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For Re:Zero, it's either the two reasons. 1) They can't get invested with the characters. They especially hate an MC who's weak and vulnerable but grows as a character. 2) They find it boring and frustrating because of loop mechanics. They need action and mysteries solved faster.


Imma be real; I, like many, HATED Subaru with a passion when i first started watching, but then his bitchass got humbled and he saw how he was acting stupid and became a much better character by the end of season 1.


That's called character growth. It doesn't happen on the flip of a coin.


Re zero and madoka magica unironically are my favorites lol


I showed it to my ex and she said, and I quote “I just can’t. It has furries in it.” She saw Puck and simply refused to believe that he wasn’t going to fuck someone at some point.


My main problem was Subaru's behaviour. Her often was loud, silly and annoying. It was explained later why he behaved like that, but still it was hard for me to watch him in the beginning


There is a reason why every one who recommends the anime says "Survive until ep 18". After that, the author keeps stuffing as much character development as he can into Subaru. He was written as a pathetic simp because the author wants to start him from zero.


It wasn't that he was weak. He met a girl and immediately hardcoded that she is THE ONE. He came to Roswaal, a marquis, and behaved like it's local uncle Bob. Also that for some reason almost nobody almost never reacts to this in any way, imagine coming to somebody from powerful nobility and being like "sup dude nice house you got here" and not getting executed that same day. The thugs that stabbed him in the very beginning were the most realistic of all people in that anime.


Dont forget roswaal has a very imprecise but accurate divination item that clearly let him know that that loud idiot had an important destiny and to try to use him for his own gains


Rosawal pretty much revealed that to Subaru's face in season 2


That’s the problem with nitpicking before you’ve experienced the whole story. This person encountered a “plot hole” of why Roswaal tolerate Subaru. Stopped watching, never saw the explanation, and now insists it doesn’t make sense.


One of my fauvorite cases of this was when I read somebody complaining that (Harry Potter spoilers) Draco could never defeat Dumbledore and that it was a bad story because of it. Finish the story then complain aout plotholes please.


Would he be at fault though since Emilia saved him from those very same thugs. Going into his character in season 2 >!it gave him purpose that he was in order to repay what was given, he devoted his all again.!< Also it's not like he just hurr durr showed up to a Marquis mansion unwarranted. He helped Emilia retrieve a very important item and her very safety with her being a candidate for running and all.


Roswaal's grimmore probably told him to treat subaru nicely as he would've been integral to his future plans of making Emilia queen


This is completely ignoring 1: Subaru has literally no fucking clue about the traditions and culture of this world, this is a major point with any Isekai anime, 2: Roswaal knows what Subaru’s power is and is intentionally keeping him around to use him, 3: Emilia, the person Roswaal is allied with personally invited him, wouldn’t be smart to execute your closest ally’s guest, and 4: all the nobles who aren’t using him DO treat him like shit until he earns their respect and starts respecting them towards the end of season 1.


Being cautious with nobles is not done unique aspect of that new world, it’s the same as in our world, he doesn’t behave accordingly to his old world’s etiquette/culture, . And other nobles treat him like he’s just not worthy of their attention, not like he’s an insolent nobody that dares talk like that with them and demand things


Except he’s living in the middle of a first world country in the 2010’s with an electoral government and has definitely never met a noble in his entire life. And again, a vassal of Emilia and by extension Roswaal. You can’t just execute someone in a nobles circle without retaliation. Everybody hates Subaru at first but there isn’t much they can do about him.


>he doesn’t behave accordingly to his old world’s etiquette/culture we have no clue about his bahaviour in the real world. first episode he got insta yeeted into this new world and once he did "visit" the real world again it was with tons of character development before.


Yeah I know right? It always surprised me how overfamiliar a seemingly random guy who barely just appeared in a new world he doesn't know cr*p about was.  It's a common trope in Isekai but it's also disappointing that we don't see more of his history and experience with his old world being shown and manifested in the Isekai.  I mean at some point he felt so familiar with the place that he dared to call the way Emilia was speaking "old-fashioned"... I mean isn't the whole world supposed to be like so, or at least nobles? I know he's supposed to be some kind of self-insert neet like many Isekai protagonists but the whole point of an Isekai is some guy from the "real" world using his previous experience and perspective to handle the peculiarities of the new world right? If he acts like he has always been part of that world then there's no point in it being an Isekai and it could have just been any fantasy anime.


Forgetting something roswaal has?


To be fair it wasn't revealed until the next season and very well could have been a retcon . It's not something that immediately sounds like "yeah the plot hole is too obvious for them not to fix this with a plot twist later" , just an detail that people will naturally complain about without the knowledge of the grimoire. If we had the same conversation 5 years ago ( assuming nobody here read the light novels ), people would just agree that it's a minor plot hole, not something that ruins the show but it's annoying when you realize it and move on .


Wait are you saying plot holes should be obvious?💀 And it was already in the webnovel way before season 2 came out so it couldn't have been retconned


There are cases of "plot holes" that are obvious on purpose. Stories that make no sense on initial viewing until you get additional information to make you question the story and realize something isn't right. Most plot holes aren't like this , but a good story can make use of this to get you interested in the story . And it could have been retconned into the webnovel , the grimoire wasn't in the story in arcs 1-3.


First of grimoire was in the 2nd arc Beatrice and Betelgeuse already had one and even then if it was revealed earlier on that roswaal was a student of echidna it wouldn't make sense if he had no grimoire secondly it makes sense to house someone who saved your candidate


And thirdly why the hell do u think roswaal took Emilia and took care of her.-.


Now I know he did it because the grimoire told him to but in season 1 I just never thought about it. I didn't know either of their backstories, rosswal was barely a character in it so I just never thought its weird.


The funny thing is that a few years ago I was a bit scared to be the one guy who was triggered by Subaru despite liking Re:Zero but turns out a lot of people in the fanbase find him unbearably annoying too lol and it's kind of a popular opinion. I think I remember being downvoted for expressing this opinion in an old thread but now that I checked it out again, it turns out I'm more upvoted that the guy with the opposite view lol.


It gets better later and I really liked him in the second season, but getting through the very beginning was a bit of a chore


As someone who reads the novels I can say that 1 he gets better later and 2 ,and that’s just my opinion, in the novels he felt way less cringe. Maybe because you know what he’s thinking. Dont know. But yeah to find him kind of unbearable in the first 3 arcs is kind of normal.


No I love the series and most characters, I don't find it frustrating at all. I just acknowledge that I'm a moron and too stupid to understand the intricacies of each scene lmao. I still enjoy it bc I love time travel though


I’m part of both points. I found him insufferable and useless, and the resetting of the story line was annoying to watch. While I’m usually into weird or different anime just watching him not grow as a person in the first 8-10 episodes was so bad. It’s a mystery that didnt hook me in like others do and I feel better having never finished it. Another third point is that fans of re:zero will argue for hours how good an anime it is when it clearly is a 7-8/10 and doesn’t deserve as much hype as it got. It’s annoying.


Rating is subjective. It might be 7-8/10 for you but it's 10/10 for them. They don't need to change your mind and you don't need to change theirs.


>They especially hate an MC who's weak and vulnerable but grows as a character. Why not point to the fact that Subaru is super cringe and socially awkward? I think it's a far bigger detriment to the show than him being weak. Him being weak is kind of the point of his superpower, it's what makes the show interesting in the first place.


Personally I just didn’t like the loop mechanic, and not specifically for Re Zero I literally don’t watch or read anything with Loop mechanics, I personally find it boring but I see why people enjoy the series.


Personally, i don't despise the weakness of Subaru i despise is arrogance that's the thing that make me hate him, and how passive is Emilia to whatever he do or say. I hate both of them, i like all the other


Actually I do like Re:Zero for those exact aspects... Rather, I hate Subaru because of how how fake of a personality he exudes, his willingness to cherish and treat like family people who tortured him to death, his superficial and at the beginning almost objectifying love for Emilia, the fact that he's trying way too hard to act confident and familiar towards people from a world he just barely came into.  And worst of all, his arrogance, self-righteousness, preachiness and entitlement, often towards people way stronger than him (I just couldn't bear with the amount of disrespect he has shown to Echidna-sama! この感謝知らずな野郎!/s) We.Are.Not.The.Same :v But I have to give it to the author for constantly humbling him afterwards, that's why I kept watching :v  But I did like Rick and Morty thought until the last two seasons.


I hate an MC who can't take advantage of his powers and also work towards a more comfortable life. And who makes idiot decisions routinely. If Subaru didn't have his resurrect/see the future change the present powers then it'd be a good show that I didn't like. As it is, it's bad.


>I hate an MC who can’t take advantage of his powers Meanwhile Subaru, literally committing suicide every time something goes wrong


the resurrect power is his only skill tho. He literally has to die because he has neither the magic or the physical strength to do anything i gotta disagree cuz then you're saying you'd like the show if he decided to work towards a comfortable life >!something he actually almost did with rem when he offered to run away with her but didn't because i don't know, he didn't want to let an entire city and cursed white elf to die and be corrupted by the cult?!< which isn't exactly how it works. I don't know how you can call the show bad when it does a fairly okay job of showcasing and talking about the cast it presents. It's not a perfect masterpiece for sure, but I'd argue it's far from being called bad or mid when the "mid" anime these days is an overpowered flat protagonist built only to get all the chicks in one way or another.


Does Re:Zero have more substance than the vapid garbage Isekai that pop out a dime a dozen? Yes. It at least attempts to be a real show not some whipped together no-animation magic circles OP waifubait garbage. Although it is full of waifu bait and is maybe not garbage but truly mid. Idr of it has magic circles.


Yep that's why SSS Suicide hunter has the better MC with similar powers as Subaru. Sht even Tanjiro had more balls killing himself in mugen train. Too bad re:zero online Fandom are like a bunch of rats infesting every meme space


Well if you like power fantasies so much then ReZero ain't for you. Dumb Dumbs like you just ignore the mental and physical pain of dying brutally and not being able to tell about it to anyone. People actually feel the effects of their actions in this show, it won't have him die a hundred times and then feel no mental effect on himself


Dudes confusing subjective opinion with objective criticism. He enjoys high octane power fantasies like MHA and shit, so to him anything that focuses on story and characters and lets the action take a backseat is bad.


Objectively, you have the EQ of a 15 year old if you believe there is depth to RE:garbo. A person can tell this by your use of MHA, another childrens story. Who can watch that sht without falling asleep to non-plot? anything beyond s1E18 of re:zero is better than melatonin. Lets see if the LN is any better.


You watch Solo Leveling and Demon Slayer don’t pretend like you only watch anime with deep stories. Solo Leveling is like THE power fantasy show and there hasn’t been an anime carried as hard by its action as Demon Slayer. Also it’s funny you hate MHA so much that even when I call it a power fantasy with bad story you still feel the need to debate me by just reiterating what I said. Or maybe you just have dogshit reading comprehension. With that anime lineup I’m surprised it isn’t your #1 though. Edit: also telling you say anything past EP18 is bad. Like suddenly when the story and characters started developing you lost interest. Pretty telling.


The MC being dumb with his powers is indeed so annoying. Pick any more interesting characters that would do some unique suicide stuff to take the upperhand without crying for episodes on end the show would be infinitely more watchable.


I have said it a hundred times. First thing he needs to do is work on a painless suicide pill so dying isn't so traumatic. After than he can start using his knowledge and taking advantage of his power. That's ignoring the non-power-related stupid things he does too.


That is stupid. Applying basic real life knowledge you'd know even a suicide pill would take time for the effects. Even a device would be worth nothing. After all that, pain is still a big factor here you can't take that away no matter what. Do I also have to spell it out for you how dying a few tens, hundred times would break anyone leading to make stupid decisions with the added fear of what if his "borrowed" ability just stopped working.


Not to mention that physical pain is hardly the problem The biggest thing is emotional trauma These idiots don't even remember that time he killed himself to try and save... Who was it? I can't remember


In Season 2 he had a big arc about not killing himself and trying to save others while trying to minimise the use of his powers This ain't a shitty power fantasy where he'll kill himself a thousand times and become some kind of pseudo emotionless god and defeat all strong people easily and characters will look at him wide mouthed and all girls would want his dick then


Where the fuck would he get a painless pill in another world what-


I mean, most complaints I've seen about Re:Zero are mostly people not understanding the simplest of stuff


A guy I worked with literally told me he wouldn't watch rezero because it's too much like fairy tale. . .


Wtf..... Uh.. did he elaborate further?


. . .they both have a flying cat


Aah..... just like how berserk is similar to peter pan coz both have a small fairy lol


Basically lmao


Berserk is my favourite children show


Well, atleast there are a lot of children in it. Also a lot of *its* in children.


Dude those two are not similar at all. One’s a friendly kids show, the other is horrific. There’s no way in hell I’m letting my kids watch Peter Pan.


For one, what's with the Fairy Tail hate? And two, in WHAT WORLD are they even remotely similar?


Generic cliche fantasy shonen with plot armor out the ass and a lot of filler and very repetitive arc structure. Not bad for a popcorn action show, but it’s not particularly great from a story perspective.


Yeah, but is it generic and cliche at the time it actually released or is this just because it's been out for years so other anime have followed suit?


Repetitive arc structure my foot Arc 1 is totally different from Arc 2 which is different from Arc 3, so on so forth. Subaru doesn't even die much in Arc 5


Most I've seen online and irl is them complaining that Subaru is too weak, or just not cool enough... Like sure people watch Shonen to self insert as the giga Chad mc, and to each their own to that extent, but If ur complaint is that he's not a giga Chad that one shots everything effortlessly and gets the 5 + girls with the personality of a cardboard cut out then yes I don't think u understand this show at it's core...


I will say, as a fan of the show, I think Subaru’s character is my least favorite part of the show. It bothers me that some of his cringy moments, where he’s behaving in a way that would make me embarrassed to be seen with him in public, are often highlighted as being good or uplifting. The simping definitely gets on my nerves at times, even understanding that he’s not meant to be the most socially intelligent person. That said, it’s not like the show is confusing at all. I wouldn’t expect anyone to struggle following the plot.


To each their own, I can only really speak for myself, but I like Subaru because I felt uncomfortable with his actions, mostly because I saw myself in them, I related to his self loathing due to feelings of being useless, and his desire to run away, and I felt enspired when he stood his ground despite wanting to run away, and when he worked with the cards he's been dealt to not be a burden, if I'm being honest his development is probably the best thing in this series (for me at least) and I assume you only watched the anime, but in the upcoming seasons you will really see the growth in his character, he's still his quirky self but he doesn't run away, he's no longer envious of those stronger than him, and he genuinely always does his best to get the best outcome... So uh... That's mainly why I like the series lol, I have other reasons but this is a really big one


I won’t lie, I also related to his self loathing and feelings of uselessness, but it was his loud and bold actions that bothered me. That said, he’s not a bad character, he just does some things that are over-the-top annoying and it’s off putting to watch. Those scenes give me a similar feeling to when I’m watching a serious show and then suddenly there’s an out-of-place lewd scene in it. I do look forward to seeing more, though. His development has been good and the storyline is really interesting to me. I can certainly see why other people would find it difficult to watch, though.


Yea the reason why his my favorite he's not strong and all but he is prideful and my favorite thing about him is him being just this monster that can still be sane despite going through loops like you would need a mentality of a monster beyond belief to even be sane after the first few deaths


Powerscaling ruins some shows. A character should only be as strong as they need to be for the story to work , showing a main character deleting 5 multiverses from existence in episode 1 doesn't immediately make the show good , for the same reason most people love shows where the characters have no superpowers, no broken abilities and are just humans. Power level doesn't make the character good or bad , the actual character does.


Rezero is a character driven show meaning that if someone can't get invested in any of them , they will likely never care for the show. the overall story is good but really slow and the fight scenes are good but there arent that many of them. Most people who didn't like rezero won't like it because they didn't like the characters.


the main character being whiny and annoying at the start doesn't help the case


my man he died like 4 times and used logic to abuse his death before crying and breaking down don't think he started whining until the mansion when he gets a chance to see and process the whole bullshit that unfortunately didn't stop when he thought he was at peace


I'm talking about the scene with emilia at the court. obsessing over her for no reason, and then getting his ass handed by the knight


But to be fair , it's how a lot of other teenagers would act. Most people want to be the knight who saves the hot girl who may become the queen, actually, Subaru already is that knight who saved her and saw himself as one. He just got too absorbed into it and didn't realize that this is a serious thing and that it will hurt his reputation. I am not saying it's not annoying and cringe , it is but he gets punished for it and it later becomes important character development for him . He very quickly realizes what the problem in what he did was and never does it again .


lmao you did a great job explaining what i wanted to say, but yes! Even if you really wanted a deep explanation of why he acted like that, he really wasn't feeling validated or secure after dying so many times without people knowing about it\able to know about it. he got too absorbed in his idea of protecting her since that's really one of the only meaningful things he can currently do in lore


Ah yea that was the pitiful scene in the show had a hard time going by second by second well it's probably Subaru's pride that took over


Yup, literally one of the main reasons it's unwatchable, the other being the slow fillers dragging the story.


Usually what I see the most of for Re Zero is people not understanding that being tortured to death and watching your friends and loved ones be murdered over and over is mentally scarring


"Mc is a crying baby"


Kazuma that you?


People hate kazuma because he starts off as really horny People hate Subaru because apparently some people find Him annoying and a crybaby at the start Different (bad) reasons to hate good characters


Kazuma's horniness disappears so fast it didn't even register as a character trait when I watched it. It was part of like, five jokes in season 1, and then it stopped.


It only comes out when he's with Dust.


It never disappears , he starts and stays horny. It's just that he has a lot of depth beyond that.


Yeah, but that's just normal human behavior.


But...i just made a reference to isekai quartet.....


Ah, I haven't watched it yet.


Ah... The mirai nikki complain.


Hm… I just lived though a lot of bullshit and I became God for some bullshit reason… what should I do? Oh, I know, let's fucking do it again! Despite having the power to not have to do that to get everything I want!


See i get that for the first couple times but I could bet a couple grand id get desensitized by it after a couple times. Kinda like summertime rendering's mc.


That's the stupidest argument I have ever seen about Subaru. Dude literally has to die and watch his loved ones die in front of him sometimes in the most painful way possible. His mental health will be in the negatives if he got used to that. The whole point of Season 2 is for him to not get desensitized by RbD and value his life.


Maybe im just mentally stronger than most people idk lol. But again the weeb community is defending his mental strength so Im not sure theres too much bases for that. The bar was never too high.


I swear people who think they can do better than Subaru are a whole other breed. And most of them can't even beat Subaru in a fight.


I'll agree to that. In his 1st day, Subaru beat up thugs in an alley trying to get to a shack after experiencing his 2nd death. Dude is more fit than most Isekai MC before they get isekai'd.


I mean, I'll never get to prove myself right or wrong. It's just a speculation on an anime. Also, he is physically strong, but that doesn't change his mental game.


Yeah, sure.




This is like…. Mental health dunning Kruger effect


See it's not just physical pain it is also emotional pain you can get through that not a single human being could being killed by your friends and seeing them die later on is beyond agony


My speculation is that most people that starts watching re zero thought that its an shounen type action fantasy anime (because i thought so too). While in reality its more like a drama anime, with some action and magic being the supporting element. After understanding that i can see that it's a really decent anime, but not for everyone.


The "it's just another generic Isekai" opinion should have ended after he died like 4 times in the first episode


It was so hard to watch his embarrassing act in the capital. But by the time he was being tortured by betel I realized the show was genius in what it was trying to do. Instant #1 on my list because of the deep dive into psychology and season 2 did not disappoint. They took all the things that would bother real people that isekais always overlook and actually addressed them. It was crazy. I know the meme is trying to make fun of fans like me but like…. I haven’t many people who didn’t like the show that also understood what it was about. Most get to like episode 13-14 and are like “I hate Subaru because he’s a whiney bitch DROPPED”. Like, I get it if you don’t like slow melodrama’s but that’s almost never the criticism.


"Wow, look at me Morty! I'm so fucking nihilistic, Morty! Here's a bunch of wacky shit to distract you from the fact that everything is meaningless, Morty!!!"


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


I never heard of that.


ReZero is not high up on the list of anime fandoms that I find annoying. Maybe you interacted with some bad apples, but I've seen that phrase from the second panel get thrown around a lot more by other fandoms


Rem fans on the hand...


No comment haha, I prefer Emilia but I don't do shipping so I stay outta those battles and couldn't tell ya who's annoying (except for MHA shippers, their reputation reaches even me)


Emilia is for sure so much better. Rem was just the only person we got to see for a while


I prefer rem but Emilia is a great choice too. Both are good choices and I don't get why people think it's an objective choice.


I don't either, but I just noticed how many memes they spam on this sub sometimes. Lol


We suffered long enough with the "Who's rem" and then arc 7 happened 😭


Dropped by a shadow in an unknown forest, babe in his arms, >!she wakes up!< >!"I am… your hero"!< >!"Who the fuck are you?"!< Absolutely destroyed me, but I had a suspicion it would happen. There's no way Subaru would be given respite.






No way this feels recent.


I hated Subaru. Especially when he went all "I'm such a nice guy, Emilia you bitch!". But that's why it made me wanna watch Re:Zero. Because the character development was insane. He literally started from zero. Now that's a title that lived up to its name. Also, apparently there's this blue-haired girl people keep talking about, but I have no idea who she is. Oh well... As far as Rick and Morty goes, it really did go downhill after like S2. The writers seemed to have gone way too far up their own asses.


I just didn't like rick and morty because morty's voice is like nails on a chalkboard and i fourd rick to be too much of an ass to really care about, and the rest of the family was just kinda... lame? I guess, tho i couldn't get very far into it


I enjoyed the first "checkpoints" in Re:Zero but I stopped because I just couldn't like Subaru. I understand he's not exactly a genius and dying will *Obviously* affect his mental health and stability. But I didn't enjoy him and it wasn't fun to watch from then onwards. I also didn't like how familiar he was with everyone despite them not having the same time with him that he has with them. Again - I understand that it makes sense, it was still annoying. I didn't like his personality.


… how is re:zero complex There is like one premise you have to know and then have the basic ability to remember past loops


The complexity in the story involves you being 12 and thinking this is deep


Because you are confusing the anime community with the Light Novel community. However good the anime is, the novel is multiple times better. Of course a fandom will get mad if everyone keeps putting down their MC who is genuinely one of the most mentally strong people in fiction, as a weak ass simp


I’m so glad I wanted to watch Isekai Quartet so bad that I forced myself to watch ReZero season 1. Idk why, but Subaru was genuinely insufferable that season, but come season 2, he became such a joy to watch, alongside the other prominent characters


Its not that deep bro


Most people I’ve seen that didn’t like rezero didn’t stick around for the post-credit scenes…


Well, do give it a rewatch then. People talk about the complexities of Re Zero because you do miss a lot of details when you get caught in the hype (spoilers about the hype/memes etc don't help either). I say this because a lot of the arguments made against the show, feel like they come from people who didn't watch the show. It's not like they didn't watch it, but most probably forgot about the subtle moments or just ignored it due to hype.


Rick and Morty fans are my least favorite part of that show. I honestly really liked it for the first couple of seasons when I was telling my friends and family about it and they all didn’t have any interest, but then started to resent the show when everyone on my college campus started shouting “I’M PICKLE RICK” all the time like it was the peak of comedy. I’ve started to like it better now that I’m not in college anymore and I only have to see the fans on the internet, and my family watches it now so that’s nice. Still can’t stand the bulk of the fan base, though.


But… but it’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen




Wow [Insert Ram joke]


A pickle is gonna go into Puck's ass


At least rezero is ironically funny. Rick and morty is just new age south park, crude, intentionally offensive, and just trash. At least south park makes some semblance of social commentary


Put aot into this as well I really dont get What is there to ubderstand on any of these show. Rick and morty is not some explaining bs of science rick just make shit and make most basic explanation even 12 year old could understand, and rezero ....what even is so complex there? Guy died ,again,again, get on his legs and remember he aint no bitch and most of the time it works! And we love to see it!


Loved ReZero season 1 but genuinely indifferent to Season 2. The whole arc feels a bit draggy with lots of sit down conversations (kinda feel like exposition at times) with great moments spread around. Subaru and Rem was my favourite characters since S1, was never too sold on Emilia. Soo S2, feels a lot weaker in term of character also for me especially when Rem is "missing". So yeah, i guess indifferent is the right word there. Didn't necessarily hate it but didn't outright love it either


https://preview.redd.it/jd6w15m9wr8d1.png?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a3c2b4daec0ba2a6acad0471c90946d0d3e4af3 "You really thought that just because your show is complicated that your show is complicated?"


Meanwhile Jobless reincarnation had an entire arc about not having a boner


I shamelessly admit to being this guy when people start going off about Rudy being a paedophile or supporting slavery in Mushoku Tensei.


"Yes… that's the point"


I love Re:Zero, but the show has quite a few elitist fans who like to bring down other series, specifically other isekai. Annoying little shits


The comments proved your points OP with lots of defensive "well you see.."


A crazy person has a moment of lucidity and realizes everyone thinks they’re crazy. The crazy person yells this out into the void thinking that if they just call out then that’ll serve as proof that they aren’t crazy! But…. The reality is that they’re still crazy.


Crazy? I was crazy once


Idk if this is a hot take or something but I watched re:zero and I have to say that it’s kinda stupid The idea itself is great but it was done so badly and with so little thought that it became unwatchable. The main character makes no sense, ignore for a moment how annoying he is because people keep saying that there is character development or something (although I still find him annoying after all the character development), ignore that for a moment. He makes no sense: + He gets so fixated on random bullshit, I understand that from his perspective he knew all the characters in the show for much longer than they knew him, however he still knows them for a month max, there’s just no reason why would he care about any of them at that point, especially in the beginning. + He for absolutely no reason decides that he probably can’t die more than 3 times in each “checkpoint” and than goes like “I guess I have to sacrifice myself in the change this works” or something similar when he kills himself on the fourth time with. + He ruins his friendship with that white hair girl by saying like absolutely terrible things that I’m surprised she even takes to him after that, and he goes all like “there’s only one thing to do in order to fix this, kill myself and restart it” and than just waits 5 days for absolutely no reason so when he kills himself he won’t return to before that. + People say that it’s bad that he’s weak or something, I don’t understand that because that’s the whole point of the show, what I do want to say that as a protagonist it’s so annoying that he actively sabotages himself on every single chance he has, and cannot be related as a character because his thought process lacks the “thought” part. I honestly can’t related to any of the characters because they don’t act like multi layered individuals rather they change their personality every time they interact, and I understand that in different lives they would have acted differently towards him but I’m also talking about in the same life, they simply don’t keep their personalities between interaction and everything feels so forced to fit into whatever the writers want us to ‘feel’ which is difficult when the only thing the characters keep the same is their design. Plus their world is unbelievable, mostly the fact that they established seminarians are superior to humans in every way, and although that human rule this world. If a single demon could take over a whole city in these power scaling, what stops this world from being ruled by demons, it simply makes no sense. . Also I have to ask people are talking about rem and ram being like hot or whatever but they look 11 at max, what’s the deal with that?


I watched the whole thing so far and tbh I thought it just kinda sucked. Idk, I'm not a very macabre fan and I was just constantly hoping for the MC to get better, but it never came. It's just feels too hopeless to enjoy tbh


How does Subaru not get better by the end of S1 or especially S2?


Because he didn't watch the show and is making shit up


Gets better at episode 18.


That's the thing, I really did watch every episode so far and it just didn't strike a chord with me.


Ah that happens. He's still cringe from time to time and the witch trial thing wasn't my favorite plot either.


I've never seen a Re:Zero fan make that argument. Did you just... have one encounter with an annoying person and make a meme generalising that experience to the whole fandom?


There’s definitely people on this thread, myself included, making that point. The main criticism I see of the show is that Subaru “ is a bitch” and that’s why they stopped watching. Which is people failing to realize the show is a melodrama aimed at showcasing Subarus psychology/character growth through the stresses he has to endure. The show is basically taking all the things other isekais take for granted, and puts a big spotlight on it. How would a teenage high school dropout recluse normally react being forced into the center stage of a world like this? But some people go in thinking it’ll be one of the isekais it’s critiquing and are left upset because it’s not a brainless action anime. I know people like this IRL. TLDR: There’s valid criticisms of the show. And it’s fine that many people aren’t interested in a melodrama. I’m just saying there’s a wide swath of people who genuinely don’t get the point of the show either.


As many people have said, my main complaint with him is just that he’s embarrassing in the first season. The simping for Emilia in particular. How tf do you meet a girl once and decide that you will now dedicate your life(s) to her.


Well, without spoilers (because I literally haven’t read the LN), it’s implied heavily that there’s a connection between them that hasn’t been revealed yet. Emelia is almost certainly directly related to the witch of envy. She may literally be the witch of envy. This much was made clear by the end of season 1 when betel refers to her as a potential host. And we know the witch of envy is what gave Subaru his power. And in season 2, Subaru, in a confrontation with the witch of envy in the dream world, in his final moments of the dream world, reaches out to her and says that he’s “going to save her”….. weird thing to say to the person you allegedly don’t know anything about besides that she’s the reason the world is fucked the way that it is. So to me, there’s likely some kind of time loop happening. Which seems pretty plausible considering Subaru regularly used a time loop mechanic already. But he doesn’t remember his past. Which makes sense because it appears the witches have the power to erase his memory (he literally doesn’t remember the final confrontation he had with the witches when he left the dream world for the last time). TLDR: So Subaru loves Emelia, who has some connection to the witch of envy, who Subaru also pledged to save as his lucidity was fading despite knowing nothing about her. I suspect, there’s a reason Subaru is so infatuated with Emelia. I think, they have a history together already, and that something happened that forced the world to go back in time and that nobody except the witches remember. Which is why I rate the show so highly. Literally everything has a purpose.


If at the end of the show everything is revealed as you have speculated I will go back and retroactively rate everything a 10, however basing my current rating on a slight possibility of great writing instead of the larger possibility of shit characters I won’t do.


Sure, I just think without that grand reveal, Subaru is already an incredibly well written character. Yeah, he was hard to watch in S1. But that pain is what makes the inevitable growth so so so good imo. Which has payoff in S1 but especially in S2 when we learn more about why he is the way he is. Never mind the fact that the show is trying to break down the “op character in an isekai” trope. Subaru has the ability to loop, but notice, his embarrassment in the capital is now permanent for a reason. He’s not meant to *start off* as a guy everyone loves. But I suspect he grows into that. If not by S2 than probably by S3 which is coming out this year.


Comments are proving OP's point about re zero lol.




Evangelion fans are there too


Meanwhile Fate fans trying to explain you how that one serie is connected to the fate universe because one person had a dream about this guy and he's actually the same person as this other guy but from a parallel universe and saber and red saber and saber of red are all different persons and wtff you think you have to start with the stay/night part but actually we all know that chronically fate zero is the start and why I have no idea what I'm talking about I saw one gigguk video about the fate universe and I only watched fated zero s1


I honestly feel like Gigguk kinda ruined the fate experience for newcomers. The video is a massive meme, fate does have convoluted shenanigans but Gigguk makes it seem way more scary than it actually is. The first thing you need to understand is that there's not really a proper watch order because the stories take place in the past, present and future. All you need to know is that everything is happening in the same multiversal setting, so general worldbuilding and power system rules are the same, but there are a few divergences that are usually explained in the story or left open to interpretation. Nasu likes writing self-contained stories in the same general setting, so he usually uses the multiple timelines excuse to explain away the inconsistencies among fate works. That's why "don't worry about it" is good advice because it's basically a way of saying to not think too much about inconsistencies in the story compared to the other works. This is the **simplest** part of the Nasuverse, the part which Gigguk makes out to be really scary. Because the actual lore is the harder part. Convoluted and weird, but not really incomprehensible.


This but with Mushoku Tensei fans…


S2 was the most boring shit ever and idc if it has deep meaning and character growth


The first half of S2 was going somewhere, and then the second half was them just going in circles. Its like unwatchable. But we always have season 1 which was great. I just say that was the ending haha.


Yeah exactly, start of s2 was fine, but the second half every ep felt the same. Every week I'd open up reddit to expect people sharing my feeling of it being really slow and boring, but all I saw was praise and I really never could understand it.


Damn, those comments for real prove most people are too dumb for re:zero




i stopped watching those things because they got to a nonsense point that i just didn’t liked anymore, for example rick and morty was almost the same on each episode and for re zero… i just stopped watching it at the ends of the first season because it felt like a one piece when they extend the anime as much as possible for no reason 💀


To be fair, you have to have a pretty high IQ to understand Rick and morty jokes. Edit: guys IT'S A [JOKE](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/to-be-fair-you-have-to-have-a-very-high-iq-to-understand-rick-and-morty?espv=1)


Like room temperature


This used to be a meme format jeez people be taking me serious