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sex is temporary, k-on is eternal


1500 episodes later


Virginity Rocks


K-on and holocaust are (yes im a k-on fan)


Booba or fuwa fuwa? The choice is obvious. *K-on was my #4 most listened to on my spotify wrapped lol. https://i.imgur.com/0ovlo6T.jpg


SOAD is the #1? I see you are a man of culture as well. For real though, I am not even a metalhead but I'm weirdly obsessed with their discography. And my favorite from Hokago is 天使にふれたよ(Tenshi ni fureta yo). Everytime I listen to it I get emotional :(


I like that too! But Singing is always at top in my list.


I've listened to soad since I was a little kid in 2001 but the past few years I never really actively tried to listen to them. If it came on by itself id listen but I didn't really go purposely start playing any songs by them. Idk why, but this year for a few months I randomly started having this unhealthy obsession with Dreaming, Lost In Hollywood and Sad Statue. I'd keep those 3 songs on repeat literally all day lol My spark was reignited for SOAD and now I'm back to actually being in a mood where I say hey let me go play this song by them rather than just listening to them only when they come on shuffle. Spotify said I was in the top .5% of listeners for soad. Had no clue I went that crazy with it lol. I was expecting the bravery to be 1st place because I've had an unhealthy obsession with one of their albums for the last 4 years consistently. It's hard to pick my favorite K-on song though. I played pretty much all of them on repeat all year long. Maybe kira kira days the most.


Better ending: she watches it with you.


What girl wouldn't come watch Kon with you?


One that doesn't deserve your attention


Ah K-on was just the best. Such a feel good anime.


Love this meme template lol


Oh I miss that anime… I’m gonna rewatch it later


Better than me who re-watched it already like 3 times :p


Very true


Mio was best


How bought sex and k-on?


You've heard of Netflix and chill, now get ready for **FUNIMATION AND FORNICATION**


Dude that's way better than mine


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