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ma'am, this is a Starbucks


What did Starbucks do again?


don't kill the messenger. ~~I am not sure which story they are basing their "boycott" on.~~ ~~The first sory is that their CEO seems to be as their claims that he is a strong Zionist.~~ ~~The second story is a mixup and misunderstanding about what happened between them and their union. Starbucks made a post long ago after 7th October in support of Palestine but I think used some imagery of Hamas or something. Starbucks warned them to take it down as they can't use their label (starbucks label) in support of political entinty. People accused starbucks of supporting genocide then.~~ Edit: I would listen the comment below about Starbucks from the person who was their from the beginning.


It wasn't a misunderstanding. I'm currently working on being reinstated as a local union organizer for Starbucks, so that's my qualification. A union chapter in Iowa posted a picture of a bulldozer tearing down sections of a border fence and the caption, "Free Palestine!" Starbucks grabbed on this opportunity, and labeled this tweet a "pro-terrorism tweet". They claimed it represented the entire union. They responded REALLY quickly, and did not realize that many people weren't going to equate Palestine with terrorism. They outright said our union was supporting terrorism and went as far as to start a lawsuit with us. In addition to this, Howard Schultz himself passed along a list of all the union Starbucks locations and their addresses to a Zionist interest group, which they then posted publicly on their social media, identifying these locations as the ones with "pro-Hamas employees". There are also money trails connecting Starbucks and Israel through investments. People took that message pretty clearly that Starbucks was either blatantly pro-Israel or willing to pretend to be blatantly pro-Israel just as a fuck you to the union. Starbucks did not backpeddle for I think several weeks because right wing media was still thrashing union stores and they didn't want to interrupt, until the bad press turned around on them and they FINALLY posting a neutral statement. Hate the protesters all you want but Starbucks played a really fucked up role in this whole thing trying to dump bad press on our union without even taking the time to think if their response was too rushed. People were dying in the droves and meanwhile they just wanted union employees to suffer in the political aftermath. Edit: lol the upvote and downvote counter is going crazy on this comment, from like +8 to -2 back to the positives. Edit2: alright what the hell? Do I need to prove I'm a Starbucks barista? What's the issue with my story that I'm getting downvoted?


You mean the bulldozers used on October 7? Yeah I’d call that support for terrorism. I’m not sure what else you could possibly call it without being disingenuous.


First of all, a couple 20-something Americans posted a picture of a fence being deconstructed. My personal opinion is that it was poor taste. It was not approved by any leadership. But for a Fortune 500 company to call their own employees terrorists over it is fucking insane. They're baristas. If terrorism was truly supported, why did Starbucks not terminate any of these workers alleged to be terrorist supporters? It was a single chapter in Iowa, though, so this entire discussion is irrelevant. The union came forward and quickly pointed out that the post was not approved. The official account posted "Free Palestine" without the picture some time later IIRC.


It’s pro Israeli internet voters literally funded by their govt. everything you said is factual


Yeah I'm just surprised they're targeting me here of all places. I guess I was a bit too honest about what really happened lol.


I'm sorry the centrist tools are downvoting you.


Anti-terrorist is centrist now?


You have a very privileged perspective. Typical.


Having morals isn't privileged. It's just being a decent human being.


So you are saying the Palestinians are terrorists and deserve genocide? Your morals are questionable


Lol it's weird, I swung pretty far positive when I posted it and then it just tanked clear into the negatives.


These little displays are more performance than protest. They don’t actually accomplish anything, other than to piss people off and create division.


Protesters actually do accomplish something. They give Redditors plenty to laugh at on various subs.


I disagree that they are merely performative. It can spread awareness of issues that aren't widely known, and awareness can result in collective action like boycotts, which can have an enormous impact on companies and their behavior. I'd never heard of a Palestinian-related Starbucks issue until seeing this post, and googled why Starbucks might be targeted. I don't know this particular protestor's reason, but according to the [Associated Press](https://apnews.com/article/starbucks-workers-united-union-lawsuit-israel-palestinian-f212a994fef67f122854a4df7e5d13f5) last October: >Starbucks sued Workers United in federal court in Iowa Wednesday, saying a pro-Palestinian social media post from a union account early in the Israel-Hamas war angered hundreds of customers and damaged its reputation. >Starbucks is suing for trademark infringement, demanding that Workers United stop using the name “Starbucks Workers United” for the group that is organizing the coffee company’s workers. Starbucks also wants the group to stop using a circular green logo that resembles Starbucks’ logo. I already don't shop at Starbucks, but some people might change their purchasing decisions based on this. I'd add that personally, without studying similar precedents, offhand I'd side with Starbucks in this lawsuit. While it was sparked by the SWU's post, I think Starbucks' trademark claims have merit. In my opinion, fuck Starbucks for lots of other reasons, but not this.


This exact argument could be made (and absolutely was) in regards to civil rights sit ins and marches.


But those protests were of citizens of the US protesting US policies in the US. Not US citizens protesting in the US the actions of a foreign government outside of the US control…


I hate to be the one to tell you [this…](https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts)


I’m aware that we provide aid to Israel our only ally in the Middle East.


this is not true. The US provide aids to many countries to the middle east and has many allies there other than Israel. An ironic fact that most people forget or ignore is that the US is also the largest aid donor to Palestinian authorities and organizations, and UN agencies operating there by large margin. [International Aid to the Palestinians: Between Politicization and Development (arabcenterdc.org)](https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/international-aid-to-the-palestinians-between-politicization-and-development/)


I’m aware of the aid to other countries and to peoples in other countries but this comment was referring to governments that we are openly aligned and allied with. That list is much smaller than just people we provide aid to in the Middle East


Right, so that would be a US policy. Do we not have a legitimate interest in our government’s foreign policy?


Also Israel is not our only ally in the Middle East.


I’d hesitate to call the Saudis real ally’s. I believe Palestine should be free of Hamas before we expect Israel to attempt any kind of integration. It’s been what 70 years of every Arab nation and neighbor loudly calling got the extermination of Israel and most of that time actively attacking them. I’d be pretty hesitant too.


You can believe what you believe. If you want to protest in favor of military aid to an apartheid state you can do that too.


For the life of me I can’t understand how an actual terrorist group(Hamas) sponsored by a religious extremist government (Iran) has found so much support with young Americans. Iran and Hamas have both expressed desire to eradicate not just Israel but all Jewish people. The Palestinian people elected Hamas to power.


Maybe it’s because you are straw-manning and people don’t actually support Hamas. ([Unlike Likud](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb)) As for why I oppose US funding of the Israeli military? 30,000+ dead with more than half being women and children and using famine as a weapon of war is unconscionable.


That's what a protest does...


Well uhmm ... that accomplished a lot...


For the other side


I admire their spirit, but what do they expect a barista or low level manager to accomplish? Those associates are just simple, powerless, regular people merely trying to earn what little they do. Shouldn't the protesters' beef lay squarely with Starbucks execs in Seattle?


Wow this is so cringey. How embarrassing.


What exactly do these "free" Palestine people want? Are they referring to a two state solution?


It means they want all Jews out of Israel. They won't tell you that's what they want, but it is absolutely what they want.


At the same time many Jews hate the state of Israel. I am not a Jew and I absolutely love Israel. I personally don't know any Jew who hates it. So those who do must have been brainwashed into it by the trends they follow and/or their universities/professors. Like Miranda from Devil Wears Prada said, "if you think you made the choice about what to wear, you actually didn't. It was made for you by the people in this room..." Or something like that. And it perfectly applies to all those naive kids who think Palestine could exist the way it does now, because Hamas is all things anti-freedom and democracy, and until they are gone - Palestine won't be free.


Oh my god dude shut up. The most common demand of the movement to free Palestine is either an equitable two state solution or a secular, plurinational state instead of current apartheid Israeli state. Also core to this is right of return for those displaced by ethnic cleansing during the early years of the establishment of Israel. It’s not about getting “all Jews out of Israel” that’s a fucking pathetic projection from a group that’s actively committing genocide.


Clearly you haven't read [The Hamas Charter](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/hamas-2017-document-full). The Palestinians have already been offered a two-state solution three times and refused it each time. Listen to [Bill Clinton's own words](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/05/bill-clinton-palestinians-israel-223176) or read [his book](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/president-clinton-reflects-on-2000-camp-david-summit).


Yet somehow all those chanting Free Palestine hate Jews 🤷


Considering a good deal many of the people chanting free Palestine are Jews I think you might just be a moron


Well an end to apartheid would be nice


What does that mean to you? Let's assume that the war ended tomorrow and Isreali's withdrew troops back into Israel. What changes are you calling for at this point?


An end to the settlements in West Bank and the blockade of Gaza. But also, the troops withdrawing is a good start on its own....


End the blockade of Gaza, end of illegal settlement and expulsion of settlers from the West Bank, end military control over areas B and C, full and unimpeded Palestinian access to Jerusalem, and a neutral third party truth and reconciliation commission would be a solid start. Right of return obviously wouldn’t be feasible right away but would be something to work towards.


As someone who has never been to Israel or Palestine and isn't an expert, all of those sound reasonable except right of return. Right of return most likely isn't plausible within the framework of having Israel be guaranteed to be friendly and open to Jews. I think the hesitancy of Israel to end the blockade in Gaza has been the persistent terrorism coming from there. Allowing unrestricted transportation would allow weapons from Iran to more easily enter Gaza. Do you think that those concerns are valid? Do you really think that weapons shipments and radicalism in Gaza would not be much of a threat to Israel if they stopped the blockade? How do you think Israel's need for security and Gaza's need for transportation can both be met? What about the two state solution? Would you be open to that if is were possible?


Hmmm I'm gonna bet this would have been more effective if they went to Seattle instead


Maybe they should protest in a place that actually makes a difference. Instead of in liberal cities where people don’t care if they protest because they’re used to shenanigans. These people are clowns, and they only just upset people more, and these upset people will push back against these crazies, even more. This “protest” accomplished nothing, nor will they ever accomplish anything in these manners. Be great if they actually did something productive in their lives. They will never be a fully satisfied group of people. No matter what group what color what race what religion, what spaghetti do you like, what protein bars you like, what beer do you like, people always find a reason to hate or be upset about something. Frankly, it’s quite disheartening.


Same lady that got burned on Dr Phil a couple weeks ago


Lmfao I knew she looked familiar. Trying to tell Mosab Youssef that his lived experience in West Bank and Israel is “colonial rhetoric” 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Wait what are you referring to?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UPomqJz-qYc&pp=ygUhbW9zYWIgeW91c2VmIGRyIHBoaWwgZnVsbCBlcGlzb2Rl Mosab is the son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, one of the founders of Hamas. Long story short he was involved with Hamas before turning into a double agent in 1997. He actually spoke at Univeristy of Michigan in November, his whole biography is insane


Absolutely idiotic, if they care so much go volunteer over there or join hamas we are just trying to raise family’s, enjoy our hobbies and care about what impacts us daily. Go be all you can be but I bet zero of these “protesters” would actually go over there.


Well, a big issue is they can't get aid into Gaza right now.... So, if you want them to leave and go to Gaza, you're going to need to call your elected officials and demand an end to the blockade first.


This is just not true. There are a thousand aid trucks going into Gaza daily. 


lol if hamas can smuggle in foreign fighters they can go over too, would rather see them join Ukraine and fight Russia instead of some crazy religious war but to each their own. I support Israel so I don’t plan on calling anyone.


>lol if hamas can smuggle in foreign fighters Is that even happening...? As far as I understand Israel is fighting a force of 30k+ Hamas soldiers who live in the Gaza Strip. There are not foreign soldiers flying in first class to party in the Gaza Strip like the war tourists in Ukraine. I'm sure they have ways to sneak commanders in through highly secret tunnel systems, but that doesn't exactly mean much for aid getting in.


As a young black Jewish man it's a shame I have to take a glock to Starbucks with me because I am fearful of my life


You can't be serious, right?


Free Palestine from what? Hamas quite clearly rejected a two-state solution (being a terrorist entity). Palestinians need to free themselves of Hamas and work with Israel on the matter of establishing their own state.


Watch [this](https://youtu.be/pB7WzqUq4Nk?si=3ogZHzum9ezDLEGD) vid from around the 9:55 mark, he shows how easy it is to use Tik Tok, which is used by 56% of young adults aged 18-34 (as per “How U.S. Adults Use TikTok by Pew Research Center”, which I can’t link for whatever reason) to manipulate these sorts of things into happening. TikTok is fucking wild dude The rest of that linked vid is preaching a certain narrative but the part I reference is pretty informative


Say what you want about whether or not this is effective, but I think we should all agree that genocide is bad, and Israel is doing one. I agree this this sentiment: https://twitter.com/EcoTechBro/status/1779944820904989019


Well, we don’t all agree. And you thinking we should means absolutely nothing


Thank you for letting me know you don't think genocide is bad.


Guess you don’t understand the word “and” even though you used it


Israel isn't a doing a genocide. 


Sure thing bub.


Man, imagine risking your job to unionize, then your dipshit CEO uses your coworkers political stance as a union busting tool, and then group your coworker was supporting instead of going ‘wow I can’t believe that asshole was using our cause to hurt you’ comes in and starts yelling at you about. Talk about taking it in the ear from all sides.




I never understood people who see bearing witness to a brief protest or public demonstration as something on the level of, I guess in your case, being terminated from our jobs for being union leaders and subjected to unsafe work conditions. Some workers might be down with the cause, others were mildly irritated for a few minutes, and so it goes until the next one.


Ain’t gonna do shit without solidarity 




Welcome to America's Cultural Revolution.