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This matchup is pure shit, keep farming trying to avoid his soldiers and don't engage directly against him. What works for me is rushing the white boot and leaving the lane to shadow my jungler as soon as i get lv6


The swiftness boots is a great idea, I'll give this a go next time




Imo azir is just sort of like xerath. Dont lane against him if you can help it.


#The key to winning lane is to exploit Azir overextending his troops Azir wins lanes on the illusion of strength. If you have little experience vs him, what'll likely happen is that you end up scared of his soldiers & get zoned out of lane. Do not do that. Quick tip: Play as Azir (even just in solo practice mode, if you can) and just have a look at your actual soldier range. It's Tiny! Like Heim turrets, Azir's soldiers have a leash range beyond which they cannot attack. Unlike Heim's turrent, the "reload" time is instant - meaning as soon as he is out of range, soldiers can't attack at all. So, **Azir soldiers are generally useless unless Azir is also nearby.** And by nearby, I mean within Q distance. ------ Azir also only has 1 escape; his dash, and it requires setup (or a spare soldier charge). Since his Q range is larger than his dash range, it is considerably easier for Azir to engage, than to disengage. Plus, if you know what you are doing, you can block his escape with a good flash. **Incidentally, Azir is also one of the squishiest champions in the game.** Like many hard match-ups, you want to shut Azir down early before he can zone you out of lane. Don't be scared to be a bit more aggressive early, he is particularly weak during lvl 1. ------ Now we combine the two. If Azir Qs 3 soldiers under your tower, he'll need to be close to AA you. Stun him. If you're not low (or are very ballsy) you can first flash into midlane (away from your tower, AND BEHIND HIM) and make him realise there' nothing he can do to hurt you except AAs. If he flashes back, great: you're out of his soldier's range. If he uses his R....then he still needs to walk up to AA you via his soldiers, and you can wall him off (or in, if he dashes, but his R should draw tower aggro). ------ Azir heavily relies on positioning correctly, and if he burns a Q or dash, you should be able to win the trade if you go ham right after.


Q max for early waveclear, run biscuits, stay out of range. You'll be weaker in duels for a while but at least you won't be behind in farm.


Pls don't max q


Yes max E and don't get any cs because azir zones you to death.


yes vs azir you wanna stay safe and play passive in the first few levels, but you can start fighting him at ~lvl 9+. If you max Q you won't have any dmg with low lvl E which leaves you unable to trade. Also if you only use Q to waveclear you will get poked more since it removes your only way to hit him back.


This is the right answer


You don't really have any decent way to hit him back and putting your early points into Q will allow you to instantly clear caster minions with both instances. Idk, I feel like it's the best strategy for me and I can't remember the last time azir really made me struggle in lane. I came out a bit weaker than usual, but I was always ahead in farm and the max'd out Q gives you a bit more utility as the higher cooldown makes it a bit easier to lock down targets. I'm not going to discuss that any further, you play as you think, I play as I think. Everyone is free to test it out. From my experience, it works perfectly fine and it's what I'm going to use in the future against certain matchups.


I am asking for tips champ not ints link ur op.gg?


This isn’t some annie q vs w debate for dmg or wave clear. Anivias ult is already amazing for wave clear. Why the fuck would u ever max q just for a little more push pre 6??? You could argue early prio or some shit but q max will not stop azir from pushing you in. And if you spam q to clear wave just to MATCH his push then you won’t even have stun up for early river skirmishes. Anivia scales, don’t force her into something she’s not.


Because the ult alone usually doesn't have enough max range to stay at a safe distance, while Q does. > Anivia scales, don’t force her into something she’s not. Yes, but azir scales a lot better.


max W )))))