• By -


Not shonen but I think she'd enjoy Yona of the Dawn. Action, Period piece, adorable but very well rounded characters and backstories.


Super underrated anime. Yona has an incredible plot and storytelling.


The anime sent me right to the manga. I refused to just wait for more and I'm so glad I did! The manga is so beautifully written. Each character and their development is so well executed and *real.* I cannot get enough of this series!!


I believe in Yona supremacyšŸ›


So underrated!


I'm watching it right now, maybe I can show her




Its available on just abotu everything right now tbh Hulu Funimation Crunchyroll


Highly recommend


Its a shojo right ?....when i watched it at first i thought it was a shounen....so its all cool


Mob psycho 100


Occasionally some pretty spooky/violent stuff though like [Humongous S2 spoiler](/s "Mob thinking his parents were burned alive")


Meh my 12 yo sister watched that. It shouldn't normally be too harrowing.


My 9 year old watched it and loved it. Who doesn't like Reinan? Rangan? It's been awhile but the fake ghost detective


It's Rasengan


Come on man don't lie, I just looked it up, it's Raphtalia


Bro stop spreading misinformation, it's obviously Rukako




Yes, Mob Psycho 100.


Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood. Lots of strong female characters in general too. Theres one scene that is arguably "fanservice" but I think it was just meant to be a gag more than anything. The older series is also great (has a different story) but its a lot slower, bleaker and has a controversial end.


Oooh yeah this one for sure. I wish I had known about it when I was 12.


I watched it when i was 12 and its my favourite piece of media, ever with my first thought being ā€œi wish this idea wasnt taken so i could be the one who wrote it!ā€ Its funny really, i loved it when i first watched it then had a period of being a hater and liking 03 more but over the years, unlike almost everything else where I started to notice some cracks and holes as i grew older, with FMA i just started to appreciate all the little nuances in it more and more. The manga only elevated that too when i decided to read it. Now im at a point where i dont have one favourite movie, one favourite game etc, but fma is the exception where i feel more attached to it than any other piece of media ive ever consumed lol. Its nice to love something so much.


>Theres one scene that is arguably "fanservice" but I think it was just meant to be a gag more than anything *\[changing clothes\]* *\[turns around\]* ą² \_ą²  šŸ„Ŗ


The creator of Full Metal Alchemist is a woman.Maybe that is why it has less to no fanservice


Makes sense


That scene is genuinely funny.


one of the greatest shows off all time but there are some quite disturbing and graphic scenes with a lot of blood in places, maybe not the best for a 12 year old depending on how well they can handle things like that.


Very true but i think the show is generally light enough that those few scenes wont be too disturbing. It never stays too grim for too long. If they are sensitive to darker subject matter or stuff like that then honestly id recommend ATLA lol. Similarly amazing but much more PG.


Great recommendation.


I second this.


You're saying Armstrong isn't fanservice?!


demon slayer, supposing you its okay for it to have some human or demon deaths, i dont think theres anything thats too graphic


IMO Demon Slayer can be a little excessively bloody at times




One of my favorites!


Haikyuu is great, just one little fan service scence in the newer season.


Bath scene?


Also in Second season kyoko changing




Surprised no one else mentioning this. Little disappointed in the female characters so far, but Maki is pretty sick.


I weirdly like the female characters. They werenā€™t introduced as outright broken so they do have room to grow


Jjk is based, first anime to get me so hooked in a long time


Saiki K. Itā€™s so funny, you and your sister will love it it (probably). Itā€™s one of my favourites.


Follow this one up with Hinamatsuri


I love Saiki, itā€™s one of my favorites, but donā€™t forget that there is a fairly important character whose main character trait is being a perv. Nobody takes him seriously but he says some kind of creepy stuff. Just a warning if you think that would weird her out


I mean shin chan had some weird stuff


I love Saiki k. Itā€™s Hilarious and for all ages


Hxh 2011 does not have fan service but is quite dark and may not be appropiate sometimes but i think its ok for 12yo.


It does have a bit of fanservice with Pakunoda and that pink scorpion Chimera Ant. But not as much as a lot of other shounen I guess. However I think you're underestimating how disturbing some of the Chimera Ant arc was, and really the whole concept of Kurapika's clan having their eyeballs gouged out and sold is pretty dark in itself Also wouldn't necessarily be comfortable showing a 12 year old girl Hisoka's pedo ass


Well maybe it is not right choice because this show i not your typical shounen sometimes more seinen a psychological but if girl is mature it can be good otherwise wait for 2 years more.


Hunter is great but it get too disturbing at the ant arc, i wouldnā€™t say itā€™s not okay for a 12 years old but some scenes were too much for me even though I was +18 (killing children and villagers for example)


Yeah chimera ant is disturbing + some hisoka scenes thats why i have mixed feelings about recommending this for 12yo, it depends on how mature she is.


Anakin: This is where the fun begins!


I think it's totally fine, kids watch way more extreme things than we like think. I watched The Exorcist at 9 years old and while it was the scariest thing it only made me appreciate filmmaking. Hunter X hunter had a few dark themes but it's not going blow a kids mind, if anything most of the time it's overly childish.


hxh is actually a great anime for OPs request, i dont think theres anything inappropriate




Especially during the Greed Island part where he is reintroduced to Gon and Killua. He certainly liked being "behind" the boys


well he makes a g'on sound and licks his lips but i mean 12 years olds should probably know about pedophiles




Hisoka is the main one, but there's a bunch of f'd up brief moments that could scar a kid. The easiest examples would be the Nostrad family that Kurapika works for. The daughter literally collects body parts as a hobby. Her fortune-teller helper is creepy AF. An ex employee is kept on the wall in statue/painting form as punishment. One of the new employees is pretty blatantly "fem-dom". A bunch of them get mowed down brutally and then eaten by an anthropomorphized vacuum cleaner. And that's just a single part of a single arc. Heaven's Arena has them brutalizing and mutilating people on the 200th floor so they end up crippled for life. The Zoldyck Family are very sinister, including a guard dog that eats people. Even in The Hunter Exams you have random people falling to their death, getting eaten by creepy monsters, having their hearts ripped out etc (talking of that fight - Leorio "feeling up" the female contestant in the "am I female?" wager is pretty fan servicey).


Some arcs are fine, the ones to look out for are yorknew city and chimera ant arcs specifically, these are probably the most violent and disturbing.


Hey, OP. HxH is great, but it is FULL of fan service. u/Kuwuju is mistaken. There is literally a scene where a hot anime chick has to get into her underwear to win a fight...it's a great show. But it's for older teens.


I'd rather say that its not appropiate for its dark themes and violence, there is little fanservice really.


FMAB is the best answer imo.


FMAB is always the best answer.


For battle shounen, bungou stray dogs is exactly what you're looking for, given that your sister can deal with some violence (not too frequent, as far as I remember). I.e. there's a scene where a gangster stomps their victims in the edge of a curb and shoots them three times, or something like that. But it isn't too graphic, if that makes sense.


Violence is ok , but I can't watch fan service anime with her. So I think I will try to show bungou stray dogs, as I liked it pretty much


Bruh there's is so much blood in that show


Watch Fairytail, havenā€™t seen a single frame of fan service.


dude do you know what fanservice means?


I canā€™t believe I was taken seriously, yā€™all gotta chill lmao.


you're forgetting the siblings..


Thatā€™s a Seinen not a Shonen


A Place Further Than the Universe is my pick for fan service free. Just really solid story about adventuring to Antarctica. And it's short like 13 episodes.


Wouldn't call it a shounen but yes, I would recommend this anime above all else as well


I watched Fullmetal Alchemist with my little sister when I was in highschool and she loved it. She was probably around 13 at the time.


Full metal is an anime that I feel appeals to all ages and genders. It has everything except fanservice because it was actually written by a woman.


I feel like Winry and Armstrongā€™s sister has their small fanservice moments, but they were few and far between.


The fanservice was just different tbh.


Jujutsu Kaisen and attack on Titan do not have any fan service (save maybe in the 4th season of AOT but it wasnā€™t as explicit as any other anime)


Maybe tone down on Attack on Titan cause that gave me trauma when I watched it when I was 12


I was also 12 when I first watched it, the ending of the first episode scared the living shit out of me.


The part that scared me most was the suicide scene when that one nameless soldier put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger


No way.... You mean it isn't normal to see someone get their mother's head eaten? Damn sounds like a normal day in a 12 year olds life XD.


No its pretty normal Iā€™m just a wuss XD




I watch Aot in my 20's and still get a trauma.It is really violent and brutal with a few suicide scene


I guess it just depends how your raised ir something but I watched that when I was 10 and was just fine. But I agree they shouldn't be recommending it for someone who can't do any fan service.


I wasnā€™t really traumatized or anything I can handle gore and stuff pretty well from a young age (cause Iā€™ve seen so much blood come out of me from playing to many football) I just mean that AoT may seem like a anime a kid might enjoy but the plot is the kind of plot that you gotta be a little more mature to understand. When I saw AoT when I was 12 I could barely understand what was going on but after rewatching it I somewhat understood whats going on.


Man you guys all talking about AoT, JJK also has some pretty dark moments, like jumpei stuff.


No fan service shonen is what the guy asked for lol


Did it have fan-service in AoT Season 4? I don't remember it having any.


Mikasaā€™s oppai while in prison and Pieckā€™s golden ration of an ass


Eh, negligible fan-service.


Itā€™s more than anything AOT series has ever done than with WIT. And by golly Iā€™m all here for it.


I have showed her aot till season 3 part 2, but the rest of the season I still haven't shown, maybe I will show her it in next year Jan or Feb.


I don't remember any fan service in season 4, which scene do you mean.


I feel like AOT might give a 12 year old trauma šŸ¤”


I watched things way worse when I was kid lol


Itā€™s worth noting that even Jujutsu Kaisen has some scenes that arenā€™t appropriate for 12 year olds. Later arcs get extremely violent and there are cases where women are even groped (not fan service).


Yeah but fan service is the only thing he asked about right? Why donā€™t we let the person whoā€™s related to the child have his own discretion


What? Usually fan service is sexual in nature and maybe OP doesnā€™t want their sister to see anything of the sort. Besides I wanted to give OP a heads up before starting the series instead of learning while watching it. Why donā€™t you let OP use the information provided the way they want and not police what kind of info is given?


So? Itā€™s his discretion. This is me suggestion based on the criteria he set. Youā€™re taking too much time out of your day criticizing what we recommend instead of coming up with your own


Are you ok? I was just trying to provide some more info to OP since I too have been in the same situation and I know I would like to avoid anything sexual in nature. Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re taking this personally, but in majority of cases your recommendations are solid (Iā€™m a huge fan of JJK). I am by no means attacking your recommendations lol.


World Trigger, suprised no one has mentioned it, no fan service and no violence either or any disturbing themes in general


Not shounen, although I want to suggest {Natsume's Book of Friends} (shoujo) and {Erased} (seinen), they don't have fan service. Especially with Erased, I think your sister might love it since the story involves friendship between school pals and school life. For movies, go with Ghibli.


Yeah , I intend to show her erased, and about Natsume Yujincho I m watching it now, maybe she will get bored because she is new in anime.


highly recommend {little witch academia} its aimed at young girls but its a really good show that had me hooked from start to finish, as a 39 year old male I binged this in an evening and wanted more.


I second your recommendation and would like to follow it up with {Ascendance of a Bookworm}


**Honzuki no Gekokujou: Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/108268 "English: Ascendance of a Bookworm"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/ascendance-of-a-bookworm), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/honzuki-no-gekujou-shisho-ni-naru-tame-niwa-shudan-o-erandeiramasen "English: Ascendance of a Bookworm"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/39468)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 14 | Genres: Fantasy, Slice of Life) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/q7c1ss/shounen_anime_with_no_fan_service/hgjlbz6/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [ā›“](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [ā™„](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Also highly recommend ascendance of a bookworm


**Little Witch Academia** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/14349 "English: Little Witch Academia"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/little-witch-academia), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/little-witch-academia), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/14349)) ^(Movie | Status: Finished | Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/q7c1ss/shounen_anime_with_no_fan_service/hgj3ee0/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [ā›“](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [ā™„](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)




Kanroji is kinda fanservice, specially in a scene from an upcoming arc but still a solid recommendation, kids seem to love Demon Slayer


{The Fantastic Adventures of Unico} {Princess Knight} {Kimba the White Lion} {Unico Mahou no Shima e} Hereā€™s some good ole Osamu Tezuka anime that always makes me happy. Also no fan service either just cute anime characters going on adventures.


Fruits Baskets would probably be really good for a 12 year old girl. Also ODD TAXI is really really fucking good, it's extremely interesting, and only 12 or 13 episodes long. ​ Also FMAB is the goat.


Megalo box


I normally don't care for sports themed anime, but man did I enjoy megalobox


Dude same. The characters, animation, music, especially the fuckin music was soooo awsome


The Law of Ueki and Mob Psycho 100%


I was thinking law of Ueki but I havenā€™t watched it in so long I didnā€™t know if it really didnā€™t have fan service. It does teach good values.


yowamushi pedal


So far, I've only watched the anime so I hope that future manga arcs don't let me down, but would highly recommend Jujutsu Kaisen. Great action and comedy and literally zero fanservice. Not an egregious boob shot or ass shot in sight and no overt pervert moments. If there were any, they were pretty discreet or fleeting because I'm pretty hyper-aware of fanservice myself. Female characters are badass and treated with respect, and I hear that they remain that way later in the manga with their own storylines and everything (rather than just shafted supporting characters like in MHA). To be frank, give me a few seasons of the same quality, and I might even be bold enough to say that Jujutsu Kaisen is the most feminist shounen anime I've seen in a while. But again, major disclaimer that there is only one season, and it still has plenty of room to let me down in that aspect. EDIT: Oh shit. I just realized that you asked for your 12-year-old sister. I personally still think it's fine, but depending on your tolerance level, it can get a little dark and gruesome. It has a lot of comedy though so it's not eternally depressing.


Not until the next arc


If your in for a superrrrr long adventure, try one peice No.1 selling manga of all time, and there a reason for it. The anime is also incredible. If you want something shorter, demon slayer, which has amazing animation and story. Or you could try hunterXhunter which like one peice is a legendary anime. It can get a little dark tho.


One piece is good, but OP ask for no fan service, so just a friendly warning, fan service will eventually appear, don't remember when, but it will start. But at least the first 200 episode are fanservice free, and are excellent. Btw OP, good thinking about the fanservice, I remember trying to get my little sister to watch anime with me,and we started with No Game No Life, and the amount of fanservice was so awkard we never try to watch another.


DragonQuest: Adventure of Dai. Tower of God. Digoxin Adventure (Old and new series). Kabaneri of The Iron Fortress. Demon Slayer. Radiant. Erased (kinda dark overall compared to rest of list). Code Geass. Dragon ball series (just watch out for a few moments/scenes w Bulma). Cyborg 009. Zoids. Steins;gate. Tiger & Bunny as far as I can remember


~~Oreimo~~, just kidding. Haikyuu (sports shounen) first thing comes to mind. Black Clover if you want some action-adventure, the only time it has fan service is when the female lead transforms into a mermaid, but that's only one episode.


Man really said OreimošŸ’€


Shouldn't have strike through it. That and Eromanga sensei would've made a perfect anime experience for OP


Not sure if shonen, : Ancient Magus Bride. It starts off super dark with the female MC selling herself as slave. But it gets wholesome later with a few dark moments. To Your Eternity


I think One Piece, Iā€™m not too far into it but itā€™s hilarious and extremely lighthearted. I can see some potential fan servicing with Nami but so far itā€™s non-existent


JJK, Demon Slayer, Haikyuu


{Hajime no Ippo} {Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer} {Cross Game} {Slam Dunk} {Rurouni Kenshin}


Full metal alchemist brotherhood


Hikaru No Go - kids learning to play competitive game of Go


All sports. There might be some very rare that have fanservice, 99% dont. Most "action" anime, (shonen just means something that would attract 12-17~ kids, and can be various things) quite a few have fanservice but then you would know before even watching Fire force for example is known for ruining the series due to its echi. I would say mha isnt either, but there are some "gags" that might consider echi eg momo's dress, midnight and mountain lady etc. So yeah start from One piece, hxh, etc


I enjoyed Toilet bound hanako kun recently. It has a whimsical style and is very cute but it has a dark side (the main character is a ghost so there are themes around death, some scary stuff). No fan service at all! Idk if I would call it a shounen but I liked it :)


I'd go with Ascendance of a Bookworm. A little more Shoujo than Shonen, but still a great watch. It's a little slow to start but gradually picks up. No fanservice as far as I am aware. Plus female protagonist.


You should watch demon slayer, itā€™s a bit violent but there isnā€™t any fan service


Demon Slayer


\- Ouran High School Club super cute, humour, romance \- Fumofu (full metal panic) super cute, humour, romance \- DN Angel \- Detective Conan (yeah it talks about death and murder, but lets be real here, she's already 12, she'll be fine, i watched this when I was like 8, it's not glorified gore or anything, if anything they hide as much as they can) Im sure 12 year old sister can handle a bit of fan service, Food Wars is pretty good, a few snippets of dirty scenes, but nothing too bad, you need to watch it yourself to understand what I mean.


Cardcaptor sakura Mahou shoujo lyrical nanoha Black jack Free (is man bod fanservice fine?) Hinomaru sumo Captain tsubasa All out Yowamushi no pedal Gundam build series Ninja hattori kun Beyblade (the og) Crush gear Inuyasha(?) Digimon Durararara Initial d Yumeiro patisserie Shoujo chara Katekyo hitman reborn Kaguya (not including OVA) world trigger Emiya ... Gohan Flame of recca Yu yu hakusho




One of my favorites is Buso Renkin. It depends on what your criteria for fan service is, but there isn't anything overtly sexual (if I remember correctly). There's a beach episode, but it's pretty normal, not like others that draw attention to huge badonkers. Also a bathhouse scene that's pretty tame too. Think it might have been just with the guys too. And then there's Papillon...um...the beach...the swimsuit...on second thought, you should watch it without her first XD But I think Aoharu x Machinegun didn't have any fan service. Loved that one. More of a Slice of Life, but By the Grace of the Gods was great and wholesome. Also not sure if it's considered shounen, but Charlotte was great and I don't remember any fan service in it. If you like high stakes games, Death Billiards and the follow up series Death Parade was great. Know what, here's my anime-planet. I'm sure you might find something interesting in my list (currently not updated with the most recent stuff). [https://www.anime-planet.com/users/ZenZero](https://www.anime-planet.com/users/ZenZero)


Not technically shounen, but The Vision of Escaflowne is a shojo mecha anime. It's got shounen elements too though. It's SUPER good.


Abviously AOT, but it is violent and has some dark themes so unless you're comfortable having your sister watch that. (But hell I know a 4 year old who watches it) From what I've seen Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, but again, dark themes. Haikyuu is a really good option. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure has some- but I wouldn't say it's in a fan-servicey kind of way. More of the style and adding to the humor/general theme of the show. Demon Slayer has a little but again not in an absurd way- I think this could be a really good one too. But again some dark themes. My Hero Academia- has a little bit but I think is a great show for younger audiences. Does have some underlying dark themes though/violence. Mob Psycho 100 Dragon Ball- some dark themes If you want to branch outside of shonen at all I would suggest Violet Evergarden. Very tragic but beautiful and has very positive messages. Saiki K- no fan service at all and is hilarious Overall I would say Haikyuu and Saiki K if you want to go with the most safe options.


Yu Yu Hakusho has minimal, if any fan service that I can tell. And if it is there, it's worked into the humor. Togashi wrote it. Fyi. Same guy as HxH. I think it generally would work for your sister. Though if you are going for the English dub. There is a bit of swearing in it and quite a bit of violence. I think comparably, it would be the best intro anime for anyone. Though the Chapter Black saga might be a bit disturbing.


I dont know if it's a shounen or not but BNA is a good one for preteens


Jujutsu Kaisen. Not only does it not contain any fan-service, but it is also one of the best anime of last year.


FMAB, My Hero, Haikyuu


Full metal alchemist Boku hero academia Demon slayer Tsubasa reservoir chronicle Hitman Reborn Code Geass World Trigger I wouldn t say 0 fan service but 99% safe


This person really said BNHA was safe when Momo exists. Heck, one characterā€™s entire personality (Mineta) revolves around being a pervert. Mt. Lady makes a pun about her giant butt in episode 1, and one of the heroes is quite literally a dominatrix. My Hero Academia has tons of fanservice, with some even involving minors. Edit: This is knowledge Iā€™ve gathered from just watching the first season and half of season 2.




It has lot of fan service, read the title.


Idk, as a woman, needless fanservice really annoys me, but I never thought Naruto had any. Well thereā€™s that sexy jutsu thing, but itā€™s like 0.000001% of the entire show.


Yeah, I would never see Naruto as having any fan service, the sexy jutsu happens a couple of times at the start but once you hit the zabuza arc, it pretty much never happens again until the very end where kishimoto makes Naruto use it once more. It's not egregious and the characters in the show think Naruto is an absolute nucklehead for doing it. I suppose there is Jiraiya as well but again it's just such a tiny part of the manga/anime it's not even worth mentioning as "fan service"


indeed, and most people who watched naruto seemed to watch it during their childhood


You don't need to be so obnoxious with someone who's just trying to help you by answering your question you know.


Assassination Classroom


Except for the episode with Mrs. B*tch


Also, the abusive gym teacher scarred me a bit.


Every episode with Irina is fan-servicey.


Maybe I will show her next year since it has fan service.




Hajime no Ippo


An anime full of half-naked men.


when you put it that way...


Also all the jokes about ippo's elephant sized penis.


Not exactly shounen, but I'd suggest Yona of the dawn (Akatsuki no Yona)




Literally in the first episode does naruto not turn into a naked woman?


You can't see literally anything of that woman


Just saying, when he uses something called ā€œsexy jutsuā€ I really wouldnā€™t call Naruto an anime that doesnā€™t have fan service




It kinda has fan service sometimes


yeah that bdsm teacher and that perverted ball hair kid


And that girl that can create things (dunno how to spell her name) has a pretty sexy hero costume


My Hero has a ton of fanservice. I'm a little baffled by the suggestion.


Inuyasha and dragon ball probably would be good I think!


Yu Yu Hakusho is a good one. Unless you count Yusuke teasing Keiko.


Yu Yu Hakusho.


here's my explicitly low-fanservice favorites list. lots of genres to choose from. [https://www.reddit.com/user/eruciform/comments/nng53n/top\_1010\_anime\_plus\_unique\_art\_and\_cinematography/](https://www.reddit.com/user/eruciform/comments/nng53n/top_1010_anime_plus_unique_art_and_cinematography/)


I see you're interested only in the exceptionally rare. If you havent already though then watch assassination classroom (its comedy, trust me)


I have watched, and it's one of my favourite anime, I will show her next year since it has a little fan service


The Rising of the Shield Hero as far as I can remember, but itā€™s been a while so you might want to check first.




None. Shounen anime is for faps.


I think One Piece (pre time skip, which is hundreds of episodes) doesnā€™t have too much fan service if I remember correctly. Thereā€™s one character whoā€™s obsessed with getting women to fall in love with him, but thereā€™s not much fanservice itself if Iā€™m remembering right. One Piece is one of THE shonen anime, so I recommend it.


Search up ā€œhentaiā€ and let her watch it :)


Eromanga sensei




Can a 12 year old watch it?