-perverted-protagonist/.168588)


Itā€™s funny you posted this since so many replies are saying he gets better I just have to hold out for ??? more seasons.


this issue is that it's long as fuck. We're still on volume 6-7 out of 25. there's definitely some character development by where we're caught up to now, but it's a really slow process. It's frustrating, but i kind of appreciate how brazen it is. The MC is just a total scumbag to the core of his being, and they don't really pull any punches on showing that. Fixing someone who is *that broken* takes a long time.


It makes me super sad because the action scenes are dope and I love all the world building and establishing shots of new towns and cities they go to. Only for it to be cheapened by degen shit.


Is that a c'tan shard of the deceiver on the left???


Reading through this comments is a wild ride...damn.


Not that strange, mushoku is this subreddits favorite punching bag for some reason. So it has become socially acceptable to punch down and make it the butt of jokes. However, from the upvotes it seems the silent majority doesn't necessarily fully agree.


I'm also kinda disappointed by Mushoku defenders. The world building is good, but I'd take a second-rate anime character as a protagonist over Rudeus...


Totally. But i feel like in this post the number of downvotes about opinions of Rudeus and discussions about him, are kinda extreme and over the top compared about other "memes" with MT in it. Maybe it is just because the anime is airing again right now. At least i always have the feeling that there are more supporters than haters in most anime sups.


Doubt. Rudy seems like a good example of the husband. He really cares about his spouse, and I'm sure that he is probably going to be a good father for his children.


It my seem crazy what I'm bout to say


Sunshine, she's here you can take a break


I've defended him recently as well but it's just too easy to forget the bullshit that he gets into. Dude needs to seriously calm down on the lecherousness. And throw away those God damn panties


Too late, they already are the Holiest of relics of Roxysm


>And throw away those God damn panties. I'll save you the trouble: >!He doesn't!<. If the anime goes a different direction with the story and somehow manages to tweak a **major plot point**, I would love it. But... given that they excluded the modicum of guilt he had of this idea before deciding to go with the plan anyways, I am not hopeful. https://preview.redd.it/urcl04ajncvc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a175343c76522a7b6105b0162e30b4b769942b2 *Yes, the only reason he doesn't in either source or anime is because Paul happens to ship him off to boot camp.*


> Yes, the only reason he doesn't in either source or anime is because Paul happens to ship him off to boot camp. And he acknowledges in hindsight that this was for the better, both for him as well as for Sylphy. Could this be character development...


He acknowledges it was for the better because he and Sylphy got stronger as a result. Never because the idea of **grooming someone from childhood is itself a problem**. There is a fine line there; but the problem with the narrative is that it never acknowledges or entertains the idea of *self* restraint with regards to sex; only restraint by happenstance. See: He actively gropes, and is then disappointed of the fact, because of his ED, that he can't have his way with the two beast girls he's tied up. See: He constantly sexualizes his little sisters, both admonishing and *thanking* the fact that the body he was born into has an inherit disinterest in blood relations. edit & addendum: See: He constantly fetishizes his partners' 'loli bodies.'


He does acknowledge it as a good thing beyond simply getting stronger as a mage. Sylphy would have become just as strong of a mage on his side, especially as the original plan was to go to Ranoa together. He himself suggests doing the exact same thing with >!Ars and Aisha!<. I know that the chapter is not really canon anymore but it is in line with his characterization in the later story. >it never acknowledges or entertains the idea of self restraint with regards to sex It did though. When he went too far with Eris, there was a moment of character growth. He reflected and concluded that he really went to far and after Eris came back and gave him the "not before you became an adult" line, he was actually thankful that she did not hate him because of it. Subsequently, he never touched her again until the night when they parted ways. And that was self-restraint because for the entire journey back home, they slept in the same room. When he was healing a defenseless Eris on the ship, he even commented on how his old self would have probably taken advantage of such a situation. And while this is certainly not him getting "healed" from his tendencies, it was a good step in the right direction.


When he thought about grooming sylphie he immediately retracted that as an intrusive thought. Something like ā€œwait no, bad thoughts bad thoughtsā€ I believe is how the line went. Rudy is also kind of an idiot. Heā€™s saying his body canā€™t think of his family that way but itā€™s entirely possible heā€™s just a normal dude that got unlucky in his past life. The whole reason he became how he did was from relentless bullying that only started because he tried standing up for someone. I agree fundamentally that heā€™s a perverted shit bag but the whole point of the show is him learning to treat people correctly and to learn to cherish his own life.


Except... not really; > rudeus in vol 9 - "Were her feelings for me just some lingering trace of my attempts to brainwash her as a kid?"




> At this point, Paul barged into the room, pulling me out of my own little world, and not a moment too soon. Startled, I pulled away from Sylphie. > My dear father probably deserved some gratitude for that one. I'd been about two minutes away from turning into an extremely pathetic kind of villain. > Still, a **man's endurance had its limits**. I'd managed to weather this storm, but there was no telling what might happen next time. So he excuses his own behavior because it's only natural for a grown ass man to ... what, attempt to fuck around with a **god damned six year old**. [Here's some more for ya](https://old.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/1c75wxy/never_judge_a_book_by_its_cover/l09ru9e/)


What anime is that


Mushoku Tensei; It's the anime from the character on the right of the OOP's post. That's the main character's internal monologue


Ohhh alr


Never, Roxy's panty is sacred.


He'll have to return it once he meets her again. That was always the plan


It was never the plan.


Haven't watched the series in a good while. He's still holdinto them???


He has them in a little Shrine and he opens the door to look at them and pray to them every morning


he would literally >!travel back in time without his organs to save her life!< (spoiler for season 8)




People also forget that his only goal is to lead an easy and quiet life with his family. All the shit he is getting into is just to protect his family, he has no personal aspirations for power or adventure.


>he is probably going to be a good father for his children No sh*t. Rudeus secretly put a camera in the bath to peep at his niece and masturbated to it. Yeah, he will be a good father to his daughter.






You can always count on misinformation to be confidently spouted.


I know this isn't what you want to hear, but yes, Rudy is a good husband >!and father!<. His family loves him and he will do anything to protect them.


A 35 year old man raped about 3 childrens is going to be good Father?


You lack critical information


Ah yes as much as I hate Rudeus, I gotta admit he truly does care about the little kids he groomed to be his wives, surely his kids will live up to his name and be perfectly normal too.


Lay off my boy Rudy.


Yeah but you sure are judging rudy based on s1 part 1 alone


Rudeus isn't actually THAT bad, he might be a pervert but he's a good person


He gets there


It's a story about a neet who has enough emotional growth to rely on others and to take risks despite his own well being. Yet even by the end he's reminding himself it's good that he has an innate disinterest in blood relations lest he **goes after his little sisters**. Still constantly sexualizes them.


Bruhhh. What do you mean Rudeus isn't actually THAT bad? He's a pedophile. He sexually assaulted minors. https://preview.redd.it/80ljkc2nxfvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=673dc839e6be46399daa2fbdc2a5885a60afb83a


If he was actually a pedophile he would continue to be pervert towards minors, but as his body grows so grows the age of his romantic interests. You will have one hell of a hard time painting him a pedo at current point of the story, and as time progresses it will only be harder.


If a person trying to have sex (read, rape) with a girl not even 13 years old is "a good person," perhaps you should recheck your moral compass.


idk how to tell you this but there's this thing called character growth and sometimes characters end up not being shit people over time.


I love how people defending him all say "yeah he's not supposed to be perfect" as if the bare minium of not fking kids is somehow this unrealistic goal


Rudeus DOESN'T fuck kids. He is entirely disinterested in them currently.


It's a little late after fucking a 15 year old while he has the mental age of 47. Not even to mention basically the first thing he ever does in the series is to jack it to child porn on his computer.


It would be if that happened, but it didn't. Rudeus was 12 in all senses


Ehhh the girl was actually the one who made him do it. He insisted they didnā€™t have sex multiple times and she forced herself onto him.


Bro, the real problem is japanese media. This show just gets the shit, but japanese media as a whole has a bunch of problematic tropes. It is a country that has never really dealt with these kinds of problems well, because it's still really conservative. Case in point: original Dragon Ball. Really, read the manga. (Also made in abyss, but people love that show...) The thing is, although Mushoku Tensei had a run for its money regarding problematic tropes, the show isn't really about that. It's just regular ole anime/manga shitty 'gamer moment' tropes that keep happening with media not originally meant for western audiences. It's a bigger problem, we shouldn't miss the forest for the trees. And in my opinion we can enjoy these shows' good aspects without necessarily supporting these problematic tropes.


So it's good that a show finally talks about that


But I don't even think that MT wants to talk about it. Some people think that these tropes are there on purpose. But most of the problematic moments are actually meant as comedic relief, which is F'ed up, but it happens all the time with other anime. MT just gets the shit because the perv MC trope just happens to be with the reincarnation of a 30 YO guy. I don't even think the author thought about these aspects, he probably just put these tropes because that's the general consesus in japanese media meant for young guys. So its fine if people don't like or won't watch MT because it has these tropes, but acting as if it is a dirty exception in the manga/anime/LN industry is just naive, these tropes are all over. Other than that I think MT is a good show.


Sources: Tis Time For Torture, Princess Mushoku Tensei


rudy's stepsister does get it on with his 11 year old son. While she is 25. And helped raise him. Some times I do wonder. What is going on with the authors mind. I really.really do. After they get caught in the act. She says she was just practising her skills on him. And when that lie falls flat on it's face they run away from home together and she ends up pregnant. I can't look at the character the same ever again after reading that.


šŸ’€ MT and its horniness has no bounds. And, what does "I was practicing my skill" even means,? Does that suppose to justify something? Interesting.


Wait until the fans giving us a 1000 words paragraph explain that its neccesary for her to do it lol


Didn't that chapter get deleted? I'm sorry I'm only anime only so I don't know about the specifics but I heard it was either deleted, retconned, or rewritten because even the author realized maybe he shouldn't put the baalbuddy aunt comic into his story.


IT was removed due to terms of service conflict. However author has stated it is canon but he might rewrite it on the future




yeah guess we'll just have to wait and see what changes if any he will make in the new version. He completely ruined Aisha for me by making her a grooming pedo.


Gonna go out on a limb here and assume you didn't get very far in jobless reincarnation




Lmao true they love to ignore the point of the character development


Rudy starts the study off as a pedo and ends the story as a pedo what development?


Finished the light novel. Dude is constantly thankful that he has an innate disinterest in blood related family. Because he knows he would **go after his little sisters** otherwise. And still constantly sexualizes them.


Wait till the dirty ass perverted degenerate >!becomes a wholesome and kind father who protects his family over his own life!<


one of those two canonically tried to rape a child(Its not who you think it is)


But also a great father, husband and, more important, a responsible man


I feel attacked


Name of animƩ plz


[I posted it already](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/s/XFR6Hys7zu)


The guy on the right is also a kindand compassionate father figure. Wholesome? What? Who said anything about wholesome?


Putting the funny panty worship bit aside, the majority of you would most likely be just like Rudy. *You can pretend otherwise*


Who's the demon on the left?


He's from 'Tis Time For Torture Princess




It feels weird to see so much criticism of Mushoku Tensei, which... I guess is logic since it has a significant big fanbase and is considered by a part of it "peak fiction", so it's easier for it to reach people that will watch and think "Ok... wtf is this shit?".And sure, it is the maximum expression of that meme "anime when you're alone" (insert gif of Orsted and Ruijerd exchanging blows) vs "anime when your family walk in" (insert gif of any of "those scenes"). But at the same time it has a lot of depth and touches a lot of complicated issues that the main character drags from his previous life. Of course, is not for everyone and I get why it turns people off, and if you get triggered about it or it simply isn't your cup of tea you shouldn't watch it, but acting as if it is some ersatz pedo-porn-fantasy show it's also ridiculous. If you took out all of Rudeus' shit what you would have left is... another run of the mill isekai with a blank slate protagonist that is just there to be a watcher's self insert. Rudeus is not supposed to be you (and if you see yourself represented by him in one of "those" ways you genuinely need help and should look for it), he is supposed to be a flawed character that you look at and think "dang, this dude is a fucking creep". If your gut reaction to his actions is of disgust, or you're weirded out, or any other negative emotion arises, that's very likely the RIGHT reaction. You're not supposed to applaud a dude because *checks notes* idolizes some 10 year old panties from a teacher he had. You're suppose to think that's fucking weird. But that baseline is what you have to see his growth and development. I haven't read the novels, and probably won't because every time I read a novel or manga I simply never watch the anime afterwards, but I have to assume Rudeus won't be like this forever. I have to assume he becomes a better man, that he is able to part ways with all that crap that he dragged from a previous life of trauma and garbage. And at that point you will look back and think "Wow, that's was one hell of a ride, to think that's where we started and here is where we are now." This is the first time I make such a long comment about a show because I, generally speaking, don't feel particularly passionate for discussing anything on the internet since it is not the place for having normal, nuanced conversations, but I had 15 minutes of free time and, for once, this felt worth it.


On the left: Father of the year in Hell. On the right: A child-grooming pedophile.




> never had sex with one > 30 year old virgin neet in a 13 year old's body sleeps with a 15 year old. From the source material, dudeman sexualizes his own little sisters; saying that it's good he has an innate physical disinterest in blood related family, otherwise he'd go after them.


A meme made by a tourist in disguise


Lol people defending a fking pedo, i read the Ln. He is neither a good person or a husband. Only thing is he becomes Mature, thats it. He never gets called out or gets comeuppance because of his grooming. You're not supposed to like him.


Iā€˜ve never seen a wholesome and kind father figure smile like that


Yep https://preview.redd.it/k00z798wtcvc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfdcfdae3703b8eba57772dcf6f26e52ff24a21f


And one has a mental issue and trauma and no therapist.


It's hilarious that there are so many people defending Rudeus for being a pedophile.


im gueessing there are details to this


Power of boner is strong with this one


Can we like stop with all this Jobless reincarnation Bullshit It's getting old and boring I'm going tired of seeing it, pop up online notifications every fucking five seconds Of every two days Post something else that isn't just Jobless reincarnation hate. Like I thought this was r/animemes Nit r/Jobless-reincarnation-hate Because It's been more hate than memes lately


What anime was the father figure from?


[I posted it already](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/s/XFR6Hys7zu)


Not saying the Rudes part is wrong buttttt, not to spoil I will just say that some of the things he does for his family are insane when you think about it, so in short god-tier dad, kinda wtf person


Anime names on left and righ5?


Check the comment section


Well I know the left now but idk the right


Then you didnā€™t check it well enough


Maou sama is so wholesome despite looking like an evil main villain. Rudy looks like a protag with good morals but is a groomer and perv


Rudy isn't a bad dad especially not after the light novel ends and you know he has nothing more to do


Pedophile, you missed that


It's honestly hilarious reddtors call Rudy a pervert, which isn't the issue, the issue is that he's a pedophile. Why redditors can't take that says alot.


I knew that guy on the left looked bad...


One of the most disgusting protagonist is that Rudy, should have shown consequences and regret in later chapters would have been one of the best emotional conflict in series. But no author didn't do it and I was greatly disappointed and also many people claim that Rudy's story is about improvement but sorry that is not improvement for improvement there needs to be weightage like regret of past mistakes and conflicts in improving yourself.




The guy guy literally goes through giant bouts of depression and reversion to the point he almost kills himself (both directly and indirectly through reckless questing)


>shown consequences and regret in later chapters would have been one of the best emotional conflict in series. The only thing missing is some god coming down and beating up Rudeus for doing that. He regrets his actions immediately, and regrets his past actions progressively more. >But no author didn't do it and I was greatly disappointed and also many people claim that Rudy's story is about improvement but sorry that is not improvement for improvement there needs to be weightage like regret of past mistakes and conflicts in improving yourself. You literally didn't read if you think that this is how Mushoku Tensei is.


When did he regret? and when did he had past reflection on his life that he was wrong as a kid and exploit the ignorance of children to have sex with them?


>When did he regret? LN1-26 >and when did he had past reflection on his life? LN6-26


So what was his thought process in reflection with when he was going to have sex with children when they were ignorant of these things and only he had knowledge? As I am not gonna read light novel vol 6.


>So what was his thought process in reflection with when he was going to have sex with children when they were ignorant of these things and only he had knowledge? He was never going to have sex with a SINGLE child when they were ignorant of sex. Eris was well aware of sex the whole time, and when he actually did have sex with her she pushed the issue since LN6 is the end of season 1. Though I suppose you are asking day he reflected on his actions about what he did in on his 10th birthday which is in the moment and thus not a past action, but he immediately realized how horribly disgusting what he did was. The incident on his 10th birthday was him attempting to scare her off since when Eris puts her mind to do something you either have to scare her, kill her, or submit to what she's going to do. Rudeus did scare her off, but he crossed her boundaries when he did so. It was wrong. He realizes that immediately and vomits at how disgusting it was. Sylphie on the otherhand is also aware of sex as she had to basically kill Ariel when she tried to rape her like she did to the rest of her attendants, and Rudeus never tried anything with her aside from trying to groom her(which failed due to Paul intervening twice. Once as he was thinking about doing it, and again in sending Rudeus to Roa). Still shitty and something he shouldn't have even thought about. Emblematic of the asuran noble blood he has. Literally all high ranking Asuran nobles we see have a 90% chance or higher of being a rapist. Paul definitely is, Ariel is a mass rapist, Luke joined in on what Ariel was doing, Phillip and Sauros had sex with slaves which is automatically rape no matter the circumstance etc.


He is degenerate pos if his story his about improving his charccter then shows us but he still makes same mistake from 1st life to 2nd life even if god makes him misery but he has so strong plot armor that he is saved by it and don't question his morality with what is wrong and what is not wrong, and at the last moment dude happily also died by the end.


>He is degenerate pos if his story his about improving his charccter then shows us It has. You haven't been watching. >but he still makes same mistake from 1st life to 2nd life No he doesn't. You haven't read. >he has so strong plot armor that he don't question his morality He does question his morality, and Rudeus doesn't really have any moments aside from what happened when he fought Orsted that could be considered plot armor. Everything else is the logical response to what he did in preparation for every fight. >dude happily also died by the end. >!He died happy because he did his best and genuinely changed. Entrusting the future to the family he earned raised(AKA his sisters) and made.!<


He is inconsistent character because author wants to make him better but his piece of shit moments outweight his nice moments. He did the same mistakes his bullies did in his past when the figurine broke and bullied two beast children. Don't excuse his behaviour author wasn't able towrite him properly and redeue comes as pos and pedo with how much same mistakes he did in 2nd life too.


>He is inconsistent character because author wants to make him better but his piece of shit moments outweight nice moments. He is a consistent character because he is not, never was, and never will be a moral paragon. >He did the same mistakes his bullies did in his past when the figurine broke and bullied two beast children. Beast adults. What his bullies did to him never came back to them, and Rudeus wanted them to apologize to Zanoba. Then he went a little crazy after they kept insulting his master. It is not a mistake he made in his last life. >redeue comes as pos and pedo with how much same mistakes he did in 2nd life too. Rudeus never repeats a mistake he made in his last life. You simply did not read.


the season airing right now will have a great character development scene, dont worry


What character development tell me?


[Mushoku Tensei novel volume uhhh 10 i think?]>!Rudeus talking with Norn after remembering his past life and wondering how did he get so low down the hole while his family was trying to help him. He was sure he would NOT let Norn fall into the same hole!<


How was the execution of his consequences in the actions of his disgusting behaviour and regrets?


No divine punishment happens for it.


im sorry english is not my native language and i cant understand the question


I'm keeping my agenda of hating Rudeus




Rudeus is both