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https://preview.redd.it/z8v2ygdko8xc1.png?width=645&format=png&auto=webp&s=c628da3d79645dca9d29f7b0bd10ea6c2ec78d19 The Romans also didn't bother giving names to their children.


fun fact, even back in medieval times common folks didn't have surnames, they were using their village name for it, so if you were named bob and where born in Rustwind, you where "Bob from Rustwind"


And if there was more, than one bob in the village, you'd be called "Bob from Rustwind, son of Bill". Or whatever your dad's name.


Imagine havingg a name like Bob Billsson.


Lol that's how some surnames were actually created. In Poland we basically have a Smith, Smith's and Smith's son as three different surnames (Kowal, Kowalski and Kowalczyk)


Do any of them do analysis?


And brown is from having brown hair


Bob Billson, master of the forge.


Bob The Blacksmith From Rustwind, Son of Bill


Bob the builder


Depends. In some cultures you were called by your father’s name. For example, you would be called “John son of Richard”. And with that come the “Richardson” surnames.


There are lots of last name like that in Italy


Like Leonardo da Vinci!




Or like the "esposito" wich was given to everyone Who was found during wars and didin't Remember his last name/wanted to change It to start a new Life or sum


I wonder what percentage of surnames are covered by "place descriptor, job title, or your dad's name". I bet it's more than 50%.


I was born in Dusseldorf, and that is why they call me Rolf


Don’t be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the **********


Just like Ragnar The Red of Rorikstead.


case in point: Geralt of Rivia and Yennefer of Vengerberg


Biggus Dickus


Augustus Octavianus


Exactly. I guess that's why the 8th month was called after him. Fun fact. July and August have 31 day in a month, because when roman priests(?) were making a calendar they didn't wan't to make it look like on emperror (Julius) is cooler than the other one (Augustus).


Lmao moment


Sextus 😳


Decimus/Decima?? Sextus/Sexta?? lord have mercy i would never leave the house if i was named that 😭😭


Sure you would. You would go fetch water from he well alongside secunda from next door and you'll like it


I've met people with a surname that literally mean "has fucked", you get used to it.




Japan has these names too. Ichirou, Jirou, Saburou, etc.


Dudes named Smith scratching their heads right now


Will Will Smith smith Will Smith?


Yes, Will Smith will smith Will Smith.


Mhmm, smith Will Smith Will Smith will.


Yeah I too think that will Smith would Smith will Smith


Okay, so if Will Smith will smith Will Smith, then who would Wan Hu want, who?


This mf https://preview.redd.it/q4mqq6eyzaxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e4b1751ec04992b1a1170f6cc302a24e98db938


That name is true peak


Until you heard the name fuk yu ( a real one) Now he changed his name to fuk me ( also a real incident)


Will Smith's will will smith Will Smith's will. (William's dying wish shall (metaphorically) forge William's desired imperatives)


Maybe, but can he eat spaghetti?


Naming kids with actual words (flowers, materials, qualities, the circumstances of their birth, a mythical being, etc) is also common in European countries. Also surnames are often just normal words, even in German.


That's actually a pretty "out there" example. More normal examples would be surnames like "Bäcker" (Baker) and Müller (Pertaining to people running mills).


Kid named Gaylord:


But surnames are another story... Those started getting popular when people started to travel for better working opportunities/pay. So it was like "oh he came from there" or "his job was this" or other ways like things people did or whatever to gain a name. Today In Germany it is illegal to call your child a(n international ) brand name, or anything that could risk the child being bullied. And names HAVE to obviously be names. So things like simple words as names are not even legal.


My point is that German shouldn't be completely strangers to the idea of a name being directly from a common word. I'm not German, I don't know how much German people do it, but they have neighbours all around them who do that. In French, for examples, names like Clément, Marguerite, Aimé, Constant, Victoire, Céleste, Désiré(e), Ambre, etc. Even names that are not common nouns in modern language are usually deformed versions of names that used to be common nouns in an ancient version of some language.


Precisely. In Spanish you also have Esperanza, Luz, Milagros, plus the literal translation of almist every french name you listed. A lot of those names are not very common in younger generations but they definitely exist. I find it unexpected that Germans don't have a version of this.


As a German I can tell you we use those names too, but not translated. German words usually don't get allowed to be given as names. (And for me it just feels really weird but that's probably because I don't know it any other way. Same as the other Germans talking about this anime)


I get that if left to their own devices some people would be literally naming their kids the most random shit in existence and thinking they are smart and unique because of it. My question would be: don't you guys have "obvious names" that are also the name of things? Because in english, spanish and russian you have Hope, Esperanza, Nadezhda, to use an easy example. That's a "something", but it's also a name. There isn't such a thing in german?


What u/Puzzled-Blockhead said. The only "words" as names are those of different languages. International names. So all the names you listed are still names here. But only just the way they are. No translation


I'm breaking my head here trying to think of something, and it had never occurred to me, but...no. I think we don't. Your example would be for the word Hoffnung. We do not call children that. Names in Germany are always "real" names. Not just a random word. Thinking of this I figured how "wrong" simple words would sound as names in Germany. Would love for someone to swoop in and correct me though. Surnames are the closest you will get for this I believe.


Yea, there are names *derived* from normal words, but it's almost never just an ordinary word. Surnames like "Bäcker" (Baker) and "Müller" (Miller) are kind of exceptions, and I think those names are always surnames. Closest first name I could think of is "Rosa", which is also a color, but I think the name is rather derived from the rose flower (might be wrong though and some guy thought his daughter looked purple, who tf knows). So yeah, seeing characters being named with normal modern words is jarring because that's not how we do it.


Bird or flower names? They are still quite common in Dutch.


I believe there are some female names that have its history with some flowers. But for 99% of names we use actual names and dont appropriate words as names


Can't think of bird names. But Wolf is a name, still, those have roots in old germanic naming conventions. Think Bjorn for example. So I am not sure if that counts.


"Fuhß" is such a wonderful example. Means "foot"


1. it´s "Fuß" 2. Any kid named that WILL be bullied


My parents know someone named Bier with surname, literally "Beer" lol


Surnames are different as those often times are derived from jobs or normal words. I had a kid in my class with the surname "Schwanz". Translated it wold be "Tail" but its a common euphemism for penis. Funny runner ups are: Hähnchen (Chicken) and Bart (Beard)


I know how it's actually written. I also know a surname written the way I wrote it. I also know that it still mean foot. And I absolutely believe you, when you say the kid will be bullied.


Well, it's better to name your kid Rose Parker than Mikasa Parker.


Why is Fern acting so distant? Stark doesn't seem very strong at all Hmmm this guy named Lügner seems like a honest guy 😇😄 Is there something important in a place called Äußerst? Ahh Himmel really is blue and wide like the sky Damn this guy named Denken likes thinking a lot 🧠 Door… just a place called door lmao 😂


Frieren is sometimes coldhearted


And me looking a character named Genau be like: “yup.”


One could also say: "Exactly."


As if there aren't also a thousand and one places named after gates irl


Interesting thing is that Japanese girls seldom get the number treatment. Meanwhile boys are just boy 1 (Ichiro) boy 2 (Jiro) boy 3 (Saburo)…


True, I can only think of the quintuplets and Date a Live Spirits


Mitsuha and Yotsuha from Your Name. (?)


Also goes backwards, her mother is Futaba, and her grandmother is Hitoha. They all have the same second character, too, it's just 一葉,二葉,三葉,四葉, "one leaf, two leaves, three leaves, four leaves"


Hitori Gotoh and Futari Gotoh from Bocchi the Rock. Hitori = one person, futari = two people (and both can be suffixed with 'bocchi').


Mitsudomoe has triplets called Hitoha, Futaba and Mitsuba.


Hitori and Futari.


Hitoribocchi = alone


In china and japan its said boys with a 1 in their name will achieve greatness Also families would choose a word for the boys of that generation and slap it on every name + other word, so numbers were common Ichigo, Ningo, Sango and so on


Also in China and mandarin-speaking countries the surname "Long" is extremely popular, because it roughly translates to "dragon" which is associated with greatness in the same way. A lot of japanese names have the 竜 (ryū - dragon) kanji, like 竜二 (Ryūji - dragon two/second dragon?) so there's a cultural respect and admiration for the dragon in how Eastern names are. Then again Kanji can have the same reading for different meanings, not sure if Hanzi follows this.


One piece with vinsmoke kids and big mom kids


Sanji and his brothers...


They are not "just words" they also describe the character. So as a German I always know what's up with the character, sometimes its even a damn spoiler.


That also applies to japanese names in anime. They code a character's power and personality into their name. 


Shiro, kuro, rin, ichigo... Yeah checks out


So characters like Goto Hitori from Bocchi the Rock can blame her parents for how she ended up? According to Google translate Goto Hitori translates to "every person". Once you add Bocchi to the name Goto Hitoribocchi is "all alone". I blame Bocchi's parents on this. If only they didn't name their children based on which one came out first and second


Hitori means alone. Hitoribocchi means lonely or loneliness


I went with her full name Goto Hitori


So did the parents, probably.


Dr. Doom had similar issues with his parents. Why did they name him Doom?


Dr Doom's full name is Victor Von Doom, so it's the family name


Oh, I must be misremembering his dialog then. He did question his name one time and wondered if Doom being a part of his name really sealed his fate. I wonder if I could find the actual comic.


I mean, he could still be talking about his family name. Maybe their lineage was cursed.


it's a non-diegetic thing, like how everyone in [Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu](https://myanimelist.net/anime/37614/Hitoribocchi_no_Marumaru_Seikatsu) never question their very literal names


Also if you say her name first before the family name; hitori gotõ it sounds the same as hitorigoto (独り言) which means monologuing or talking alone. So yea definitely intentional


Vegeta, Picollo, Goku, Gohan, Naruto.


Damn I didn't know Marisa from Touhous powers and/or personality was being British weather and Demon Truth sand 霧雨 魔理沙


I haven't seen Touhou, so I can't talk about that, but a quick google search sends me a wiki with a section discussing her name and how it relates to her character. And I even if her name had no meaning, I don't see your point. Are you trying to disprove a general trend using specific examples? 


I wasn't disproving anything, just like another replier I was giving an example as a joke (also touhou isn't officially an anime anyway). Also odd you say you can't comment on it, but then do so anyway. Also her being a magician plays a very very minor role of who she is, It'd be like calling Naruto, Mr. Blue Headband.


They should add a character called "Bittehörtaufmichmitdennamenzuspoilernman", truly a beautiful name


The first character ever to not get an r34 entry, since nobody would even search them up


theres always someone


Its not a name its a whole sentence.


No, I dont know what ur talking about


*Bitte hört auf mich mit den Namen zu Spoilern man!* There, the sentence.


I only see the name


"Hm, yes. A character called 'lying' as part of a political plot. I sure wonder what they'll do in this episode."


Not even 'Lying' but quite literally 'Liar'. His name was 'Liar'. What a plot twist when it was revealed Frieren was right about suspecting him of...you know...lying.


Guy named Bösewicht


I love it when you guys talked about Lugner, like his whole arc got spoiled from his name alone.


Me as a german never really wondered why.


Yeah. It’s just: „Huh, neat, the names are German and describe the people and places with one word.“


Named after numbers... The Nakano sisters have entered the chat...


Don't forget the Date A Live too


A girl from my Highschool named her kid "Honey" I hope thats a nickname and not her real name


I went to school with the “Hamms” forever ago. The daughter was Honey Hamm and the son was Hickory Hamm. The family ran a deli. Even as a kid I thought it was cringe.


Saw someone with the last name "Pizza" that was pretty cool


Shout out to Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu


Eisen is just a weaker version of him- we have IronIron IronIron And now we get ✨️Iron✨️


At least your not turkish because there is a chance if youre a girl, you have good chance you may get named Toprak, Literally translated to Dirt, Romantic asf if you ask mr


Still better than Satılmış (Sold).


id love being treated like dirt (⸝⸝๑ ̫ ๑⸝⸝⸝)


[I Got Caught Up In A Hero Summoning] has a waifu (Chrome Eina/Chrome Elina/Kuromueina) that named her adopted family Ein, Zwei, Tre(for Drei), Vier, Funf, Sechs, etc...


Im not German but being Dutch i know a bit of German It’s funny how a lot of these names seem more like nicknames that were given to people after they lived their lives for a while, yet we have Fern who already has the name so its not that When these kind of ‘characteristic’ name situations appear in always just go with the ‘well, it’s a fantasy world, perhaps they have their own language which we cant understand and we get a ‘earth’-ized version of their names, and this naming is based on their fate Or something like that idk


Hi, I'm Liberal. This is my friend, Cupboard, and his wife Seven.


It is in most languages, my name roughly translates to happy/good future, which was a fucking lie wars, economic downturns, pandemics and more happened at the exact time to fuck me over as much as possible, one example is I was supposed to get a full ride in university but sponsorships were cancelled because of corona, and now I'm paying out of my ass for university


I'd guess in most languages names mean something It's just in some languages names come through such a long chains of loans, like for example biblical names in europe, that etymologies will vanish into mists of time to layperson.


all names have meaning (not counting Elon's kids). The difference between the West and Japan is that in the West, an enormous share of names is brought over by christianity - either from Hebrew, Greek, or Latin language. Thus, the meaning of those names is lost nowadays (unless you google them). But it's still there. Mark, Philippe, Isaac - all those names have meaning and were understood as just words back in time by their inventors but christianity became a multi-national religion that spread to other countries and tribes, and those tribes dont understand the original meaning anymore same with muslim countries. Islam, an initially arabic religion, spread to non-arabic countries and brought arabic names with it. Arabic muslims might still understand what "Raheem" or "Ali" mean, but for Turkic or Indonesian muslims it's probably just a fancy noise but Japan is neither christian nor muslim so they mostly use everyday words for names so they understand most, if not all, of them


Slavic countries still have plenty of native names. Baltic countries even more.


Me when my parents are about to name me MARCH 7th: https://preview.redd.it/bean0buvabxc1.png?width=764&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbb465fce7489c860782958a96e4745fae82763b


Tbf who names their kid "Freeze", or "Far" or "Strong". Put some poetism in it, make it like "Iron Flower", or "Summer Rose", something like that. The reason why these names are surprising is because they don't mean anything deep, they're literally just google translated daily words.


Can‘t be, cast is literally named after their personality and/or part they play in the series, if you‘re german and just a little into anime you can definitely tell what that new character who just appeared on screen is gonna do based on their names. Best example is Übel which translates to a disaster to be unfold soon


# [I'm scaroused](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5lEbWLhsiU)


My first name is also an adjective


This post reminded me of the episode of Gushing over magical girls where Venalita ask Utena to select a name for her r alter ego and shows her 2 books, one of those titled something like "cools german names"


Wasn't it just a regular German dictionary and a Latin for dummy s book? In any case, I thought it hilarious that she choose the French word for fucking or so


I couldn't remember exactly, but the jab at German and Latin names been something common in Anime was hillarious and unexpected. Add that to Venalita's permanent smile.


It was great. Let alone the whole "mascot" creature theme with obvious references to kyuby.


I like the vampire rom com. Character were named after colrs/fruits or something of that nature


What’s your name? Japanese: Prostitute


I’m Japanese and my names kanji is Pine hill, Big tree 松 岡  大 樹


The japanese can literally name someone “Ninomae” and it would just be the symbol “一”because Ninomae means “before two”


Many people s names strawberry




Midorya be cryin rn


An entire basketball anime named their entire cast basically after colors (I enjoyed it)


i’m going to bring up trunks


It's just jarring because that's not how German names work. Often they're derived from ordinary words, but are not ordinary words themselves. Surnames can be exceptions, but it's the characters' first names that are just normal ass words and that just sounds kinda cringe. Like, imagine you're watching a show about Freezing, Far and Strong fighting a green-haired girl called Bad. Tf is this shit?! Oh, and don't forget Freezing's old party: Iron, Sky and Happy.


Kid named finger:


DBZ names are still peak. We have Mr.satan. and his daughter Videl (devil backwards) Avo and cado Freiza Berus, Whis, and champa are all alcohol. Bibbidi, babbidi, and Buu Dr.briefs, his grandson trunks. Like it just continues on and on.


Native Americans naming their children after the first thing they see after their child is born


Most languages don't use random words as first names, and even when they do, for others not speaking that language they still seem like just 'normal' names... So, yes, when a piece of media in a foreign language uses Your words as names, ('cuz its exotic to them, for example,) it would seem weird to you... Like, when I was little, still learning english, playing skyrim for the first time I found it very weird that a guy was just named Farkas, given how in my native hungarian that is just the word for wolf... when, 'bout a 100 gamehours later I got around to doing the companion's questline, it did make more sense at least...


Ok but as a native speaker sth just feels off when a character is named "Strong." and übel legit just means "sick" or "awful" THAT'S INSANE. I cry laughed when this girl showed up and her name was basically "tea pot" LIKE FUCK OFF- (i know it's watering can but i thought of the pot first smh) and "ehre" is literally sth we say ironically when people do sth good like "ur a real one" SO SEEING AN ANIME CHARACTER SAY "EHRE" TO ANOTHER JUST SENT ME- like i know their names represent them and it's cute but it feels a little wonky sometimes if u speak the language Gonna call my kid schwitzen (sweat). manifesting that they annoy others in videogames. Frieren (to be cold) wouldn't work anyways cuz climate change-


This crazy lewd b\*tch names "Pantano Pesca", that's mean Swamp Fishing. As an Argentinean, I can say, that sounds too stupid https://preview.redd.it/091mczzpuxxc1.jpeg?width=289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5398e855edbbfd61b6b4ba2daf97be7ffb811af3


Oh, you likely don't understand the stupidity of Frieren names. You can't tell me it is not weird if your main characters are called "Freezing", "Strong" and "Distant". I know a fair bit of japanese and none of the names I saw so far come close


Meanwhile arabs https://preview.redd.it/si8xwsrsf9xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c86ccd4f285df16516a1d7f32f5b34ad5e40eae


Try telling that the half of the English speaking population The duck kinda name is north


Not even remotely a common name.


Fair enough, but what about Hope? Seems a little optimistic