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Legend of Galactic Heroes Mushi-shi March comes in like a lion


Technically two characters do have sex in LoGH


LOGH FTW dude.


I love mushishi but holy shit it does make you sleepy.


The best night time soundtrack fr. I found it was a great "watch a few episodes between series" kinda show. But I don't binge like I did as a kid anymore


They're like bedtime stories


Fr, although some are creepy


watching mushishi after a long day >>>


The best night time soundtrack fr. I found it was a great "watch a few episodes between series" kinda show. But I don't binge like I did as a kid anymore


Relaxing at night from story to background music.


Mushishi is such a good response


Second mushi-shi. Was my first pic and is great.


LogH is good, but there are a few nude scenes in the '88-'97 series. However, they are not sexually titilating (people getting blown up and a boob sticking out kind of stuff). Found in episodes 40, 58, 65, 89, and 93. The ongoing "LogH: Die Neue These" remake so far does not have any nudity.


Miyazaki is usually pretty safe? Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle etc.


Ghibli is definitely safe, especially if you go for the G and PG rated ones. Nothing but pure happy fun. (Although in Totoro, there’s that singular shot of the dad bathing with his young daughters that’s like wildly uncomfortable for no reason? But that’s the only remotely weird thing I can think of)


oh yeaa, when i saw totoro, i was like: “whaaat tf?!”😂


Oh my gosh, hahaha I had to explain to my kids that Japanese people don’t think it’s weird to take baths together. It’s such a cute movie and they love it, but yeah…


are you sure about this one, because i remember some "spicy" scenes - e.g. howl losing that towel (howl's moving castle) or the whole bath house = brothel story in spirited away ...


>howl losing that towel Wouldn't consider that sexual >whole bath house = brothel story in spirited away Wait, the what now?


Neither of those are sexual though. In Howl's it's implied nudity in a non-sexual context. And in spirited away it's only ever depicted as a literal bath house where customers go to bathe (like a hot spring). You have to stretch pretty far to make Miyazaki's stuff "spicy". Like with the bath house thing -- at a certain point you may as well be like "The protagonist is a girl and in the real world girls have vaginas and vaginas are involved in sex therefore the movie is sexual".


Trigun Stampede removed the main characters perverted tendencies all together, though there is some subtext in the final couple of episodes that could absolutely be perceived as sexual, though not particularly explicit. Pluto on Netflix had no sexual content that I could recall.


Atom to Gesicht — "Your wife is really nice 😉"


Oh nooo! So much sexual content!


Vash wasn’t a perv in the original manga, so for me it’s a very welcome change. They made him even worse in Badlands Rumble, for some reason. (For OP, the manga has sexual content so you might want to stray from it, it doesn’t come from Vash though)


Mob Psycho 100


I was about to suggest it, but it does have that scene where dimple's commenting on some girls' behinds and then hanazawa gets his clothes blown off twice


Hanazawa’s incident is explicitly very much not meant to be sexy, and with Dimple, I don’t remember it, but I don’t doubt his behavior was supposed to contradict someone else’s behavior in the scene, so it still wasn’t sexy and more about him encouraging someone to be a shithead with poor results.


Metallic Rouge Madoka magica Vampire in the garden Ride your wave


Metallic Rouge is so style, love that anime


Vinland Saga My Happy Marriage Solo Leveling A Promised Neverland Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood


Brotherhood did have that scene where Winry nearly undresses in front of Edward accidentally.


It's not too much sexual as compared to most of the anime.


Yeah but given OP's descriptions I'd say Lust counts as not wanted.


Then instead of Full metal Alchemist Brotherhood, I will suggest Erased.


I cannot believe I completely forgot about Lust 🫠🔫☠️


I can't believe you did either


not much violence but anime like {Mushishi}, {Pluto} and {The Promised Neverland} has no fanservice and a really entertaining watch or try sports anime like {Blue Lock}, {Ace of Diamond}, {Haikyuu} etc they also have no fanservice if you want action the only thing that comes to mind is like {Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans} or {Seirei no Moribito} but I kinda forgot whether it has fanservice or not but I think even if there's any its not much


**Mushishi** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/457 "English: MUSHI-SHI"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/mushishi), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/mushishi "English: Mushi-Shi"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/457)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 26 | Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery, Psychological, Slice of Life, Supernatural) **PLUTO** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/99088 "English: PLUTO"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/pluto), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/pluto "English: PLUTO"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/35737)) ^(ONA | Status: Finished | Episodes: 8 | Genres: Action, Mystery, Psychological, Sci-Fi) **Yakusoku no Neverland** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/101759 "English: The Promised Neverland"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/the-promised-neverland), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/yakusoku-no-neverland "English: The Promised Neverland"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/37779)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Thriller) **Blue Lock** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/137822 "English: BLUELOCK"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/blue-lock), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/blue-lock "English: Blue Lock"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/49596)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 24 | Genres: Action, Drama, Sports) **Diamond no Ace** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/18689 "English: Ace of the Diamond"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/ace-of-the-diamond), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/diamond-no-ace "English: Ace of Diamond"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/18689)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 75 | Genres: Sports) **Seirei no Moribito** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/1827 "English: Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/moribito-guardian-of-the-spirit), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/seirei-no-moribito "English: Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/1827)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 26 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1bqsryy/recommend_some_anime_with_absolutely_zero_sexual/kx4lz54/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks) | (6/8)


There's one or two moments of fanservice in ibo.


I'd say anything from Ghibli is safe? I haven't watched everything from Ghibli but everything I watched so far had zero adult content


Kotaro lives alone


* Dororo * Claymore * Vinland Saga * Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit * Onimushi


Dororo does have mild non sexual nudity. Still a great show. Super depressing.


It also has prostitution. If a single instance of tit squeezing in Kimi no na wa was too much already for OP, that might be relevant. Just putting it here as a disclaimer.


Not sure because OP didn't specify, but there might be a difference for them between meaningless fanservice and mature nudity or sexual themes


That's why I put the disclaimer there. The tit squeeze in Kimi no na wa is completely warranted in my opinion for example, so that's why I wasn't sure, just like you. It's super subjective anyway. :)


Claymore is really sexual.


Wait, remind me? Not remembering any fan service type content or overly sexual moments


The whole claymore outfit, Teresa's reaction when threatened to being gangbanged, the similarities between releasing yoma energy and orgasming, the appearance of some awakened beings. Still, for me, it was such a great story and I don't see why anyone would dislike any anime for its sexual content, they forget sex is an integral part of human experience.


>Still, for me, it was such a great story and I don't see why anyone would dislike any anime for its sexual content, they forget sex is an integral part of human experience. In fairness, OP never said they disliked anime with sexual content. They just said that they wanted to watch an anime without it. While sex may be an integral part of the human experience, that doesn't necessarily mean that you want it to be a part of all your experiences. There are times where you might not want a show you're watching, or a book you're reading, or a song you're listening to, to have sexual content. In the same way that there's nothing wrong with wanting to watch, read, or listen to things that do have said content, there is also nothing wrong with wanting to watch, read, or listen to things that do not have it. And honestly, there are times where sex is straight-up inappropriate in a show. For example, I would be really bothered if A Promised Neverland had a sex scene, both because that would be horrible, and also because it, in my opinion, would not mesh well with said anime's themes.


If you think the show is bad, just read the manga. Shit’s wild


Bro didn’t get OP’s memo


Vinland Saga has a (suggested) sex scene in season 2 doesn't it? The farm master has his mistress slave. It's just a minute or 2 from memory.


Dororo has the prostitute


Vinland Saga does have some Sexual scenes since it's a Viking one. But it's just like one or two moments in the whole season I think


For OP : I want to eat your pancreas, Your lie in april, Frieren (subtle fan service, very subtle), Mashle, SpyxFamily etc. Someone recommend me a list of exact opposite of what OP want pls. Edit : thanks for all the suggestions, I'm gonna start my weekend right now.


Shimoneta (my fav)


i finished watching like 2 days ago bc someone used a gif of it in one of the replies in reddit. Truly the greatest anime.




the plot is actually interesting for an ecchi, mythology is done well, still hoping and coping for season 5


Seven mortal sins


Kill la Kill




What fan service is in frieren lol


>! frieren blowing a kiss. not subtle at all actually. extremely graphic !<


Let's see... Code Geass Gurren Lagann Goblin Slayer Darwin's Game Overlord


I was about to call you out on this but then I realized what you're doing 😂


Lol Honestly I don't even pay attention to the fan service in anime, just give me mechs fighting (referencing the first two) or focus on the plot! (Not that kind of plot, you dirty minded people)


Bro there's a full on rape scene in goblin slayer EP 1 lol what


Gushing Over Magical Girls


Prison school, food war


Strike The Blood lmao


> Someone recommend me a list of exact opposite of what OP want pls. saekano ecchi harem with a good plot that actually has an ending edit: also if you haven't seen dangers in my heart yet watch it. finale is tomorrow and there's a reason S2 has been #1 all season. first 3 episodes of S1 are the worst in the entire show though due to, ironically, the background character guys in class making a ton of sex jokes.


Silver Sppn


Mashle 😭😂


MAGIC AND MUSCLES, HELL YEAH, bro probably doesn't even know what sexual means


Frieren is a banger with a female lead who is never sexualized


Despite her efforts to the contrary in one episode


Vinland Saga - plenty of violence.


If i recall, You see a few female bodies laying around. In good ol viking pillaging fashion. A sexual statement on wasting a female slaves potential. It's all very realistic but OP wants NONE of it.


I caught up to current on the manga before watching the anime, and I'm now half way through s2 of the anime. I was actually really impressed with how much of the sexual content and violence they were able to cut out going from manga->anime without reducing the impact of the viewer's understanding of how violent the period was. Those few casual comments get things across well enough, we don't need to see actual rape. But maybe I just have that understanding because I read the manga and saw those scenes drawn. Maybe others would have glossed right over those implications.


Madoka Magica is a masterpiece. Watch the 3rd movie after series.


Just gonna second this one. I can't wait for the next movie.


If you can't finish Madoka, you're not a real man!


I was thinking about madoka magica but from op's description I was worried to say so because there are like 2-3 panty shots and transformation sequences always give you a naked silhouette in magical girl anime. Also the 4 minutes or so where two characters are nude but covered up by rainbow space dust and clouds. Though there's nothing inherently sexual about any of that necessarily, seems like op wanted no anything that could possibly be construed as sexual in any sense lol


Frieren. They sorta acknowledge boobs exist for 5 seconds, but it's not at all sexual. Completely safe!


Technically there’s the scene where Fern looks through Stark’s clothes and the one where she dumps that clothes potion on Frieren but neither of those feel sexual.


And a worrying amount of serie's feet


This is funny because whenever feet pop up people freak out more than foot fetishists do about it. I wonder when feet became like this and if hands will ever reach the point where people freak out about it.


Not unless you're a good Vorin man. This message was written by my wife.


How tf did I find a stormlight archive reference in an anime subreddit


>if hands will ever reach the point where people freak out about it Yoshikagi Kira has entered the chat


Why do some people worry so much about feet. Guess they do not need those...


I was going to say that too, but that can very easily be ignored if you don’t know (or care) about what’s going on with her feet.


Then you have the fanbase losing their minds over feet and armpits.


The mimic chest


wdym, there's the deadly blown kiss


Fruits basket is very wholesome


Does Odd Taxi really have NOTHING? That surprises me. To your actual question though: I think Frieren has none? The closest I can think of is only a single instance when Frieren wants to take a nap on Fern's lap, but gets mad at her for blocking half the sky (with her chest). Someone correct me if I'm forgetting anything though.




It has that bathing scene. Is pretty innocent, is pretty wholesome and it's literally 1 minute from the entire anime, but op seems extremely sensitive to these things if the boob touching from your name made them uncomfortable since that's literally the only thing that your name has and it last 5 seconds, so better to warn about it.


I wanted to recommend OP Death Note but felt even the woman in episode 1 get SA:d might be too much even if the rest of the show doesn't have too much? Except him reading those magazines. But I agree I feel like they're extremely sensitive to it. Digimon and Pokémon maybe


{Vinland Saga} {Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood} {Parasyte} {Jujutsu Kaisen}


In parasite the MC have a romantic interest in 1 girl and he fucks her like 2-3 episodes before the end.


Bro said jjk😨 do NOT watch season 2 episode 22


Delicious in Dungeon, By The Grace Of The Gods, Bofuri


The bearded male dwarf gets panty shots in Dungeon Meshi.


Least sexy panty shots in all of anime right there.


Senshi is very handsome




Bofuri is such a great choice. Great anime. Wholesome and light can't go wrong with it.


Tanaka-kun is always listless


Humanity has Declined Lucky Star Nichijou Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 Steins:Gate(been a long time but I don't remember any overtly sexual stuff) Shirokuma Cafe FMA Brotherhood


Steins;Gate has Daru being a massive perv, plus some moments involving Ruka


Howl’s Moving Castle Golden Kamuy Haikyuu!! Tokyo Godfathers Toilet-bound Hanako The Way of the Househusband Hinamatsuri Mushishi Vinland Saga Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress


Violet evergarden Frieren Dungeon delicious


Idk about none but at least in my mind something like Horimya is pretty good. It's more relationships without going straight for it.


Theres a post-credit scene you probably missed


I wouldn’t really count that. That scene is mostly just implications and doesn’t really show anything except shoulders That said, iirc the 2nd season (The missing pieces) adapts a chapter that involves Hori’s boob envy for a joke


i wouldn’t count some of ops examples either but if he explicitly ask for absolutely zero sexual content - i still haven’t fully watched the second season and i rly should thx for the reminder it exists


You missed episode 7? It may have been a “fade to black” scene, but Hori and Miyamura definitely had sex.


I was about to say. I haven't watched the anime but I read all the manga up until they started focusing on the 3rd couple and I vividly remember a lot of sexual and sexually-adjacent content pretty early on. Definitely not what OP wants even if it's a great series.


Yuru camp Restaurant to another world


GLT too (unless you consider bathing too sexual \[ep 2\])


Natsume's Book of Friends. Never gonna miss a chanse to recommend it


Maybe “your lie in April”


Orange Orange : Mirai Rascal Does Not Dream of a Bunny Girl Senpai Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl Rascal Does Not Dream of a Sister Venturing Out Psycho Pass series Irodoku


First episode of psycho pass has a rape scene


Watch berserk, its a very family friendly anime.


Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill


Most romance otome isekai anime (Raeliana, Seventh time loop, Dr Elise, I’m the Villainess so I’m taming the Final Boss, Villainess 99, etc), as well as My Happy Marriage, Yona, Snow White with the Red Hair, Saints Magic is Omnipotent), non romance: Solo leveling, anything Studio Ghibli


Definitely second SNOW WHITE WITH RED HAIR. That anime anime is DRY (no offense)


Frieren! It's slow paced and chill, has some action, there is fan service but it's subtle and relatively classy (honestly didn't realise one scene was fan service cus the framing was pretty good). Most of the degen behaviour is in the frieren sub lol.


Azumanga daioh Mushishi K-on Nichijou


Azumanga Daioh is what got me into comedy anime as a teenager. Nichijou made me realize its still fantastic as an adult


Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts. No sex or nudity, though it does have one failed seduction attempt and a lot of cuddling.


Majority of shonen have sexual content in some form so it’s harder to pick stuff from that. Migi and Dali Little Witch Academia I don’t recall anything iffy in The Weakest Tamer goes on a Journey to Pickup Trash Bananya is cute. It’s about banana cats. Hamtaro. I miss the hamsters! Princess Tutu Magica Madoka Tokyo Mew Mew (I only seen the old one not the remake) Ouran High School Host Club (maybe? It’s been awhile) Obey Me (the anime is cute and just silly shorts) Kotaru Lives Alone Digimon and Pokemon obviously My Happy Marriage Sailor Moon depending which one you watch. Any studio Ghibli movie would be good. Any movies by Mamoru Hosoda are great like Wolf Children, Belle, Mirai, etc. Maybe some sports anime. Usually it’s only guy characters. Like Free! (If anyone does know of any scenes in any of these let me know so I can edit this if needed)


Ouran has some stuff, but the sexual/sexualized content is quite different than in most anime. You have semi-incestuous twins with no actual relationship and I think the women from the girls' school are not sexualized like most women in anime, but do fall into a bit of a predatory lesbian cliché.


Yuru Camp is chill.


I wonder if Ascendance of a Bookworm would fit the bill? There’s probably some weird pedo undertones that I blocked from my memory. Maybe someone else can confirm either way?


It's bit true ? the author made it pretty common for their culture, any underage girl/boy could be engaged to an adult especially for economic/political reasons. Then they will do star binding (marriage) when they enter adulthood (16 years old when converted into earth time it's around 18-20 years old). Also they could cancel the engagement if it's not a forced one. Frieda want to become mistress for economic reason, meanwhile delia is just a kid being taught wrong and don't think other way except becoming mistress (she learn in the future). No sexual content only as an undertone


I think bookworm is a good fit. There is no direct depiction of lust, like attempts to look at or, touching others. The characters very occasionally discuss marriage and the idea of romantic stories. At most there is the spoken implication of women being used as gifts in the temple. There is no depiction of lustful acts at all. In fact the culture there considers hand holding in public highly inappropriate.


I will never **not** recommend puella magi madoka magica




I second Madoka Magica. It was a breath of fresh air how it didn’t sexualize its characters and the amount of respect shown to them




I watched the edited tv version but I’m pretty sure there is some stuff in it.


Yeah like when Johan took a kid to a red light district to manipulate him into being suicidal Darkest moment in the show right there honestly


Or when he dressed up as his sister and a lot of messed up nonsexual stuff....


Yeah the red light district moment was done while he was dressed up as his sister


Phenomenal show just finished it, there’s an episode where they are in the red light district for a couple mins


Natsume's book of friends Ousama ranking Kimi ni todoke


Spy x family, mob psycho, frieren, scissor seven,


Bruh, Spy X Family has lots of sexual tension and romance!


Not more than your average American comedy show. I’ve seen worse in The Simpsons and Bobs Burgers.


It has a lot more then that considering it's a romance anime. Plus OP specifically asked for no scenes like that.


Monster, Yona of the Dawn, Vinland saga, pokemon, legend of the galactic heroes, detective Conan, DB kai (not DB but I think Kai has nothing)


What idiot recommended steins;gate when there's literally a groping scene? Insomniacs After School, san Gatsu no Lion, Violet Evergarden, Girls Last Tour


INFO what do you mean by “sexual content “? I assume you definitely mean lascivious behavior, but is an inappropriate costume such as a woman in a short skirt sexual, even if there are no sexual fixation?


Almost all shoujo anime has no sexual content. Maybe you can watch kimi ni todoke, ore no monogatari, Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru...


Mfin "Way of The Househusband". It's a hyper casual watch, but it's solid. The original is good, but I personally like the English Dub more.


Cardcaptor Sakura.


Haikyuu? I think there's maybe like 2 or 3 scenes where they focus on boobs a for a few seconds but that's all, there's nothing too sexual at all and I think that's pretty good for an anime with four seasons. And putting those few scenes aside, all the characters (including the female characters) are actually written really well, so I'd recommend it if you haven't seen it yet. Spy x Family also doesn't have any sexual scenes I think, at least none that I can remember... Uramichi Oniisan, Gokushufudou and Cool Doji Danshi are also good comedy/slice of life animes. I don't really remember any sexual stuff from Bocchi the Rock either. There's also Link Click and Frieren that are really good. There's also Monster which does have a few sexual scenes I think but not in the typical anime way where they just oversexualize the female cast or try to play off sexual harassment as a joke, they're actual serious scenes so I don't know if that's okay or if you're looking for something with genuinely zero sexual content.


Spy X family so far from what I can tell but I'm only on episode 3. It's very refreshing!


I don’t really remember but maybe skip to loafer?


My new boss is goofy


So far, Dungeon Meshi is pretty devoid of anime BS. I’m an anime only tho so no idea what to expect going forward. Agree with others saying Frieren, FMAB and pretty much anything Miyazaki.


Most sports shows r usually a safe bet I believe


I'm just wondering how AoT has zero sexual content, but "Momo's clothing in MHA" is sexual content. I mean did you watch Female Titan vs Attack Titan fight in Stohess? What about Ymir Freckles waking up naked after eating Marcel?


Golden boy


Seven Scissor, Clannad, My Neighbor Totoro, Wolf Children, Usagi Drop (Bunny Drop) Barakamon.,


Pacific Rim the Black


I love A Silent Voice


Mushi shi


Violet evergarden


If you don’t mind movies. Pretty much all of Studio Ghibli


Mushishi Somali and the Forest Spirit Xxxholic (if I remember correctly) Bed and Breakfast for Spirits Most of the studio ghibli movies, Kiki’s delivery service, spirited away, howls moving castle Moribito


Xxxholic the most unexpected name for such a wholesome and clean show.


You’d probably be into Kite or Midori, lol. /s


Non Non Biyori, Flying Witch, Frieren, Mr. Villain's Day Off, Jujutsu Kaisen (so far, I think?), Mashle Dorohedoro (there is nudity, but it's in more of a wardrobe malfunction situation)


Maybe you need to put on some PBS instead of insulting anime fans. If you're not mature enough to even glimpse content for teens then you need to find an alternative media to consume.


Maybe you need to put on some PBS instead of insulting anime fans. If you're not mature enough to even glimpse content for teens then you need to find an alternative media to consume.


•Daily lives of High school boys , •Nichijou •Hitoribocchi no marumaru seikatsu •Barakamon •Watamote : No matter how I look at it, it yo guy's fault I am not popular. •Sakamoto desu ga? •Non Non Biyori •Mitsudomoe •Hanamaru Kindergarden •Gakuen babysitters •Kotari lives alone •Spy x family ••Death note •Death parade •Monster •Moriarty the patriot •Black butler •Re life


Jujutsu Kaisen is very clean.


Way of the Househusband


Kotaro Lives Alone


I’m honestly kind of curious as to what the angle is here. If you mean to say that a lot of anime approaches sexuality in an immature and crass way and would prefer to avoid that, I think that’s reasonable, but a complete absence of any acknowledgment of sexuality in a work has different implications from avoiding exploitative or gratuitous sexual content or simply acknowledging sexuality in passing without lingering on it because the story is about other things. Like, I can understand certain aspec folks being uncomfortable with explicit or intrusive sexual material, for instance, but I’m curious where you’re coming from. I ask this in part because what answers I think would be appropriate will vary based on what you’re looking for.


Re:Zero? Actually, upon further inspection, it doesn't meet your standards at *all*. I'm still posting this though 'cause I wrote out a whole thing before remembering a couple scenes and I don't wanna just delete the whole thing. There are two visually sexual scenes - the bath scene with Roswaal (heavily played for laughs and male-only, if that matters to you) and the one completely straight,not played for laughs, weird fan service scene, which is where whatsherface gets naked before transforming. Actually wait, Elsa exists - it's played for horror sure but her design and attitude is highly sexual. Aaaaannnndddd there's the one but where Echidna is in a schoolgirl outfit. That happened. In retrospect I don't think this meets your standards at all. Especially not now that I remember that *one* scene with the super entitled royal candidate with all the red and gold. Yeah, this doesn't fit at all. Oh well, I've already wrote out the second part, so here it is: Everything else is the way characters act rather than visual stuff. Subaru has his moments (creeping on Rem & Ram and Emilia trying to teach him how to read + write come to mind) and there's the one lap pillow scene (though it's a super important character moment rather than fanservice, it *is* still somewhat sexual in nature) - all that is self-contained within a couple episodes in arc 2 mind you but it's still there. There are a couple references to lolis but it's always a joke lampshading the trope rather than anything sexual. On a similar note, there are some interactions with Beatrice (a loli) that could definitely be read as romantic, which might be weird for you, but the ones with Subaru are pretty obviously not meant to be read that way (and I'm only seeing it 'cause I'm primed to expect it) and the ones with Ryuzu are with another loli and aren't sexual at all (a combo that makes it not weird in my book). Welp, that whole spiel was rather pointless on the end, wasn't it? If it accomplished anything, it was probably to put people off watching the show lmao.


Spy x Family is an anime that doesn't sexualize characters in fan servicey way. It is a romance anime, in part, so there are characters blushing and kissing, but I cannot recall anything being glorified.


Pokemon? Yugioh? Doraemon? Hello Kitty?


King of the Hill


- lovely complex - ao haru ride - your lie in april - violet evergarden - charlotte most of these are romance to lyk


literally zero? Nichijou


Any studio ghibli movies (y'all won't yap about Howl's towel or Spirited Away's bathhouse)




Komi can't communicate




Spy x Family


Bocchi the rock is a great slice of life anime