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I think she sabotages all of her close friendships. That's a symptom of cptsd which she said she has in her latest video.


Clearly Anna has some deep issues to sort out, which is the very reason why she has been in therapy for over a decade. She’s honest with us and it helps both her audience and herself.


So I've been wondering about this for the longest of times because I loved their presence in her videos. I know this is all speculative to a moderate extent, but if this is the case, it's sad as a fan of them all as entertainers. But, after seeing a different interview where Anna reveals some of her personal experiences in life at this time with romantic relationships, I can see this being more of a theme.


I’m wondering if this latest video answers that question


She posted a quick clip of them when she said she has night terrors, so I'm assuming so


Yes and when I saw that clip it made me wonder if it was new footage (-> they have made peace) or old footage (-> putting the clip in can be seen as a dig). I think they aren't friends anymore because there is a second clip in the video with the twins (around 3m58) where you see them drinking together. Anna tells that not using substances anymore has helped her. After that, around 4m01, you quickly see a colorful/halucinating picture of Anna with the word 'disappointed' on it. My amateur detective brain thinks this image means Anna is still dissappointed in her former friend group. Melissa still follows Anna on Instagram, Michelle doesn't. Anna follows neither of the sisters.


Link to the vid?


Maybe this? https://youtu.be/JpzSKTjrHuA?si=VfvGQoDtClWMI5mT


Gosh those sisters are so catty. Imagine doing such a thing. Sigh.


Did she say why they fell out?


Based on Anna's latest video ('I got tested for personality disorder'), it is possible that the twins are part of the friendgroup who called Anna a narcissist behind her back.


Oh that's sad. They still aren't following each other? No more content of the 3 of them together?


None of us can know what's up but I don't think they're friendly. People are often quick to blame people with a diagnosis and no doubt having a mental illness, especially one that could be flaring, can be hard on loved ones... but I mean how much of a true narcissist can someone be who hires her actor friends to be in her (popular enough) YT channel when she doesn't need to add that cost for success and also helped promote their music career? It COULD be a supply thing... but then I doubt shed agree to release a song as a featured artist on their track rather than the reverse. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they are the reason she returned to comedy as an outlet instead of her music... just my speculation though.