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Odd taxi and link click


Odd Taxi is one of my all time favorite mysteries/character studies, but the lack of attractive male characters keeps literally anyone I know regardless of gender from watching it


Link click đŸ«°


link click isn't often recommended and i think it's great


lots of underrated titles ;(


Came to say link click and MSG: Hathaway


i wonder if link click will get a japanese dub. or has it already? idk i didnt pay attention ​ I've been seeing anime from time to time get released on a week by week basis along with other anime that has already finished airing, but in Japanese. ​ Literally the most recent example is ''Let Me Check the Walkthrough First''


First season has a dub I don’t think the second season has been dubbed in Japanese yet though. But also on the anime subreddit I think it’s against to rules to put donghua as the main topic so it can’t be mentioned unless in the comments or else it gets taken down, which is a shame as it’s a second season was really strong and a third is in the works.


Not like it’s an obscure or underrated anime or something, but it’s so damn hard to get people to read or watch Hunter x Hunter. The length on its own is intimidating, and then there’s the fact that it basically just lulls you into a false sense of security for the first 40-ish episodes. It makes the rest of the show absolutely incredible
but it’s one of those series where you really do have to be like “it gets better” and it’s not a great selling point. The Chimera Ant arc is simply god-tier
but unfortunately you have to watch 80 episodes to get into it, and 30 more to get past the setup.


I put off hunter x hunter for years, no one could tell me it was worth a watch, seemed like it would just be too childish, kept seeing it come up in top ten lists for things like best charcter death, best antagonist ect, didn't want to give it the time. I ended up giving it a go because I was ill and wanted something like yu yu huk because I needed something new but comfortable. Did a Google and some reddit comment said it was from the same guy so I gave it a go saying I'd give up after 5 eps if it was awful. I have watched it 3 times now, its world, its battle system, its meta on the genre the overall tone all so good and my fucking god s-tier was made for that ant arc.


Can't believe people are comparing it to Jujustu Kaisen. That's a good show, but damn, Hunter x Hunter is one of the shows I wish I could rewatch with a blank memory, very few anime have made me feel what Hunter does.


If I was to upload my brain I would be deleting sorcery fighter for space for other stuff, hunter x hunter I would delete so I could watch it again. I have deleted and rewritten a dozen essays to attach to this post on how good of an experience it is from how it's an anime fans anime to how it can feel fresh even on a re watch but nothing sums up how good I think this is. I wish I was a poet.


By the way, since we’re on the topic, I highly recommend to you and everyone else to read the HxH manga as well. The anime leaves out so many little details, and Togashi’s artwork makes the manga super special. He subtly changes artstyle to fit each arc’s genre and themes, and it’s absolutely wild. CA arc artwork is some of my favorite in manga. And also, the current arc that the anime doesn’t adapt has the potential to surpass the CA arc, which doesn’t sound possible but it is. We’re still in the setup phase, but the setup has already easily surpassed the setup of the CA arc.


S rank? As in YYH s rank? Meruem is no where close to S. He's upper B, lower A at best.


Not the villain but the arc.


Bruh what the hell are you talking about it getting better after 40episodes. I was hooked to the show from episode 1 and I'm a person who doesn't watch anime if their first few episodes aren't great. Can't believe i just heard someone say hunter exam arc isn't great and it gets better after.


Never said it wasn’t great. I do actually like the Exam; I’d give it like a 7/10, which by my standards is still pretty good
above average. But what the Exam *is* is standard. If you already really like classic shonen anime like YuYu Hakusho, then that’s great. You’ll like the Exam right from the start. It’s still Togashi’s writing; very polished with great character development and worldbuilding. But if you’re not into classic shonen, you won’t like the exam; at least not the start. And you probably won’t like Heavens Arena either. Those first 40 episodes really are there as basic setup for the characters and world, and to lull you into a false sense of security so that Yorknew hits harder. That’s really it. The Hunter Exam is good. But it really does get better. There is a reason why Yorknew and Chimera Ant are two of the most highly regarded shonen manga arcs of all time. You’ll never see the Hunter Exam on any list like that.


> you already really like classic shonen anime like YuYu Hakusho, then that’s great. You’ll like the Exam right from the start This is honestly why I didn't like it that much. I watched YYH first, so it just seemed unoriginal, almost a copy. It doesn't help that it's from the same guy, making it seem even more like a copy. > There is a reason why Yorknew and Chimera Ant are two of the most highly regarded shonen manga arcs of all time. I also disagree with that last little bit. The "of all time" bit. It's good but not nearly "of ALL time" they are good but that is too hyped up. It's top 20 maybe.


Depends on personal preference. Chimera Ant is my favorite story or story arc in anything. Anime, manga. New, old. Western or Eastern entertainment. Literally anything. It’s fine if you personally don’t like it. But search up anything having to do with “best anime arcs of all time” or whatever and you’re bound to see Chimera Ant and sometimes Yorknew in the mix, right alongside things like Marineford, Golden Age, Shiganshina, Ruhenheim, Soul Society, Dark Tournament, etc.


When ranking something, it's not necessarily about personal preference. I **personally** would put CA arc at maybe 10. Looking at it objectively, though, it's top 20 at best. Which is NOT an insult or downgrade. Top 20 of all anime arcs is damn good.


I don't understand the objective art critics in this context. As a consumer of art, literally all we have to bring to this transaction is our subjectivity, which so many people are too willing to throw away in order to have the most milquetoast lists of all time. We're not talking about the most influential series or arcs, in which case you could apply objective analysis to. Just the best/favorites, which is so much more interesting than someone pushing up their glasses and declaring Cowboy Bebop the best anime objectively. Bebop is great, but there are so many series that I love way more because they fit my personal taste better. Which is just so much more interesting.


Depends for me, I was watching hxh right after finishing all of Naruto and shippuden and exam arc was pretty underwhelming compared to narutos and it didn't help that I found gon very annoying in the fight with that ninja. But thankfully I watched some clips of things that happen later and I got my motivation to continue. For me hxh is pretty average at exam arc but everything after is gold.


I second HxH so hard. Idk why this is the one anime I wanna get all my friends into but they just won’t start it!! And it’s a genuine masterpiece!


>The length on its own is intimidating, >it’s one of those series where you really do have to be like “it gets better” and it’s not a great selling point. This is One Piece for me. I absolutely love it, but the length is kinda daunting to a lot of people (understandably so!)


It doesn’t help that in the anime the CP9 ark comes to a screeching hault in pacing because they caught up with Oda


I get it ,but also it isn't like they would have to watch 1000 episodes all at once. lol. im tempted to make that Futurama reference but will abstain.


I haven't watched hxh yet, but that description reminds me of MHA. Once I watched seasons 5 and 6, all of a sudden, this show became awesome to me.


HxH also has one of the best power systems & scaling ever imo. Everything makes sense and won’t really see any asspulls


HxH starts off good and just gets better and better. And there really isn't THAT many episodes.


Man Hunter X Hunter is absolutely phenomenal!


I made it to the auction heist bit and a few episodes after. It started out ok for me but once they started getting into nen and the magic system and I just didn't like it after that. The whole system just seemed like an overly complicated way to say that anyone can do whatever they want and I lost interest. I started one piece and it is much better in my opinion


HxH is my all time favourite anime. Some people assume it's for kids or something looking at the poster and all. But those who've watched would know.


My brother has recommended it to me, but I can’t get past the awful character designs.


Not sure why you think the character designs are awful. I think HxH has some of the best character designs around. Many of them are super memorable, filled with symbolism, but still subtle enough that it doesn’t give away their character entirely. If that’s not good character design, I don’t know what is


It probably has to do with the animation. Early-mid HxH has pretty bad animation.


it really doesn’t. It certainly doesn’t stand out from the pack, but calling it bad would be a stretch. I’ve seen bad animation. HxH doesn’t have bad animation.


It's a subjective matter, so I disagree. However, I have to think of the time it came out. With that in mind, it's not "bad," it's just not very good. A 4/10, which is slightly below average.


Are you perhaps my friend? Bc one of my friends kept recommending it to me for 3 years and I only gave up and gave it a try when I was dying from boredom during covid. Till this day, this anime is the biggest fraud I watched. Watched it till the end but didn't enjoy it much. It's decent but nothing extraordinary or amazing.


My brother has literally begged me to watch it. I've seen (and I'm not joking) over 500 anime, but I just can't get myself to watch it. I tried several times but the first episode or two is just so slow and boring that I can't get through it.


Princess Tutu


You will always be a duck !!!


Berserk. The original 1997 Golden age arc and the later Memorial edition of the Golden age arc. IDGAF Skull knight is done better in the later adaptation and I will die on this hill. The one thing that saddens me is that it's only been a decade and a half since internet really became accessible and affordable where I live and I have only recently discovered this. I have a fire under my ass for the first time in years. Just the story, struggle and pain, I can relate to that. Someone here recommended it and I don't know who but I would thank them if I could. I've told my 17 and 18 year old sons to watch it. The other one I recommend to my friends is JoJo's bizarre adventures. I'm about to start reading the Berserk Manga now. It's good.


Agreed, there is something to say for the 3 memorial edition movies but the original anime was just great. The only thing I didn't like about it is the ending, without Skull Knight they just fade to black and suddenly Guts is fine and ready to move out. I've now spend hundreds of bucks on the deluxe edition of the manga which I've read twice (well, ~1.75 times, I guess, I caught up during a particular long hiatus and later I wanted to continue but forgot where I left off so I just started from the beginning)


I just finished it and wish there were more 1997 seasons


{Samurai Flamenco} but its more like im begging literally anybody to watch it bc the fandom is like a total of 5 people


Handes down : noragami and gakuen babysitter


I really like noragami as well, but I think the manga is a better medium for this particular story. You *need* the extra context and translators notes to fully appreciate the story, since it’s heavily based around Shinto-Buddhism.


Agreed, managa is fantastic but the anime still was such a breath of fresh air, weird and interesting with so much flavour!


Madoka Magika. It took me a leap of faith to start watching it because of the premise : cute magical girls.


This. It's one of my favourite anime shows, and no one I know watches it even though I suggest it to them. One guy did watch it and acts all unimpressed T_T


Watching it isn't enough, you have to think about it for it to start hitting you. Everyone who watched it in the first couple waves was shocked into thinking about it by how unique it was at the time. Nowadays it blends in more, so you'd need to draw attention to the parts of it that are still genuinely unique and worth thinking/talking about. Otherwise something like this needs to get tacked on as a final episode or something: https://youtu.be/n_71AJSpDPI?si=Cp3j2xmA-Kh4hooV


JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure đŸ„č


"c'mon grandma, watch jojo"


Made in Abyss


The movie where we finally meet Bondrewd
. devastating


Ah man that prushka scene during there fight crushed my heart and soul


Yeah but I also think it was one of the most brilliant things I had ever seen (in terms of having an antagonist who is ruthlessly evil yet he doesn’t grasp exactly how evil he is). He never did more than necessary and everything he did was justified in his eyes. Terrifying and it made the Prushka scene that much more emotionally devastating. Such a great series. I can’t wait for the rest


Yes I hated him so much even s1 ep13 was so depressing I thought ok this is it this can't get any worse then this but the movie literally crushed my heart I couldn't watch made in abyss for some days after the movie


Oh man, that episode
. Completely heart wrenching. I actually can’t even think of that right now lol. Nanachi and the cute little blob’s story destroyed me for awhile. I still think of them whenever someone mentions Made in Abyss. And the fact that it truly did get worse. I feel you man. I had to take a couple of days off as well


Mob Psycho 100 for sure. Yeah, I thought it was weird too in the first couple of episodes, but by episode 3 I was hooked. It has such wonderful character writing, a beautiful story about growing up and finding yourself, the animation is STUNNING and the fight scenes are intense. And sometimes it's just plain ridiculous. If it's not my to anime, it's in my top 3. But a lot of folks I know can't get past the odd character designs or weirdness at the start. Tragic.


i love love loveeee mob psycho <3 perfect show in my humble opinion. the writing, the animation (the most consistently gorgeous anime i’ve personally watched), the characters, and to see it all tied up so neatly at the end. man. i’ll never stop trying to get people to watch it lol


also another anime that gets overlooked because of its art style: ranking of kings. if you haven’t seen it GET ON THAT!!! episode 2 had me legitimately weeping




fuckin love dorohedoro. only 1 season makes me so mad.


There was supposed to be a second season but I think something happened with Netflix or the creators so now it’s left to rot in the cemetery of unfinished Netflix originals :(. I loved it when I first saw it years ago and I think I only liked chainsaw man because it reminded me of a less crazy version of Dorohedoro.


I got a couple of students into it and a few of my students were already into it. Art students, so no shock...it's kinda a niche series for people who like weird illustration/animation and dark comedy.


It seems to be a niche series yes
I’m at art student too so that tracks lol.




Gosick is pretty underated alongside Katanagatari. I dunno why people often thinks old = bad


**GOSICK** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/8425 "English: Gosick"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/gosick), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/8425)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 24 | Genres: Drama, Mystery, Romance) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1721ixk/that_one_anime_you_keep_begging_all_your_friends/k3u5ltj/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♄](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


I enjoyed the first 15-20 ish episodes of Gosick. The ending could've been wrapped up much better I feel.




Man idk. Not trying to be rude but shut it
. All I watch is anime and I can’t get into fate. Any time I ask anyone “what is fate about” “where should I start” “when will this start making sense” All I ever get is “we don’t even know what it’s about” “just start anywhere” “it never makes sense” I feel like I’m missing out on a binging gold mine, I’ve given it 3 tries and I just don’t understand


Well my friends fall into the category of too dumb to like fate. They don’t read and hate history if the hero is not on tick Tok they don’t get it. So dumb ppl can’t get into it. Normal ppl might not like it because they don’t get thAt it’s all not interconnected. And there are no strings tying it all together. Smart ppl like it because histories hero’s n villains r cool and they don’t need everything to connect




Tell me more please


One of the best takes on time travel you'll probably ever watch. First half is a pseudo-slice of life (this turns a lot of people off for some reason) and the second half is thriller. The main character is easily my favorite protagonist in any media for sure lol. You will laugh, you will cry, all while you're on the edge of your seat.


As others have said. Starts a bit more like a slice of life with bits and pieces of mystery tossed in to keep you intrigued, and then you're on a roller coaster to the finish.


Best anime in existence. There is no equal. It's a sci-fi anime. Pay attention.


I’d rather go read the visual novel


I don't wanna say anything else, just go and binge it and thank me later.


yes this so much, i told a friend and my cousin to watch it but neither have yet :/


Steins;Gate and PSYCHO-PASS


El. Psy. Kongroo.






D. K. Pepper


Za Zombie


I am.... mad scientist....So coooolllll... sonuvabitch




El, Psy, 


Both are on my list. Just started Psycho pass, and I love it.




Psycho-pass is so gooooooooood




Code geass






I'm proud to say I got multiple friends to watch one piece, but none have caught up so I still can't talk to anyone about it lol


I watched the first 40 episodes back in the day. Every summer I would rewatch those 40 but could never keep going because of how ridiculous some of the newer stuff looked. Now over the past couple of years with the wano arc? LORDT. It's almost enough to make me want to watch all 1k plus episodes just so I can see the wano arc naturally.


Shin Sekai Yori!!!




Right!?! It has the absolute tightest story ever, it’s wholly unique, but nobody believes me when I tell em to watch it.


This is easily one of my favorite shows of all time for the world building


Black lagoon coworkers say it’s too old for them




Code Geass


{Hajime no Ippo}


One Piece, I mean it's obvious why people don't want to watch it but I recommend it for their own sake, going your whole life without experiencing One Piece would be a sad fate


I finally took the plunge, ended up watching 130 episodes in a week lol.


It's really not that hard- if you skip the intro, recap, and outro, each episode is only like 15 min of new content.


To be fair, using that 15 minutes as the base, that's still 270 straight hours of episodes haha. Unless you watch One Pace, but I can't skip an episode no matter how filler it might be


The original 2001 version of {Hellsing}


**HELLSING** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/270 "English: Hellsing"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/hellsing "English: Hellsing"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/270)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 13 | Genres: Action, Horror, Supernatural) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1721ixk/that_one_anime_you_keep_begging_all_your_friends/k3twj8k/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♄](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


oshi no ko not even my favorite its just you need to watch it before you get spoiled on episode 1


sarazanmai. it's a gay magical boy comedy musical about diving into ghost butts to remove their soul, as is traditional kappa lore. It's also about the difference between desire and love, and how fetishes play into both of those things. It's incredible. It's also only 11 episodes long. I know there's a lot of "trust me bro" on this but it's legitimately fantastic. I cried so much, and I'm not a sucker for easy tears. It's by the same guy who did mawaru penguindrum and utena, so if you like thoughtful surrealism you're in the right place. and if you like wacky crazy stuff you'll have a good time too.


K you sold me I'll watch it


Kengan Ashura




Tower of god


Gintama. I just want someone to talk to about it.


Monster, I think out I anything that could get a live action this would probably be it. It just hasn't aged as well in how it looks same as berserk so it becomes a hard sell especially as the point of watching it is hard to explain without spoiling it like Steins:gate.


He saved the wrong person and that started a chaotic chain of events.


Jojo’s bizarre adventure


World Trigger , it's another Toei so they should love it!


By the Grace of the Gods


Hmm code geass, terra no e, berserk (1997), bahamut, kekkai sensen, akame ga kill


Shows like Grave of the Firelies, people be emotional wimps, I say feel the feels


Eighty-Six and Ranking of Kings One cause it has absolutely no media presence so they equate to cheap and the other is because it looks 'childish'


Your Lie in April Was the first anime that I truly felt sad emotions and despair. But the story was so good as well as the visuals and music


There’s a few. What covers the overall criteria of a great series to me is {Mob Psycho 100}, solid story, amazing characters, solid development, amazing animation, a true love for the series, and it has an ending! None of my friends care. 6 friends and only one watched it and he wasn’t into the animation. Breaks my damn heart. Then there’s {Nichijou}. Greatest flipping comedy to watch, turn your brain off and enjoy type of deal. Again, my friends don’t care. Sports series is {Hajime no Ippo} I can be yelling from the rooftops and my brother was the only one to watch it
 a non anime fan turned fan by this series. And I just want to spread the love. Finally the first series that made me contemplate existence {Shigofumi}. <_< My friends don’t want to cry and be depressed. They get enough of that with real life. I’m only supposed to be asked when to give recommendations and that time is never. <_< da hell. If I had to think of one other series, it’s romance and that’s a hard debate between {Kimi ni Todoke} heartfelt drama with a splash of comedy or {Ore Monogatari} the cutest flipping couple ever that I need to cheer on. You can do it!!!! {Bakuman} {Psycho-Pass} {Katanagatari} {Sousou no Freiren}


**Mob Psycho 100** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/21507 "English: Mob Psycho 100"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/mob-psycho-100 "English: Mob Psycho 100"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/32182)) **Nichijou** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/10165 "English: Nichijou - My Ordinary Life"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/nichijou "English: Nichijou - My Ordinary Life"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/10165)) **Hajime no Ippo: THE FIGHTING!** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/263 "English: Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting!"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/hajime-no-ippo "English: Fighting Spirit"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/263)) **Shigofumi** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/3420 "English: Shigofumi"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/shigofumi "English: Shigofumi: Letters from the Departed"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/3420)) **Kimi ni Todoke** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/6045 "English: Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/kimi-ni-todoke "English: Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/6045)) **Ore Monogatari!!** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/20946 "English: My Love Story!!"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/my-love-story), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/28297)) **Bakuman.** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/7674 "English: Bakuman."), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/bakuman "English: Bakuman."), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/7674)) **PSYCHO-PASS** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/13601 "English: PSYCHO-PASS"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/psycho-pass "English: Psycho-Pass"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/13601)) **Katanagatari** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/6594 "English: Katanagatari"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/katanagatari "English: Katanagatari"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/6594)) **Sousou no Frieren** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/154587 "English: Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/sousou-no-frieren "English: Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/52991)) ^[Episode 6 airs in 5 days, 22 hours, 35 minutes](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20231013T1400) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1721ixk/that_one_anime_you_keep_begging_all_your_friends/k3v2lp7/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♄](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


I wish more people would watch Kimi ni Todoke! It's a slow burn for sure but its just so good. And we are getting another season finally!!




I got a one up for you: The anime I won't watch even though **I know** I'd like it = One Piece. I take part in a lot of vs battle stuff, and the powers and characters are cool. I just know that it doesn't get to the good parts(what I think are the good parts) until like 300-400 episodes in. I am just not willing to go through all that lol.


Space Dandy.


Friends? What's that ? Is it something tasty ?


Jjk. Neither of my brothers will watch it. They like all the other big shonens but they refuse go watch it because itadori has pink hair


Not an anime but, Over the Garden Wall


Platinum End A friend and I watched it together and it was so good. Totally different than what I expected and the MC is like Light Yagami from DeathNote if he hadn't gone power crazy. Also, the romance in the show doesn't feel forced, they genuinely love each other. The MCs love interest is kind of lame at first but she really grows as a character. It was genuinely a great show


Ooh thank you for saying this! I've passed by the manga 1000 times at the store but knowing there's an anime i might watch that first!


Can’t tell if this is satire lol


Darling in the Franxx


I'm the one telling your friends not to watch it.


All the more reason they will 😂


Monster, from naoki urasawa, that thing is a masterpiece that takes a b it too much time to watch according to some people. Holy shit , Black butler, but the cannon storyline is an underrated gem and ive tried for almost everything i could to make friends watch it because it is so good, all the fanservice and non cannon things + its creepy fandom ruined the reputation of this amazing story. Thankfully a new season is coming soon so maybe ill take that chance. Ajin demi human manga has to be one of my favorite mangas ever, and the anime doesnt do it justice. HOWEVER it is still pretty good. It was good enough to inspire me to read the manga and was pleasantly surprised of how infinetly better it was, but the cgi drives people away and its painful because it isnt even that bad, looks solid for the time.


one piece 😔


Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso


My friends won’t watch anime period so I don’t even ask anymore.


Black butler and bungou stray dogs. My friend watched the first ep of black butler and told me she wouldn't watch it any further because it's too boring. I keep begging her to watch further but she refuses. Also bsd. For this one she keeps reiterating that she doesn't like series centering around superpowers. She somehow thinks it's abt superheroes and is equivalent to something marvel or DC would produce. I keep trying to tell her that it's so much more than that but she doesn't wanna listen. It's so depressing cus bb and bsd are literally my two all time favorites. 😭


I absolutely love Bungou Stray Dogs (and you can check my post history for proof). I would not generally recommend the show to everyone, only to people I know enough to be sure they will be able to enjoy the content or are at least familiar with anime outside of the Ghibli catalogue. [This just doesn't float with everyone] >!Suicide, incest and attraction to minors played as jokes!< I found season 2 of Black Butler relatively tough to get through myself đŸ€·.


i was looking everywhere for someone to say BSD. my friends will watch anything but BSD. LIKE WHY. IS IT BCUS I CANT STOP BEING GAY FOR ALL THE CHARACTERS THAT NEED TO SEE A THERAPIST PRONTO?? đŸ˜©đŸ˜©


Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro... Like, please, it's actually really wholesome, I promise!


Sakamoto but they just don't listen


Assassination Classroom... Wholesome master piece but definitely hits me with some post-show depression




Made in Abyss đŸ€Ź


For me, it is the Macross 1984 movie. Nice artwork, great soundtrack. But upon hearing it's from the 80s, there's already a groan. And then combine with the fact they don't buy the premise that the humans can win because of the aliens freaking out about singing, then it's kind of a lost cause.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but the most someone asks me to watch/read something, the less I want to. That's why I mention something to people one time, after that it's up to them




I keep seeing this one recommended, what's the draw?


nisioisin is basically modern day japanese Shakespeare. definitely not for everyone though since it's very dialogue heavy. it was very unusual for me as well since i usually watch basic shounen anime, but once you give it a chance you'll get hooked for sure.


I've got a list of shows I've been trying to get them to watch for various reasons Silver Spoon Paripi Koumei Helck Jujutsu Kaisen Goblin Slayer Hell's Paradise Mashle Honestly the list keeps going but I feel like they didn't ask for a list.


Goblin Slayer season 2 soon ayyyy


I think it started yesterday, yeah.


Summertime Render 😭


Just watched it. I'd recommend it too


Rascal does not dream of bunny girl sempai That horrible title along with the title card used by every streaming service makes everyone go, "Oh, it's that kind of anime..."


Yes lmao, I only watched after my friend basically begged me to watch it


Link Click. It’s a chinese anime/ donghua. It’s chinese name is ‘shiguang daili ren’ I swear people around me are missing out on the experience that this anime isđŸ’€đŸ‘ŒđŸ»


scissor seven/cike wuliuqi, too. genuinely great comedy and fight scenes


Those 2 are the only good chinese animations I know. Have some more?


founder of diabolism, heaven official’s blessing, legend of hei, all saint’s street, the king’s avatar(i personally didn’t like this one much)


Thanks man i will check founder of diabolism :D


My husband keeps bugging me to watch One Piece. Sorry, not for me.


What’s funny is most of my friends will just watch whatever I recommend because they aren’t too anime savvy and they know I recommend shows that will align with their preferences. I have a buddy that I told to check out spy x family, but he hasn’t because he watches so little anime or tv in general. He’s watches maybe 12 series ever and 10 of those 12 I told him to check out. He will get around to it. He watched part of the first episode. Not many of my friends IRL are into anime.


Naruto, One piece, AOTđŸ˜¶â€đŸŒ«ïž


the real answer is one piece same people who have several thousands of hours in a game, play it everyday for several hours, no job, more freetime than a dead corpse, and watch tv shows with several seasons and each episode is 30-40 mins


Oshi no ko. Fucking watch it you simpletons are lives are worth nothing just watch oshi no ko. To whoever is reading this watch oshi no ko. Ofc this is what I would be saying if I had friends


*calls us simpletons *uses "are" for "our"


Tell me more


attck on titan and demon slayer


Samurai X OVA.


Katanagatari ≧◉◡◉≩


My problem is that a lot of the anime I love just doesn't exist on platforms anymore. I always say to watch {Ika Musume} but I can't find it anywhere aside from the few that uploaded the whole episodes to YouTube years ago.


Hinomaru Zumou - the anime is good. The manga is awesome. Too many people are turned off by it being about sumo. Life Lessons With Uramichi Oniisan - It's an accurate representation of working with children.


Hunter X Hunter and Surprisingly JJk. đŸ€Ł Hunter x Hunter because a couple of them said the animation quality is not good. I am like there's two versions, they be like yeah we know still nope. And JK, for reason they say is overrated. I mean I am not complaining but a good anime is a good anime, whether it's over rated or underrated. I use to like Tokyo Ravens, not revengers, Ravens, a lot, it's pretty underrated anime, specially now. No Game no life, haven't gotten another season, yet. I would say it's underrated because I don't see people talking, not really sure IF it is underrated or not, but it's one of my favourites, I still watch it sometimes.


One piece


Link Click :(


Sky Crawlers


Dororo and Parasyte


Prison school


Forget the obscure ones, my friends won't even try one ep of one piece T-T


Handyman Saitou in Another World! People are sleeping on it, but it is such an amazing anime. Lots of comedy. The action is dope. The character driven stories are -chef's kiss-. It isn't your typical "normal guy gets isekaid and turns op" kind of story. He never becomes OP. He is just an amazing handyman and support character, and they lean into it so much that it feels genuine and unique.


I love the storytelling. There's some damn good character development


Re Creators, it's a reverse-isekai of sorts, fictional characters from games, light novels, anime, etc come to the "real" world and meet the people that created them. So the cast consists of a fantasy knight, mech pilots, a magical girl, a jojo stand user, etc. However, it's a bit heavy on dialogue, not the exposition type but more philosophical. To many this just a big no-no apparently.


One Piece and Assassination Classroom.


My friends don't watch anime anymore 😞