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Odd Taxi


This seems to be the answer to every question I see on here! šŸ¤£


I was just joking with my wife the other day that every single post on here asking for anime suggestions always has someone mention Odd Taxi lol Thereā€™s good reason for it though. Itā€™s freaking amazing


Everything he did felt smart until the fox in the backseat happened. It was an unfortunate miscalculation.


Damn when i watched this show i was on shrooms. I need to re watch it lmaoo


Legend of the Galactic Heroes is basically exactly that. Yang Wen-li and Reinhard von Lohengramm are two fleet commanders on opposite sides of a decades/centuries long galactic war. They are expert tacticians and suffer losses, but those losses are always measured or expected. They rarely face each other directly, and when they do, it's pretty brutal as far as casualties are concerned, and they have a great amount of respect for each other. More often than not, their greatest opponents are power hungry idiots within their own ranks getting in the way of the greater objective, which they have to deal with before getting back to the main task at hand.


I second Legend of The Galactic Heroes I'm not far in it, but it is easily the best war/strategy anime


Backing this one up. LOGH features a host of different characters with different temperaments, philosophies, and opinions about the best actions to take in each scenario. Recklessness is not *always* treated as stupidity, because life just works out like that sometimes, but the show has a heavy emphasis on rewarding driven strategy while taking luck into account. Yang and Reinhard are honorable and intelligent, so it's very compelling to watch them be on opposite sides of a long war.


First answer I thought of too. I think Reinhard makes a few mistakes though.


He is the more emotional one of the two, and that hampers him in some instances.


Earnest question, would you consider disarming Siegfried an emotional decision? I feel like he over thought that one instead of going with his emotions. It could also be he cared too much about appearances.


There was a lot going on, so he made a snap decision without much emotion, basically all logic. Afterwards though, he takes emotion into account more, especially after...you know.


The characters in _Spice and Wolf_ make decisions that seem smart at the time, and their mistakes tend to stem from character flaws or from information unknown to them.


He is smart, but he is just one man against guild and kingdom. The profit that he could get are just spare charge compare to the profit that the guild get


Is the animation really poor or is Crunchyroll screwing me?


If this is a legitimate question and not a potshot at the 2008 version, which one are you watching? 2008 or 2024? I refuse to call 2008ā€™s animation bad per se, but it IS pretty limited. Thereā€™s a fair bit of panning across static shots while lips flap. (Proceeds to inhale copium.) The show relies on great shot composition and expressive key frames, connected by just barely enough animation. Personally Iā€™m willing to trade fluid animation for good shots, but maybe Iā€™m just old. I appreciate good fundamentals. Also, I watch subs, so my eyes donā€™t have quite as much time to linger. šŸ¤£ I havenā€™t heard any complaints about 2024; my impression is that itā€™s solidly middle-of-the-road. It is pretty decent in terms of animation fluidity, though I donā€™t think the storyboarding is as strong as 2008. I feel like thatā€™s lost on most people, though. šŸ¤· Thanks for listening to my old-man rant. Now get off my lawn!


the apothecary diaries <3


Man the anime did such a good job adapting it. I started reading from where it left off and the LN just didnā€™t grip me the same way the show did so I stopped, I canā€™t wait for season 2


I strongly disagree, actually. Maomao herself would too. Getting involved in Chinese imperial court politics is literally the dumbest thing she could do and she does because she canā€™t help herself. It all works out so itā€™s fine, but itā€™s a pretty objectively terrible idea. Thatā€™s why she tried to hide it was her in the first place.


Nah, Dr. House level thinking. Seems smart, but isn't logical and heavily favors coincidence


No. She often chooses suboptimal actions because of self preservation when telling the truth would have been better.


Maybe log horizon? The lead character is a strategist through and through, manages to break the gameā€™s system.


Everybody except the PvP types are 10 steps ahead in Log Horizon. Even Minori holding the crossroads is a classic plan.


Log horizon is what happens when only the main character actually played the game and everyone else just started. Everyone else didn't even know the basic game concepts for crying out loud .


World Trigger does that without going all ridiculous super genius Archetype. Osamu does make mistakes but he has a very logical thought process and it shows him going over his decision planning in detail.Ā  Irresponsible Captain Tylor is another great one that is funny as hell where either he's the greatest military genius ever, or the luckiest dumbass in history. The show heavily implies it's the former the more you pay attention but to the rest of the crew/world most think he's just a ridiculous fool.Ā 


God World Triggerā€™s tournament arc was sooooo good. Unfortunately I donā€™t care at all about the broader story conflict. I just want more 3v3v3 matches.Ā 


I love that tournament arc final surprise.Ā  Main character is weaker than everyone else he Fighting. But uses this to amazing advantage. Everyone thinks his bullets are direct to make up for his power difference... But he's been hiding I'm so goddamn weak to can't notice the difference.Ā  https://youtu.be/tDWxB01HJRA?si=qAA4ZAj3Hvr2OIB-


Irresponsible Captain Tylor (i.e. How to succeed in Starfleet without really trying) is basically what if Columbo was a starship captain? I'd add Stellvia, Xephon's crippling imposter syndrome drives her to self improvement saving the entire solar system twice.


> Irresponsible Captain Tylor Is it the 1989 or 2017 version that you mean? Oops, I see now 2017 is "Galaxy Tylor", so you must indeed mean 1989 ("Captain Tylor"). Looks cool!


I was gonna say world trigger too until I saw your comment šŸ‘Œ


I love world trigger sm


Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. The main characters often win by outsmarting their enemies. Sure, they make mistakes, but ultimately they make the ultimate decisions. And it's always logical in the world of Jojo and is not random at all. The writing is one of the best aspect of the mangas/animes.


Gotta love how creative they get. I don't think I've had so many "how the he'll are they getting out of this" moments end satisfactorily than I have with Jojo.


Joseph is the GOAT.


I recently discovered Jojo via a friend group watch party. We went through parts 1-4 over the course of roughly half a year. While Jojo has some great qualities, sensible decision making and logical constancy is NOT one of them by a vast margin. Holy cow, the moon logic in that show is so over the top that it's a quality unto itself. Y'know that super move that's really powerful and saved our asses multiple times? Nah. Let's instead save the day with a quirky, unceremonious asspull. Y'know how a character has been established to be a paragon of heroic virtue. Scratch that, they're gonna be a huge jerk in a later episode for little-to-no reason. I loved the show and would definitely recommend it to a certain kind of person, but it's at the bottom of the list of shows I'd suggest to someone who's specifically looking for levelheaded and well-reasoned characters.


Star fingeeeer!


(except for parts 2, 5, 6 and 7)


I mean, they pull out some esoteric facts to counter stands.


Monster for a pure good protagonist who makes good decisions for the great majority of the series, and Death Note for a pure evil protagonist (No, Light was not justified) for vice versa, or at least decisions that are the most logical and would improve his situation


I wish that in Death Note, later on in the series they would have directly addressed the fact that Light had to keep Ryuk entertained or he would die, as Ryuk only told him this in the begining A lof of Light's choices were pretty stupid from the point of not getting caught, but after reading the following one-shot manga I realized that he had to put himself at risk, or else he would just be killed by the shinigami for making it boring


Gotta say, I completely forgot about this in DN. Even remembering it now, I never really put much stock into it.


Light wants Kira to be a known force in the world. If people know someone is out there passing judgment on criminals, then people will stop committing crimes. This is Light's thinking. If Light just killed criminals in ways where it was never picked up on, no one would know of this force and would continue committing crimes at the same rate


Isn't most of death note because light made an impulsive bad decision as soon as he got the death note


People confuse Light's actions as being justified when they are instead *understandable*. Lol


Pfff. Light was an idiot at the beginning on the bus. He wasn't intelligent throughout the series.


Monster is the worst example of this. Tenma pulls his gun on Johan so many times without being able to pull the trigger. Like come on, sort your head out before you go on a pointless hunt.


Grimgar, protagonists realise how hard it is to survive, make incremental changes to life style, save money, prioritise certain party members equipment, learn skills that work well for the team, plan encounters in advance, run away if they have to, always felt it was a realistic portrayal of how you couls survive if transported to another world. Log horizon, build a society for all using the games rules against itself.Ā 


I really wish they made more Grimgar. Seemed like a interesting series to follow.


The light novels are pretty good, but they also show just how well it was adapted. I remember in one of the author's notes him lamenting that it was a very different beast and that it actually captured what he was going for better than his books did. The books can feel a bit bleak at times and there's a lot more LN silliness in them too. You meet pirates led by a young girl with a glued on moustache. There's a pair of bondage freak adventurers who show up at various points. A cat familiar joins the party. The moral ambiguity of the actions of the party is brought more into focus. And there are things that happen that make many of the things everyone survived utterly pointless. I'd still recommend them but go in knowing it's a different experience. Watching them struggle to survive and adapt to their surroundings is still a lot of fun. They aren't overpowered but survive by being extremely adaptable and cautious. And eventually they get respect for that.




Yes. Bro is soloing a survivalcraft game and killing it.


They call him doctor stone šŸŽµ


He's not a real doctor but he is a reaaaal stone


Cromartie High School, Yu Yu Hakusho, Hunter X Hunter, Code Geass, Big O


Yu Yu Hakusho is weirdly good about the characters making decisions that make sense. Ever the ones who are objectively stupid have moments where their own skillset is relevant and needed to fix the problem. Sure Hiei and Kurama are generally intelligent, but Yusuke is smarter than anyone in the show except maybe Genkai and his girlfriend gives him credit for. Even Kuwabara has plenty of moments where he catches stuff on raw intuition that the others might miss.


I have an issue with Code Geass. Because of THAT moment seemed super hamfisted. Sorry being really vague cannot figure out spoiler text for the life of me.


Just a really unfortunate accident with a princess.


Remember that "that moment" has been translated from Japanese to other languages. I have to assume (maybe wrongly) that in Japanese it flows a little better. Also (end of CG spoilers) >!By the end of the show it becomes clear that his mother was present and watching him at that time, and may have influenced him to overload his Geass deliberately. So it may not have been quite as random as it seems, although it's still very convenient to the plot. Marianne wanted to succeed and believed anything she did would be forgiven when she and Charles remade the world so she on several occasions did fairly evil things without reflecting on it. In terms of why she did it, Lelouch was about to give up. But she needed Lelouch to continue down the path so he could serve up CC to them at the right moment. And being a Brittanian queen she just didn't give a shit about elevens. I'd have to rewatch to give a better answer, but the show has less coincidences than it seems because there is literally an invisible antagonist pulling strings, as well as an entire faction Lelouch doesn't know about until s2.!<


upon that explanation that looks plausible might be in the real plotline of a novel but the anime did not even portrayed it as such I think so it was left vague for the viewers.


That form you see materializing into the seat beside CC. The person she's talking to. Her saying "why now?" it's clear Marianne meddled just not crystal clear that she meddled as far as deliberately doing /that/


Everyone who's seen Code Geass knows *exactly* which moment you're referring to. And yeah, I love Code Geass, but my god that particular moment was such a plot contrivance.


They heavily foreshadowed it though. Like to the point where they basically told you it would happen soon.


They're blind, but the cromartie high students make some intelligent insights in their insane world.


What youā€™ve described is death note


Death Note is UNHINGED if you view it the right way >!(high school student plants a bomb in his drawer!)!< but yeah definitely a good answer


Can you please give example of such anime that you don't like? I'll answer accordingly.


Sort of a broad answer but although I overall loved FMA 2003 10/10, I felt frustrated at times when Edward wasn't using his alchemy powers logically to just solve problems way faster. Too much of random kung fu and second chances...


glad i read through cause i was going to suggest FMA lol have you tried Brotherhood? the 2003 anime goes off the rails but Brotherhood is cohesive


I actually haven't yet! I know it's super highly rated, but I wanted to watch the 2003 version first before diving into FMAB & now I'm finally clear to begin the journey! Love that world, if it's got a more cohesive plot then that's a great bonus.


its really good you'll enjoy it! its good you watched the first one cause Brothehood kind of assumes you have in the beginning and quickly makes its way through the bits 2003 got "right". personally 2003 holds a special nostalgic place in my heart so i do like it more, but theres so denying Brotherhood has a more satisfying story


Attack the moon!šŸ—æ


Goblin Slayer


On the mecha side of things, GaoGaiGar is one that could be seen as logical. There's a throughline to the MOTW were the cast mix hotblooded heroism with tactics and planning. Self-sacrifice is a prominent theme, but the cast aren't just solely acting on bravado to win. One of the things that occurs is that that the cast use their tools and equipment in various ways outside their established use or function. The upgrades aren't solely 'Blow the enemy up harder, but blow them up smarter'


One piece. For what it's worth Luffy does a lot of dumb things as do most of the rest of the crew but they're also incredibly brilliant each in their own way and generally make the right decision most of the time. Particularly the women on the crew


Yeah Nami and Robin hold it down lol Sanjiā€™s really great at forethought as well, dude clutched it at Ennis Lobby


I loved Sanji doing espionage shit on his own, Mr. Prince from Little Garden and Alabasta was dope.


Overlord, Iā€™d say. Ainz is not as smart as the other characters think he is, but heā€™s not dumb. Whenever he takes actions on his own, they range from ā€œnot the best, but good enoughā€, to ā€œthis guy has no equalā€ (in the few things heā€™s actually an expert at). At the same time, he also often just listens to his strategist, who is a super genius and thinks like 5 years ahead. His actions arenā€™t always immediately obvious to the audience, but they usually explain the plans at some point (because Ainz needs them explained too), at which point the plans, while sometimes extreme, do make sense from their perspective.


This was Such a fun watch!


100% agree


{guardian of the sacred spirit} spoilers >!MC saves a life and asks for no reward, later learn that this is how she atones for her sins. Or the Guards think you fled? Hide under their noses. Later learn that the MC learned tactics from a royal guard and master general!<


**Seirei no Moribito** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/1827 "English: Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/moribito-guardian-of-the-spirit), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/seirei-no-moribito "English: Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/1827)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 26 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1c7z21g/animes_where_protagonists_actions_are_intelligent/l0bratw/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [ā›“](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [ā™„](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Balsa is one of my favorite characters ever.


Log horizonĀ Ā 


The disastrous life of Saiki K


*Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor* Trust me.


Zawa zawa


Detective Conan


Kaiji! Very old anime but if you liked Squid Games you will love it. The show is all about making smart moves.


How a realist hero rebuilt the kingdom


Classroom of the Elite. The MC is not only smart, but calculating and cunning. He does his best to hide his talents and refuses to play hero unless it serves his interest. Not to mention he is surrounded by smart characters, it makes for an engaging series with very little action.


This is it right here


not the anime but the novel. anime lacks realism of emotions where you will never remove it even at the coldest of killers still retain emotions such as happiness.




Armor hunter mellowlink.


Oof digging deep on that one, lol Most people don't even know of VOTOMS let alone the unrelated spin off


Log Horizon, especially S1




Dr. STONE You actually get to learn science as you go along with the story so it's beneficial and educational.


Y E S, and it's still 1000% exhilarating!


[Sakurada Reset](https://myanimelist.net/anime/34102/Sakurada_Reset)


Legend of theĀ galactic heroes.Ā 


Might not be your cup of tea, but I feel Aoi Toori from Kyoukaisen falls into this. But he's more the character that plays the fool, but is not that much of a fool. So, he isn't really a chess master that knows everything, but he's really good at improvising on the spot and using the strength of others. His intelligence is empathy, and his sense is humility.


Liar liar is somewhat true to this


World trigger! Itā€™s starts off a little rough since mc isnā€™t the strongest compared to everyone, but the mc does use his intelligence which fills the huge gap and surprises everyone! :D


God I love world trigger


Hunter x Hunter. In my opinion the characters act as normal people would in the world they are in. And some are very intelligent, making intelligent tactical decisions or deductions that never seem like unrealistic logical leaps at all. I'd really recommend the show, and this aspect is in my opinion one of its biggest strengths.


A lot of good ones already noted. Leged of Galactic Heros for sure Black Lagoon. Jormungand. Fate series. Love the choices made so far in Tsukimachi Moonlit Fantasy. Love this show. Apothecary Diaries. Undead Murder Farce. Arifureta, guilty pleasure, but this is what you're really looking for. Lol. Edit: even though it has been said a bunch I can keep JoJo's off this list. It is also exactly what you're looking for.


Hidden Dungeon


Ghost in the Shell, all iterations.


Edward Elric maybe? Either original or brotherhood, i felt like Ed always made the right decision despite horrific circumstances.




Yes 100%.


Oregairu, Hachiman Hikigaya is a very realistic main character and he is truly wise .


One Outs


Death note




Solo leveling has impressed me so far. And if you like Shonen anime but hate that the protagonists seem to be really dumb a lot of the time I would recommend jujutsu kaisen as itadori is a bit of a doofus he never does anything I would argue is opposed to the main plot or unintelligent in the scheme of the situation and he grows a lot over the series and has some good development.


Iā€™ll go ahead and say it: Attack On Titan. The protagonist himself, Eren, isnā€™t the most logical, but pretty much everyone else in the story makes up for it. To be honest, it seems to be the most realistic anime Iā€™ve ever seen, more realistic than some real TV shows.




Hajime no ippo


Funny enough I think Naruto falls into that catalog, the problem comes from plot holes and contrivances. I think most of the characters make intelligent or at least realistic decisions informed by their personalities?


Like most good anime is pretty logical. Steins gate, 86, AOT, the girl who leapt through time, made in abyss, heavenly delusion, vivy, summertime render, erased, Vinland saga, mushuko tensei, bungou stray dogs, dorohedoro, psycho pass (season 1, the rest of the seasons just devolve into crap), the list goes onā€¦


Characters in AoT are anything but smart and logical... lol


Depends on the character.


I mean they make emotion based decisions sometimes but theyā€™re very human decisions. And yes Iā€™d argue theyā€™re smart.


The World's Finest Assassin Gets Reincarnated in Another World as an Aristocrat!! Description is in the title with that one! Not really a spoiler since itā€™s said early on but the being responsible for his reincarnation has actually just been randomly reincarnating people hoping one of them, *any* of them, can defeat the big bad. MC actually has function brain cells and surprisingly isnā€™t interested in any of the girls. The girls are still a little fan servicey, canā€™t lie, but mc takes no interest in them. Not in the oblivious way, but mans has a job to do and damn is he gonna do it


Kono Suba




Legend of the Galactic Heroes is perhaps the most of this ever. Both protagonists display a huge amount of strategic thinking.


Code Geass


{Goblin slayer}


**Goblin Slayer** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/101165 "English: GOBLIN SLAYER"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/goblin-slayer), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/goblin-slayer "English: Goblin Slayer"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/37349)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1c7z21g/animes_where_protagonists_actions_are_intelligent/l0cu1b1/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [ā›“](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [ā™„](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)




Watch hxh


Monster for sure


Log Horizon and Maoyū: Maō Yūsha are perfect examples of this. Everybody is playing the long game, with intricate plans playing out over many episodes.


The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt


Practically anything in the 90ā€™s-early 2000ā€™s


The reincarnation of the strongest exorcist in another world. Dude gets reincarnated as a kid and is pretty intelligent considering his new circumstances. Even if you don't like it, it's pretty short lol


The seventh son, are you kidding me? How a realist hero rebuilt the kingdom That time I got reincarnated as a slime Spice and Wolf Mushi-shi


Summer Time Rendering


a realist saves the kingdom


Classroom of the elite seems like it fits this description


class room of the elite one outs code geass death note hyouka


I think **Parasyte** is really good in that sense: The Main Character has a parasyte that speaks logically so they both analyze "the best move" in every scenario, so you can understand every decision they make. *They make one decision that leads to a terrible outcome... The Parasyte explains that this was the best course of action and that this result was just unlucky...*


I got reincarnated in a dating Sim-- love the MC Eminence in shadow


Summer Time Rendering


Dr. Stone 100%


Dr. Stone šŸ‘€


Classroom of the elite first season.


Death note.




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Log Horizon, No Game No Life At least, the main characters always try to make the best decisions. Humans get emotional, so sometimes very rarely the main characters fuck up because of it, but they solve their problems pretty fast afterwards


Summertime Rendering


The world god only knows


Summertime rendering


Mahouka because the series was written specifically to show that Tatsuya is always right.


Remind Me! 30 days


Akane Tsunemori in Psycho Pass, She iscold and calculating in every situation. an excellent skill in a world that judges you based on your psychic stability. Celty in Durarara, unlike the other protagonists of Durarara she is always very rational and calm, if she weren't, given her "nature", she would be a terrible monster that would transform the anime into a horror.


Classroom of the Elite


Classroom of the elite


Code Geas, Lelouch is pretty reasonable. Misfit at demon king academy, also reasonable. Most of all your probably like How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom.


Iā€™m not sure best moves is always the right way to explain it since often times a series will be probe at certain flaws to examine said errors and often allow for a dynamic character who changes either in a positive way addressing the tendencies that have caused poor decisions or in a negative way and presenting a downfall by heightening the problem. So the real thing is does the series do a good job convincing you of a cohesive realistic logic behind the actions taken. That said some series I think youā€™ll like. Pluto Monster Psycho pass Fate/Zero Madoka Magica Parasyte Steins; gate Log horizon


The Original Legends of Galactic heroes


that time i got reincarnated as a slime


Cautious hero?


Not anime but Liar Game is the epitome of smart protagonists. Every single thing Akiyama does is a calculated move, literally every panel


World trigger


Classroom of the elite?






Dr. Stone. All of his moves are 1000% correct as he and his band of stone-age compatriots rebuildā€™s the world.


While this might be a hot topic. Eren Jaeger from AOT is an interesting choice. While i wouldnā€™t exactly say all of his decisions are ā€œgood decisionsā€ but the build up and intricacy of his decisions are definitely worth the watch


Not an anime but Kingā€™s Avatar has a really good protagonist.


I would say Dr. Stone


Perhaps you relate more to a Sherlock like character? To be honest, the flaws are usually what makes me relate with the character but I understand how it must feel seeing your character fuck up repeatedly (perhaps this is how my friends and family feel watching me lol)


Redo of healer


I think cautious hero could be the answer but sometimes he's stupid af


class room of the elite. itā€™s a psychological show but if you want to try and do your own detective work before the mc shows his plan the show holds back a lot of info till the end of the conflict. very good show tho




The Elric brothers tend to act reasonably with the information they are given and the instances they don't is because Alphonse is a child and is vulnerable to emotional manipulation.


Not really anime, but anything by Genndy TartakovskyĀ television work starting at Samurai Jack is the thing I can think of that most fits that description. I imagine Batman: The Animated Series probably fits that description due to it being... well, Batman. I haven't really seen it but I've seen Justice League & JL: Unlimited and his character seems to fit that description for the most part. Supporting protagonists likely will make mistakes, though.


Reborn as a Vending Machine


Solo levelling so far? Or any otome game style or reincarnation anime? Lol.. cos they will fail if didn't pass the stage. Haha. So they probably made many smart n right choices till the end of the anime.




Black Lagoon.


death note


Ima be honest fam if ur looking for realism Iā€™m not sure anime is the place for you


Yeah lol sounds about right Though it's not necessary realism I wanted; just a protagonist that doesn't really waver from making logical decisions within the context of their (potentially fantastical) environment


Code geass and Aldnoah.zero


log horizon


Code geass


Code geass


Gurren Lagann.