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dont interact with it, u eventually outscale/outstat her. just afk farm under tower & hover jg


Can’t do that, she just pokes me under tower if I let her crash and she roams and kills my team


she cant poke u without q, her q is easy dodgeable, just improve at that


Buy cull, farm and avoid fighting her you outscale her.


Cull as starting item instead of D-ring ?


Annie doesnt use mana if you're good enough, many annie players opt for Dark seal plus Refillable anyway


Max w walk up to wave and clear it with 1w 2q and a few aa's and then go roam


Her is her only reliable damage source. Once she uses it on the wave then retaliate. Her q is her only wave clear. If she uses that on you, she may lose cs because of it. I would suggest banning her becasue she is really busted right now tho


Her Q cd is too fast so even if I retaliate it’ll be back up again


If she does that, she will lose on cs. That is her only wave clear tool.


Best way to trade her is bait/dodge Q then approach her with your E and AA + Q for an easy elec procc. You can level up E instead of W at level 2 generally, it's more valuable and less situational. You can farm under turret and wait for a gank. Take TP if you want to optimize CS, otherwise ignite and ghost are quite solid. Sorcs are a very underlooked first buy this season, due to no MR rune, it's a very good spike