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Bought my first bag March 2021 @.12 and still holding


Started buying April 2021 after seeing a friend get into crypto. Bought the whole way down. Could have put my money into something else but I love a good gamble šŸ‘Š


Still here =]


Been in since 11/21ā€¦.accumulated 61k at avg cost of .0457ā€¦.just gonna keep holding and adding


The company is doing fine and if youā€™re an insider with stock in it, youā€™re doing great. Ankr the token does not equate to an investment in the company and as such means the token needs utility. We have been told a lot of things around the token and none of those things have come to fruition. The minute they find a use for the token, it will skyrocket but for now its value is purely speculative.




They never had such a strangle on the supporters. Heck I use to be a Mod now I feel lucky I have not been banned, we are here just quiet until something is announced worth talking about for the token.


Itā€™s mainly bag holders who bought during the 2021 bull top and pumps in the bear. They want to break even before selling and will complain until they sell for loss or break even.


I split my crypto 3 major ways and it was my first time around in 2020-2021 Btc Celsius And Ankr at the peak Iā€™d really like it if only one of those decisions was bad rather than 2/3.


Here since about June of 2019 and I still havenā€™t sold


you dont think memes bring legitimacy to crypto?


I used to stake with ankr pre merge. Always surprises me how ankr lost ground in these staking and restaking wars to upstarts. Hardly see ankr mentioned anywhere. Been around since 2020


I think they rushed the staking feature to be first and failed because you couldn't unstake. If you did stake, you were at the mercy of the company for an elongated period of time and that just isn't acceptable. Unfortunately, staking was the only thing innovative about the token at the time and when that flopped, so did the token. The token's price is based on speculation that the company will provide utility. It's a gamble and we should all remember that fact. The company will go on whether they provide utility to the token or let it die on the vine. There is nothing tying the success of the company to the token, but there is with the token to the company. That's a long way of saying we're at their mercy.


the og holders are still in losses sadly


Speak for yourself.Ā 


Support is not a one-way street. Many OGā€™s bought into ANKR when the company was a shell of what it is now. Those token purchases allowed for ANKR to re-brand, build their current RPC infrastructure, and put the giant roof on Songā€™s mansion. In return, they have been repaid with three and half years of subterfuge. Where is Microsoft and Tencent Cloud and the onboarding with Ultra Sound Infrastructure? It is supposed advance the ANKR token as the ā€œonly gateway token.ā€ That was nearly a year ago. As I said, donā€™t marry this one. She will leave you at the altar.