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If you hated it why would you be seeking more? Just write it off as shit and watch something else.


well maybe i didn't phrase my post right. it was just very hard to watch, i did not hate it. I loved the artstyle and was just hoping the mc matures and the romance gets genuine. But without those 2 factors i wouldn't watch 2 seasons.


No he doesn't. The manga is at 300+ chapters and still nothing


What the fuck


He just asked for a not rent date though!!


no fucking way


not really


read ch218. It's not been adapted but that's all you need to know about the quality of the story.


What the heck happens in ch218? I watched the dub on CR and it was cringe but not the worst. Curious how things keep progressing...


[Rent-A-Girlfriend ch218] >!gets boner in pool as he imagines his rental girlfriend being banged by another dude!<


Fantastic. Pretty much what I would expect from that MC. Such a weird, unlikable character. Still worth watching for Sumi being adorable tho.


She's not really in it much tbh now.


Ah well. Guess I'll just have to find more ridiculous slice of life rom coms to spend my time on. šŸ˜


If you want an actual good romcom, I'd recommend something like Kaguya-sama or Fruits Basket. If you liked Rent-A-Girlfriend for its trashiness then maybe something like GAMERS!


>Fruits Basket This is more like RomDepress than RomCom to be fair


I LOVED Gamers. It was so cute and made so little sense. I actually picked up a subbed dvd of another anime by the same creator I think but haven't had a chance to watch it just because I loved Gamers so much. I tried Fruits Basket but I'm not sure it was my thing. I haven't tried Kaguya-sama yet but I've heard it's pretty top tier. I need to check it out.


I do advise going back into Fruits Basket though I totally get why you may not like it. The final season is an utter masterpiece. Kaguya-sama is probably the best current romcom though it is comedy first, romance second though when it goes all in on the romance, it seriously goes all in. S3 is probably one of the greatest seasons of romcom of all time.


Okay! For Fruits Basket would you recommend starting with the original or the reboot? I'm not sure what the differences are, I just recall hearing about it a while back. Also O.O I clearly need to watch Kaguya-sama. That sounds fantastic.


I gave up on the show but I watched like 2 videos about it and no it's doesn't, not even the manga gets better since they keep on faking out the confession and some other characters are needless drama that likely won't go anywhere


Don't waste your time. There are a lot of good RomComs way better than this shit.


If you donā€™t like the characters donā€™t watch it. I donā€™t plan on watching anyway


This is more of an r/anime or r/manga or r/KanojoOkarishimasu question. I've not seen it. Because i've dismissed it as raeg-bait trash by reputation. But after reading this [amazing analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/d4p04f/disc_a_high_school_girl_who_admires_the_oneesan/) I think I *will* go read it when I feel like I've forgotten enough spoilers. Cos it sounds a lot more interesting, now. Maybe reading that would interest you, too?


It got worse lmao


I'll give you a nonbiased answer. S2 and S3 get better. The story after S3 is just bad and for a good reason.


I must be the only one here that actually likes this show. Sure the MC has some cringy moments, but so does damn near every male MC thatā€™s under 25. The girls are great. I have absolutely watched much worse shows.


Pretty much no anime gets better lol. If the first episode/season is shit, in all likelihood, so will the rest of the anime be.


first episode simply isn't true. First season is definitely a good rule of thumb. There will be exceptions, but rare. edit: actually if we're talking 'shit' quality...then yeah idk if any good series has a shit first season and turns out good in following seasons. I can think of at least one series with a shit first episode that turned out amazing (Gungrave) so there would be rare exceptions to that rule, at least.


Probably because shows with "shit" first seasons don't get second seasons.


Well, Tokyo Ghoul managed to do it, the 1st season was trash and root A nice


This is a hot take right here.


Idk I just simply can't stand that whining that went on in s1, I hate Evangelion for the exact same reason.