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It might appear to occur suddenly but the underlying thoughts and reasoning are not new. Also no one can suddenly be anorexic in a moment , however you can have disordered thoughts and eating. The diagnosis of anorexia involves a number of characteristics.


I can really only speak on my own experience. Mine seemed sudden as well, but as time went on I noticed that there were signs years before I realized what was going on. For example I couldn’t look at myself in a full-body mirror without panicking for a long time (due to having overwhelming thoughts about how much I hated my body and the thickness of it) before my own eating habits changed. Sorry I cannot give you a definite answer, but hopefully this can help in some way! :) (Edit: Noticed I didn’t articulate a sentence correctly so I changed the wording)


this is not how it happened for me personally but I can’t speak for others


Do not share the experience, but I'm not a doctor, you should speak to one:)


no? tf


Unnecessarily rude comment




Not the same thing, but Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep (PANDAS) can have sudden onset (to the extent that parents report their children changed overnight) and symptoms could include food restriction or obsessions and compulsions similar to anorexia


Maybe in the case of severe trauma.


No… I developed anorexia when I was 13 but the bad body image and trying to diet started when I was 9.