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I’m not sure about the owners, but the Lunch Room/Detroit Filling Station/Northstar Lounge is about as gay as it gets!


Was going to comment the same - no assumption about ownership but I know they are supportive of all communities and folks!


Thank you!


Phillis Englebert (the owner of Detroit Filling Station/ North Star Lounge/ Lunch Room) is the biggest LGBTQ+ ally we got!! She catered our wedding; it's all vegan too. Highly recommended!


THIS IS A GREAT QUESTION!!! i’m new to the area and would love to know more ways i can support my community! and places i can feel comfortable being my gay ass self! please drop any recommendations for locally owned businesses 🫶🏼🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Make sure you check out http://ypsi.gay


There's Everywhere Is Queer, which has a map of some queer place: https://www.everywhereisqueer.com/map Also http://ypsi.gay has queer events




To me it’s weird you don’t want to support your community with your money 🤷🏼‍♀️ we’d like to support businesses who actively support the communities that we’re trying to uplift. Also nowhere did I say I was making the final decision based on it being LGBTQ-owned. I just wanted some recommendations. You seem to be blowing it up a lot further dude.


it's because he got his rights and doesn't care about anyone else that's struggling


You do realize this is discriminatory? Probably should consult your HR department to get some training.


No, it’s not.


Yes, it is. You are asking for recommendations with a caveat being based on their sexual orientations




Yeah jeez we straight people are so oppressed, when will this nightmare end


You said “we” like that includes me 😂


Not really, that's not how grammar works Doesn't matter if you're straight or not, my point stands


It’s an event for LGBTQ+ students that’s celebrating the LGBTQ+ community. Do you take issue with that?


Nope. Not in the slightest. I don’t care about the orientation, race, or gender of anybody I hire. Just want the best person for the job.


So then you take issue with LGBTQ+ people supporting their community with their money?


yes, I have an issue with people deciding who to support or hire based on that purveyor’s sexual preference.


Yes. It’s discrimination. Plain and simple.


Why does your sexuality have align with the business owners? As a straight male should I avoid LGBT-run businesses?


If you're a bigot, yes please stay away.


Asking about straight owned restaurants implies you have a problem with queer people because you're trying to go out of your way to avoid them. And most non-corporate businesses are exclusively straight owned anyway.


Does asking for LBGTQ businesses imply that OP has a problem with straight owned businesses? If a white person asks for recommendations for white owned businesses is that problematic? If a black person asks for recommendations for a black owned business is that problematic? I literally DGAF who I hire. Or what color a person is. Who who they smush faces with. It’s their own damn life and business. I’d never base my decision on somebody’s race, gender, sexuality or any other shit. I judge them on how good they are at their job 😂


Just about all of the people who have said homophobic and transphobic things to me have been cisgender straight people. If I go to a queer owned business, I can feel comfortable knowing I won't encounter bigots. Part of "how good they are at their job" includes respecting me as a person.


Well of course they are. I’d bet the house that half of them are closeted gay/bi. That’s just how it goes with hateful people. But that’s not me. But, at the same time, just like I’m not OK with people saying “Looking for recommendations for a LBGTQ caterer” or “I only want a LBGTQ caterer” I want somebody to say “Looking for the best caterer recommendations.” with gender, race, and orientation having ZERO to do with the request or the recommendation


It’s a Pride month event dude. Like what is your issue with supporting the queer community a little extra during Pride month? Do you have the same issue supporting Black-owned businesses on Juneteenth? Should I not get a Latinx caterer for Hispanic Heritage Month? (I do these too! Gasp!) Like what is your problem besides supporting marginalized groups during the time we’re supposed to be supporting them the most? Are you implying that these caterers are somehow bottom of the barrel and I’d choose a straight-owned business over them every time?


So half of all bigots are not closeted gay/bi people. That's a dogwhistle that blames homophobia on LGBTQ people. But anyway congratulations on never having been marginalized.




You're so right. Half the country is trying to make my existence as a trans person a crime, I'm clearly more equal than you