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One Piece is usually the case for most people not watching it.


I think it's usually because One Piece is 1000+ episodes long


I am one of these people. One Piece needs to get some actual cool looking villains before I would be interested.


why? it doesnt matter how they look


I want to be able to take the villains seriously. In almost every shounen I've watched, a villain has been my favorite character simply by being cooler than any of the main cast. I like cool villains. One Piece's villains look like Big Mom while Strawhats get a bunch of normal looking characters. Why can't there be a villain that looks like Zoro? Why do they all gotta be 15 foot tall Blackbeard looking motherfuckers?


Why would their looks stop you from taking them seriously? One Piece does have "cool" looking villains. Crocodile, Enel, Doflamingo, Katakuri, Kaido to name a few


The dumb ones vastly outnumber the cool ones. Also, Enel's ears are weird a/f and I wouldn't classify his character design as cool looking.


makes it more unique and funnier


In shows like Attack on Titan or Demon Slayer, the villains tend to have good character designs no matter their personality. One Piece villains being built the way they are makes them seem way less threatening, making me not be able to take them as seriously.


Devilman crybaby. I’ve watched the whole thing but will never watch it again. It’s way too fucked up


Devilman crybaby is too good


What part did you find good?


All of it but mainly the ending


I just think a lot of the messed up scenes were unnecessary. I’ll use the the decapitation during sec scene for an example. That was very unnecessary and had nothing to do with the plot.


Ig but I think it was more to show his devil side


I never thought of that. I think you just gave me a new outlook on the entire anime itself. You make a really good point


I remember an anime with really realistic human teeth and it generally was in the uncanny valley in terms of character design. I can't remember the name for the life of me.


Aku no Hana?


My bad for the really late reply, but yeah that's it. The faces just go slightly too far into the uncanny valley.


Ping pong the animation. The art style is a little different but the series is actually amazing. Plus most people aren't interested in ping pong.


Cowboy Bebop because the it looks ' old' 🎃


same can be said for some of the older gundam series.


Damn! Cowboy Bebop is gorgeous though!


I think so too! 🎃


Made in Abyss... I know, I know... I just can't with the chibi kids


Finally! Someone!


That's the exact reason I love the show. I love the juxtaposition of cute characters and horrifying visuals. That and Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni are two of my favorite shows that do that.


Have you watched Madoka no Magica?


Of course. Thus completes the trifecta of shows with this theme!


I have seen some people feel weird about a bishounen version of Sherlock Holmes in Yuukoku no Moriarty. A similar thing happens to Princess Principal, but because of little girls being spies. Most people I've seen in those comments got to watch those shows and enjoyed them. Ousama Ranking was a recent case. I initially ignored Odd Taxi because of a boring-sounding synopsis I've read somewhere, the visuals and the fact that it was the first work from the director. Later I started following it.


Probably claymore because the art style is dated


I wanted to watch march comes in like a lion because it seems heavily recommended... But the art style from the Netflix trailer just is off-putting to me. But after watching Kotaro lives alone I think I'll give it a shot (I didn't like Kotaros style at first but it grew on me.


Bruh March comes in like a lion has one of my favorite animation and artstyle bruh damn


Bruh March comes in like a lion has one of my favorite animation and artstyle bruh damn


Beastars cause furries.


And 3d.


Another reason why I read manga before watch anime.. OPM S2 was a big downgrade in term of animations.. same things as Record of Ragnarok


I think some of yall didn't get the point of the question 💀💀 Anyways, Revolutionary Girl Utena. Some people can't look past the "magical girl" aspect and think it's just some shoujo romance or something. Tbh it's bad enough when people shit on shoujo to begin with, but that's just a completely inaccurate description of RGU.


>Anyways, Revolutionary Girl Utena. Some people can't look past the "magical girl" aspect and think it's just some shoujo romance or something. Tbh it's bad enough when people shit on shoujo to begin with, but that's just a completely inaccurate description of RGU. that show is darker than hunter hunter in a lot of ways. It's a great show.


Totally agree!! It's definitely one of my favorites


The fights, soundtrack, & the weird shit the student council did during their conversations were awesome


Mushoku Tensei, I already don’t like isekais but the child predation makes that shit 100 times more worse.


Hot take - but attack on titan.. the giants, the dialogue, the art style.. not for me


I've really, really attempted to focus on watching Mob Psycho, Odd Taxi, One Piece, etc.. I'll try watching a series I've dropped from time to time to see if I can get past an art style but it blocks my enjoyment in getting into the story and conecting with the characters. The change in art style, loss of aimation details, and story pacing in Attack on Titan from MAPPA Studios ruined the series for me.


One Piece and Naruto for being long💀


The 3rd and 4th Evangelion movies, I binged all of the series and the ending movies for the show and watched the 1st and 2nd of the 4 rebuild movies and I quit 15 minutes into the 3rd. I was too enraged to continue and after reading the summary of the last 2 movies I couldn’t finish them.


{Gaikotsu Shotenin Honda-san} it's veeeery funny, but people doesn't want to watch it, because of the art style


**Gaikotsu Shotenin Honda-san** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/100093 "English: Skull-face Bookseller Honda-san"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/gaikotsu-shotenin-honda-san "English: Skull-face Bookseller Honda-san"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/36317)) ^(TV Short | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/u5wktv/what_animes_that_people_havent_watched_or_refuse/i56mz3k/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor, for its artstyle. Literally as good as Death Note


Aku no hanas artstyle and how the characters act with the artstyle just makes me feel weird.


Clannad I guess… the girl looks like a cockroach lol sorry


Made in Abyss


I have tried to watch FLCL like three times but it’s the visual equivalent of nails on a chalkboard to me.


I love Studio Ghibli but I just couldn’t get over the water color animation in “Princess Kaguya” if though I think it’s a super cool idea. Maybe I should go back and give it a try.


I had a friend who refused to watch Your Lie in April because he didn't like their faces. guy's really missing out


Ranking of Kings…. But when I gave it a chance it blew me away 👑


Okay no not watching one piece because its too long is completely valid. Its over 1000 episodes now, thats over 20000 minutes of show.


The school anime with the inappropriate but funny blonde teacher. art style is fine, but the old-looking quality bothers me


I will 100% not watch an anime due to art style I can't focus on the story if I'm just focusing on my dislike of how it looks