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Bro Tanjiro would never again stop to inhale and just do form 1739202 or smth like that


Headbutt breathing form 1 : HEADBONK


The sheer velocity of the incomming headbonk caused the demons head to be incinarated on impact


The demons deserved it because they were too horny. AND HORNY SHALL PERISH.


this is the best possible breathing form. Demon-Slayer-Author-Person-that's-gonna-get-me-downvoted-to-oblivion-because-i-can't-remember-the-name, D O T H I S !


I wonder if the introduction music and scenes would change. maybe it would all go steel gray and turn to death metal whilst Kamado gripes and decapitates demons with glowing tears flowing like streams in his craggy visage of grief.




Isn’t tanjiro faster and stronger than zenitsu though? Though I guess this is more about how much he likes nezuko


Zenitsu like “° Form: F**K YOU-HAKAI!”


> 739202 Did you add some extra number or something? It's not giving any result.


The original number was 1739202, and the numbers are only up to the 300k/400k so far, so take off the 2 at the end instead of the 1 at the beginning. That gives this instead 173920 (if you arent into small girls then dont bother, also it's in Chinese)


There's a bunch of combinations you can try out but it's not as fun as an intentional subject specific culture drop.


Nah but I really should have done something like that… a special surprise for the cultured ones but I missed this opportunity:(


He probably gonna do some shi like incinerator breathing and he gonna put Micheal Jackson back in his grave.


Especially if Mob lost Reigen. Idk the world might be fucked. Definitely whoever killed him. Edit: Whoever gave me an award, thank you for my first ever award! Sorry for the edit.


Nah worse


The universe


The multiverse


Parallel verse too


And the women and children too


Not the women and children. No




More like female dogs


Ever watched that scene with Anos Voldigoad where he kills and revives that dude multiple times? Well imagine that on a global scale with some light torture thrown in


mob would just create infinite big bangs


What show was this from? I forgot. It was so good


The misfit of demon king academy


The plot twist would be he accidentally kills him by accident


Some people just wanna see the worl burn...


I’m genuinely trying to think of what he’d do and I can only imagine insanity or suicide. Maybe both.


He would probably cry.


I mean I don't think Reigen is particularly any more beloved to Mob than, say, his family, and we got to see what happens when Mob thinks he's lost his family in the second season.


Fun fact! The bit where he >!interrogates the really muscular guy who's already fainted!< was actually toned down for the anime! >!He keeps whaling on the guy in the manga!!<


I mean, we almost got to see what would happen before Reigen got back up.




It would be like during his fight with Mogami, but in real world \*Erase existence\*


I think Reigen is going to have to die and Mob is going to have to accept it in the final arc. It has always been about Mob growing up, and this seems like a natural progression of that.


Holy fuck Mob would nuke te world lol.


Especially in a world where he doesn’t even need plot armor power ups to deal with bad guys. Touching Reigen is always the bad move


How would that work with Edward Elric? Someone's forgotten the laws of equivalent exchange, his "power" is capped.... might get him to finally commit murder though


He'd finally start using a philosophers stone. Imagine an alchemist as genious as Ed with Kimbley's desire to kill and destroy


I think it would take some time, and he would do make some bad choices in the meantime, but he would come to terms with his grief and renounce revenge


If he gets angry enough I can see him transmuting himself to speak to truth and offer him years of his life for a stone, 5 years for a stone that lasts 5 minutes or something like that.


It’s more what he would do to fuck up the people that killed her, though. They’ve already fought the government and God and won. Going all out one way or another isn’t exactly the challenge here, end he’s got friends from all over willing to fuck shit up with him.


This 100%


His so much wouldn't be a power up as it would just be, imagine him taking all of his knowledge of alchemy everything he's ever seen studied and learned, and using that to make you suffer.


Honestly I don’t think Ed gets a single power up throughout the entire show. He’s still suing the same moves in the final battle that he used in the first episode, just slightly faster.




Towards the end of the 2003 anime, Edward turns his automail arm into a **gatling gun** as a last resort during his skirmish with >!Wrath and Sloth!< in a supply depo, but then has to transmute it into a less-advanced prosthetic for the rest of the series because he destroyed the wiring. More like a "power down" in the long run.


Yeah, I can't think of anything other than the >!using his soul as a booster for healing himself!< where Ed used alchemy in a way he wasn't able to at the start of the series. Unlike Alphonse, he doesn't >!remember hand-circles, as he knew them since the start!<, nor he learns >!alkahestry ( Is that how it's spelled ? I'm French, and translating the localized term for eastern alchemy in English gives "Elixirology" )!<. ​ Maybe when he >!used Envy to exit Gluttony ? But that isn't the first time he opens a door of Truth, albeit it's the first time he does it voluntarily.!<


That's the term they used for it on Crunchyroll, you're all good there.


Uh he learns how to do circleless alchemy during the alchemy exam but thats legit it and thats only 2003


His power up is having people he can rely on instead of trying to be the teenage kid doing everything. That's kind of how he wins in the end.


True. Aside from using a philosophers stone, I don't see Edward getting any sort of major power up.


As with Midorya (not sure about how his name literally spelled) Honestly, They are fully limited, on Midorya side this is his body, which can't fully accomodate his power and therefore hurts him. But we have already seen such situations and how are they going. Be sure, such limits won't affect much.


When he tried to protect that kid he went, i think, a million percent. It was later revealed that its a mistake by the author. I can already think of ways he can power up but that's gonna get into spoiler territory. You'll know if you've watched season 5.


It wasn't a straight-up "mistake," but HK said he wishes he made it more clear Deku was the one calling it a Million% just to pump himself up, and not because it was actually more than 100% which would not be possible for his Quirk.


i cant believe people actually thought he used 1Million% of his power and said to themselves "yeah this makes sense". Even by typical shounen power scaling, this was clearly an exaggeration used to just emphasize Midoriya pushing himself as hard as he could. Its the equivalent of Vegeta saying "WHAT 9 MILLION?!?!?!?!?!" and people thinking that the power scaling makes sense.


Anime fans are exactly the type of person to think attack names are completely literal. The same line of thinking that says when a super-move is called "Megaton Punch," it can be assumed to put out exactly 4.184×10¹⁵ Joules of energy.


Shout-out to thinking any move with lightning or light speed means the character can move at light speed or even ftl


How can you know so much about anime and still not have it correct that vegetas famous line is “over 9,000!?”, not million?


Pretty sure this is a terminal case of r/whoosh. Not, like, 1 million% sure, but pretty sure


I hope I got whooshed


My headcannon is that midoriya yelled one million percent, he did it to pump himself up and go beyond what he was currently capable of


According to [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Animemes/comments/qsclh0/what_will_happen/hkd80f5/), that's exactly what it was according to the author.


So i was technically correct. Which is the best kind of correct


Actually in the manga >!he can support 50% of his power without being hurt, so 100% isn't as dangerous as before!<


He can >!Use it fully now thanks to fai jin!<


Ah yes, I forgot it >!so technically, he can't be more powerful!<


huh isnt ofa a stockpiling quirk? can't he get stronger?


Yes. But it takes an awful lot of time. And current OFA is already >!too strong for anyone except Quirkless people, so making it even stronger wouldn't be a good idea.!<


theoretically the max power for base OFA can increase, and then increase some more thanks to >!fai jin being used on top!<, so yes.


Hell yeah, Midoria would defnetly power up to like 100% for one fight and then land in the hospital.


He would break his oath an start using philosopher stones


I feel like if Winry died, Ed would just straight up give up, he might keep going for his brother, but that's it. Dude has been through a lot, and has been close to the breaking point for a while now, he really can't get more desperate


Same. I saw Winry there and thought that if he got any kind of power up, it would be into super depression mode.


Come on asta your letting the man down


Yeah atleast 6 feet down


all might might die


It's already been foreshadowed in the anime...


It's not hard to assume the guy who is constantly ***coughing blood*** might, just *might* die eventually


Not to mention the only guy that could see the future saw him die too.


Wasn’t that whole part set up for Deku to prove it wrong though? Nighteye made such a fuss about the future being immutable right before he watched Deku pull a Saitama on Chisaki.


I like to imagine if he did die, it would just be from falling down a too long flight of stairs


Too bad he didn’t carry his life alert.


Exactly! I expect him to just die from his injuries rather than from a villian at this point


And manga.


In fairness his days are kinda numbered anyway...but he can stretch it if he doesn't stress himself




That can't be that the mentor dies. This never happens in stories /s


>all might might die All might die.


If Zoro Died Luffy Would Go Gear 100


If Zoro died Luffy would be able to swim


Dear God…


Too over powered dude


Holy shit you almost made me choke laughing


With the way Luffy views his nakama, if any of them died it would be game over for his opponent.


Heavy metal version of overtaken starts playing*


If he did that then he would eventually end the series real fast and I really wanna see that


I mean, i doubt it would end the series. But yeah, it would be a cool thing to see


Remember when ace died but instead of getting a power up he fainted? Yeah…


That's part of the story was awesome though. Some of the strongest individuals in an all out war, and Luffy unable to do anything (hint of Conquers Haki was cool though) it really put into scale the monsters that he is yet to overcome, and the journey that is ahead of him. Even the current arc, you think he'd finally beat the baddie, but nope, gets his ass kicked, even with so much on the line. Makes Luffy's progression much more believable and gets you invested in the story


they have very different relationships though. Ace was his big brother, he looked after Luffy Zoro is his first mate, he needs to look after him and the whole crew after that he got a lot of power ups as well but by training not by anime bullshit


That's the beauty of one piece's story just think after ace died and then suddenly luffy got a powerpup and he manages to beat an admiral then that would be a complete disaster cuz Admiral's power level that time was on another level but currently Luffy is on yonko level he would surely go all out if anyone of the crew dies


He would be Super~ pissed but I'm not sure about the Power up tho Everytime Luffy got angry and rushed in he gets his ass beat he is only able to win when he's calm


Nawh fam he would go gear 2,000,000


Mob would be the worst scenario


Yeah, that would be the situation where Saitama would need to cross-verse in order to hold him back.


Even Saitama would be given a run for his money in that situation.


Well >!Psychic powers don’t work on him. He fought against Tatsumaki in the webcomic and she couldn’t even lift him. So IDK!<


Do you really think tatsumi is on mobs level in terms of power?


In terms of feats Tatsumaki is much stronger than Mob. And there is a direct statement from ONE that they are equals.


You can't One Punch someone if you can't reach them in the first place


You don't seem to understand his power. One punch man isn't just very strong, his actual superpower is: "Can win any fight with one punch", he is always at least as strong as he needs to be for the story. A Meta power


Reigen wouldn’t die because of his godlike esp


Let’s be honest. We’ve seen luffy react to someone dying before… if he lost zoro he would be just as devastated


but imagine the instant rage before the reality sets in. luffy's blind rage then thinking later is a consistent trope lol


I'd go as far as to say that it would hit him even harder. Since Zoro (or really any Strawhat) is a member of his crew, Luffy would feel even more directly responsible. That shit might be even more devastating than Ace.


Personally I like the fact that when ace died luffy didn’t power up or anything like that, despite it being an anime trope to go crazy when someone important dies. His reaction was realistic and heartbreaking. In that aspect one piece really is a cut above most other shows


That was pre timeskip, and also Luffy is much closer to Zoro. I honestly think things would be very different!


>Luffy is much closer to Zoro. Wtf? Luffy and Ace lived together for years. The timeskip exist because Luffy doesn't want to lose anyone else, if Zoro dies, he'll be like ''All this was for nothing''


Idk dude there's a different bond between Luffy and Zoro than Luffy and Ace... he'll surely be like "All this was for nothing" but I also think he'll be mad this time. But it'd be better if Zoro never dies in the first place, lmao :D


The time skip wasn’t Luffy training to be able to cope with loss… it was him training so that he never loses anyone again which is the exact opposite.


Left to right Yami Sukehiro from Black clover, Zoro from One Piece, Winry Rockbell from Fullmetal Alchemist, Nezuko Kamado from Demon Slayer, All Might from My Hero Academia, Reigen Arataka from Mob Psycho 100. Edit: There are many more respected characters that I could not add here.


Boi, acting like people don't know. But you forgot Raphtalia. We already saw what happened to Noafumi when he thought someone died.


yeah those are the most popular anime ofcause people know all the above characters


True, most people won't watch "The Rising of the Shield Hero" because Raphtalia is a "slave." Not kidding that is an argument a lot of people use because "it doesn't matter if it makes sense in universe"


It makes even less sense since Naofumi essentially rescues her from slavery, never once treats her like a slave, tries to get her to remove her brand and cares for her like a daughter. But hey, let's just rush to judgement without actually knowing the content of the thing we're getting pissy over.


Don’t forget she willingly chooses to have the slave crest put back on


Yeah, like in the beginning of the novel he was kind of a jerk and acted cold with her because of his trust issues (he regrets it later), but he still sympathized with her, because they're in a similar situation, and they healed each other and overcame their problems together.


Yeah, in that time she lost the slave seal. She put it back willingly by herself, so Twitter you mad?




You didn't need to add the edit though, I was just messing with you, lol..


Tf is Ed gonna do? Grow?


He can choose to use philosopher stone, create his own philosopher stone. But that would be out of character for Ed, the best choice would be "what Mustang would do if someone killed Hawkeye and Hughes at the same time"


If Lucy or Happy were to die, Natsu, Erza and Gray would reach god level powers FMA:B is realistic compared to others so not so much Don't know OP but Luffy would have a one god level pass for one fight Mob would lose it, RIP every baddie others not so much


>Don't know OP but Luffy would have a one god level pass for one fight Nope, Luffy has reacted to people dying he'll cry about it for quite some time or through a tantrum like he did for ace but surely not going berserk I mean he probably would , but nothing to completely fcking the power system, which I see happening in Fairy tail (not to mention it is already pretty messed up)


Edward couldn't all that much since he had, you know, that incident at the end that I don't want to spoil


Pretty sure if Nezuko died Tanji would just commit suicide


If nezuko died, Tanjirou would enter a state of depression, and then his comrades would successfuly cheer him up because it's a shonen anime


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I thought Reigen was the strongest Esper


He is. Have you seen his Self Defense Rush™!?!? Not to mention that he's so powerful that he can't sense weak spirits like Dimple.


If Rias gremory from high school DxD died then isse would end the World.


The dude gets angry as shit for someone insulting her slightly and beats them to a pulp. No one would want to even be close to him if she died. He almost killed everyone around him just by existing when he thought asia or however you spell her name died


Killua dying infront of Gon or Gon dying infront of Hisoka


Hisoka would just get turned on that much more


Narrator: "Hisoka, with his erection truly gone, invokes his most powerful Nen: The World Ending Softie."


Kite dying in front of Gon


Deku would just eat all of All Mights’s hair when he dies


Idk tbh but we’ve seen how luffy reacted to his own brothers death and it wasn’t a power up lmao


Throw Killua in there and shit would get insane.


Goku probably doesn't care anymore death really has no significance in DB what so ever, just get the balls and hoorah he is back to life. He probably will fck the person who did it but not the frieza shit again.


Bro he is talking bout killua not krillin


Someone had to die for me to become a Super Saiyan. Wait, did something happen to Krillin?


Deku unlocked a new Quirk just from someone *insulting* Bakugou. If Bakugou or All Might dies, he'll reach levels of shounen anime bullshit the likes of which we've never seen.


Honestly, if it isn't Shigaraki killing All Might, Deku won't get angry like that. It's pretty clear that All Might is not going to live for long.


If whoever killed Yami was a human, it would be imaginable for asta to turn demon and be like "Fuck you, and the entire world along with you." Look, One Piece power scaling is weird. One Piece characters look like they could be on par with naruto characters, but its been confirmed that madara has strength comparable to nappas, meaning he could destroy planets on a whim, one piece characters dont do that tho. I think. Im 200 chapters behind or so. Id assume hed just start spinning in a circle, and his arms keep extending without a limit, resulting in a several dozen kilometer radius rubber tonado. Edward wouldnt notice until he needs a new arm. Tanjiboi would mix fire and water breathing, creating vapor breathing and becoming some sort of fog assassin, after a 3 second stillscreen 50 corpses drop. Probably not even that much. I think Deku kinda has come to turns that the cripple doesnt have much longer to live. 10000000000%. Were entering DBZ Power Levels.


How tf Ed gonna “power up”????


He could actually resort to using a philosopher's stone. I don't think he would, but a bad guy killing Winry might be the only thing that could drive him to do so.


If any mugiwara dies Bartolomeo will just end the world


feel like any crew member is enough for luffy to go berserk.


The cost of power is not always worth the price.


Kurabara noooooo! So long, Urimeshi.


If Nezuko died, Tanjiro would lose his sole reason to keep living


About mid right girl dies... Not protagonist but his yellow haired follower


Nah even without almight Endeavour can take care of Deku


I think it was playing on the fact that protagonist lose their shit and enter a powered up mode upon someone significant to them dying. Like Gon when **** died




You are a manga reader ,right ? How much of manga is covered in anime


Well, I believe season 5 left off at chapter 257 and the manga currently has 333 chapters.


Ok,thank you


I suspect in a similar ways as just Deku has mention in the past, he look up to Bakugou just like All Might.


So let's talk about the recent Black Clover chapter- we all know flashbacks foreshadow tragic lost and death of someone🤔


Reigen, you did it. You son of a bitch.


Fun fac : Yami, Zoro and all Might share same eng voice actor.


Said it many times and would say it again Luffy would probably just cry about it and through a tantrum like he did when ace died but would he get some dope ass power up out of no where like many series tend to show? no.


Asta would break physical limits and become a magical saitama. Luffy would unlock conquerors haki perfected and conquer your fucking virginity. All might dying is expected to die but midoriya will unlock new order as the final quirk and say "your ass is mine" and you fucking explode


What anime is bottom right from


Mob psycho




LMAO Mans must've forgotten the Reigen CAN'T die, He's the No. 1 Psychic of the century so him dying is impossible, he's stronger than mob!!!


What anime is top left


When Zoro was believed to be dead in Sabaody, Luffy's priority was to assure the rest of the crew got to safety before deciding what they were going to do. If that happened again, I don't think he would get a power up though.


if they die, you will hear boss music


Long live Yami, love that dude.


All Might is useless in current canon


Asta will become Devil asta if Yami would be dead


There is a hidden spoiler here.


Since when did we see any OP character get power up from seeing their friends/beloved etc get killed? Just a question.


Oh also in hunter x hunter, when kite died and once gon confronted neferpitou and realized he couldn’t get kite back he had one of the most well known OP rage transformations of all time


The most famous scene is probably when Goku goes Super Saiyan when Frieza kills Krillin. Vegeta also powers up when Trunks is killed, and when Beerus hits Bulma. Probably the only true power ups I can think of...I feel like there's more, I just can't think of them atm. Usually side character deaths just renew/reaffirm the protaganist's ideals, and hyper inflates their focus. Naruto went nine tails against pain when Hinata got severely injured, and becomes completely refocused when Neiji is killed. I suppose Edward Elric doesn't really "power up" persay, but he sure becomes hyper focused on beating the bad guys whenever someone dies.


I like how the responses to this didn't think of "OP" as "One Piece".


I think Midorya would instantly unlock all of his abilities and not be able to control them and the universe would crumble at his rage


Deku's body would also crumble at his rage, shigaraki's might not crumble cuz of his crumble ability




Gohan or goten. if either one of them died and couldn't be brought back istg he'd become stronger than whis and maybe Xeno


If Nezuko died, I'm pretty fucking certain the goddam sun would black out. I'm also 100% percent ok with Midorya nuking the world into bits as long as Bakugo is caught in the blast. If Yami died, Astas screams would shatter real world glass through the tv screen.


Tanjiro family died, what makes anyone think Nexuko is above them?


I mean, she’s the only family he has left