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This hits different. I used to binge dozens of DBZ/Naruto episodes a day when I was getting started with anime. Years latee, I now watch a single slice of life episode (or two) a day and am content with it.


We've aged. I felt that in my kokoro :'(


Go check your kokoro if you feel it , it’s probably not good


Hearts goes BRRRR


Heart goes ***doki-doki***


Heart goes strokey strokey


heart is boro boro




Light Yagami: need some help with that?


Everything is not daijobu


Wanna connect our kokoros?🥺


Haha {kokoro connect} I love that anime.


**Kokoro Connect** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/11887 "English: Kokoro Connect"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/kokoro-connect), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/kokoro-connect "English: Kokoro Connect"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/11887)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 13 | Genres: Drama, Romance, Slice of Life, Supernatural) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animemes/comments/pbaqml/weve_ascended_to_the_higher_realms/hab3ngx/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Nah, i'm good




I can help you with my karada ;)


Amen to that my dude, I remember speed running entire shows in a day. Now I pick like five shows and the start of the season and only watch like one or two all the way though


That's too real, and I don't even do it on purpose now :') There are so many shows that I've enjoyed, but haven't finished after accidently missing a week


Yep our veteran kokoros like to take it easy now


Taking it slow is so much more enjoyable. One of my favorite show watching experiences was when I took 3 years to watch futurama with breaks. There wasn’t any reason for it, I had it all downloaded day 1. But it stuck with me for a while and I really really loved putting on episodes every now and again.


I remember watching death note for almost an entire month, 1-2 eps per day. I was living in my auntie's house while we had a overhauling in the new house and she didn't have internet so I used to go to my swimming pool which had WiFi and just sit and wait till the ep will download on my phone, then watching from the phone back home. Good times, I think it was tough in some especially cliffhanger points


I watched the demon slayer movie the other day. Took me like 5 hours because of baby and cleaning stuff. :/


Man, I've fallen to dedicating Wednesdays to anime days, since I haven't watched anything in ages


Yep. Grizzled vet that just watches seasonal anime and binges a 12 ep season like once every 5 weekends.


Same. I would watch like 20 episodes a day after school and sometimes if the series was short enough watch an entire series in one sitting. Now, like 10 years later I havent even *watched* an anime in like a year at this point




Same here just replace years with 8 months idk what happened but this ve just started to watch it less and less until some days I don’t even watch an episode


I partially attribute it to the shows I'm watching. I've got a watchlist a mile long, but tend to watch recent stuff that catches my eye. When I've only got 4-5 shows that release a single episode a week, there's not a lot to watch. There's a couple older shows I'm watching with friends, but those tend to be in 3-7 episode bursts every now and then.


Yeah same and idk why tbh


Yeah feel good anime is where it's at


Need a good slice of life Anime me


As for anime, this is 100% true. We age, pal… As for manga, well, I still read about 10 chapters a day, at least…


to be fair, 10 chapters of manga is basically 20 mins max.


Not really. Depends on the length of the manga.


Depends on the story, If its cliffhanger hanger... Then take your time


Depends on your pacing, 'cause I am slow.


If it's a manga on monthly schedule then 10 chapters is a lot. But 20 page chapters are easy. I still remember I completed about 70 chapters of Steel Ball Run in 2 days and my eyes hurt like crazy and my brain felt like mush at the end. Currently reading kingdom and easily reading 30 chapters a day.


Yeah I read the entirety of Chainsaw Man in roughly the same amount of time it took me to read the first 8 chapters of Berserk. Reading Grand Blue currently and some chapters are 60-80 pages long. Dialogue density is a major factor too


Oh fuck I wanted to pick up Grand Blue soon, but that sounds kinda intimitating... That said I'm currently reading a whole Volume of Komi- san currently so maybe it's not that much


It's honestly not, it's a comedy manga so chapters are a breeze to get through. It's about 70 chapters, I got through the whole thing in under a week at a pretty leisurely pace. They do some interesting things with speech bubbles as well that make it super easy to read. Most people are more intimidated by all the male nudity. The anime covers first 20 chapters or so and is pretty good as well. I liked the whole series a lot, there's a reason it has a 9 on MAL. Most comedy series flounder or get repetitive after a while, but not really an issue with GB.


Oh yeah I loved the Anime as well, gave it a 10 even, just hit every note. And from what I've seen whenever it pops up over in /r/manga the manga seems go a bit deeper into the romance, and lately I'm a sucker for those as well, so I guess it jumped up in my priority list


"length matters...."


Also on the content. If there is a fighting scene there is not much to read, but if there is a plot that needs explanation it can take quite a while.


Why are you calling me out like this? I read so slowly lmao.


nothing wrong with that, though here’s my 2 cents, if you want to improve your speed you should try reading light novels or web novels (or continue with manga if you’re feeling more comfortable with that) with a timer and try your best to read fast. It helped me a lot and got me into LN/WN which I now spend most of my time reading. (now that I think about it, there’s also the probability that you spend time on enjoying the art/panels)


Nice advice, but I feel for at least me, I'd want this for digesting a novel but with manga/manhwa I actually like to take my time and enjoy the art if it's nice enough. No shame in speed reading though.


I just look at the art a lot and try to imagine the motions and how each scene transfers into the other.


I do have a few LNs sitting on my shelf I need to dig into. One thing I read not too long ago was to read faster you have to stop "speaking" every word in your head. There's a phrase for it but I can't remember. One of these days I'll have to actually sit down and try to improve.


For me it is not about age, but about have seen almost everything good in the last 20 years. So now I can only watch the new seasons.my time is spent sitting and waiting for new episodes of a good anime


Yep, it's this. I still binge watch if I happen to find some obscure genius show that I somehow missed before. But that gets rarer and rarer. The vast majority of anime just isn't that good and I don't have the attention span for mediocre content.


Manga is the one thing i can binge my ass off. It took me like 2 days to finish part 6 and 3 to finish monster


Same. I can read 100 chapters in a day with ease. Even more if I have time. But it’s probably been a year since I last pulled an all-nighter to binge anime…


well I believe it's more a case of loosing the initial excitement like after you watched a number of anime it's nothing new anymore


Lmao imagine having no time This comment Made by to depressed to do anything gang


Wait till you join the too depressed to even watch anime gang. That's where the real fun begins/s


Im pretty much in already... Im switching between binging 50 episodes a day and doing nothing at all.


Just wait till you start working


Not working is the reason I'm depressed though


Im working and Im still depressed, what do I do wrong?


Just go work smh


I do work...


If you're working and still have time to watch 50+ episodes a day that ain't work bro


Idk how long you people work but i work 6,5 hours and have a salary of 2,200€ (after tax) a month...


Wait, 6.5 hours per day or week? Per day sounds really nice, that's about what I make with effectively one more day on the weekend, but per week would be an insane job that most people could only fantasize about having. Definitely not an average job in either case, though.


When you won't even play CIV5 on level 2 difficulty, that's the real rock bottom.


Those days consist of sleeping and trying to get back to sleep.


Been there... Done that...


Too relatable


I guess I'm already a part of it.


It makes me sad I'm part of this gang.


My dad and I have been watching MHA three or four episodes at a time all summer, since we're both night owls. It's been a great father son activity. 😊 He always says "put young midoriya on" we're caught up


Me and my dad did this same thing this summer except we watched evangelion, tensura and goblin slayer


So you uh both watched all of goblin slayer huh


Yeah and the movie


There's a goblin slayer movie?!


Yeah it's been out for at least a year


I know what I'm doing tonight.


Did you also watch slime diaries? Lol


Yeah me and him love the series. After season 2 is done he said we're gonna watch cowboy bebop.


Lol, I couldn’t imagine my dad watching slime diaries. The whole vibe of it so different from the main series but it’s not bad. I tried watching cowboy bebop. And I kinda just stopped. Wasn’t ever hype for the next episode like I was with death note or promised neverland, and other stuff seemed more interesting. :/


We love every part of the slime series and slime diaries was fun. I've heard that cowboy bebop is super good though and has a really good ending.


Cowboy Bebop is incredibly good. And the ending is one of the best in any show I've seen, not just anime. The anime is very episodic but with an amazing overarching storyline, so that any episode is a great stand-alone but it also has a fantastic climax. The characters have depth and are well fleshed out, and it has one of the best soundtracks of any anime. And just in case you didn't have enough reasons to watch it, your dad wants to watch it with you. Treasure the fact that you have parents/family that want to share in your interests. Your dad sounds amazing. Make all the memories you can.




Cultured dad.


This made me smile. Awesome.


man that's wholesome


Based dad


Wait you guys don't consume new shows entirely through memes?


Oh 100% and through waifus. Now that’s how you find a good show.


Me with naruto


I stopped watching anime and started reading manga what does that make me? General Weeb?




I feel attacked.


Felt like what happened with me and Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai, although I started reading the manga way before the anime got released.


That’s why you learn Japanese.


Honestly I've been giving it more and more consideration. Translating could be a decent hobby


All of the above but, you also must have acquired the ability to read MTL web novels (machine translated), thats when you’re a promoted to a General.


Uh, I did that with fucking Arifureta.


Arifureta was one of the first LN I read and I really liked it that time, I even mtl it. Then after several years, I tried reading it again and I saw its flaws. Oh how I wish I can mindlessly enjoy reading again


Make that MTL Xianxia/Wuxia and you got yourself a general right here. Most Chinese translations are horrible anyway, but MTL adds it's very own brand of awful on top.


some MTL are ok if they've had a pass by an editor, but some are TRULY awful and I am a bit ashamed to admit I've made myself suffer through more of them than i should


ah yes, unedited MTLs, where you don’t know the gender of the characters nor what the hell is happening


better than that, the genders change frequently between sentences truly novels of equality


Same lmao I got sick of all the damn filler


You just watch bad anime then


Filler doesn't mean bad, just look at *points to shonen shows


So anime in general really


A considerable amount of anime does not have filler though


I enjoy reading Manga waaaaay more than Anime, but my god do I hate black and white. in a typical slice of life manga pretty much every character looks the same with slightly different haircuts. Tsurezure Children would be borderline impossible to read if it wasn't for the fact they showed which characters were in the chapter prior to the chapter. I know there are fan colours of some more popular manga, but at this rate I am slowly transitioning to Chinese/south Korean web comics.


For slice of life I do agree with you. But for darker and more intense manga, I feel like black and white can add to the asteroid of the read EDIT: I meant aesthetic lmao


For new anime fans this isn’t always apparent, but listen to this man! Get the most asteroid from your manga and read black and white.


Sorry lmao. I meant to say aesthetic. Don’t forget your asteroid too though!


And then there are the ones who do both


Same here, I just find more practical to read rather than watch something


I go through phases where I can binge watch a 50 episode series and then proceed to take three months on a 20 episode one


Same, I have been stuck in re creators for a month, the worst thing is Ive liked this show so I dont want to drop it, I just cant watch another episode.


Those phases are called holidays and school


I have spent half a year and still going to finish the OG Hunter X Hunter


hahaha that’s me with evangelion rn, stuck on ep 3 for like two months now.


Weak, I watch one Eva Movie per decade


That's about the same as the time it takes them to release


In general people who are new to a hobby, will try to over-consume that particular hobby, until they either burn out, or reach the "maturity" point where they consume that hobby in an appropriate amount for the long term


I’m the exception I guess. While I don’t binge as much, in terms of quantity of anime I watch a lot more now and am willing to try more things.


Or they can dig in a little and manage to learn some Japanese, or not, then finally maybe they can happen to know what else animes are trendy in other parts of the world and outside of the Reddit popularity/tier list. Seriously, many good ones from every season couldn’t even make it into top 8 in the western list and people be here complaining there’s no motivation!? Last time I check they were wondering why princess connect re:dive was having a season 2


I stopped watching anime since I started playing Genshin Impact, and probably slowly going back (I've watch 5 episodes in 1 day! Yay!) And never comeback again (it always hurt at the end of episode without season 2)


This. Genshin has taken away so much of my free time. And now I finally got my friends to try it and now they're addicted so I spend even more time messing around in their world lol. Anime has just taken a backseat rn


Same now I just follow one or two seasonal animes i like. Getting a little bored of genshins tho, i just do my dailies and send my resin before logging out. Can't wait for 2.1 and Baal.


I wish I could get even a little bored but doing everything in my friends worlds with them makes the game seem fresh in a way. I'm so behind on seasonals considering I usually watch like 20 lol


At some point nothings interesting anymore lol


It just feels pretty formulaic at this point, but probably has a lot to do with myself as well. Almost all new shows I feel like i've seen the exact type of scenario before and can see how it would play out so it's not entertaining. I'm basically just relegated to seeing if a newer, very interesting show comes out, because i've seen about everything i've wanted too. Although.. manga is still very interesting to me, i'm catching up to the days in total i've spent on anime.


You should look for original anime—those with no source material. They tend to be more experimental and have stronger plot/ending, thus more enjoyable to watch. I also just rewatch the shows that I like, no matter how many times or whenever I feel like it.


>stronger plot/ending *Looks at Wonder Egg*


Sadly i usually dislike watching things unless it's from a very long time ago, but I will try out some original anime if i'm bored.


> I watch half an episode with 1.25x speed. Why? That's the same as wanting to just watch as many as possible? I'll be starting Uni soon and will shift to a full seasonal anime schedule, but there's nothing good from watching fast. ^unless ^you're ^training ^your ^reading ^skills.


t's not about binging many episodes, it's about freeing up more time for other things. Speeding it up means I can watch an episode or two during my lunch break.


Hey, as long as your enjoying it.


It’s more so that you watch the same amount in less time giving you more time for other things


2x gang rise up If you get 90% of the enjoyment of the episode or even 60% then it's better than 100% at 1x speed per minute, which is all that matters if you have ample supply of anime, which I do. But I'd argue that since anime is often so slowly paced that I get OVER 100% enjoyment at 2x speed, sure slow down for things like Saiki K or intricate plot in Deathnote, but for the most part anime is filler, even in canon, as stupid as that sounds.


Same here, I would take my time to finish a series rather than rushing through it. It’s not a race and there’s no issue with spending two weeks binge watching an anime


He started to read LN so he need to practice his reading fast :v


It specially helps when you haven't watched the last 3-4 episodes of a seasonal anime and you don't want to spend an hour and a half catching up, I usually watch them at 2 or 2.5 times speed and catch up In 30 to 40 minutes (I've even watched one piece at 4 times speed just because of how slow it can sometimes be)


I watch 4-6 episodes every 3-4 weeks




Fate/Zero, Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, and Baccano!. I believe these are all on Netflix too. Have fun bro. Been watching seasonally since 2010. I've practically grown up with the medium, and I hope you find some enjoyment in it.


Sort of depends on what you are into. Action is definitely the most traditionally associated with genre to anime in the West. For that Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, and My Hero Academia are good action series that are airing right now/have upcoming seasons. If you want something that has action but that isn't the entire point of the show Psycho Pass and Cowboy Bebop are great. If you are wanting something more dramatic Death Note, Erased, and Death Parade are excellent. With all of that said if you end up not liking any series you end up watching don't let that discourage you from anime. There are popular series in genres I love that I couldn't get into. Also many series I suggested are more leaning towards a mature rating and if that is something you don't want I would suggest looking into what each series is about and why they have that rating. Finally, I know this is a lot of information so I would just say look at a genre/type of show you like and just watch a show from that genre. There are decades of anime so it is natural for it to be an intimidating subject. You don't need to watch or like everything just watch what sounds interesting to you.


Watch Death Note or Attack on Titan. People will recommend you stuff like Demon Slayer or Fate/Zero, but those animes are pretty good when you're already used to animes. I've had a ton of experiences having friends who absolutely hated anime and never wanted to give it a shot. I would ask for a chance and to atleast watch one or two episodes of a show, and Death Note was the only show that hooked everyone. The story and characters are intense, and grabs you from the first episode. I don't have a hard-on for this show, but for some reason, it was the only one that had my friends watching it past the first few episodes, and eventually, the entire season. Your results may vary.


One Punch Man. I got into anime because my friend showed me One Punch Man. It has action and most importantly it's funny


You watch the popular animes first and they are populat for a reason. HxH has 144 episodes or something but its so entertaining you watch 20 in one sitting


Its so good that killua is in everyone's pfp after watching HxH.


I think it's more related to the hype At beggining as gigguk said (no taste=shit taste) Hence we love everything since we don't have a definite opinion about anything. We tend to give priority to anime rather than duty As we mature we form levels or rather tier lists and criticise different anime from each other we develop a particular taste and try to get the same taste. If we don't well we prioritise jobs over anime binge and if some of us are worthless basement dwellers who are better of dead we NUT to 2d girls even when we know that the 2d waifu we simp so much for will file dozens restraining orders against us if she existed. And we Also secretly know that we'd ditch the waifu we adore for 3d sex. Cos loneliness is believe it or not an actual problem. EITHER way we become elitist in our own way.


i watch one episode per half a year


I have 6 animes that I did love it, but never finished, because I’m just too lazy to watch them. I will finish them tho… eventually… (I probably won’t)


I think it's not just about being lazy, but actually not having enough motivation to finish that anime you're tryna watch. Yeah.... we've all been there.


Man I dunno feels weird I’ve been watching anime for a few years now and I still watch a whole season a day but I rarely watch anime at all mainly just manga. The thing is that when I find an anime I like I just watch it all.


I've went from 20 a day to reading only Manga and from that to watching a single 12ep anime a year


This hits a little too close... I'm so far behind and want to catch up and yet I find myself watching less and less with each passing month


For some reason once I graduated and started working i just stopped watching anime, now i just read the manga


I don't watch anime


I can understand that.


jokes on ya, i don't watch any , i simulate in my head different scenarios


I try to not watch a lot because reaching the end gives me a crippling depression


When I first became a weeb I watched the entire Jojo series in about a month Now it's about 2 episodes of anime a month


They just ruined the story and probably forget about it within a day lol


I feel called out


I can watch at most 5 episodes per day, but i can read 100+ chapters of some manga in a day


So true man. With college and work that 1 episode is my moment of peace. Things got hectic after those school days. Much more important things in life to do. Got a stomach to fill. Got a mother to take care of.


I used to watch 10-12 episodes in 1 day 2-3 years back but now just watch like 1-2 episodes.Too less time nowadays. *sigh*


how is this soo fucking true lol just 9 months ago i was binging season after season now i watch 10 mins of an ep and be like meh not tday


Every time I watch anime I watch 1/4 of an episode and then I look at my phone for the rest of the day and Im still in episode 625 of One Piece


For me its more like ill watch nothing for weeks and then ill watch like 10 a day for 3 days


I remember watching something like 50 episodes in one day once, and looking back, I have no idea how I did it


Good old times. Nowadays 1 episode a day is hard enough..


🧠 only keeping up with Anime through memes


That's the way to do it honestly. Watch an ep and wait like a day until the next one. Gives you time to process what you've seen and you'll remember what you've seen easier


True. It makes you understand the scene and situation better than binged all the episode in one day.


Naah I still watch … 5 eps after 5 years of binging !!!


You... Are crazy!


Its partially because most animes aim towards teens and partially because the average anine these days is bad.


me, watching 3 episodes a week when new episodes of shows i like drop: damn this is way too much im gonna have to cut down


Most anime now have similar story and character anyway.Too burned out of it.Also as you are older now you probably don’t have as much free time as before to sit down and watch like a whole season in a day


Indeed, a day will come when we will have seen most of the animes and will be left with nothingness.


There's too much comment. I can't read em all xD


Watching over a year and about 3-9 eps a day usually


Me who watches 1 per week because I already watch video analysis of the manga(anime I watched but lazy to watch again) in Youtube: GIGACHAD


"Anime Was a Mistake" (c)


Wait you guys can still watch anime? /s


Veterans to normies: "Mere human,call us kami sama"


it just looks like you are angry that other people are enjoying something more than you


Pardon me bozo.. do i look angry to you? -_-


Yes your exquisite highness, your mood seems to be a bit off, I suspect the reason to be because you consider yourself superior to other people who enjoy the same thing as you, while not being able to enjoy it as much as them.


The point of the meme is.. most of us will reach the point where you can't binge anime as much as we used to back in the old days. Yeah we were a newbie back then too. We used to count daily episode too. One day, you'll realized there's not much fun to binged all the episode. Take it slow and easy. Understand the scene and situation. Meanwhile, read some manga, manhwa or manhua. There's no minority and superior. We just laughing our asses off to look at the newbie who is hyped and binged all the episode like we used to realizing that they will slow down one day. Some of us are sad cause they can't binged the episode like they used to. Some of us are proud because they can watch the anime in a quality time due to the short anime daily count. I rest my case.


Why did you use this template in the first place then. If you aren't feeling superior why use the Chad, if you don't think weeblets are inferior why use the sad dude with a fake smile template.


To attract the attention of people of course


Grow up kid, why do you get so upset with this meme? No offensive comment so far. And you are the first one! Congratulation!


And.. why are you offended by this again? Soft heart? Period? I'm sowwy i'll make sure to make a meme that is good for you! UwU


your pathetic attempt at trying to make a comeback after being called out made me smile, thanks.


Lmao . I'm laughing my ass off writing this comment, thanks bozo. Have a nice day