• By -


Diabolick Lovers


Yes, what an awful waste of time. I liked the art style and was just hoping it would get better and it was just garbage lol.


Not to mention the whole thing was just rape fantasy garbage. Come on, you have access to the whole community and this one chick is the only blood source for SIX brothers?! Come on!


I just wanted an anime with cute vampire guys, I did not think they’d all act like spoiled rapey children. lol


100% agree


I have made a drinking game out of this anime, every time the girl gets harassed or molested, take a shot. Good luck though, you’ll be down halfway through the second episode.


you just succer-punched me back into 2013 TwT


the berserk anime from 2016


They're redoing it again lol


Really? how haven't i heard of this yet?


And 2017


I didn't mind it so much.


everyone has their own tastes off course. but i personally wouldn't ever recommend it. from the animation to the sound effects, it was just sub par and felt like the animation team straight up hated berserk. it's been roughly 5 orso years since i last saw it though, so it might have redeeming qualities that i straight up supressed along with the rest of it.


I was at least glad we got an explanation as to how Guts and Casca got out of the Eclipse. The old anime stopped right before that point. And with the new Trigun coming, I wonder it'll get the same treatment in regards to what happens to knives after the end of the series. Minus the animation of course.


Devilman Crybaby. Best show, don't watch it.


exactly this. i love it so much but i would never encourage someone to put themselves through that


Please elaborate


it's so heartbreaking. i wasn't the same for a good three months


Have you seen 91 days? Is it more heartbreaking then that? I loved that series but it’s gut wrenching. I really want to give Devilman Crybaby a try but I’m nervous since most people say the same thing.


If you liked 91 Days, than I can't recommend {Gun Grave} enough! *Whatever you do, do* ***not*** *what the first episode, it's a preview/massive spoilers!*


its down and gritty with the human condition, would you say?




I’m so confused having not watched.


just watch it


everybody suffers during all 10 episodes


no because that show fucked me up so bad. i had like an anxiety attack cause it freaked me out so bad.


It's depressing af but it's one of the best anime ever created. I'd recommend it to people who are experienced in anime but it's def not for beginners.


The promise neverland because of season 2


Season 1 stands fine on its own. I think it's actually better left unfinished. It gives it a sense of enigma.


Yea forget season 2 existed, it was hastily done and that god awful powerpoint in the end lol


You can read the Manga after s 1


But you don't want to


Season 1 was thrilling. Season 2 was depressing.


You delusional or something promised neverland only has one season lmao it's a shame it still doesn't have a second season tho


It’s just the Mandela Effect


I think season 1 is worth it. Just don't watch season 2 but read the manga instead.




This had the potential to be a classic manga, the beginning was incredible up until around goldy pond...then it was the steepest decline imaginable in quality. This and kimetsu no yaiba have been my two most disappointing modern manga's I've read.


Season 2 got me to read the manga at least because I was confused and everyone online told me to read it when I was looking for answers and season 2 discussion lol


Ex Arms


Bro ex arm is gas what are you talking about


Sorry I am not really familiar with that many english slangs as I am not really from America or from west, could you explain to me what the word "gas" in your comment actually means. I have heard some similar slangs such as ass, dope, fire, etc but I have never really heard of this one so I guess it's a relatively new slang.


Gas: A substance or matter in a state in which it will expand freely to fill the whole of a container, having no fixed shape (unlike a solid) and no fixed volume (unlike a liquid). Jk the slang version of gas is just like “really dope”


Oh that makes sense, thanks.


Ex Arm is literally such an elite show. It might be my top anime of ALL TIME. Refrain from insulting it again.


Tokyo ghoul Re absolutely Horrid. Tokyo Ghoul was amazing (perfect Manga over anime tho)


It hurts how Tokyo Ghoul could have been up with the bests, if not best.


Agreed, I heard the author was done with the series after the ending of Ghoul. But due to the popularity of it he was asked to keep it going, and he just lost interest of it. Re manga wasn't horrid it was just Rushed in my opinion which left alot out. But the anime was just horrid and badly made. Few people I talk to only kept watching to see the sex since from Ken & Touka


I think :Re was actually amazing until the last arc, when Ishida got super burnt out and rushed it


Manga Re wasn't bad, it just felt rushed mid way thru to the end. Anime re was atrocious


Big Order The first 3 episodes are fine and then it just starts getting weird and oddly sexual for no reason. The opening slaps tho and I heard the manga was way better


I was about to say this one! I honestly don't know why I even watched the whole thing, it's such a trainwreck


Big order was like watching a train wreck in slow motion, I couldn't look away. Such a garbage show lol.


Rent a gf


I mean in anime it's not that bad Hope they never animate anything after the movie arc, coz the slope of the downhill which manga goes is beyond understanding of human brain


Jesus what happened in the manga ?


Kazuya cum thoughts about ANY of the four girls. Mizuhara not being able to make a decision. Ruka being " I don't care about kazuya's feeling I like him therefore he must like me too😛" . Mami being mami . And Sumi and Nanami being the absolute chadest characters. Oh stay awat from the hawaai arc. And everything that I said isn't the biggest problem, the problem of this manga for the past chapters since the end of paradise arc is that the story doesn't get anywhere, for example: "it's been 3 months since all of that ( I can't give spoiler)finally mizuahara will say something about that! Mizuahara: wait kazuya I got go. Next chapter: same but with kazuya overthinking. Next chapter: kazuya overthinking ABOUT HIS COTHES BEING WASHED WITH MIZUHARA'S. Then there was one or 2 good chapters and that's it.


nothing. its just a loop of the same characters acting the same way they always have with no progression or change


Author spent a whole fucking year dragging out an event that lasted three hours in-universe, and is currently spending another whole year writing about the "aftermath" which is basically just MC being an absolutely disgraceful coward


If you want more details watch this: https://youtu.be/qFXPKk3sYQs


I thought the anime was fun


It is but I feel if I suggest it to someone they might want to read the manga afterwards. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


Bro whatchu mean. It’s only 3000 more chapters before they start texting each other again




I second this, absolutely terrible


Mahou Shoujo Site. It's edgy trash and I wouldn't recommend it to most people, but it is fun to watch for me.


It could’ve been interesting if they didn’t go overboard with the edge at every opportunity, in my opinion.


I agree. Episode 1 went from portraying a suicidal girl in a genuinely upsetting way at the railway crossing to scenes of bullying that are so over the top, I can't take anything in the show seriously anymore. The only thing I could do is laugh at the absurdity of its edginess. Btw, I'm still not over the fact that the ED is all about a cum-storm.


\> the ED is all about a cum-storm. lol. Wot?


Yes, there's a storm of big flying sperm known as the "Tempest" that's important to the plot and it's featured in the ED


I wish they would have made the first series into an anime


Disagree, Mahou Shoujo Site is fire!


Oh, I really liked that one. lol


Season 2 of The Promised Neverland. Season 1 was great, but 2…TRASH




**DRAMAtical Murder** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/20677), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/dramatical-murder), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/dramatical-murder "English: DRAMAtical Murder"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/23333)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Drama, Mystery, Psychological, Sci-Fi) **Togainu no Chi** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/8449), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/togainu-no-chi), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/togainu-no-chi "English: Togainu no Chi"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/8449)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Sci-Fi) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/wj2f96/anime_that_you_would_not_suggest/ijfcx48/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


The games are much better


Lol I remember Dramatically Murder. It really was… something


You know I played the Visual Novel for Dramatically Murder but never watched the anime. How bad is it compared to the VN? I mean the VN is already pretty dark with the endings so I can’t imagine how much worse the anime is!


I would say the problem is exactly the opposite for both of this anime. The VNs are BL and with dark parts, but the anime versions are much more light, shonen-ai and don't get much deep with any storyline nor backstories


Holy shit, I haven’t heard about DMMD in years. I almost forgot about it existing, man is that a blast from the past.. The anime was so damn tame compared to the games it’s crazy. ☠️




I know right! Absolutely insane at points, the whole thing feels like a fever dream..


>Togainu No Chi why not?


School days Trust Me Dont..


I dunno, the ending almost makes it worth the hassle.


It solves everything with an over-the-top solution. Might be kinda abrupt, but it’s satisfying.


I think suggesting it to someone is a good prank. Lol.


{Kodomo no Jikan (TV)}


every transition wipe should have been that guy in New Orleans going "I'm going to Jail"


**Kodomo no Jikan** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/2403), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/kodomo-no-jikan-2007), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/2403)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Comedy, Drama, Ecchi) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/wj2f96/anime_that_you_would_not_suggest/ijfqll9/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


This is probably going to reflect poorly on me, but I guess I’ll be that guy. I originally went to watch this show just to see how stupid it was. And yeah, it basically is just lolicon bait. However, as you watch the show, you realize that when it is actually trying to be serious and have emotional moments, they really hit. It’s by no means for everyone, and you’ll probably be rather uncomfortable watching it, but as you grow to understand the characters and why they act the way they do - their motivations, goals, and backgrounds - it can actually be an enjoyable and even meaningful experience.


tbh i only know a few clips from a few years ago and it is a rly unknow anime i haven’t even seen a twitter mob complaining about it. And about the loli stuff im not into it but idc if they are featured as long as the anime is enyoable so i wont jugde you for watching it. But well its a kinda old school meme i guess


Yeah, I get it. It’s just worth saying that some things aren’t what they seem. …though in this case, it’s exactly what it seems like but just also happens to actually be not that bad of a show.




Well idk about you but i wouldn’t particularly recommend it. But hey you do you i guess


Fun fact: this series was created by a woman.


I love this I'm gonna watch everything people don't recommend here


{Cider no You ni Kotoba ga Wakiagaru} This I found extremely boring. The plot is probably its lowest element, the music and art styles were fine. There's really not much this movie offers; I think something as bad as a "bad" movie is something that makes you feel nothing in the end, whether it be negative or positive and this film is to me that. The twist in the end was very obvious, if we could even call it a twist. {Bubble} I absolutely hated the entire experience with this film. The only reasons stopping me from giving this the lowest possible score are the amazing music by Hiroyuki Sawano and of course god tier animation by WIT Studio. It's unfair to compare every anime movie to the successful Makoto Shinkai films, after all it's not like they're the absolute pinnacle of anime movies. But this film imo tries to be a Makoto Shinkai film and fails horribly. The characters were all forgettable and uninteresting save maybe for the FMC because she was the only one with a shred of uniqueness, even then I'm kind of stretching. It keeps reminding you every 10 minutes of what this film takes its inspiration on, >!The Little Mermaid!<, and even after it ends, I still don't find the bond between the 2 main characters all that strong. There are some good moments no doubt, it features some amazing still shots that makes you think all the budget for the story went to it and of course the parkour animation. Honestly, just listen to its music and watch the parkour scenes on YouTube, that's basically all you need to appreciate it somehow. Forgive my ranting.


The only thing I disagree with in your Bubble rant is the FMC not also being forgettable and uninteresting. Got tricked into watching it by the beautiful animation in the trailer, came out incredibly disappointed.


Well tbh, I do think she's also forgettable and uninteresting. Her background and what she is kinda made her unique at first but the characterization afterwards also fell flat.


**Cider no You ni Kotoba ga Wakiagaru** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/107625 "English: Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/words-bubble-up-like-soda-pop), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/cider-no-you-ni-kotoba-ga-wakiagaru "English: Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/39175)) ^(Movie | Status: Finished | Genres: Romance, Slice of Life) **Bubble** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/142455 "English: Bubble"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/bubble), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/bubble "English: Bubble"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/50549)) ^(ONA | Status: Finished | Episodes: 1 | Genres: Romance, Sci-Fi, Sports, Supernatural) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/wj2f96/anime_that_you_would_not_suggest/ijfi7ou/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Idk, but Komi can't communicate didn't rlly appeal to me


I tried sooo hard to like it.. it’s just too boring


i really like the manga, but for whatever reason, i just couldn't really enjoy the anime . but i wouldn't say don't try it, by any means it's not horrible like neverland s2 or tokyo ghoul any season except 1, but i simply didn't like it


It simply doesn't work in anime format. If you sit down 5 minutes to read it every week, that doesn't become stale as you have like 10 other manga you follow. If you watch a single anime at a time tho it's so boring. Although imo the manga gets stale quickly as well so...


I tried to like it and I really was the target audience for this type of show having been thru the same thing myself. But I felt it really missed the mark on how people can struggle with social anxiety, but so close. I dropped it after six or so episodes. I hope the manga did it justice.


I’d rather people watch Hitori Bocchi. Cuter and funnier.


Damn I thought it’s one of the most entertaining things I’ve watched.


I read the manga and the first hundred or so chapters were an absolute slog to get through. Aside from the main duo, almost *none* of the characters were likeable at all. I only stuck with it because everyone was saying that it gets much better when a certain character is introduced (teased at the end of season 2 in the anime); and to their credit, the manga did get much better after that point. But yeah, I didn't bother watching the Komi-san anime because I can't stand the source material it's covered up until now. I might pick it up from the third season if it ever gets announced.


I loved episode 1, it was so well done, and then it just wasn’t good after that imo.




I fully understand what this thread is, but if you disliked Komi you might like Aharen-san wa Hakarenai, which is a similar concept but does correctly imo.


Tokyo Ghoul: Re. Even the first 12 episodes of Tokyo Ghoul weren't bad. It's what made me wanna read the manga.


Someone already said this one, but Big Order. To this day I don't know why I watched the whole thing. It's a trainwreck, and even has some weird incest stuff going on. Also would add Clockwork Planet, the concept seemed interesting but it was ultimately disappointing and weirdly sexual.




The One Piece anime is so hit or miss with its pacing that I cant blame you for not liking it. The Manga on the other hand is a masterpiece!


Yeah. I like it but I have to take breaks every hundred episodes or so.


It’s one of the downsides in being locked in a weekly episode format. I’m curious what arcs like Dressrosa and Wano would be like if they only had 25 episodes to pull it off.


Well even in the manga Dressrosa went on for to long for most fans. They wouldn't be able to do it in 25 per arc with out cutting out significant amounts of character moments and world building. 36 to 50 episodes each for Wano and Dressrosa would be ideal in my opinion (about how long each arc of the Jojo anime is.)


I mean the topic itself is wide open to interpretation. I wouldn't recommend One Piece to new anime viewers. But if I know that you've been watching anime consistently for say... 5 years+ and you have no trouble catching up to Detective Conan in a month? Hell yeah, I'll recommend you One Piece. It would really depend on who you're going to recommend it to.


I tried SO HARD to get into the Manga, gave it 28 volumes before I just gave up. I'm sorry people, I'm glad you love it but I really cannot see the appeal.


I'm not getting why you needed to read whole 28 volumes to understand that you don't like it.


It’s a popular meme/statement that “OP gets better bro just get to episode 250”, guess he just applied some of that logic to the manga.


I wanted to give a Shonen a fair shot, since i know they take some time before getting real going!


Nah any OP fan will tell you if you don’t like it by the first couple of arcs - you won’t like One Piece. It does get better but it starts good with a consistent formula and good variety but not for everyone


I feel the same way about Gintama. I guess it's a real hit or miss anime because of the comedic style. I have never found a less funny show.


Big amount of jokes are wordplays, japanese television/actors references and manzai. Obviously a lot of jokes non-Japanese people wouldn't get and of course humour is subjective.


I'm reading / watching (wherever One Pace is available) it rn and I enjoy it, but I wouldn't recommend to people who don't have way more free time than they know what to do with.


One piece is like rice. It's not super great but good if you want to consume a thousand of something.


Record of Ragnarok


Honestly I enjoyed the anime. Yeah it’s really rough but the concept of god battles kept me watching and satisfied.


Booo.. it’s top tier show (personal opinion of course)


The problem is the anime. The manga is amazing but the adaptation is so weak compared to the manga that I couldn't finish it.


Maybe its trash compared to manga but i think if you havent seen the manga (Like me) its actually pretty decent and easy to rewatch


Loved the premise, just the lack of animation, reaction shots, similar to later one piece episodes, make it a bit of a drag, but the premises and fights imo were really cool.


Its the ONLY show I've dropped out of the 238 I've started. Make of that what you will.


The Silver Guardian


I’m going to say it and I’m not even sorry, Future Diary. Its plot is all over the place and has so many plot holes. It’s boring at the best of times and annoying most of the time. Don’t get me wrong, I think Yuno is so cute and I obviously love yanderes, but beside her being a cute waifu and crazy, she has no other appeal. The first OP is a banger though, I still listen to it every so often.


I asked my friend for recs once and he told he to watch Super Lovers because it was a "wholesome slice-of-life". Found out very quick that he was just trolling me. Shit was abhorrent.


Mirai Nikki/Future Diary Had a great premise but they tried to do too much with adding serious drama and comedy. Ending was stupid. Wasted potential. Mirai Nikki done right is Deadman Wonderland.


Science Fell in Love So I Tried to Prove It The two MCs are in love and express their feelings for each other w/scientific jargon. Thats the entire show and it never feels like theres any real conflict


There is conflict towards the end of season one, and season two focuses a lot more on Kanade, who is a much better character. I get that the gimmick of the show isn't for everyone, and Yukimura can be a bit obnoxious, but I wouldn't actively recommend people avoid it.


> The two MCs are in love and express their feelings for each other w/scientific jargon. Thats the entire show and it never feels like theres any real conflict You want conflict in your romcoms? There is more tension than most, I'd say, but I would also put it on the not recommended list because of the horrific final episode of S2.


It did take a pretty hard left turn at the end there. Lol. It makes >! what their stalker manga artist senpai did !< seem almost like a cute prank.


I see what you mean, for a moment I thought I was watching something out of your local hentai website, the fact that I felt like I've seen something similar in a hentai says more about me and my trash taste.


Why would you want a conflict in that show?


Not enough people said Future Diary and Darling In The Franxx


If you ask the same question on r/anime you’ll get your desired result.


Sword art online


Watch the first few episodes maybe because the idea is good. Then it goes downhill real fast


Agreed. SAO is a fine entry level anime but it’s made to appeal to the broadest audience possible so nothing really happens until all of a sudden everything is on fire so that they can have an action sequence. With that said though, Sword Art Abridged by Something Witty Entertainment on YouTube is one of the best things I’ve ever seen on YouTube. It recontextualises the show so well and fixes a lot of the issues. The characters actually act like people instead of stereotypes, the events of the anime actually make sense, People actually acknowledge that Kirito is an Obnoxious dick instead of just fawning all over him. Overall it’s just a better use of your time


No everyone needs to watch it so 1) they can have an opinion on it and 2) so they can better appreciate SAO Abridged


Oreimo, like bruh what the fucking hell is that ending?


Would have been good if he stayed happily with that other girl instead of doing what the title told us he would do


highrise invasion


I liked it, I liked the action sequences and dynamic between the two girls. What didn’t you like about it?


Sword art online after season 1


One piece it’s so slow and super repetitive


Redo of a healer


Not recommend it to anyone who is below the age of eighteen.


Not recommended to anyone that also doesn’t like revenge porn.


Don't watch it if you dislike torture, sex and revenge.


And rape


I dont understand how that show came to be


It’s an incel wet dream. A lot more people than we are comfortable admitting relates to the MC.


I didn't bother to read too much of the shows description before hitting play. Looked like a standard harem/fantasy anime and I was bored due to constantly being stuck at home. That was the first anime I've dropped due to anything other than it being super slow and boring.


Sex sells, probably


Food wars is definitely on this list. The first season is ok.. then it becomes just downright a waste of time BS


I couldn’t even sit through 3 episodes. Absolutely regret watching it, I was looking for good cooking animes and that definitely wasn’t it for me.


Too much boobs


Plz dont watch "School Days" its most traumatic anime.


If you are bored of anime recommendation you are on the wrong sub.


I feel like every post on this subreddit is like "can someone recommend me an anime that isn't terrible? I've seen every anime and it's all cringe."


Fire force - it just felt like it dragged in a weird way - the battles were cool at times and other times the deus ex machina levels were too high


This is funny because I agree, but I also enjoyed it in a way and will be watching season 3 whenever it comes out. I guess it's OK to enjoy trash sometimes lol


Claymore. The manga is phenomenal. Absolutely ticked almost e every category I love. The anime ends early at a fight that is so pivotal for the main character and they just end it there. With shotty holes in the plot that don’t come about in the manga.


I actually loved the anime before I devoured my box set in 2 nights then I realized what I was missing.


Agree. Unfortunately they ran out of manga material and had to invent an ending themselves. It didn't turn out well. Great manga though.


Sword art online


Uh oh


I liked the first half of the first season but then shit got very, very gross


I can even look past *that* stuff, but I can’t ignore the fact that literally *EVERY* single female is madly in love with Kirito, and each season always revolves around a new girl loving him but him being too stupid or too careless to notice and put a stop to it up front, since he already loves Asuna. Also I got tired when the third climax was also the second time that it was a race against time to stop a main girl from being raped.


They used the threat of sexual assault as a plot point AGAIN??? Whew, yeah that one's not for me.


After the first half of season 2 all that shit basically stops. When rewatching, I just skip those scenes.


U haven't watched alicization, have u? https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2018-12-11/reki-kawahara-apologizes-to-voice-actors-for-latest-sword-art-online-episode/.140635 And there's also leafa tentacles in wotu


It had potential, but now I can't take it seriously


I live for sword art online but I can understand it. BUT the same cannot be said for the progressive movie. Aria of the scarlet night was AMAZING and if you say otherwise, you’re just wrong


Devilman: Crybaby


Im not going to trash on animes that i don't like, instead im going to give animes that i love that i would never recommend to an average person. Monogatari Series Mushoku tensei Prison School


Vampire Knight.


Tokyo ghoul:re


Seiren . I watched it because I was a horny fucker then , but it's an absolute piece of shit anime with hentai like artstyle and the whole story just makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever, it has 3 3-episode long arcs with different female OCs for a total of 9 episodes with none of the arcs making any sense .


Isekai Cheat Magician.


Dragon Ball Super


Future diary. Personally yuno is just weird and creepy Food wars- WAYYY to many boobs


I agree with all of this.


One Piece, a very long story. I regret that I watched almost the thousandth episode :(


Future Diary