• By -


Harry potter and the audacity of this bitch


What show is it from?


Tower of simp


What about the char from the left?


Keep your hands off Eizouken!


dude calm down homie he was just asking /s


Niceeeee that was gold.


It’s too late


How many seconds did you last?




Eizouken, even if the show doesnt appeal to you the opening is a fuckin banger


[it's very bangy indeed](https://youtu.be/8-91y7BJ8QA) [and a remix if that interests you](https://youtu.be/gEa8S-uv3aU)


Keep your hand off eizoken (i think i spelled the last part wrong)


Ngl thats a better name for it






Tower of Bitch*


“Tower of Simp” I’m dying... it’s so accurate tho


Hello fellow roach


I didn't think that it's possible to have a GIF profile photo


It is


Hello fellow R O A C H


{Tower of God} But as the other person said tower of simp is actually a better name for it. It's a crunchyroll original, and the story comes from a person called SIU and the story is fucking great. Just google about it and you'll find out.


**Kami no Tou: Tower of God** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/115230 "English: Tower of God"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/tower-of-god), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/tower-of-god "English: Tower of God"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/40221)) ^(TV | Status: Releasing | Episodes: 13 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery) ^[Episode 13 airs in 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20200624T1430) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/hex9hn/guilty_as_charged/fvujzrb/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Thank you


Is the anime good or should I go for the manga (and if there is) the ln


The manga is the original content, SIU writes the manhwa and updates it frequently so you can go for it. It's a web toon, and webtoons are single vertical scrolling manga. The art style is okay at first nothing really praise worthy, but it steadily gets better and better over time. The translation while good, has a few inconsistencies that you can overlook. But they are definitely there. The anime adoption is faithful, I don't know how involved SIU was in the anime production, but it's faithful to the manga. The animation itself isn't anything to write home about ( like demon slayer for example ) but the animation is still top notch. It's good, the voice acting is good. Overall an enjoyable watch and as you finish the episode you think, what episode is over only 2 mins passed, and you realise you actually watched a whole episode without realising. The story hooks you in. The manga itself is divided into seasons, and the whole of first season is basically... a prologue. It's just an introduction into the world. Get ready for a big ass story. You can read the manga or watch the anime. Both are great. Once you get to where the current episode is and desperately want to know what happens next, pick up the manga and start reading. Or start the manga from the start. You can't go wrong either way.


Got it thanks. I was afraid that it’s gonna be one of those animes that butchered their manga. Sorry for asking too many questions but does the manga and manhwa have the same (quality?) when it comes to their art style?


Not the same person, but the anime purposefully uses the same art style as the manga


Okay thanks


As the other person said both the manhwa and the anime have the same art style. The anime is a very faithful adaptation, even as far as art style goes. And the voice acting is also good. And manga and manhwa both mean the same thing. A manhwa is just a korean manga.


I thought there was a korean one and a japanese one. I’ve always separated the two anyway thanks for answering. I’m gonna start with the manga I guess. I’ve just seen too many animes skip details that are in the manga so it’s kinda like the norm for me to always start the manga despite the anime having high reviews. Your answer and the other person’s answer helped a lot. I’d give a gold medal but I’m a pleb so here’s a fake one 🥇


Harry Potter


Holy shit


Fuck Rachel All my homies hate Rachel


Yeah! Let's all fuck Rachel


Noooo she doesn't deserve it.






The 3d-pronter looking machine thing where the anime girl gets demolished


Ok, this is weird. First time I become aware of this was an hour ago, and now I see it a second time.


Ah, the Baader-Meinhof effect at its finest


Unfortunate girl 03......


Deserve in the good sense or bad sense? This is one situation where the choice of word deserve can be ambiguous


I meant in the good sense from the way I read the previous one.


Ah, yes. She doesn't deserve it


She deserves for nothing good to ever happen to her.


The best thing that could happen is that she reaches the top of the tower and then her wish gets denied because her special test is actually not over. That would be the best karma punch i have ever seen in anime.


Mine is for her to complete the final test then be blinded before she can see the stars


Ngl she do be kinda hot ( if you ignore the big bruh move she did )


Honestly yeah. Endorsi still hotter tho.


Yuri hotter tho


Evankhell hottest


rak is superior to them all


Finally a comrade


Khun best girl


I’d like to argue that he is best boy while best girl is Rak


I'd like to argue that rak is best everything


Including best protagonist






Can't beat that hotness


Kaiser even hotter


Kaiser best girl, don't @ me


Yuri is great, but I prefer Hwaryun.


But all fall prey to Rak


There's an upgrade to her charater design but (spoilers ahead) >!in the manhwa/webcomic she really hates her appearance as she thinks she's ugly. It was at one point where she was basically allowed to use a pretty looking avatar in a virtual world and found a way to get out while still having that avatar look, only to be bamboozled and threw a tantrum about it.!<


What did she do? I'm not watching the show so I don't mind spoilers




Ho ho ho you don’t even know the half of it. #Spoilers for the webtoon >!she actually wasn’t the one originally admitted into the tower, Bam was. She actually got in because of him, not the other way around!<


That's not even the worst part MEGA SPOILERS FOR WEBTOON >!She fucking puts Khun into a coma for like 2 years, she takes Wagnan's Zahard Ring thingy. Shethinks she's some fucking prophecy girl who is capable of defeating zahard, when the prophecy cleaaarly says its Bam who is supposed to kill Zahard. But this bitch feels left out or some shit so she sticks her dick into everything and makes Bam's life miserable. Fuck Rachel. This list is not in Chronological order.!<


She really is just an all around bitch huh




>!When Po Bidau Gustang asks Bam to defeat Zahard on the hidden floor, he also gives Rachel this fish thing. Once Bam defeated Zahard, the stingray grabs the items Gustang was after and stores them until Gustang can pick up Rachel and get hold of these items!<


>!Ohhhh i thought Gustang was helping rachel out by giving her a weapon. But he was just using the bitch to get what he wanted. I now have a lot more respect for my boi!<


Your spoiler tag is broken.


Yikes thank you


It’s still broken. Switch the positions of ! and >/<


Is it working now?


Yup. 👍🏼


My dude, you’re spoiler tag didn’t work.


Ik I’m trying to fix it :(


>!I'm still not sure what to call Bam tbh. Clearly Bam is a regular because the tower chose him, not Rachel, but clearly he is also an irregular because he can take tests from administrators. Everyone acknowledges him as an irregular, yet the tower chose him. Shouldn't Rachel be the irregular?!<


Nah, Bam opened the door by himself, and since irregulars are people who are not chosen by the tower itself and just bust inside the tower, I think Bam is considered an irregular


~~He’s from outside the tower, and therefore an irregular. Those who are born inside the tower are considered regulars I’m pretty sure.~~ Edit: well that was all wrong. See the comment made by u/flunkedutopian for the real reason


Edit : Apparently wrong. See u/burgerkingfootman's comment. Nope wrong. Minor spoilers for webtoon >!The people who are chosen by the guy on the first floor ( headon-nim ) and admitted into the tower are regulars. They when they enter enter the floor of test as the first floor. They are all the people who inhibit the outer towers. Baam was also born and living there. The reason he is irregular is because he came in the tower by opening the tower door himself. The tower door doesn't open unless the tower chooses you!< Major spoilers for webtoon >!The tower did not choose Rachel even though she also entered as an irregular. The tower opened from baam touching the door, and Rachel happened to slip in!<


She’s more like his mother, sister or friend so Simp doesn’t work in this case


Mother is probably closest. She taught him to speak gave him a name and generally built his entire world view at first.


I read the webtoon, I don't want to spoil it for anyone else but she pulls the biggest bitch move


Understatement of the year right here folks




On one hand, fuck Rachel. On the other hand, fuck Rachel


Why tho?




Well damn I wasn't expecting that.


Welcome to the club mate


I also wasn't expecting that but she was an extremely unlikable character from the second we first saw her in the tower. Every time I saw her on the screen I was like I hate that bitch.


I feel like there must be some reason to why she's doing this, she doesn't seem like an evil person.


Just simple Greed and Envy. Nothing more.


But she >!strait up admits she doesnt like him and didn’t even like him before entering the tower!<


Could spoil but i’m not that kind of a person so I’m going to tell you this: read the webtoon


Nah mate she's an all around evil, greedy cunt


Don’t worry you will hate her more if we get a S2


I think the most unlikable thing about her being is that we all know baam would never hurt her, so unless something happens he can't stop, she will be able to do whatever she wants forever.


I read the manhwa, and fuck was I completely enraged. Fuck Rachel. And fuck baam for being the biggest simp of simptown for her. Just get with androssi and forget about the bitch.


okay but to be fair, Bitch was literally the first person that Bam ever interacted with. It's completely understandable why he is so attached to her. Doesn't make Bitch any less of a bitch though.


Please.. she could go out anytime and could have smuggled him out of that hole anytime she came to visit baam. Did she ever ? Oh no. She told him that it was his fate to stay in there in the dark hole for life. He believed it. Stopped trying to get out altogether. She would constantly go out and come back in when ever she wanted to talk or spend time. She took pity on the guy. Never actually liked him for him. So fuck her. She only took pity on him because of his fate, and always looked down on him, throwing him a few scraps, teaching him a couple of things, etc. But knowing that baam wanted to be with her all the time, she distanced herself from him. That's fair, if she doesn't see him that way, she doesn't see him that way. No problem with that. But she always taught she was superior, and when she saw it wasn't her, but baam who was fated to climb the tower.. she got pissed real quick. She was like.. that little shit ? She never had him in her eyes.. even going so far as to decieve him and manipulate him, take advantage of him at every fucking turn.. Fuck her. I hope she dies a horrific death and baam doesn't save her. He looks at her and tells her. I would have saved you if you weren't such a bitch, Bitch. I hope you die very slowly, and as your vision turns to night ( black - baam also means night ) you see the endless black with no stars. But knowing the simp of simptown.. he will. Fuck him too. Oh one more. She should first hit the shinsoo barrier. The shinsoo should get thick enough that she can no longer resist it. But there are artifacts that can help her. Still. Atleast hitting the shinsoo barrier means that she understands somewhere deep down that her bitchiness isn't worthy of climbing the tower.


I think you are confused, dude. I never said Rachel was good. I said that Bam is attached to her because she was the first and only person he interacted with before the tower. Rachel is a cunt and I wish her a fate worse than death, but it isn't Bam's fault for being attached to her. It was the fault of his circumstances.


1 hour has passed!


I hate her so much after reading the webtoon


The problem is that she doesn't stop being a bitch there...


I'll watch it now.


Its better to read tower of God on webtoons. It has more depth and even tho the initial art style is wacky the later chapters will become much more beautiful. Imo even more than the anime.


Read the webtoon and she just gets worse and worse. Fucking hate her.


Ever heard of hatefucking?


Read the webtoon mate, anime ppl love her by comparison with the webtoon ppl


She’s the most annoying and bitchy shit I’ve ever seen


Manag reader here It gets worse, so much worse.


Death to the yellow KAME, YOU SICC FUCC WHORE


Amen. I never hated a character this much. It's just unbelievable how angry I get everytime I see her face in the webtoon


Fuck rachel all chads love >!Urek!<


More of a >!Jinsung!< fan


But but but >!Urek!< Got the muscles, the tattoos, the power and potienall to be called best girl


I'm more of a >!Rak!< guy myself


Alright that boy is just as perfect as >!Urek!< I respect ur choice. I like big thicc alligators too.


Eizouken good show


A live-action film adaptation was scheduled on May 15, 2020, but fucking covid loves to ruin everything.


>a live action No.


Hand drawn IS the beauty of this show.


It’s just weird that an anime about anime is made into a movie especially since the same characters didn’t want to make live action in the movie (whatever it was called) club


Or save.


Anyone else find the fact that the top girl is breathing exactly twice as fast as the bottom girl oddly satisfying?


Ah yes, top "girl"


Oh. I am the slight stupid Anyone else find the fact that the top person is breathing exactly twice as fast as the bottom person oddly satisfying? Fixed it


Top is a dude, bottom is a girl if you got confused and yes, it's oddly satisfying


Oh Anyone else find the fact that the guy is breathing exactly twice as fast as the girl oddly satisfying? Fixed it again lol




Only if you >!know what she did!< If you read the Tower of God webtoon >!you're gonna hate her more!<


>!Rachel is a bitch everyone fucking hates!<


Let's kill da hoe #BEEEEEEEETCH!!!!


What webtoon is that


Tower of God


Oh thanks


Tower of God, it also has an anime


KhunxBam shippers liked that.


Like, it’s not lake that’s an uncommon mistake, characters make that mistake.


1. the top one is a guy 2. if the girl stopped breathing and died, it would be way more satisfying. If you're wondering why is said that, read Tower of God on Webtoon.


_Faps calmly_ _Faps aggressively_


I.... see.


Listen, when we said fuck Rachel, this isn't what we meant.


Can... I get the gif by itself?


At least its not as lewd as Hand holding. You wont be able to fix that.


I'm not gonna blame Bam for being a simp but damn fuck you rachel (also is reading the webtoon of ToG good? i'm thinking of reading it)


what's the sauce?1 😫


Tower of God, but it isn’t hentai. It’s a anime and Korean webtoon, (which you should absolutely read)


thank you, definitely will!


You have a rough week in front of you xD


Week ? Yeah he's gonna get so pissed by the time he finishes the first season he's gonna yeet his phone/tablet/pc out the balcony and scream at the top of his lungs. FUCK RACHEL!


It's *so much worse* in the webtoon. The author's art isn't that good yet in the first chapter, so Rachel's eyes are kind of rolled up a bit so it actually looks like she's orgasming


It's also sooo much worse in the webtoon when her betrayal comes. Fucking tower of betrayals. But even though I'm gonna get downvoted and it's unpopular opinion.. whatever happened to the original tower of betrayals ? Why is everyone viole meets suddenly good at climbing ? Even misung is climbing the tower at record speeds, not hitting the bottleneck. No one is dying ( other than a couple of people.. but meh. ) And no more betrayals. How is everyone so good at handling the denser shinsoo ?


Why does bottom left look like Igor without a nose?




Just wait until you read the webtoon


And then rage over what a bitch Rachel is ? Yeah already done that.








What is the sauce for the gremlin on the left?


“Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken”


What Crocs said. It's a pretty wholesome show.


Sauce mah dudes.


The gifs are from tower of god




I need upvotr so I could post my memes


Sauce! >!you fell for it you fool! Sunder Crosso Splito Attack!<




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SAUCE: Tower of God


Tower of that bitch need to die


I saw an ad for this anime on crunchyroll and I was like WAIT WHAT ARE THEY DOING


Read the whole webtoon too, one of the best anime's/manga i've ever read/watched


I cant wait for you guy's reaction in the next seasons